Times Advocate, 1993-04-14, Page 16Page 16 Times -Advocate, April 14,1993
I've mot (t
While Mt. Carmel's
April Pullman, left; and
Jennifer Jeffrey of St.
Boniface reached for
the ball during a girls
game, the St. Boniface
boy's team does the
wave. On Thursday the
Zone 2 Huron -Perth Ro-
man Catholic Separate
School Board's basket-
ball tournament was
held at Our Lady of Mt.
Carmel School. Mt.
Carmel's boys' team
which won both their
games gained a trip to
the finals in Stratford
this weekend.
' • • ' ^'� •�� ate. b milt. +t`.
LUCAN - This- amazing Ivan
was held at the Sherwood Bowling
Centre, Hamilton from April 7 to
April 10.
The excitment and energy these
last few days were breathtaking.
The team efforts and single bowler
events were amazing. The
O.F.P.B.A. perfect game score
would be 450. There were fryir
r>cfnIf ./11`Y+ cJ .-.
games almost perfect. Gail .Lemon,
Bluewater, 445; Sue Anklin, Tri -
County, 433; Paul Saric, 420, Mid -
Elgin; Al Chandler, Lake Ontario,
403; FrazerRunbly, Toronto, 440.
The high triples were outstanding
as well: 1002 from York West's
Steve Elxattis; 1002 Bay of
Quintets Dale. These 1002 games
are only three game totals.
Gayle Leason broke the record
the 445, which was 440.in 1979.
Congratulations Gayle.
1993 Stroh's Meats Tco)n Cham-
pions - Toronto 5 Pin bowlers As-
sociation; 1993 Stroh's Ladies
Team champions - Lake Ontario 13
Pin Bowlers Association; 1993
Stroh mixed team Champions -
Central Ontario 5Piat Bowlers As-
Grace peri�d for licences extended
TORONTO - Natural Resources
Minister Howard Hampton an-
nounced that he is extending the
grace period for obtaining the new
Outdoors Card and fishing and.
hunting licences to May 15.
"While more then 450,000 Out-
doors Cards have been issued to
date, some problems processing a
small number of applications have
come to my attention," said Hamp-
ton. "Extending the grace period
will allow us to process the entire
backlog and at the same time al-
low the people of Ontario to fish
and hunt while waiting for the de-
livery of their cards."
Most applications are now being
processed in three to four weeks.
The backlog of applications repre-
sent only two percent of all cards
issued and is the result of missing
information, invalid hunter accred-
itation, incorrect payments or key-
punching errors. The extended
grace period will provide the extra
time necessary to resolve these
Those who have not yet sent in
their card application, but who
wish to go fishing soon should
consider buying a Temporary Out-
doors Card and a one-year fishing
licence from any licence -issuing
Anyone who does not yet have
an Outdoors Card and is hunting
during the grace period should car-
ry some proof of being qualified to
hunt, such as an old hunting li-
cence or proof of having passed a
hunter -qualification test.
Outdoors Card application forms
are available from MNR offices or
licence issuers. Card applicants
who have been waiting for their
card for six weeks or more may
tall 1-800-387-7011 for informa-
tion on the status of their applica-
Those who wish to apply for the
Ontario Card can obtain informa-
tionfrom licence issuers, MNR
district or area.offices or the Natu-
ral Resources Information Centre,
Room M1-73: Macdonald Block,
900 Bay Street, Toronto, M7A
2C1. General inforination is availa-
ble, toll-free, by calling 1-800-363-
Bowling scows
Luc*, *Bowling
Monday Ladles
Marj Green 217, 283, 283-783.
Lynne Farquhar 243, 301, 236-780,
Darlene Bourne 266, 240,248-754, Gle-
na Tripp 260-734, Joan Finkbeiner 300-
685, Lynn Smith 266-658, Deb Pearce
239-622, Pat Hodgins 232-613, Alice
Kooy 253-611, Heather Smith 212-603.
Barb Smith 254, Sharon Redick 220,
Joyce Sovereign 220, Janet Ankers
220, Pam Hodgins 207, Helen Hardy
Tuesday Y.B.C.
Tyler Graham 204,166, Ryan Nichol-
son 191,142, Jennifer Heague 177,169,
Jennie-Cockwill 171,140, Brad Ankara
158,147, David Miller 149,142, Larry
Smtih 254, Kurt Juergens 209, David
Knip 205, Sarah Culbert 155, Marcus
Appelman 146. Nathan Rollings 144,
Norma Culbert 142.
