HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-6-4, Page 4is otionTsozi Toim '4 o.ot Wi , 133 A iiA'i'1)i3O 0l;` 'r111y. Wx:1';D, ItIy friends, plat dunk, there's naught okca;.((18 'I`f10 filth that front a eliewor's mouth. pro, eeeds; Two mimes ohewad a day , tta stifd preduee 100 b ' i loo A full half-pint of vile t o a Vlioh if continued five a!xItwenty years (As from a oaloulntion it nppoars,) Withthis foulatif, would near tfvehogsheads. fill, Resides old quids, a larger parcel still, 1100 ani 1 with this calculation done, No in that time has ehewed'a half a ton-•— A wagon load of that which would of course ; Won a dog, of even kill a horse, Could ho forme, but, a single view, What lie was destined in hislifo to chew, And the produot of his work survey, Ile would grow sink and throw his quid away. Or could the lass, ere she had pledged to be His loving wife, her future prospects see, Could she but, see that throuh his mouth would w,issi'' In ilia short life this dirty loathsome mass, Would she consent to take his hand for life, And, wedded to his filth, become his wife ? And, if she would say, 'where's that pretty miss That envies her the lips she has to kiss? Nor is this all; this dirty-praetioe leads To kindred habits, and to filthy deeds ; Using this weed, an able statesman thinks, Creates a thirstfor stimulating drinks, 1 Full many a one (who envies him his lot?) Smokes, chews, and drinks, and dies a sot. I.f you would: know the deeds of him that chews Buhr the house of God and see the pews, The ladies parlor carpet, and the floor, The washboards, or panels of the door, Have all in turn, been objects of abuse, '""'.Besniesred and stained with his tobacco juice, 1 have seen the bride upon het wedding gown, The dirty pipe and filthy weed lay down And then prepare the hateful thing to smoke Before she had thelnuptial silence broke And like a true daughter of her Mt thor Eve, Her new -made husband she did rot conceive Was constituted head, and not a limb, She smoked herself, and gave the pipe to Iiia ; And he, like A,dam, with submission true ---- Took from her hand thepipe, and „baked it to,,, t ! > test&;d it and found it !proved se. Wo used to Condeniii the making or eating of mince pies—in fact any pies, Bat we bellow now that aiioccasional uinoe pie, for variety, is less injurious to the eonatiti'ltion than the everlasting monotony of cracked wheat, Gralnola bread, and the like. 1"e tried the lot, ter s ysteu until appetite and strength were well-nigh exhausted, because scien. needs tifio medical students told us the i a thesystem re uired such and suoll y food, In our desperation, however, we dropped scientific rules and ate a little of everything, even mince pie, and found' in consequence, a return of strength and health, Our rule might not rev@ Ile .., r equally efficaciousto others similarly s eptic. Still, our physicians indorse ourdyspeptic. eating many articles of food, under such circumstances now, that they would have strictly prohibited It few years ago. f t,r• e7.; 1<t%i, ai . 'Tt Rx .!•i< i.-. J ii.'rt f•-, i.- .1i'arineta leather what air• the an1'treS:: s sew witat tix, • 1.:. clu:<atiul•:t have istormed hi printing office. Ile printers wouldn't sign the pledge, though. A 'Poa,st.