HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-04-21, Page 2Perth
toward 91.1
MITCHELL - - Perth County
has taken.its first step in the im-
plemenaadea # "911. in -the
At the April 2 utnttiwthg, coun-
cil told the planning tiffice to be-
gin work on a civic addressing
trystem and to hire a student to
help in that project. However, it
did.lmot vote to commit itself to a
county -wide 911 system. It
could take yup to two years be-
fore it is in place.
Bell Canada won't .implement
a 911 system unless the area has
a consistent system of address-
ing. That means the current lot
and concession system .Will moon
be . obsolete, it -was -reported in
the Mitchell Advocate.
battle will
PA-: II -t . - Padthil l Town
Council is committed to a sharp
reduction in the mosquito an-
noyance this year.
But there is no clear indication
of how much money may be
consumed by the battle. The wit
.aotddh'sbsntens ofthousand's of
;'dollars if the area is nreated.to
Enartother summer of p naisetemtly
• *navy rainfall, it was reported in
the Parlrhill -Gazette.
Guest speaker Jamey :Heaton
of KemSan Incorporated de-
scribed a briquette, which when
placed in mosquito -breeding wa-
iter, grqsteally >leleases a juvenile
iborm n to paeventehe,.iaroct's
,aiarvae.from developing.
One briquette will'taeat 100
square feet of water (mahout 30
adayielisienendcLAut b ndat-
toseut neouldtaave. to -be accosted
Ohne-or more times. depending
kon:lite kind of nm ---r =we
~Tx surplus
allows zero
ST. MARYS - The town por-
tion of the average SL Marys tax
bill will not increase in 1993.
However, factored market val-
ue assessment implemented .by
council earlier this year will
mean a S95 increase on the aver-
age residential tax bill.
Town council announced a
zero percent increase in the town
budget for 1993 on April 13.
"I am proud that we can intro-
duce a zero increase in munici-
pal spending," said Mayor iarnie
Hahn, "Something only a very
hew municipalities in Ontario
can achieve.
"I trust that our cerratil arts
on the school board wf1dtlerihe
state," Hatut.aaid.
BLYTH - Helped out by a
$38.031 , e rrylus from 1992.
Brussels 'dirge ocatoeilI batt
adopted a indict for local pur-
poses which will' increase the
mill sate by two percent in 1993.
Commit .will hold the line on
most ellinisees but will purchase
three special fire suits at a vast
of S1.000 sac h, a purchase re-
quired by stew provincial reatmal-
tions. Owned bas also .voted .to
spend $1.000 for Lapel pins to
promote the *liege. it was re-
ported in the North }*won Citi -
zee .
However, househc dors will
be laced with ,err►a .
bee pick-up ,sof$3, up
-*MIR - An Exetertttanl4Ml.Ml1l lenrel+dlte of the first
of *Special series of O Son ?'IeBINs.
b 'Bell, a well-known tented Exeter ittweer, received the special
award last Tuesday evening at the annual wing of the Huron arum
Progressive Conservatives in Blyth.
MP Murray Cardiff has received 40 of the silver Medals to present to
outstanding citizens in the area and Bell's was one of the first to be
The medals were commission to be struck by Queen Elizabeth in rec-
ognition of Canada's 125th year of confederation, marking on the third
time in the nation's history each medals have been presented. Forty-
thnusand of the medals will be given to people who have made signifi-
dant contributions to their fellow 'citizens, their community, or to Cana-
r'Bell's service to Canada goes back many years. A modest man, he
speaks almost indifferently about the fact he served with the Canadian
High Command during World War II, and was on the beaches of NOr- ;.
mandy with his 55th battery of field artillery on D -Day.
After the war, Bell returned to law, moving his practise to Exeter,
and continuing his involvement with the Ontario Progressive Conte
native Party, eventually serving as its chairman in 1963.
"If I had to give him a title, I'd call him 'Mister Conservative'," ex-
plains friend Gibby Gibson, who said Bell has been called upon fbr po-
litical advice to all levels of government.
In 1972, Bell was asked by Ontario premier Bill Davis to serve as
chairman of the Ontario Police Commission, a position he filled for
several years until he returned his Exeter legal practice where he
worked until retiring.
Huron MPP Paul Klopp has another 24 of the Confederation medals
to award at a public presentation in Clinton on April 29. From the
south end of the county are award recipients Gorton Hill of Varna,
Philip Durand of Zurich, Delores Shapton of Exeter, Joe Wooden of
Grand Bend, Mozart Gelinas of Zurich, Don McCaffrey of Exeter, and
Ken Gascho of Zurich.