Peter Denouer 268-744, Arnie Van-
derweil 241-633, Myrtle Hastings 191-
549, Marilyn Smith 199-540, Loretta
Needham 206-535, Ted Schendera 203-
534. Jean Poole.222-511, Len Poole
191, Ken Weir 184, Paula Weir 182,
Bill Bere 179, Marion Bere 173, Mari-
on Barr 172.
Senior Citizens
Mac MacCormack 253,200,247-700,
Len Smith 222,201,229-652, Jim Burt
251-584, Cathie Westman 213-522, Pat
Davis 238-553, Charlie Grieve 215-
553, Edie Burt 225-528, Harry Noels
193-518, Marion Noels 190-511, Myr-
tle Hastings 178, Stan Roth 174, Bessie
Caldwell 173.
Wednesday Y.B.C.
Jonathon Smith 160,101, Vanessa
Smith 141,128, Ashley Smith 134,126,
Sixty auended the shuffle-
board tournament that Varna
sponsored at Hensall Arena on
April 7. Exeter was top winner
with June Hodgson scoring 328
and Ina Williams 265.
Grand Bend was second with
Dan Messerol scoring 324 and
Marjorie Richardson with 257.
Hensall was third with Gordon
Clubb at 291 and Olga Chip -
chase at 272.
Varna was fourth as Bertha
Taylor scored 277 and Bernice
Reid 276.
April 6
Six game winners
Dave Kyle 493
Alice Thiel 459
•Peal1 McKnight . '-'- ... ,.4458
xcm ng.v2a tl ,V'.' noxi a. 446
;Hazel-MdEaran • '443
john Pepper 437
Gordon Clubb 415
Thelma Thiel 414
-- April 7
'Five game winners
Joe Gosar
Lloyd Ballantyne
011ie Essery
Delmer Skinner
April 8
3 game winners
Charles Tindall
Ina Williams
Olga Davis
4 game winners
Joe Gosar
Hugh McKay
011ie Essery
Howard Johns
Marjorie Hodgen
Let us install a new
Lennox Pulse high efficiency furnace
-natural gas or propane
Start saving up to 70% of
your fuel bill now! Scratch -n -
win up to $1500. or defer Mat wr
payment until 1994! On •
approved credit, of course.45,/LENNOX
262-2020 Highway #4, Hensall
Your home comfort people
\\s‘••••.•.• wMwed w.ekoaok of t«noa r,au.hM. wxapoS.d
rise. a carr.
At tax time we get down to the business o
saving you money.
At Hyde Moughton, we do more than file your tax return
efficiently and correci_y. We can advise you in the
important area of tax planning: .Like what to do about the
family cottage? How to use capital gains exemptions
before the rules change, and much more. At Hyde
Houghton, there's more to us than big or small
business, there's your business. You'll find
us surprisly affordable and dc-cidedly
approachable. We're here to help.. .
ffil Hyde
514 Princess Street, Woodlttock, Ontario
N4S 7W8 Tel:(519) 5311023
Local Representative: Paul Percival
Lucan, Ontario (519) 227-1270
Ayden 011ivier 134,126, Mike Graham
130,102, Colin Hinkel' 177, Jenny
Wonnacott 134, Jamie Cunah 114,
Nick Hoskins 108, Pamela Richards
106, Brooke Hosking 105, Mike Ank-
ers 103.
Gary Melvin 281, 293,236-810, Lar-
ry Smith 275-725, Wayne Wilson 275-
715, Anne Wilson 256-674, Pat Mor-
neau 226-621, Glens Tripp 237-604,
Bob Smith Jr. 249-597, Pat Hodgins
224-596, Barb Smith 244-585, Cathy
Batten 203-543.
Wednesday Mixed
Doug Smith 242-6.99, Larry Matheak-'
248-671, Tom Dobinson 240-665, Don
Cunningham 245-628, Al Rollings 233-
565, Vicki Ward 198-547, Tim Weber
196-531, Mark Frayne 209-530, Karen
Leger 201-505, Hank McGillivary 207,
Kevin Rollings 177.
