HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-6-4, Page 3.,.. . _ , 'to , - ,, , , .. , . " * • 40 4 ' ' ' PaiiUUcrotaror • • .," , 4417.0X, ' wtogia ollo.loglio, Igr,,,t4o •4114):‘ .. 0 .Paor' topAc,d,. Vb. (gC, A -.14?9•4 PAV,I,I*'":91,.:L.r,.„4,t0„1" ' #000,44*, , ' '' ' " • ' ' ul°' ' . '' ' ' ' • 1 '' , P1,4.10.01,11iit Pot.Pr,., 'ivr ,,i4144;:,.,.., ;, , '''. ' . ' Jo, ' ' ' ' "" , 4t, 1 , , , , CAPITAL, ,,,,,,,L , 43,$)00.(9.0;.. , , , ;MP410"Ir ) 109'70 ,?'.',VA`4,10 410 V4)/5" 4 lliff.tacta 40 lks to, 3 at,t2 of, general nkin tami,, 40As. -t " II BANK ,BBPARTMNT SAVrS , . . Sums ap low akrenedolditt received on dent r 1.iterfiet-4 and 5 per eiont, allowed, No notice 0 -withdwvat .1.fro. ,,, Austibleun correnc-yleUghb aOd sold. P, STOW hEPP4E, Agent, ' ' , . , ,„, . Whole I DANNOCKSURN TINgEO r MAN: - .r ...... , , , , ' • Cs 13. SUIT ST,' IIARYS::, ' • , . , „-,, , ..,. . M1.1, X MO 'Of , • SttitY00- 4mM' tho, 1 reMlsOi Or tha • ,. , 14" X41017 1 7' -- ' • I. , NEW DRESa II•118,, • . ' . ' ' , , • ,4„ AWL:ITO:4 44 it gl.:40,4 4,433,00tfy* OholOta. .04"41W0i9t117 altd. 1,W.a. ta, th0440410.011,3t0Y4e 404.1)1.008'' 14.0r6,r 44q49, ' TditYgr 00P1140.10: ys,p9p$4,.4),41., ,„} qeAtt5eih aece tiltPatth 334,49-4' 4404, 4)9', 49k P. ., j ''' ' "'' ''''' ' • . 0,91:seriber, %Lott 1,10,'2`30111X:0,11/ ett, oda436,IJOD.Orttel, ' .on,the Oth foOta A.PrnAltitorkteheStuatimare'Pettti:) • j4arecold, light Matto, 'and; tall, h0a ,600:7,17:00 ', pcill'o04,4,. 0.0• Etio0,„ ,..9,40[0iIk4p, call 0, tferoexiimA's NHL Tweli., lialptet: the eentte Of tile fote11044* 'W.O,e, 009.1) lat, 4. • g. ' '• A ''.: •4. ' ' .• ' • '' -** -l'''' '' • • ', , • '' .:' r ' ' rr" r r.' illarriSfa '1'011,40,te," OA W:40004.0414014,- OtiAll4P,t: q'faff Veflkti• : *,,y4,41VP4e• 0..YOQ: Py 00410 'tf:t, 41.41;16.1•11, xor pgr Plor. , Any'Vereeri,retfirinti8tlialianiet0 M0NTlii be'libar. ' , -1 't,. ' , ally re:It:ft:10cl, ,'., • 4,A1,1,TXR MoUtiPAItt ' • '. Tiee'il kxterti, lltr*P% .0444043, P0/13, V0000, Ph:f4;'.''''W;14,,t'kZif:i6,70,4,%1`';''''''''''''*''''''""4944 ArgAitro, sno. 400,4o,o, ma spialas,„ , • £ , thll" ... , 4.zo,41,o4 „goica awet.ting or loi ttsi, Tootliaohe, 'Tan ha. ;the 'peep Notaco.41.04, 4h litaatisa4A4POtOjA F004. 00 ' SOI.ra. Every*Lere !' . • - - - ' • • ., . - • -' • • nr . rs'no, ' , Ivo n • .0.rimrnr.vil t.c. . '.':00 ' ,t;./4•P* .1 4. 4-,ift, ftfa 't,14.... e r01.,10. Wii• , EAT I •„:„ , .•,, , .. , ... , , , . -..- , '100.44.890,(.4., iwis 41. Awont0q4emill ot tlielipiii: st9x9C4te 4)).*04. t9' ttie bon.simer vo,(011,4 0,,Quo . Mint' liey May' hove' their :al be , '.-• ...• • • - - • • ,,, - - v • . " • - • - . • ; • - : pate:111%1 by tiatlrolo,• al,, Myyesidonee,:kbore, at t . • . 'prepared to 0,11,1nlide OtWeaying, I), v . . .. . . it'. ,x.,-.P.11,4,,..ttpy4 ' ' ' .,•P' l'Olt.T.'„.V.A.).1.8,.`0. S..9.:.°1k114- :An** s. prOSeente Bre Lauonisosus..0,Avrelerslit'Al.'ImIsQA ' .--• '!