HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-04-21, Page 12Page 12 Times -Advocate, April 21,1993 /"'' /"`� A , A ,t" 7 Tit T T
Varna croklnole players finish season
lty Joan Belerllog
VARNA - The Varna - okinole
Club concluded their 'lawn on
Tuesday, April I3 with a supper at
the Blue Fountain in Clinton and an
open crokinole party in the Varna
Twenty-four members, spares
and family attended the supper
where Vice President Ralph Ste-
phenson announced the final stand-
ing and -presented the trophy for
high average to Ivan McClymont
with 100 points.
Joe Fulop was second with 98
followed by Marg McClymont 84,
Raymond Beierling 82, John Bar-
ris 78, Marg Hayter 72, Ralph Ste-
phenson 71, Charles Reid 69 and
other members down to a low of
29. Peter Wiley topped the spares
with an average of 91.
At the church a progressive party
was held with Marg klayter and Da-
vid RathwelFhigh with -`38 and Bill
Hayter most twenties. Mary Os-
trom, Charles Reid and Jason
Beierling won prizes for being
good sports.
The club plans to resume play on
October 26 at the Varna United
Church. New members are wel-
come and are asked to register with
Ivan McClymont as soon as possi-
With hockey season now finally
over a few banquets took place last
week with several Varna and area
players receiving awards.
Wednesday evening Zurich Mi-
nor Hockey . held their .:annual
awards night David Rathwell .play-
ing for the -Midgets:did;very well.
His -team was the W.O.A.A.
champs, and :the O.M.H.A.' finalists
and David reeeived the Sportsman-
like Award. Raymond Beierling
played for the Zurich Bantams who
were the W.O.A.A. league champs
and Ray received the Most Im-
proved Player Award.
Bayfield Minor Hockey held
their Annual Banquet and Awards
night on Friday evening. For the
Tykes the Best Offensive Player -
Kyle Courtney, and the Best Defen-
sive Player - Derek Taylor and
Most Sportmanslike player went. to
Ashley Stephenson. For the Atom
team the Best Offensive player -
Darcy Rathwell, Best Defensive
player - Robert Stephenson and the
most Sportsmanlike was Adam
Keys. For the Pee Wee team the
Best Defensive player was Michael
The Most Valuable . Female
'Wendy Hesse! Memorial Award
'went to Ashley Stephenson.
The -Varna U.C.W. Annual Des-
sert Euchre and Bake Sale was an-
other success with 13 table sof
cards in play following an assort-
ment of homemade desserts made
by several of the Varna and area la-
High prize for the euchre went to
Margaret Hayter, low to Donna
Smale and the most lone hand prize
was won by Elva Peck. Several
door prizes went.to Mary Chessell,
Jean Henderson, Remy Rhiel, Marg
McClymont, Greta Bain!, Olive
Phillips, Ruby Hill, Margaret Elli-
ot, Ruby i bner, Cheryl Trewar-
tita, Mary"Bto,dfoot, Anna Wilson,
Bernice -Reid, Lillian Beer, Marg
Hayter, Mrs. Mabel Reid, Donna
Smale, Ruth Johnston, Mona Ste-
pheJtson, Carol Simons, Joyce Wil -
lent, Kate Keys, Eleanor Hendrick,
Evelyn McBeath, Ina Neeb, Ilene
Cleave, Hazel Reid and Verna Gib-
bings. -
Following cards, the baking was
The Youth Group (grade nine and
up) will meet at Brucefield Sunday,
April 25 at 7 p.m. with the topic to
be Capital Punishment.
Monday, April 26 at 6:30 p.m. is
the April Event for the U.C.W. la-
dies in Brussels Community Cen-
The Trends (ages 10 - 13) will
meet at the Brucefield Church
Wednesday, April 28 to go to Exet-
er to hear the Blind Youth Choir.
Sunday, April 25 Rev. John Mo-
ses will be conducting the Service
in Varna and Rev. Phillips will be
at Thamesview Church.
Spring cleaning time! While
cleaning and tossing the junk out
--think about the annual community
yard sale on May 24 weekend at
the Complex and keep that junk.
Your junk Could be another's treas-
ure. Contact Marion Coleman if in-
Many people in Varna and area
attended the Retirement Party for
Mel Graham retiring Clerk of Stan-
ley Township last Saturday night.
The Eighth Annual Stanley
Township Poker Canoe'Rally-spon-
sored by the Rec Committee was
held Sunday, April 18 with 92 ca-
noes entered. Best Poker hand went
to Chris Peck of London, $75; sec-
ond poise - of 1150 went i*o Cindy
Criche of Clinton and third prize of
S25 went to Wayne Draper of Bel-
mont. Each -cancer received a do-
nated prize at the -end of the rally.
Granton UCW
Guest speaker addresses .abuse
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - Several from Gran-
ton enjoyed the Lucan United
Church beef supper held at the Lu -
can Community Centre on April
A number from the St. Thermos'
Anglican church attended the
Spring Ring program sponsored by
St. Paul's Anglican Church at the
K -W - Community. Centre on Sun-
day -evening for outreach in the
Muriel Lewis attended a family
gathering in honour of the 25th
wedding anniversary of Peter and
Jackie Ridout of Terra Cotta, held
at the home of Bruce and Pearl
Nichol of Lambeth on Saturday,
April 17.