Thursday Men
Pete Smith 267,312.263-842, Dan
Heywood 355,290-809, Bob Smith
299-774, Bob Taylor 298-761, Geforge
Lee 292-758, Brian Ankers 291-750,
Earl Allison 329-747, Paul Smith 298-
.733, Larry Gibson 281-727, Don Wau
268-687, Pat Holland 266-686, Bill
Mathers 259-682, Wayne Smith 239 -
LUCAN - The eleventh annual
Shamrock Bowling Tournament
was held at Lucan Lanes on Satur-
day, April 10. A total of 40 bowlers
took part from Lucan, St. Marys,
Exeter, Stratford, London, Huron
Park, and Ailsa Craig. Winning the
top prize was Barb Tuxford of .Lu -
can, who bowled a total of 1139
pins for five games, which was 304
pins over her 167 average. Second
place went to Scott Berger from St.
Marys with a plus 179. Also from
St. Marys, George Wood was 132
pins over 'his average, whilblObb
Smith born L,ucan fialshed:limirth
with a plus 116.
676, Jeff Allison 240-673, Bob Pipe
283-672, Don Wallis 278-661, Carlyle
Thomson 294-652, Gary Melvin 259-
652, Fred Allison 268-651, Fred Wells
Friday Mixed
Bob Smith 227,275,313-815, Pete
Smith 273-777, Heather Smith 259-
678, Jeanette Smith 290-676, Jim Burt
255-676, Wayne Smith 223-616, Dan
Rodgers 227-614, Eve Smith 222-543,
Rhonda Eastman 187-541, Debbie Pa-
via 225, Scott Carmichael 201, Marlyn
Smith 201.
.:: *Pantry Lanes,„,
Thursday Grand Cove
Doreen Reid 603, Nancy Louch 499,
Vic Dunbar 492, Wynne Burgess 486,
Ken Reid 481, Bob Simpson 483, H.S.
Doreen Reid 260. H.S. - Bob Simpson
Thursday Golden Age
Mona Geiser 308 Nora Heard 352,
Hazel McEwan 357, Clara Scott 291,
Ivan Reichert 245, Alfred Priest 243.
Wednesday Ladies
Wanda Reynolds 469, Helen Was-
nidge 433, Louise Wein 421, Greta
Richards 509, Mona Traquair 486, No-
reen McCann 465, Dorothy Kipfer 534,
Ulla Larsen 453, Rosaleen Berends
427, Theresa McCann 515, Linda Web-
ber 654, Cavell Brown 471, H.S. - Lin-
da Webber 283, Dorothy Kipfer 203.
Wednesday Night Ladles
Minus Two - Sheona Baker 603, The
Shakers - Judy Uniac 540, Who's It -
Joyce Hillman 754, Handi-capps - Don-
na Webster 563, Lucky Strikes - Marge
Roberts 615, Repeaters - Betty Datars
619, High Single - Joyce Hillman 346,
High Triple - Joyce Hillman 754, High
Average - Sheona Baker 223.
Monday Ladies
Friskey Five - Tracy Stire 613, Gut-
ter Gang - Marg Butler 521, Red Devils
- Sandra Dickers 740, Alley Cats - Mar-
lene Bedard 617, Town & Country
Elaine Deters 607, Happy Gang - Pat
Palen 655, Alley Oops - Anita Faber
569, Packers - Mona Traquair 562,'Sil-
ly Six - Judy Steuer 517, Pinpoppers
Carmel Sweeney 545, Odds 'n' Ends -
Trudy Rooseboom 723, Jolly Six - Ves-
ta Miller 598, High Single Anita Faber,
High Triple - Karen Campbell, High
Average - Bev Cregan.
Tuesday Men's League
Big Daddy Shindig - Pete Labreche
570, Family Affair - Tony Bedard 714,
Market - Doug . S:nith Jr. 681, The
Hookers - Bill Pole 625, Rockets -
Gary Huston 669, High Single - Don
Jackson 250, High Triple - Gary Hu-
ston 826, High Average - 011ie Ed-
wards 234.9.
Monday Pinevlew Park Group
Milt Robbins 639, John Kamans 505,
Andy Groenendyk 455, Geo Black 485.
Maureen Healey 507, Winifred Kaman
Tuesday AlgC Angels
.Joe Fahie 124, D 't:1neb 11tIckg
107, Pant ' lts:litt.'!
71, Robert Fa' 1 f0.
Dale 36.
A well prepared resume will help you
get the job you are looking for!