—Woman : the last and best of the series --if we may have her for a toast, we won't ask for any but -her. liei;;erefl; Ce, t r If there is. a country whole he in world where reverence and respect ought to be inculcated as cardinal virtues on the part of the young towards the aged, sod the part of everyone O ne towards those morally, intellectually, er spiritu- ally superior, it is this, where all the habits, institutions, and ideas tend to- wards a self-assertive and democratic equality, at par with the traditions in all ages of respectful homage paid by the inferior to the superior, by the low to the high, by the ignorant to the cul- tivated, by the helpless and dependent to their prosectors dna providers. Undoubtedly in the Old World idea of superiority there was mnoh that was objectionable, arbitrary, and, the mere result of a caste spirit ; but in our eag- erness to get rid of the wickedness and injustice, have we not lost sight of the underlying principle whim recognizes obligation, seeks to honor goodness, and pays a just homage to nobility of pur- pose and action ? The man that is capable of reverence is worthy of respect. It pre -supposes. an innate truth and appreciation which goes far to supply the possible absence of the higher intellectual powers and faculties, while, added to these, it gives 1110 charm of modesty '11111E'ltttill- i,c'.;. tfi I" n, e of +, ,i) t:1•idla !. le( mini ,lt Ctrl ;ctei,t; :''. .pati r':' Thr( h( t.rt i ..•t! 1 t y `::•1'. :.. n. 7llt . = 111.gt, (1.”(1 11 1} , '11:! .;, 1 - r.,:):,u_ ]: s•u: t),,`+.t 1at;tit1'''td ,. rt' , t , :. , i; •.,•: Itte, .!;',i.'r the high •1 !14,etivtl'. Tee 1,,,, tihttt-istaau ht that he is just as " good as anybody," dad much better than anything that has preceded him, scoffs at his father, bullies his mother, abuses those who lyre weaker than lliinsclf, and rccogniz tis himself as no one's debtor. is tn. good for the boy ? Is it not better that he should be taught to respect and ho- nor the best and the noblest,—those who have lived, those who have thought, those who have written, those who have in any way sacrificed themselves for him, or added to that sum of world's achievements of which he stands as the representative, but to which he has not contributed anything ? Republics are proveebially ungrate- ful, but the ingratitude is not alone a national characteristic ; it penetrates the remotest recesses of our . modern society, and clouds the better qualities which distin tuish its members as indi- viduals. Admiration for the good, rec- ognition of service, are overtopped by jealousy and ambition. The true re- publican idea of honor and credit based upon merit is lost sight of, and distinc- tion is sought at the expense of honor and credit rather than as the natural outgrowth of them. Offset this ten- dency in republican ideas thanwith the exception of respect from children to- A few days ago a hungry party salt down at a well spread supper table of a Sound steamer, upon which one of the dishes contained a trout of moderate size. A serious looking individual drew this dish toward him, saying, apologet- ically. "This is fast day with me." His next neighbor, au Irish gentleman immediately inserted his fork iuto the fish and transferred it to his own plate, remarking, "Sir, do you suppose no- body o- b dyhas a sowl to be saved but your- self ?" Why are the ladies the biggest thieves in existence ? Because they steel their petticoats, bone their stays, crib their babies and hook their dresses. t' W hitt do these mean ?" said Spicer's friend, pointing to the golden balls in front of a shop the other day. "Indi- ans," was the reply. "Ind-=ia 1s1" said his friend. "Yes, pawn-ees," retorted Spicer. ooIsa & tationtr, Corner Bookstore ST. MARY'S. H. F. Sharp 0:ookseller Stallone r Always on hand a largo assortment et BOOKS, STATIONERY, WALLFANCY