••G'Ii4till'''.7iyAllreOeirvo':',Ortatetvd4tt.entiO4, and. .tio . ... , .....,..,.. .r., I. 7. , • . 0 1.•,' . r , , , ' • , , ,,•• • ' ' • ' 413, TrOrrTfr83,,m sunrara nAnA.4pnann AVM ..V it V slil#44. TrnOSPO,'. Aelf0f,.otitritert and fro or'MOrt, cure tor Hailibk ot ';:,,41,,tetigo, .1,0# so ko..4.0.0.,. ,• rill() A10001 .,84.1.1741grqa)00h0(.1. :''r'ee front 'ea i30.4, il,loy. ohdooll...Strolvingior coo, eictsely, /-tetskt 84f 4' A ' • •• . • • . PE ' !..:"', . :;..' '''' .. .:. viip,ivio.g- DO3le Every Pay'. •' '' Vie, highestprioe.m.Ce.eli foi LIME. WI-IE.4 AT PEAS szo I.NKS . L'1•1.EAV '14A -CE .0.10TATN. S. . , . . .. • . , • ,b..thizig.,,,.,,,k,„,,„t„,4„, .0:41 4111'101e. 1./naffeetedLby 'bathing 'Alna,..vo re- 141,1)10- Sold hy,eltdettlers. vook,u1447_,' 'obot- nut St., Dhila. and 717 Preacitytty, n,..x. . lieyaltu of imitation: 'Canadian. OadtratiAlglitbY YolliAll• n r• ,.. ...,...... 4 • . ' -' '' 4 .1 ,-..Po'4.t TEA li, NY '* EiP • ,, , • 'H-4' LST PICK ARD KerrY 'Werteon.,1 PO,',1Y14910Salef.P;40sts!MO,a,- • 1 11 ,t A' ' ' „t() ,..E.: -L., „, . . If 44.,-,-,-,.., : , . . - - ,-,-- .. i A MAN OF .A THOUSAND. When •do'iitli•NY'Sii: )1•P,‘U'ilY' 9-ZI.Ria.04 fi'011') 06N, t„. -„,q004.1ahlilqterOlk011i.0,141*Akt nsider- 401741)...k.: 4 . 0.,‘,40',4.0,1,444,:ido,,,oria(tiltt paloon, . .. lil - AP 4!%.°,11:4'.,,4: 927‘4'4.1.0i ee......a...,...m..-r...................„..,•...p...e RA .TON'S ,,, . ".' ' $ P , 33' . , i , , • '' ,---,,,..,,,•••,„„..„ ,,,,,„ , -:- E "To HAND. • •. - ' - • ' - , . N.13._,si::::cebitg,..tivi. iti !Ill' ••• 0 aicr Depaqments. . , . .. Real Xanohester . . r01011/2 Dresse's ' STIMPTION, all remedies having failed and Dr.11. 4-AMDS wasexperitneuting,he .acciclOtly, inade a 1 reparatiOn„ Of, INPfA,N; HEMP, ,tvlicell cured bis only child, andnoW gives his recilag frea on receipt Of tlyttetionPo to ImY.OX.Fellege. ITEIVM1340 012rOS inigtiCkweaps,,,nakitaitie et the sponiawwo lytu Drealt aritcylveold in_24nours. AcidretkOkliddock st.,,E,h44,, ayipi40. thy.Ampor. n . t.141 .Ptionlb ,,%.,-'.• y1)0•1°3, °Y. , ° , . °T*,-: t . :: ..,4 ..19"4,10 ' 1 4. °vv%it a daliatildrtioli fu idiedOn'short no- • 4.; „,.:°. ,',41-,°,11 ,, . -,,-,,,,,.,• • '4 ,tr" ,,',.:9,y, , I4 i • d tii 'Nett 'her- `$•iiteparecii to i 11 .at91,2ellty, o , ,5'., .,..;9„..,....Y , ,., , , .., ,„,.. •,j,. ,.. • i,. ,, , ,,,47.,.,.... ii. ,,,,, .„ g vo sa len- o: , „ , . JkillM3 LOG4.-, . . 11 ,,„...• - ,-Ato7,4-20, ,074- .. v. ',' 39-8n) -•.. * • New Prints ann Ginghams, .04,:l..., „... ,- ,, . i kt , : , . , ...., , ' - liA_DIES'.. NE OSTUMES , .,..,, , • ., ..•,‘ .CASH .. --imporplprop, Errnaloiment at yen-r-bonies or u. 1. ,,I4,....,...,,I. crii,.70.0,00.pgoni- •.: ' . : ... All. bonoittbki; an 'WYK te bost ' ' VIED, ritt of anything oycy,hetore,offered,, Cash. 6iimples .,. . , ,N,Eiiv* -Silk' Warp Dress Goods - •ws'ilk.1)•' 41' . , S. .ew - op AnsiNew Black Silks - .. . • ) NO.W 'F'slie3i,..WOOr'Sha:: wis';"•-, • New col'd Silks x 41,bgbizp,‘ wages, and com,- pkteenAtits sent frike, - -4,Vreso tett once, 4:47:41.1M/gENT;.: P.6.141..glatf. --0-.'eei, '420; • ...etre Alamo str,set,,Mentreal- .'