HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-04-21, Page 61
Times -Advocate, April 21,1993
.I`1S'/r(ppl fl( Men' Ilia I lit
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Forthcoming marriage - Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Vardy .and Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Hartman are
-pleased to announce'the mar-
-riage of their children Mark
'and Tracy. The weddg will
take place on May lariat St.
Boniface Church, .Zurich, On-
tario. Closed reception.
The Huron Heartbeats skipping team. Front -row, •left to right: Lauryn Baynham, Amanda Rich-
ber, Meaghan Straw, Leanne Snow, Erin Miles, Fallon Giles. Middle row, left to right, Ryan
Auge, Jacky Westlake, Terry -Lynn Boyle, Dallas Giles, Catherine Bergmann, Pam Keys, Teresa
Gwyn, Sean Guenther. Assistant coach Jo -Dee DesJardine, coach Peggy Bondy.
From our
kitchen to yours
By T.A. ghost writer Heavenly Devine
Vinegar was probably
produced thousands of
years ago from a fermented
wine. The name is derived
from the French word 'vi-
naigre' which literally
means sour wine.
Vinegar is used in pick-
ling and preserving,but it
is also good as a household
cleaningagerttand is versatile around the house, and is used
=was an alternative to some more expensive or more poten-
tiallylrazrnful.products which are on the market.
• Get rid:oftexcess suds in hand laundry by adding a splash
of vinegartothe second rinse water..
• Cola stains can be removed from most 100 percent cotton,
ppo0lyester-cotton blends andpermanpnt press by_ spo_nginn the
lain wtiF`in24hiours, then applying uni3iltitdd vriiegardrrectly
.to the stain before laundering.
• Ketchup stains on the same type of material should be -
sponged with just the vinegar within 24 hours and laundered.
• Wine stains in these materials should be sponged with full
strength vinegar and cleaned'within 24 hours according to the
manufacturers instructions.
• Adding white vinegar to your last rinse in the washing ma-
chine will ensure all the soaps and detergents are removed
from your clothes.
• Mix one part vinegar to one part water to make a good win-
dow and glass cleaner.
• Faucets and fixture in the bathroom and kitchen can be
cleaned with the same mixture. Adding salt will make -an abra-
sive cleanser.
• A clogged showerhead can be cleaned by soaking it in vin-
• Drains can be cleaned by pouring a handful of baking soda
and a half cup of vinegar down them. Let them sit then pour in
boiling water.
During Earth Week, perhaps those of you who seem to enjoy
standing and "watering" your driveways will reconsider and
use a broom to clean away the gravel and dirt that has accumu-
lated over the winter!
Grand Bend
Golden Agers
host eigthre
GRAND BEND - Grand Bend
Golden Agers hosted another eu-
chre last Wednesday afternoon in
the Grand Bend Legion. Six tables
were in action with winners as fol-
lows: ladies high - Lillian Reate-
mayer, Dashwood; ladies 'low -
Shirley Eagleson; men's high -
Hugh Morenz, Shipka;.men's low -
won by Maud Hoffman of Dash-
wood playing a man's card; ladies
most lone hands - Mary Robinson;
Gents most lone hands - a tie be-
tween Harry Hoffman of Dash-
wood and Harold Finkbeiner of
The club's next euchre will be
April 28, 7:30 p.m. at Grand Bend
The Grand Bend. Women's Insti-
tute held their annual meeting in
April. The meeting began with a
potluck luncheon. Instead of our
May meeting the W.I. are to attend
the District Annual at Usbetnc
Central School, May 20, 1993 at
6:30. The group has decided to en-
ter an exhibit at the Exeter Fall Fair
and also 'donate $30.00 for a fair
Winners announced at
Centralia Faith Tabernacle
CENTRALIA - The winners of
the "Guess •the =Shingles Contest" -
on the chinch model roof, were an-
nounced Sunday morning, with
four lucky -people caking home a
chocolate -rabbit from Sugar &
Spice Chocolates.
The winners were: ages two to
• six years, Donald Dinney and Jus-
tin Bender each guessing 500; ages
seven to 11 years, Anette Kuhar
with a guess of 990; and ages 12
:and .up, Henny Parker guessing
The exact number of shingles cut,
glued and counted by Al and Made-
line Harvey was 891. The chocolate
rabbits were donated by Russell
Fuels, Shipka, Sugar & Spice
Chocolates, Gary Kline and Cath)
Prout. Special. thanks. for these
cious donations.