GOODS, Or CALL AND EI'+ ED SRP. AR, FRED R L CARLI: W CR'IGG , • "Will you have some strawberries ?" wards those who are older, towards arcked a lady of a guest. "Yes, madam, those who know more, and a reveren- yes; 'eat strawberries with enthuiasm." "Do tell ? Well, we haven't anything but creani and sugar for 'em this even- ing,'said the matter -of fact hostess. A Milwaukee boy has swallowed half a dozen steel buttons, and his mother dosen't have to scream for him . when he is out on the street playing with those Cluckerson boys. She just brings a magnet to the door, and lie flies to it like teneedle to the pole. A professor who stated that one can- not taste in the dark, as nature intends us to see our food, -was nearly floored by a pupil who asked, "How about a • blind man's dinner ?" But he recover- - himself by answering; "Nature, sir, has provided him with eye-teeth." Directionswere given to the United States the other day to have a spot des, ignated in the Capitol Grounds for the equestrian statue of General Greene, "in the conformatory with the . resolu- tion of the Continental Congress, pas- sed in 1786." There was no oaasion to hurry about it. It is not a hundred years yet since the resolution was pas- sed, and who cares a continental what the Continental Congress resolved, any- how ? nyhow.? A man in Boston, in his hurry to as- sist fainting lady, got a bottle of mu- cilage, instead of camphor and bathed her face with it. She felt a good deal struck with his attention.;: "Think of it, Air, it bbs. the CJnite l States drinks 890,00 MO ti irtll of ;spirits every. year 1"Llnl)Ls (1 xcite,11y) `1f.p 1 wish 'LOn t1i4 8t',(it' "1 (o,,'+ n ds;y1114(r .t. tflida ,v00, '„ 0 l' , i ' `•; t ..'! hay." "re :foo, t rico o 1' Oki`IIt,1,,olow' 'duck, 0(::13ta 11 !tiled rf7 its'; n. '.11 plot t;:) 3 hair tial homage towards those towhom they aro under obligations for life, and for the truest and noblest and most worthy in the past and in the present that makss life to us so desirable. We all in our lives tel der faith and trust and devotion to something or other. Ii may be a man or a woman, it niay be a party in power, it may be an institution; it may be money -bags- ill -directed or well -directed is not so much matter; the point is that all men and women are capable of it and may therefore be trained to bestow it in the proper direction and upon worthy od- jects. Lat us iienstate reverence, then in its place as one of the higher vir- tfies, and inculcate it not alone by pre- cept but their example erchant Taller aa4 Cameral Outfitter. DEPOSITORY RY BIBLE D BOOKSELLER & STATIONER A Stool}; of Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wesleyan and Bible Christian Hymn Books, Psalm Books for the use of Pres- byterians, Church of England Prayer Books, Miscellaneous Literature of a non -demoralizing nature, and a general assortment OF SCHOOL ROOKS it STATION RY always on hand" w., GR1GG. ref 151'1 7 , 1111.1 1' a; Tixttxi4 !. E,)9; all to 11:7x! 1;1)'11:' 1(11001' "1 x9a i' .a , arsrl:a1)ntlG + tkax as tri+)1r , itta<ai, taYii, rVitt' which' xv! '"' k, ll F I':1,1'1)';•'t1 lely flzoupctghly 1i1'tl11L,r°,it 1it)u„rt. tivery yda iil'.UGt,? Iron, t't , t'iti:1,eu ,V( , , 001110 improved mettle," tor• -;.