• • ),... no.,,,,, .40-4t. ' - . r '....,. , ,:.. " ..' . '' .; ',',. ,1T, e,w, Si;ik§, rh...ssue Shawls -vrgs .),",V.IITJTdIINSON Wrsrr.. .. , - . ' ins to inform the inhabitants of Exeter and,. New Lac & Collars, • . 140-VELY DRESS G-OODS . FOB, $3.. ... ...., ._ , .... , „.... . : • PAT Ailltgruocatel4o. vicitity, that 'ie is propitred to give ' . , , ' . , . , LessoDs.on„ Tiaa. og, , .. . 71010deop ..- . ..t..,,•,W," . Th,,,,,',..,,,'10•""0^ and full lines et' - :c - , - ,„ , ) . - Timms -$.6 for term of 12 weeks -hall in ad- , .. , -,...., • „:, -.4.,..,,..._ .,, .,, • RESIDENCE -Huron street,. lElieteridkU„. '7t1 1874' * A ,k s 1.hs 40-tf. ' .. • -, tr . - - , 'V .', . . P. P. a I.... ....I. ... „,r .... _•.• Oyes . tiosiery, and u orsets , • 7 9 '..”!! ,'• ' ' ,. t . A i 13octs, shoes, Groceries, and shelf Rardwore. . s ......F......E.,.....t••......Trs!.. , . ' N EiV. RE 1. -MADE OL OTHINO. lre323.;1231.331P9411 See Tlaem. • MONEY TO LOAN.. — COUNTY of PpRTH LOAN st SAVING'S 6OCIETY. '' • • ' • . ' Boatitifift.Prints;4' , . New Cottons, .... -1\1- e w -L—paens, New Sun Hats; Cheapest he Ever Sold. ..,. — ..ncora of Directors: a. II, SinithreSident ; Jae' . ri'row, p.,,i-ce.pka,o.,•.. Hilyard;, Esq„ Agent Bank, of-ifif entreat ; Wm. Veal Hutton, Esq. Geo: MOIntyre, Esq.; johii Sanderson, 1sq.1 R. Hitilte.nie, Seeretary end, Treasurer ; Bank- ers, Bank of Montreal; Solicitors, Jones ISL Mc- Dougall. 0 . The advu.ntagcs this Company offer to Stook- holders ,..t._The most undoubted seeurity,, as the Con- stitution allows of no investment except on Real Estate. Stid-The continuous investraent of monies. 3rd. -That as soon as Savings Bank is open each Stockholder gets his proportion of the profits in addition to dividend ou his stock. ADVANTAGES TO BOThRROWERS. set. -e of by half. COURT OF REVISION. , „ . .. ' • V ILLA(IE OF EXETER .: , , — .. The court of Revision and appeal wine held in tho court Loom on Monday evening the 15th lust,: '710 o clock, in order to coinply with the assessment, act of 1874. AL EACII,ETT clerk BUGGIES AND HARNESS.- ..,.. s.e... .,.91'..7 ' I - - ....t., t ..- ; t,....... ,.. t• s•, ror Sale Cheap, ., , ,..kie..‘",' "°' ' .s...b fl Btiggies----2 Sin.gl.,, 8c . ZICILLINERY --r",...- , .,, .:', - ' * ' ' ' 1 D'5-Lible'Y'' ' . ' , . , STO E NEW CHOICE TEAS 4 LL AWFULLY CIIEAP. Cash that Does it - 1:W' Choice Teas ikt 50 c. oer lb. N.B. Cash for Eggs. .J. W. BRODERICK. D URHAM BULL CALF FOR SALE. . , The subsm ibsr has for sale, ' one thoro-bred Durham hull calf. It will be sold cheap. *Pply to R. MANNING. AIM 1 Set Light Double Harness. D. JOHNS. . Exeter, May 27, 1874. 