1t eer*ell with his Confederation Medal and the accompa- These medals will be presented in the Clinton Town Hall at 8 p.m.
nying letter of congratulations from Govemor'General Ray Guest speaker for the evening will be Karen Haslam, minister without
Hnatyshyn. portfolio.
Lumen and ihritilbn is etlshbrs battled
Restaurant Monday night. Pouring rain
a .blaze at Heywood's
didn't slow the fire's
restaurant burns
Continued from front page
"It kind of points towards the exhaust fan on the deep-fried fryer. It
looks like it stared in that area."
Looking -inside the now blackened building, it looks as though the fire
spread -end centred in the main dining room which was completely de -
"There's not enough dollar loss to call the Fire Marshall unless we ex-
. pest arson, which we don't," said Riddell.
There is an apartment ,within the restaurant and the tenant managed to
escape without injury as he climbed through a window at the back of the
• "There was a guy inside rad the alarms went off and woke him up. He
got out okay."
Shortly after the Lucan Fire . ent arrived, the Granton Fire De-
ent was en the-seene. • lesahl the rain -helped, and -commented,
"any water we can get for free is 9 bete."
However Biddulph Township may have to pay for some water as Lucan
went to Huron Park. to get more waterro fight the fire.
"We drew water out of lion Park. We don't know if they're too pleased
with us, but we'll settle that lamer," said Riddell.
Besides the Lucan and Gunton Fire Departments, an ambulance and
Ontario Provincial Police officers were: also at the scene. Dozens of cars
had stopped along Highway 4 to watch the fire.
Tuesday morning,.people wandered through the parking lot and one em-
ployee even had coffee in the back of her car and was willing to serve it
just like she had every morning.
Siarbage tags part of new Exeter waste ,plan
.fininirad from front page.
• -frarWe town taxes completely.
Mule wasn't about to promise
-.ower taxes, noting the provincial
,aleficit will be hurting grant reve-
,tiaues for other town departments.
-11What the public can be assured
rof is what we eke in on the rove -
nue side is going to put into, the op-
eration of the landfill site, so there
will be no extra taxation," said
Councillor Robert Drummond
said he fully supported the $2 per
bag fee, and made a motion to dis-
card the free bag plan and that full
user -pay plan start in July, but the
motion was notetwasled
Councillor .,Beei Allary, on the
other hand, argued the free bag pro-
gram be carried on past January 1,
for at least the next year, to which
councillor Bob Spears agreed.
Councillor Dave Urlin also ex-
pressed some t:ouoem a user -pay
plan might eels rage people u
elsewhere. He
a .on the weekend
,aid saw "am awful lot of back roads
,with a lot of greboge on them," sug-
gesting Grand Bend's user -pay plan
might be a cause.
Administrator Rick Hundey said
he spoke with three sutrcunding
townships and found "the problem
aeons to be most evident in Ste -
,Exeter to get
new litter
EXETER - Whltln M
moi th or two, vett 4111M -
see some new tstillihnile
on Ine'streets of Eaten. *alett(
a Clew Wok for the >deliNNiChNt Wel,
the Business fld eve Nt *ANS Is
purcluning a MOM 'new Vet ltt-
iron lock gaitagetenlatriers.
Councillor Senn Hebgetibb Ni
told council Mondry evening that
new benches are also soder study
"although there has been a coined-
erable amount of damage from fie
skateboarders...we are looking at t '
style that is less conducive to -their
activities," said I4eogenbootn.
Works superintendent Glenn
Kefls said he hoped the new con-
tainers would be more "servicea-
ble" than the preeNtiliitege bins.
Kells said thio centaheers
are difiiotozEt d did not
stand up iety well.
"1 think' 111111Cille'prtlbtbly a 1130
percent improvement, or even high-
er," promised Hoogenboom.
No fitness
for beach
GRAND BENT) - An individual
who wants to put a fitness facility
in Grand Bend, has hien told 1te
can not put it on the beach as here -
Peter Krziyzek proposed to roan-
, cil an area near the bathhouse
which would have a fence and col-
lapsable walls and would be
equiped with various exercise
After reveiwing the request,
council suggested Krziyzek ap-
proach various des in ate
village who may want to rat him
some space.
In his letter outlining the idea,
Krziyzek said he was looking into
the possibility of leasing an area on
Archie Gibb's portion of die beach.
Council pointed out that this arra
was not zoned for a fitness facility.
"This is a concern we've all had," it as a tax grab," predicted Hoogen-
said Hundey. "Maybe this is one of boom.
the problems that can result, but In the end, with Bylaw 6 on the
maybe it doesn't undermine the ef- table, council approved its passing,
fectiveness of the whole program. 4-2.