The Anglican parish bible study
group met at the home of Mary Jef-
feries on Thursday afternoon, April
15, when they commenced study of
The Blessing' book.
At the St. Thomas' Anglican
Church on Sunday, April 18, the
Rev. Stephen Emery led the com-
munion service mid continued with
the Easter message Tear not, but
trust and .believe and be not con-
Atime .of fellowship followed the
At:the Granton United Chµrch on
Sunday, Rev. - Eric LeDmw led the
service in the absence of Pastor
Nonnalie Voakes.
The sermon was entitled 'When
Christ becomes real' based on the
lesson from Luke 24. The choir
sang 'Dear Christ of Galilee'.
The general U.C.W. quarterly
meeting was held at the church on
-Tuesday evening, April 13. The
president April Bryan opened the
meeting with a reading 'God's Wish
that we accept His Gift of His Son
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Unit 4 led the worship, beginning
with the lesson f otn Isaiah 55,
verses 10 and 11, followed by a
reading and poem -*Walking but not
going'anywherc'. The guest speaker
was Beth Oskoth from the Battered
Women's Advocacy Centre in Lon-
don, when she addressed abusive
relationships, violence against
Omen and children, and the differ --
tint .groups taking action to prevent]
further violence. The collection
was donated to the centre.
Businessdiscussion included the
annual bazaar in October and vari-
ous upcoming U.C.W. events
which were mentioned in the Unit
Lunch was served by Unit 4 dur-
ing the social. time which followed
the meeting.
Old time music
enjoyed by
Hensall seniors
HENSALL - The Hensall Sunset
Seniors met at the United Church
for a potluck dinner. Jack Simmons
and the Swinging Seniors enter-
tained with some old time music.
The Seniors Rally will be in Ex-
eter, April 22. Registration is at
9:30 a.m. Hensel! Legion invited
the Seniors to a Spring Tea and
Cards on April 20 at 1 p.m. The
next meeting is May 11 at 8 p.m.
Sixty people .attended the Shuf-
fleboard tournament that Varna
sponsored at the Hensall Arena oh
April 7.
Exeter was the top winner with
June Hodgson scoring 328 and Ina
Williams scoring 265.
Hensall shuffleboard scores were
Dave Kyle 493, Alice Thiel 459,
Pearl McKnight 458, Emma Camp-
bell 446, Hazel McEwan 443, John
Pepper 437, Gordon Clubb 415,
Thelma Thiel 414.
Open Mon. to Fri.
9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Opal Sat. at 1.0 a -m.
Aspiring comedian and 'South Huron District Hl..
"School student Matt Jacques performers for t
grade 4, 5, 6 students of Stephen Cent
-School M i r .'j :moon to kick off a special u
On humour tis tut yJrtg.
Grinders 4-H
club take
apart engines
GRANTON - The Greasy Grind-
ers Small Engines 4-H Club met for
their second meeting on April 5 at
the home of Jim and Lynda Hod-
gins. They started with the roll call,
pledge and "minutes and then . dealt
with the business. After this, the
leader Dave Proudlove began to re-
assemble the engine that he had
taken apart at the fust meeting.
Next, the Greasy Grinders had to
disassemble their own engines
which they brought along and
believe. itornot,.te Greasy Grind-
ers could do Wall by themselves.
Jeremy .O'Shea was the press re-
The Greasy Grinders Small En-
gines 4-H Club met for theirthind
meeting at Jim and Lynda Hodgins'
home on April 12. The meeting
.was opened with the pledge and for
the roll call, the leader Dave
Proudlove asked each member a
question. Then, Dave finished re-
assembling the engine which he
had taken apart. After this, the
members went to work on their
own engines. When they finished
they had to clean each and every
part. The next meeting is April 19
at the same location.
Jeremy O'Shea was the press re-
County of Middlesex
Strategic Plan Community Workshops
County Council is preparing a Strategic Plan.
Residents of Middlesex County are invited to voice
your ideas about your community.
• Why do you work/live in Middlesex County?
• What services are important?
• What type of future do you see for your community?
• Where should the Strategic Plan focus its attention?
Come to one of these Workshops and help us prepare for your
®April 27/93,1-4 p.m. Strathroy Town Hall
® April 27/93, 7-10 p.m. Coldstream Community Centre
am April 28/93,1-4 p.m. Ailsa Craig Recreation Centre
April28/93, 7-10 p.m. Parkhill Leisure Club
April 29/93,1-4.p.m. Glencoe Arena
April 29/93,74.0 p.m. Caradoc Com. Centre, Mt. Brydges
May 4/93,1.4 p.m. Ilderton Community Centre
May 4/93. 7-10 p.m. Lucan Community Memorial Centre
May -5/93,1-4 p.m. Thomdale Community Centre
ilifolaYSAIS..7i1S,Lpari. Dorchester Community
F..- +C�nVetand Arena
May 6/93,1.4 -p.m. Masonic Lodge, Wardsville
® May 6/93, 710 p.m. Centennial Hall, Newbury
t ,:AiwitTJUi
For more information contact: The County of Middlesex
399 Rideout Street N.. London, Ontario N6A 2 P1, (519) 434-
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