[Dint; sumo oi•rnph tltirl;. Suilpoac 140 1150 eitthing' apple or Iniaoepie;a. We prepare them 'for the oven with groat c450. We moisten the 1 edge of the lll,trler rii.t.st void lay I lir narrow strip of the i atr'y Ilpo11 it to prevent any loss iii 'he baking. To 171a1i(t atll$t1l'SlOce CL(itlble sure, we wet tine strip 0401U1il th(1 edge and secure the ulppn1'Ct•ttl¢•; nlakittg it, as We.; 8ltlp- po:>e, firmly adhere; to the under, by e gentle pressure. But, alas i 11favon't even, after znttch precaution, heard the best of those pies stewing ayvay on the bottom of the oven ? And. haven't we burned Duk fingers and 1)eslllearod our pies iri the wain attempt to raise the oozing side with props of nails or wood, anti found it Dually open ' upon the other side? b`or year we would oe. +yitsftmally ,Bate seine such aggravating experience, I)1 fact; we Balled It Ittelt if wo did not. • rine fly, an observing 1.10Use wite told us to take the Isles froin tile oven and let them stand a 1eW frim. tiles; t1}Sny when we roptace('t them, WC wottld tiYli 110 fttrthei' t1`ott`pior We gitugs, Uhtmital. kc DR.8.FITCH'S " FAHILYPHYSICIAN Containing descriptions of Diseases and rules for their treatment, will be sent free of all charge by mail to anyone seudingtheir address io 30-4t. 714, Broodway, New York, DOMINION LABORATORY,. G 6 STANDARD BOOK STORE, WATER STREET, ST. MARY'S. 041 :11 raper, T: rat ; E•, 1. 9 EXETER, DEALER IN ¶i5. GQO(1 i ,:: Z , 11 J rill• z 0.,' i „ 1 ill P. 1,1 JOHN B. FLOW, Agent. —Piet'tre I'r tiring in every style to enter. t.l\ta)q•;t, Oct,, 1 t' gram. FRED. SHARP, GeneralExchange broker ST. MARY'S. Agent for the INMAN LINE OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. Tickets from t. Mary's to Queenstown or LI ver pool, teera&e, $88.50. Parties wishing to send for their friends in the old country can procure prepaid certificates cheap- er than by any other line. Agent for the Michigan Central and Erie Rail- roads. Tickets issued to any part of the U.S., east or west. AGENT FOR THE p AMADIAN F•%PRESS pOMPANT, Greenbacks Bought and Sold at the Best Rates. LONDON QUEBEC and MONTREAL Temperley Line. Composed of the following first -elms IRON STEAMSHIPS. SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, THAMES, DELTA, SEVERN NYAFZA, HECTOR. - Tbe Steamers of this Line are intended to sail during the Season. of Navigation of 1878, from LONDON FOR WERE AND MONTREAL, as follows:—Scotland, Wednesday, 97th August, and every alternate Wednesday and Saturday thereafter. And from QUEBEC FOR LONDON, AS FOLLOWS: Thames, Thursday, 91st Angus Severn, Thursday, llth Sept. Scotland, Tuesday,Erd ' And every alternate Tuesday d Thursday hereafter. A choice assortment of pm* druggs and cbemi- cals,' and where will be found all the latent and most popular patents of the day, a few of which wo may mention. Tonics Dyspepsia Remeiiies) &c. Hat i u Bitters, Vinegar Bittors, Planets' Bitters,. tTh 1t e11 ax`:cioin'ated Dyspepsia :Remedy, Sinn son's aper„iflc !'ilia. Alteratives, F,1 t re .milia:, 7: )e,te, t •: t, ,,'irtlt•, t 7 , 1 fe IID Brom ,i t<t 1' t•r )r41 1 .scrlt ry 111 (11.,}; l`Tttx l,:a. 4, t.i ... , si101118111hn, g•.. t, ,av vJ til: t Ir 1,11,,,,.! ( 't It uh•t0 1 Ii { r'} u7 +1 J ,L,„✓ ;61.l ,L. A11 1 BrownM I t it, i t f i't,rl :.•, it n>I 1 r'or.ft t +t 1 rel, S . I , ,'t, x'1 '# tit Ii„st ht r („1.11,1:.v f!htbtit § F`rr ri k1,41,711',4 ' g t,r 0.01)' r i 4111,'.1 i t•ntr., i° t, t sty. y r, ,;t Yti'1xrx,1'i'u t,r)ttli ,,r d;ll. wit). P1{111111.041:16 i Iu+sl.tiari. F 11 nelrrlionjIlir, A,y'cu'S7, W 'rifh's, Bristol's, Mui-- sc',', fndiarilloot, Tudson's .tlrntntnlu }Merit ling yard's, Itce,lway'sy Tt1•,end)th's, National, moiri.)rn's, :luralionoo:4,. sir ,l arn05 (Th rics'a,a"iv5Ot thti,tor 011r • CYaetol 011 C;rhulliou, &o. 1,i14mnYt9, &e.' Trask's. and Wilsons Titagfietir, Ol trrrciits+, ('otiIt's Eye salve, Victoria Carbclio 8110 Soper's solve, llc ll'nwa:, s (roto itnts, :f:)epow's', Let1ex and Kennedy's 1lamor Opti! tnonta, Pahl laAllrl'tt etc. Bury y lhtvi[,' Pain kilt )r pathway's .Ct,1t:,73oyer'i Cfalvania 71010, Vietotin Bloc:trio tanamtntt, 1hotnrs' 1'lleetrie Oil, Window's soothing syrup, Ipe„ew's %tlxetunatic Coirafort, Itonnody's Llnon Doloricide,.