40 -St * °fall the Newest and roost Fashfonable styles. They have.also received direct from England, EXETER P. O.' NEW PUMI> FACTORY. A FIRST-CLASS ASSORTMENT OF WALL mo ALL WII011f IT MAY CON- j-- CERN. Take notthat a Copy of Um List of Voters ice PUMPS. PITNIPS -PAPER All of" the above Goods will be sold cheap. Call:and examine before system re -payments yearly, yearly, quarterly, or monthly instalments falling due at such dates in the year, and extending oyez ench a perii,d of years as may suit the borrowers. ANOTHER LOT OF THAT CHOICE 65 ct. TEA. A FE \IT MORE . 2nd.-Borrowors will be allowed interost on any GASES BLOATERS: AT. sum or sums they may deposit to meet their stalments. 3rd. -The expense of examining the Title and BANTON'S drawing the Mortgage is regulated. by a modorate tariff, not allowing the borrower to be overchar- ,ged. 4th, -This Society does not sell mortgage.. . 5th. -Agents are boundto regard all applications for loans as strictly comiclential appearing by theassessment Holl of theTownship of 'Osborne for 1874, to be entitled to vote Mille several Electors.' Subdivisions of the said Municinality for a menther of the Legislative G. BOLTON, HAY pureshasing elsewhere. No trouble to show Goods Asseral;ly, was posted up in my offico, at the Township Hall Elimville, :his 1st clay June 1674. Signed. SAMUFT, P. HALLS. Dsborne June 1st. 1874. T Awnship Clerk. would inform the inhabitants of Hay, Stephen and 'Osborne, that he manufactures all lituds of pu tam., including the ‘• NIONSINGER. PATENT' FORCE PUMP for he has the exclusive right for the .******.- S Ai.- D 1 • I-IARNESS, TRU NIKS &c - 1 3 , • Ck% •••-? ,1 6th. -Mortgages purchased' on the most reliable • terms. 7th. -The li ad office is established at St. Mary's, of May next, to loan money a,t the Secretary and JA.mEs picKA_Ril N.B.-The Socie.ty will commence on the 1st day Treasurer's ofIlco, corner of Queen and Water streets. st..Mthry's, April 25,1874. 37-ly • DR. ROSE, The Well-knoWn n,nd, Long' Established Physician. which Lbove-named. townships. The -subscriber feels confident that lie cart 'satisfy those in want of pumps, as to workmanship and qualkty, and at such priees that he ....---'----- -,,.,. - -.-, . 4, - -,,,, .,• ,...".:1" - :::. : v, 5%., - -, .--'-:"-._ ',- •-•''.-•.=1. -7-' 4 -----__, 1 14 Begs to return thanks' for the patgonage bestowed upon him for the past twenty years by , SEAl?ORTH AND HURON ilia people of Exeter and surroacling country; and now opening -in all departments -the' — 'Marble Works. Of Bond. Iicad,Co. Simeoe, Ont. Graduate of • the Medical Eclectic University of Philadelphia, ,•., IA. I 'OT SE UNDERSOLD IN THE -1,".%• !' , -.7. ...,- • Penn. and Lieeut is.' e of Call ada and EL inein- her of 'the collpge of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, having vi§ited. numerous cities and Towns in Canc.da, has had the pleasure of receiving seoros Of the Hnirom Family of the COillX11011 diseases that are sweeping, thousand s to DOMINION. . liAl.EUFACT0111.-One-Fourth mile north of the village of Exeter, on Lot 7, Hay, London Rood. . . N. 13. -Repairing attended 'to' with •prompt- done , '4*IMT.