A resume detailing an applicant's work history and
education is extremely helpful to an employer who
is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy.
Your personal resume should accompany
your letter of application.
Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resume:
U Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer
than two pages
U The resume should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper
with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look
U Start with your name, address and phone number
U Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the
previous jobs you've held -in reverse date order
- that is, last job first. J -
Use a separate paragraph for each position and
r)recede it with the dates you held that position.
- State the job title, a brief description of the
responsibilities - and the results you achieved.
U The next section of your resume should come under the
sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest
degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the
name of the institution at which you studied. Follow
this with previous education attainments. At the end,
list any specific instructional courses you have
attended in conjunction with your work.
U Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships
and/or offices held in professional or industry
U Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any
activities which you feel will be of interest to the
employer - such as volunteer work, etc.
Vour letter of application and your resume will be the
factors that make the employer decide whether to short
list you for an Interview. So make It as impressive
as you can - but stick to the facts.
We can help you get an impressive and
professional -looking resume
Call Debbie Lord at
424 Main St. Exeter
(519) 2354331
'-- BEND
• v•
Saturday, April 17
9ani to4pm
To Reserve CaII
238-2231 or 238-2887
will take place at 4 p.m.
issued and is the result of missing
information, invalid hunter accred-
itation, incorrect payments or key-
punching errors. The extended
grace period will provide the extra
time necessary to resolve these
Those who have not yet sent in
their card application, but who
wish to go fishing soon should
consider buying a Temporary Out-
doors Card and a one-year fishing
licence from any licence -issuing
Anyone who does not yet have
an Outdoors Card and is hunting
during the grace period should car-
ry some proof of being qualified to
hunt, such as an old hunting li-
cence or proof of having passed a
hunter -qualification test.
Outdoors Card application forms
are available from MNR offices or
licence issuers. Card applicants
who have been waiting for their
card for six weeks or more may
tall 1-800-387-7011 for informa-
tion on the status of their applica-
Those who wish to apply for the
Ontario Card can obtain informa-
tionfrom licence issuers, MNR
district or area.offices or the Natu-
ral Resources Information Centre,
Room M1-73: Macdonald Block,
900 Bay Street, Toronto, M7A
2C1. General inforination is availa-
ble, toll-free, by calling 1-800-363-
Bowling scows
Luc*, *Bowling
Monday Ladles
Marj Green 217, 283, 283-783.
Lynne Farquhar 243, 301, 236-780,
Darlene Bourne 266, 240,248-754, Gle-
na Tripp 260-734, Joan Finkbeiner 300-
685, Lynn Smith 266-658, Deb Pearce
239-622, Pat Hodgins 232-613, Alice
Kooy 253-611, Heather Smith 212-603.
Barb Smith 254, Sharon Redick 220,
Joyce Sovereign 220, Janet Ankers
220, Pam Hodgins 207, Helen Hardy
Tuesday Y.B.C.
Tyler Graham 204,166, Ryan Nichol-
son 191,142, Jennifer Heague 177,169,
Jennie-Cockwill 171,140, Brad Ankara
158,147, David Miller 149,142, Larry
Smtih 254, Kurt Juergens 209, David
Knip 205, Sarah Culbert 155, Marcus
Appelman 146. Nathan Rollings 144,
Norma Culbert 142.
Peter Denouer 268-744, Arnie Van-
derweil 241-633, Myrtle Hastings 191-
549, Marilyn Smith 199-540, Loretta
Needham 206-535, Ted Schendera 203-
534. Jean Poole.222-511, Len Poole
191, Ken Weir 184, Paula Weir 182,
Bill Bere 179, Marion Bere 173, Mari-
on Barr 172.
Senior Citizens
Mac MacCormack 253,200,247-700,
Len Smith 222,201,229-652, Jim Burt
251-584, Cathie Westman 213-522, Pat
Davis 238-553, Charlie Grieve 215-
553, Edie Burt 225-528, Harry Noels
193-518, Marion Noels 190-511, Myr-
tle Hastings 178, Stan Roth 174, Bessie
Caldwell 173.
Wednesday Y.B.C.
Jonathon Smith 160,101, Vanessa
Smith 141,128, Ashley Smith 134,126,
Sixty auended the shuffle-
board tournament that Varna
sponsored at Hensall Arena on
April 7. Exeter was top winner
with June Hodgson scoring 328
and Ina Williams 265.