&0. 't'6tf111i1 11Yo(lfeittc , rte. Metcoutio'c 1)ontt shot, Aral,nan'S 'Verinifuge, Winsiew's worm syrup, irooman s Worm Powdoi'e Wntnn Tea, Ono door North of It Davis' nin,01 smith Shop; lila in -street, Nxctor. A call solicited, satisfaction and value for monoyiipout guaraliteed, Koine onih cerise all. Diarrohtn , & Dysentry Medi s clues Ilair Dressing, 1Siil ' Plasters, &cr, Catarrh 1VIedicines, liorse Medicines, Lire Wines and Liquors for Medicinal use, Dye Stuffs, Moline Dyes, &c., at to 2)6o Rates lower than other Lines. Certificates issued to persons desirous of bring - lug out their blends. For Freight or Passage, apply to DAVID SHAW, Montreal. WM. A. BAYLY, SEEDS SEEDS! tJST RECEIVED AND IN STOCK CJ Goon ROPv ok FIELD, gARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS fIOI1SE TOO II CORN La,rid PL.AS'. 1 -+'R_ ANb' SE'IR POTA'I'OTIS JOHN RACK0 ,Y`LOUr & MED STOPS, GROCERIES, A 1-IARDWARE CROCKERY Boots and Sh o es Patent Medicines, Also, DEALER IN ALL KI`` NDS OF LEATHER. KINDS 01? CII'HA11LES S,F,.,NIOIt! lilA$ LATELY Ise?. overhauled. hie photograph studio and byilt 4A►: g,;f,ivereolle;9 tfangt8 tae IIght ao t4 to make 1teEtarggeortyC.QR Iii work Iigyini siyudh 4 with dillge! eo for' Sou ,kl, _o, pogt the d gerent eifoott of ll8ht arrd Rh44e, a d hf 8 talren inetJKu0U0ua fr9J some nuke keel ertlat ui tae iloxxltnien and adj this alx?,tug states las1s now propnred to'exeaute, work in 4ret-slate Pet yle from the 0131410.0tin tyypo a itfe-atae pbotagrapb. iiateuohind atld'onI8rg- ing made k gpeela$ty, Ovai frarpog of di .et4nf si5es . kept constant, y 94' hand, Pzlooa—$ gveeirhrmeside,cnaole4 apshotoongerabtegdoodowiodrkdwWbti4dpceulreouched, perdeism, Parties wishing el Dived to leave hie rooms. Chargee moderate. g tat t1SlrovED TOMTIsE NEW BOOK saoais) DR. KINSMAN, DENTIST, WILL be found at his office, Main tree!i Exeter Ontr every Tnae l►nd generally Aa the other days of the week except Wednesdayand, Tequahurlsdto ay.the Hoboat will gdonellarinenateenycity, on Vinod work at toprbicee : , within the reach of all classes. If any have a tooth aching on a Curley, come in the evening after five, Instead of leaving it for Sunday, as some 30. All who want to save their teeth should call snd have them inspected before they feel pain in them. All parents !should call for advice about ''children's fret teeth, before allowing one to be ex- tracted, as great domage is constantly being dons by extracting sob teeth too soon. U Dx nsical tttt n•t BUY THE Best Organ .Made. tII t11i M i 1#4ik00, 1onllai lig,x hr ,010 lL O r hFOtpst' 1 d 58(5 Ad( ig'gou16Y t11.at IR Ae 'pxepa e4 to do ai of liookbindln In . bet, ictlatest and, goat fash .qlA lt1,4 ries, at bis bindery f/t,MPAY'4.Magts., ,alfa? I at -Meeh finals. • ll Atiliehi left at lid rufattafil09,14etar,willreceivepromptattontion 1 ,$ar'r ,4Mip atssoarr8, THIS. ONLY If 7 T'A't:I•:v-t91: AWARDED FOE 011. t n iv Trin n,)Afrril(N. '13 Tway. atcile5, 811.11Z' aekrtowt + ' ;c, , ',.'