-z.- ' '-11-rzie-4-.4.; • • _- ,igr. .:':- _°-.4, 4 - o ' , ;.' . ,_ ' :..; .--- -- a_ .... • - " - . .. . , C • M.L.IXES F4 .720-n T cr4 BON Largest aritl: Most CompAete Stoeli ci.,,,.,,,,,, Ole I1AMILTON,) Would intitniite to their numerous friends and the general public that they are prepared to tillall • orders for . Monuments, Heachtones, Table Tops; OF GOO -DS IN THE COIJNT Y. COMPRISING Mantles,. &e.-• . .......„. Granite :Von It etc; tts Imported to (irt.lit: . • . . Work of the best style and art, and cannot he .. . surpe..neel in this part of Ontario:. DR -Y- G 10 0 D S• ..,ik Call respectfully solicited, Opposite Logan dr Jamiesou's Storer M 1.1N S11.1123 P, SE A.FalITII. Heady-Macle Clothing Millin'ery. Hate ,& Caps, Groceries, Bats & gb•OSS, P-arb-v. re, (1:a i'c 1.. Ar. r,,, 1,1 -3 3 3 3 p, , H. MESSET a premature grave. T he Doc o ' will! e at Central Hotel Exeter Gti I !ix ).5t h el, y of ../Ettlf,'and remain 2 days. '' Any one' wishing can 0,msnit him on any disease, and the: reme- dies best calculated Jo,remoye them. Having nes4, and at retisonable prices. . CEO, • BOLTON. „ -iiki.,',A-p' rine 18-14.,,,,,.;,',-,.,....'„-:„.- :,..,.',.' ,',1::,•:0-0.1o. '''''=2..===0'*1 els'}- '-'2. • • . ., - • ._ . - Cr; P101•3; r , EXETER, re= az.-==:=0-cm-Emz:mcou'cvsr=0-r=tv J1.4 It. A E T ,,,th _ .... • , , ruc...s.-..,-.;. . 1Vhit w'ioat 1 2. to 1 25 Tre:td:voll 1 20 to 1 20 Spring 1 35 to 1 19 0 its 0. 0 45 to 0 :10 Peas 0 5; to 0 00 Barley 1 40 to 1 45 Butter ,,2) to 00 . Eggs, per dozen,...........:. .. 10 to 11 ' Lard Tallow '. . .- , 5 .t.g. ,,1 . . .., 14. et, tole 68 Tinaetl, .;.,e.a.,_.....;;.....,..........„, 3 50 1.0 3 75 Wool .. ., ..... ,:.,.: .. , . ... ....... .. .. Deihl s',1, at, per zoixtg1 2 0 to 2 05 2 05 1 o 2 10 Spfini; w.,eist .... , 2 00 tO TOO:: 1 00 to 1 08 09 t4 . .., •.. . 1 40 to 1 40 ,[3,,,,,., per (Mien . .-:.x - • ..,.• • •le to le 'Butter .: .... , ..',1' ... ... 16 to 18 • SEAFORTII. - - • Fall wheat ,........ ......... '.. ............ ........2.. 118 to 1 SO Spring Wheat.... ..... ..... • . . .... ....... ......• 1 112 tO 1 10 Oats ..• • . . 0 .1:i to 0 48 Barley ... 1 00 to i 10 a rs to 0 00 Butter 0 14 to 0 18 Eggs ...... .............. .. .......... .... .... 0 10 to 0 lc , had au : xtensiva and di versified praCtice, by which ample 01 portnnities were affordedidm of acquiring a Intaivledge of clisesses and the best r,nnedics for the same, the public have a Suaran- RA_NTO.N'S , ' . , , Mut has ckrrieklin the business of Saddler and Harness Maker for th o past sixteen year lo yo micht,•..,,,,ces .his opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his many custom ,rs for t'isve liberal plasm:age liestov,*ed upon hho., So as to rptaitt this patronage and that of 1 is n ,w 011it0M3 • llohlgs tb statOthnt'he keeps d 'Intdki..,.