Grand Bend was second with
Dan Messerol scoring 324 and
Marjorie Richardson with 257.
Hensall was third with Gordon
Clubb at 291 and Olga Chip -
chase at 272.
Varna was fourth as Bertha
Taylor scored 277 and Bernice
Reid 276.
April 6
Six game winners
Dave Kyle 493
Alice Thiel 459
•Peal1 McKnight . '-'- ... ,.4458
xcm ng.v2a tl ,V'.' noxi a. 446
;Hazel-MdEaran • '443
john Pepper 437
Gordon Clubb 415
Thelma Thiel 414
-- April 7
'Five game winners
Joe Gosar
Lloyd Ballantyne
011ie Essery
Delmer Skinner
April 8
3 game winners
Charles Tindall
Ina Williams
Olga Davis
4 game winners
Joe Gosar
Hugh McKay
011ie Essery
Howard Johns
Marjorie Hodgen
Let us install a new
Lennox Pulse high efficiency furnace
-natural gas or propane
Start saving up to 70% of
your fuel bill now! Scratch -n -
win up to $1500. or defer Mat wr
payment until 1994! On •
approved credit, of course.45,/LENNOX
262-2020 Highway #4, Hensall
Your home comfort people
\\s‘••••.•.• wMwed w.ekoaok of t«noa r,au.hM. wxapoS.d
rise. a carr.
At tax time we get down to the business o
saving you money.
At Hyde Moughton, we do more than file your tax return
efficiently and correci_y. We can advise you in the
important area of tax planning: .Like what to do about the
family cottage? How to use capital gains exemptions
before the rules change, and much more. At Hyde
Houghton, there's more to us than big or small
business, there's your business. You'll find
us surprisly affordable and dc-cidedly
approachable. We're here to help.. .
ffil Hyde
514 Princess Street, Woodlttock, Ontario
N4S 7W8 Tel:(519) 5311023
Local Representative: Paul Percival
Lucan, Ontario (519) 227-1270
Ayden 011ivier 134,126, Mike Graham
130,102, Colin Hinkel' 177, Jenny
Wonnacott 134, Jamie Cunah 114,
Nick Hoskins 108, Pamela Richards
106, Brooke Hosking 105, Mike Ank-
ers 103.
Gary Melvin 281, 293,236-810, Lar-
ry Smith 275-725, Wayne Wilson 275-
715, Anne Wilson 256-674, Pat Mor-
neau 226-621, Glens Tripp 237-604,
Bob Smith Jr. 249-597, Pat Hodgins
224-596, Barb Smith 244-585, Cathy
Batten 203-543.
Wednesday Mixed
Doug Smith 242-6.99, Larry Matheak-'
248-671, Tom Dobinson 240-665, Don
Cunningham 245-628, Al Rollings 233-
565, Vicki Ward 198-547, Tim Weber
196-531, Mark Frayne 209-530, Karen
Leger 201-505, Hank McGillivary 207,
Kevin Rollings 177.
Thursday Men
Pete Smith 267,312.263-842, Dan
Heywood 355,290-809, Bob Smith
299-774, Bob Taylor 298-761, Geforge
Lee 292-758, Brian Ankers 291-750,
Earl Allison 329-747, Paul Smith 298-
.733, Larry Gibson 281-727, Don Wau
268-687, Pat Holland 266-686, Bill
Mathers 259-682, Wayne Smith 239 -
LUCAN - The eleventh annual
Shamrock Bowling Tournament
was held at Lucan Lanes on Satur-
day, April 10. A total of 40 bowlers
took part from Lucan, St. Marys,
Exeter, Stratford, London, Huron
Park, and Ailsa Craig. Winning the
top prize was Barb Tuxford of .Lu -
can, who bowled a total of 1139
pins for five games, which was 304
pins over her 167 average. Second
place went to Scott Berger from St.
Marys with a plus 179. Also from
St. Marys, George Wood was 132
pins over 'his average, whilblObb
Smith born L,ucan fialshed:limirth
with a plus 116.