< '1 1 _hil: sa in a,1 the essentials 01 a good Iut)truuiant. Burn.. the ITA it 3573 trc st:.:urcd as usual HEW, 1),1t cGLOCULON WATCH is the beet In the market 130 sure and get the W. D.MoGiochion Watc before buying, 'You will have no other after aoein them. All who wear them reeommend them Ovid and, Silver, Lady and Gentleman's sicca 77 Dundas Street, London,ee the testimoniale The largest, beat and cheapest stock of fine Gold Jewelrey, Clocks, silver and Plated Ware; Fancy Goode, &o-, &e., in the 'Province. Reposing of evey description. W, D. M'GLOGLIN, 77 Dundeeet, Loudon Ont. 141.`rJt_l.ST 1'1 3_ZE4.,S AT LONDON, GUELPH, AND INNUMERABLE COUNTY SHOWS IN ALL PARTS OF CANADA A Five Tears' Guarantee given with each instru- ment. For Illustrated Catalogue, Address W.'BELL &ICOMPANY, t.' 1 iliiaradtarerd, NUEIP M, ON's 3ciiiner4. J ROSS PLANING MILLS! inn oe, Antis kcVtatiss,ehi. JOHN TREBLE'S BOOT, SHOE, J. ROSS, Builder, Manufacturer, and dealer in'all'kinds of S =ZING MATERIAL, auceh ae SASH, Doors, Blinds, MOULDINGS,. etc., DRESSED AND • UNDRESSED. He has also on hand a ffrst•olase lot of Flooring, Siding CASING, or4. Which 7, r Y tl r )iNCS Er S ;sr "r:.YO a ,Air .64 Gala Vali for =id ts Asgli 28 ISAAC OA1%LIN 1. uruislt 0 • .5,101. AND Atrness Shoo, MAIN STREET. A large and varied assortment of Ladies, Gents' and Children's MOOTS c>v SOB O1` '!lls; 1.1Tl. ii' ST ' .ES AND BIT i'i ¢3ltRitiaiiiStiir Ii0pt. cnnr.tar.rlyie:' ;nand. Also a choice lot of ,ELT OVERSHOES, RUBBERS,_ SLIP- PERS, 1WC. lair, T. having secured the services of MIs.. J. C0 I3,IAF'Ol.D, is preparers to receive orders for doseriptions of CARRIAGE, LIGHT & HEAVY I-dARNE >S, A oorupletc stock 01 HOR INQTR , COMBS, TRUNKS,' BRUSHES, WHIPS, 1 MARRIN III //Lei u 1lulal}I a6{ aIle, ,i1, 11 Au l (0 1n1411/1GI141 • ,IIIWOIIN,ivh,I* . i l i' ii i 1 I iI,101UI IIIllUUpIIIIIaIIoIINiIIIIIIIiuIDhgll jb I a ,o.00 n0,0 m, 'ni, n s1a uoi ( I I. Y6 u< u PPP dn 4 e •n. 7 ,.,OIIIw IIIIIJIIIiI dlllll , IIII !Y".d !'11' Nlnmm t11l11IIn'I"•. ,e♦sase•q I.11I1l,lrllthiiir •9su-e• ,rtrtaI" l••IeI 1t1n, P®11®$ Ui'IiTI' IIIWoilu luIII11llllllll!.•,,T„ "„ ,.P, lI1k" Tv°I , 11111111 1 sionintiomliummmmlmamluulienimommmlmlgmlummilu r,. 911111 — _. The subscriber takes this opportunity of thank- ing the public for their past support and assures them that as nothing but the best material is used and none but first-class workmen emploped, they will find it to their advantage to continue that support. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ORDCR-WORK AND REPAIRING. Ezeter,NOv Amber 20th,1878. 18-1y. THE L., H., & B.R. 1111111111111 lukusullll r ilUa!INPIIV IIVOIII . In IIIIIIIIIP1111191111IIIIIII I I ';I I ' ` 111111!Ilillllilll lhl l ih l iilll 'Ii i ' . , Iullupins!Wlllllulu(uulluViultVIII1IVV IVI IQ . IUIIIIIIWIIIVIIIVtlVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII uih!IudIlj 1 IIldisrrr',y'. I iIIIII " „ IIII IIi I nlll •w*ivt.. Ringof red The_._ Ld V 04 rh Uj / V CtG ht 0 t, cic R 0-1 Eign W 'm M Mea A.) 40 E. Q x l Organ an We do not wish to detract from the merits, of other Organs by upholding ours, but are ever ready to submit them to a fair and impartial test, feeling confident of the result. FROMPRICES$55TO $1,500. iii Testimonials from the best musicians in Canada can be seen, MARRIN BROS., Parkhill. I M1o\T1D i<o0x-g0 THE subscriber begs to thank the people of Ex- eter and surrounding couutry for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, and now after enlarging his premises is prepared to do work which cannot be surpassed either in or outside of cities. Particular attention paid to the making and fitting of COLLARS. HARNESS (Sign of the Big Boot). HEAVY AND LIGHT, BLACK AND ILVER COUNTED, In the most etyIiah and faobionabie manner