Just that the community has to Shaw said the waste plan, howev-
work with it." er controversial, was a step forward
With the bylaw hinged on the is- for the town's environmental plan,
sue of an eventual $2 per tag sys- and landfill preservation.
tem, councillor Drummond made a "Certain people arc going to be
key observation. happy with what's been done, sonic
"Everyone is talking about one people are going&to be very an -
free bag. There is no such thing as noyed.. But we've taken a positive
one free bag. We are just changing stand for Exeter," 1 said ' w, later
the way in which we are paying for adding it would be, •' • 's duly to
it," stated Drummond. getting nods get t message amass the pub -
of approval from several council Iic.
Township and closer to Grand members.
"The people in Exeter will look at
*rnns canoe sally
combined cleanup
activities with fun
By Cathe.ine O'Brien
T -A staff
VARNA - A steady flow of ca-
mpers and spectators could be seen
al various points near Varna er,
April 18, as the eighth annual Stan-
ley Township Canoe :tally took
At 12:30 p.m., the first of 101 ca-
noes:in,Jbe rally.plaiied dawn the
river .at the second Concession of
Stanley Towmtship.
Participants cruised at a leisurely
pace winding down the Eve utile
Lowell Mount, cbaitmrun .of the
Stanley Towaship Recreation Cqurn-
mittec, said it would lakajosettilder
three hours to reac1 -
ed w h of Varna.
ject along the river and were given
plastic bags to help pick up liuer
along the way.
The rally, which began in 1986,
attracts people from around the
,county as well as cities such as
London and Stratford. "When the
rally first started there were no
more than 20 unites .ineolved,"
Mount said.
Ncw, he said, the township recre-
ation committee receives support
from ,area businesses who help
apotaeor the event and donate priz- •
At the end of the rally, lnutici-
htpltts , jitld accwnulated a poker
haed.iseued.at the live check porus
,.,pnjhe way. The top three won cash
9ranif 1fs futue
GRAND BEND - Althuogh no-aitnetable has been act. fit:
though the Village of Greed Bend .will; begetting :water menet ase.
Monday night, following axegular.c uncut . cotipciJtptem.1x
told theTunes-Advucarte,1 .tAbe;4pgt11.,Pubtie WI.intes Coantliegion i
looking into: monitoringayatex,;in:thevvje.
"The I'UC is looking at ,the Atleaind if yo.;wi n,"j id Ivay.
I lc said the commission, of ,which :#te,is a tRe�tttbpr W ,
cor►trols the::
system in Grand Bend encu wand be.<1 NV -wbiCh:WI4411,1
the initial karts to purehAle:the ficins.
"'they've got some ideas. they:m ttlot kesignifientit.eons.'
Ivey noted that eeighteauriogsiksploott,TOWBOP413,�g
the: the ceding of the theteckhOone :by:Away of,..a ot>'otlacLw lt,t tt
;Dally put out for tender.
Currently. Grand ,Besnd:a dents, ayAW0S9.44 a; suuntkotlivpasc
for Ivey,;ttldmdted:he;Aa!d.,t ddm't:knaw when.0.1000e
iers wouldbeput. in.
"You can't do.it allat,ocice There biome work that has to jle clppe.,We
have to look :at:rlr'e ntie,a1,01c4we."
Ile added that the newly formed crown curpo anion which is respun4.t e
spring throws
vehicle out of
EXETER - A Zuriebo ramntt
taped serious injury -widen his earn
sande a utility pole an Otmetaaioi
12-13 of Hay Township las
The OPP report that Darin Tel
ford of RR3 Zurich was driving hi
19-f'' Chrysler New f art along *a
re •hen a leaf sp napped
th. .g the ca out of coauol.
The car was severely damage
when it struck the power pole, bt
Telford came through with cul
minimal injuries.
The OPP also report• that a gre
van parked outside a residence i
Elimville was vandalized m theca]
ly morning hours of Saturday. Pc
lice report that the damage iaclud
the smashing of the van's side wir
The OPP recovered a bicycle i
the Village of Hensall on Sathoda
and are asking if this might t
yours, to contact the detachment.
No sign of ar
end to '92
slump yet
EXETER, - Any hopes for a si
that the recession is over from
town building report were dash
Monday evening.
Town building official Da
Moyer said he had to coociu
building activity in Exeter is s
depressed, given the ;informal
of the building department in
first three nnuolhs of the year.
to the end of March. only 14 p
mics had been issued, which Mu.
described as being "substantia
down frau last year."
By the cad of March 1999,
building fl figiarocnt had awe
appli atiwts for 3flaiWgz
in a yyr pf,jjyia
ing�'s be et of psop1e In
t' J, bet th
Wen has net p� nesmits," s
"Overall things. are defutitely
booming," be concluded.
The total value of
1993 qps $on $352. _ ,frith
prnparos with $417A maw