676, Jeff Allison 240-673, Bob Pipe
283-672, Don Wallis 278-661, Carlyle
Thomson 294-652, Gary Melvin 259-
652, Fred Allison 268-651, Fred Wells
Friday Mixed
Bob Smith 227,275,313-815, Pete
Smith 273-777, Heather Smith 259-
678, Jeanette Smith 290-676, Jim Burt
255-676, Wayne Smith 223-616, Dan
Rodgers 227-614, Eve Smith 222-543,
Rhonda Eastman 187-541, Debbie Pa-
via 225, Scott Carmichael 201, Marlyn
Smith 201.
.:: *Pantry Lanes,„,
Thursday Grand Cove
Doreen Reid 603, Nancy Louch 499,
Vic Dunbar 492, Wynne Burgess 486,
Ken Reid 481, Bob Simpson 483, H.S.
Doreen Reid 260. H.S. - Bob Simpson
Thursday Golden Age
Mona Geiser 308 Nora Heard 352,
Hazel McEwan 357, Clara Scott 291,
Ivan Reichert 245, Alfred Priest 243.
Wednesday Ladies
Wanda Reynolds 469, Helen Was-
nidge 433, Louise Wein 421, Greta
Richards 509, Mona Traquair 486, No-
reen McCann 465, Dorothy Kipfer 534,
Ulla Larsen 453, Rosaleen Berends
427, Theresa McCann 515, Linda Web-
ber 654, Cavell Brown 471, H.S. - Lin-
da Webber 283, Dorothy Kipfer 203.
Wednesday Night Ladles
Minus Two - Sheona Baker 603, The
Shakers - Judy Uniac 540, Who's It -
Joyce Hillman 754, Handi-capps - Don-
na Webster 563, Lucky Strikes - Marge
Roberts 615, Repeaters - Betty Datars
619, High Single - Joyce Hillman 346,
High Triple - Joyce Hillman 754, High
Average - Sheona Baker 223.
Monday Ladies
Friskey Five - Tracy Stire 613, Gut-
ter Gang - Marg Butler 521, Red Devils
- Sandra Dickers 740, Alley Cats - Mar-
lene Bedard 617, Town & Country
Elaine Deters 607, Happy Gang - Pat
Palen 655, Alley Oops - Anita Faber
569, Packers - Mona Traquair 562,'Sil-
ly Six - Judy Steuer 517, Pinpoppers
Carmel Sweeney 545, Odds 'n' Ends -
Trudy Rooseboom 723, Jolly Six - Ves-
ta Miller 598, High Single Anita Faber,
High Triple - Karen Campbell, High
Average - Bev Cregan.
Tuesday Men's League
Big Daddy Shindig - Pete Labreche
570, Family Affair - Tony Bedard 714,
Market - Doug . S:nith Jr. 681, The
Hookers - Bill Pole 625, Rockets -
Gary Huston 669, High Single - Don
Jackson 250, High Triple - Gary Hu-
ston 826, High Average - 011ie Ed-
wards 234.9.
Monday Pinevlew Park Group
Milt Robbins 639, John Kamans 505,
Andy Groenendyk 455, Geo Black 485.
Maureen Healey 507, Winifred Kaman
Tuesday AlgC Angels
.Joe Fahie 124, D 't:1neb 11tIckg
107, Pant ' lts:litt.'!
71, Robert Fa' 1 f0.
Dale 36.
A well prepared resume will help you
get the job you are looking for!
A resume detailing an applicant's work history and
education is extremely helpful to an employer who
is seeking a person for a specific job vacancy.
Your personal resume should accompany
your letter of application.
Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resume:
U Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer
than two pages
U The resume should be typed on 8 1/2" x 11" white paper
with enough white space to prevent a cluttered look
U Start with your name, address and phone number
U Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detail the
previous jobs you've held -in reverse date order
- that is, last job first. J -
Use a separate paragraph for each position and
r)recede it with the dates you held that position.
- State the job title, a brief description of the
responsibilities - and the results you achieved.
U The next section of your resume should come under the
sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest
degree obtained or grade completed, followed by the
name of the institution at which you studied. Follow
this with previous education attainments. At the end,
list any specific instructional courses you have
attended in conjunction with your work.
U Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships
and/or offices held in professional or industry
U Under the sub -heading "Personal Interests" list any
activities which you feel will be of interest to the
employer - such as volunteer work, etc.
Vour letter of application and your resume will be the
factors that make the employer decide whether to short
list you for an Interview. So make It as impressive
as you can - but stick to the facts.
We can help you get an impressive and
professional -looking resume
Call Debbie Lord at
424 Main St. Exeter
(519) 2354331