The Bible Search competition be-
tween the girls and boys will come
to a close on Sunday morning April
25. The winners will be announced
during the Sunday -School Spring;
Sing Concert the -evening 'of the •
25th at 7:00 pan. 'The Youth will
put on a short play aand;tlte armee
Sunday School will sing just a
few of the many songs that they
sing from week to week. Faith Tab-
ernacle's Faith Walkers Quiz Team
will be in action as they have been
challenged to a Quiz match by the
On Friday night at the April WM
meeting, Marlene Parker demon-
strated using "podge-it" to create
beautiful fabric covered swans. A
baby shower followed for Susanna
Danielle, our newest addition, with
a delicious lunch and good fellow-
The men and boys seven years
and older also enjoyed their Friday
evening, as it was "Sport Skills
Night" at the Exeter Public School.
Dodge ball, basketball shots and
several types of hockey targets
were set up for everyone to com-
pete. Prizes were awarded to the
men and boys in each skill.
This Friday night is "Family
Smelt Fishing" meeting in Shipka
at 8:30: Dress warm!
The Wednesday Family Night
Program will have the Pearce Fami-
ly joining them this week. Wes and
Dorothy along with their children
Will be ministering in song.
- tiWe're glad
BILL HASKETT you asked! Bob I LE 1 LrtLR
As funeral directors, we provide and carry out the arrange-
ments for funeral services. Many traditional funerals are very
similar to one another. But it is also our responsibility to pro-
vide services that allow each bereaved family and group of
friends to best express their grief and to honour the de-
For example, an atheist or agnostic may request that non
sectarian music be played at his funeral. The deceased mai
have had a favorite poem, or scriptural passage; this, too,
can be included in the services. The funeral is a highly per-
sonal ceremony, as individual as the person it honors.
There are important and meaningful differences in rituals
among the various religious deopminations. These must be
respected according to the wishes of you and your clergy-
man. Veteran and fraternal orders may call for inclusion of
their rituals. All these adaptations we respect in prpviclictg a
truly personal funeral.
We can accommodate your wishes in planning a funeral: It's
a matter of sitting down and discussing your plans. Please
call us or stop by it you would like more information.
! unceipoiated)
Huron Heaiibeats
raise aiveneribr
Heart ant Stiike
EXETER - Skipping isn't just
about jymping rope anymore.
The Huron Heartbeats are a
group of ¥2 enterprising Exeter
Public School students, coached by
Peggy Bondy, who have found a
way to incorporate the fun of skip-
ping with the importance of educa-
By performing demonstrations
for local schools the Heartbeats are
dedicated to raising awareness
*It Olean disease and stroke.
Represented by the Heart and
Stroke Foundation, the Heartbeats
have helped raise S3000.00 for the
cause through Jump Rope for
Heart events.
Heart disease and stroke still re-
main Canada's number one killer,
however, more lives are continuing
to be saved with the dedication of
groups such as these.
Catherine Peckitt-Landsborough
130 William St., Exeter
Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
Alcohol and Acetaminophen (Tylenol), are two of the 1
most popular drugs In use in Canada. People that a: I
take both regularly, Increase their risk of liver damage.
So if you have 3-4 drinks of alcohol per day, your Acetaminophen con-
sumption shouldn't exceed 2 grams per day (that's 4 Tylenol Extra
Strength). Better still, reduce your alcohol consumption.
Did you know that bananas contain 75% water, 22% carbohydrate, 11%
protein and 0.2% fat? It's also a good source of potassium and fibre. A
medium-sized banana has about 100 calories.
One of the most popular patent medicines In the 19th Century was Lyd-
ia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for "female complaints". It con-
tained extracts of un!com and pleurisy roots and a large amount of alco-
hol. It was a big seller!
There's a doctor in England who wams patients that if they aren't pre-
pared to stop smoking, they should find another doctor. (Now that's tak-
ing a stand!)
Spring is here and It's a good time to clean out your medicine cabinet. If
you are unsure whether a medicine is worth keeping, ask our staff. We
would be happy to ariswer your questions.
f must apologize for missing last weeks " Comments'. But f guess ever,
Pharmacists get sick sometimes. Things are back to normal.
--it,. Apothecer,.:
'Your Health Care Pharmacy"
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