poe- eiF Repairing receives every attention. The ROCKWELL BIT AND OVER -CHECK on band. He would intimate to his many friends that he has looked to their health and interests in Boots and Shoes. and baa fust received a large and varied stockier Gents' Ladies' Misses' and Youths Wear. This branch will be found replete in every particular, and the stock will be sold at a slight advance ou cost. The •ervicee of MR, THO ALLEN, Thames Road, have been engaged to take charge of this department. and is now prepared to receive all or- • lers for work inthisnne. Satisfaction guaranteed Exeter, Feb. 2G, 1874. and ork performed van promptness. 14-8m. W. FANSON. OR AN Improved Singer Sewing Machine. THE LOCKMAN 18 The Best Family Sewing Machine in the Dominion iT I y THE Simplest, Strongest, Quietest Lightest htest RunninG Most Convenient ;',..,Yr,:? Yet tr Wired. its stake is uuimrpe$aeeh a blt., and g,L. work most sati:,iautory. The IMP. Is an excellent machine for all kinds of heavy ,work, such as harness, boots' t0 ch"o , rlo. THE SHUTTLE 1S SOLID STEEL, larger, siu:pler, and in ovary way better tin, t1:.r. t!,, iu use. 0. 8O1./THCOTT, Agent. MR. S. al ways kocps en hand a supply of Machine Attaehnzen 1,11rE d, Nedles, ,zo N.B. FULL INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO EACH PURCHASER. s3 Mr. outhcott is prepared to give complete and satisfactory fits in his clothing Liva. C. SOtrTIICOT T . GROCERIES ND LIQUORS G. A. MACE Has just received' a large and excellent Stock, of Groceries consisting of Gre en, Black, and Japan TEAS, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Rice, Sugars, chc-, Which he is prepared to SELL CHEAPER THAN EVER. 1i 'DON'T FAIL T 0 GIVE THE NEW STORE A CALL. ginwatiq, 3xorgs, ext,CAD Dressed and ifndrotieed, constantly on baud. Lath & Slum' pies Always az1 hand, Special attention paid to KISS & SPECIFICATIONS 'thoroughly understanding hit business, keep. ink none hilt etperietnatid **kitten, and using on!, firetAilatls.:lflotorlal, he feels, oonlldent of bil it' givingAY iflit, )dation to all who may favor lyifngtxtli their patronage; A Call solieltedb R. & ° . ISSET' /hive now 58 !rand a quantity of STOVES OF LONDON 1k HAMILTON MARE, And would solicit a mail front any ivishlag a really good article, A quantity of Tinware, Copper -are etc. Always on mini. leAvivraomilcanrc MADE A SPECIALITY, o -- Old Copper, Iron, &c. Rags,y N I3,= Ifi,e ttirin done promptly. Picture Frames of every description w TAKEN N IIKUwANGR.00 Od OS , p,.i l , 1 1B'Vl AI, II f AtiPu, I,t7x5 1'CS)it S -. a speciality. Giro the subscriber a call. ? AT CARO PRICES 1 JUIIN DEEIV' • • _ alterations in n1 1gSlnel9gl .. - Stitt AV Coss; -'-;.i intend Making extensive ttltera " y _.. 17` ,.B b%#fd lit)SS »ilt ir, oota`a rie,aerer t1]uHl Coilllllli to Atiilltt cost !!!pill 1111 illy stool= of ftuuitllre is auldoif. i1 .rifirli:Li'4 i s„ 03!"., 121! ilr" John Drew would Inform the public that heham opened nut his Furniture Wererooifra hi 40 rlUW build lig oppusite tlse TIMES olive, and 16 filling them with ON IOFT HESEi ST ST C O:S tobe t ND WESTERN ONTARIO, 11100X(1)rises Chairs Tables Stands 8urerua, Clupboa.reds, hidelu.s,rds, 1 Washstand,. HaMS , , also en hand, a choice seloattolr of PARLOR SPITESRLP COVERED DRAWING ROOM SUITES Banging in bride up to117fi. i '; " hinent. Ile also •xrabif 'lroxx yrill,tiud hero everything usually kept in a I''rpsi-(alalia r..stal,hs shortly a largo importation of the VER BEST litTEXITURE I3oitg ht from the best rnanOfaetnrort3 in the United States. The whole LL " "'E 1' v"