-id"Tint. kes to order a first-class sewn ment of tee that the Medicines he maks use of in rellev- ing the sicic are parely vogetable' composed of 'Barks Roots Herbs and Oils Forest ancl.Garden Reiniches, with winch nature has so wonclei fill- 'y end Joomatifully supplied us, and are prepared on purely scientific principles. The Doctor --""""""""' " .., Re,heon!s Steek is well assorted. Ad.- ,. •-!: ditiops,..b.tiNing•roc• ently been ., 4, ,.. ' , 4 .HEAVYi•;ainctLIGHT.,HARNESS . ,. , .. 4 . ,‘ . ,:, . , • • ...Vi. -wi*:n he whkeen 08 chomp as any other -lair se intim Do minio 1. H.* would call special attention his stock of RORsE CDOTHINO; just received. He also keeps on hand ,..., -:- ' 'THE ROCKWELL PATENT BIT AND OVER -CHECK. - THE VEGULAlt 4--t, Meetings of Lebanon ' DRUGS PAINTS, OILS, ETC., ETC., Forest Lodge, No. 123, G.R.C., Exeter. will be ' ,..s.." held fitifOlICTS. A cor. . t) ,..e..?;, dial inVitation is exten- All of which will be found to.; be,.asjow as any other reliable house in the country. ., -,,s.7-- cled to all visiting brc,. thren. Mar. 30, April 'A.,' - - 27, May.25, June 24,June 4- 29, July 27,Aug. 23, Sept. ',all also treat p ivitte diseases. Will ttlirrant m et- cure tor chronie,iL damitroy and acute din u, a' isiri• A.I1 examinatin free . h. A. rOSE M. D. 7'''.""1"''''''....7' :. '....witb..zietithesti . LIANTON'S ,- ,, - • . tt..PiiitteitIA• attenticti pabl:',t6,thollttiiSg:-.3f collars and the facing of them. i'' REPAIRING dor and &spat lik.;,: REMEMEERi Tim PLACE -shop south of Jas. Pickard's store. _ G E O. EACRETT -0.-- ETETER, CREDITON LIICAN . . 5 :. , , • . ANT) ' . 11011D03‘,i' DAILY STAGE • - made thereto in Nesv Prints, New Grey Cottons, New White Cottons, • - • .,.. , , 1111MONOMIIIP1=2:1111 . • Stock CHILDREITS-CAR-RIAGES : .41. .,..,,. -ont :`," •, - - ' ", , ; .. 21, Oct. 19, Nov. 28, -Dec• - .. 21 and 28. M. BAC' Renrm. b, Cr 'tins is .th'Cbidek Established House in the County r:1* HETI`, °ere tary. , . • , Opposite- tk...e Post Office. Cliiiiia-ots. , lenVes Exaer and Creditor), about t ri. in., CONNECTING IN LUCAN an,1 all iving ill London at d A. m... RA_NI,,,,,'ON'S ''''''''....-- tm—di'l , . • . ,.. , 9 . . . •,.• • • . , • Now READY . . AT TUB . . ' T HE N E W TARI:FF ! Exeter Carriage ... , . . . '-'7444, , DIVC.r.4 _ Cr..siva-At Clinton, on the 91stMe.!v;FiAharcl , Jas youug.,st EI011 of Wm. :C.lark,..Esq, and brtthe.., to N J Clark, merchant, Fan:II:at hal' ReturnircP leaves City Hotel -.1 rt 2 P. M., for the above places, arriving in Lit- can in time for the train (G. T,B.) going west, •,..,,_ .,., Nesv White Sfiiift,N. ew Regatta ShirtS, NOW PrunellitA 'nes excellent ‘11,1 ..- s,excellent --- - '---- ue-full'' .Z..of sizes & prices , , , .........-,-. . 30MOVitai" - imucan. ',,,,,.... - . • . N. A. -BOSWORTH Connecting in Exeter . .. . r ' ''..'. TA A. Y I " : 1 '...",.'.1 . . . . • - •• / , -:i,i-A-..., . 7: .:713:le::.A. ".:U NOTICE.. A Union Meeting of the Directors of the Stephe and Usborne Braneh Agricultural Sod- aty. and these of the South Huron Ag. ISociety, will be held at kippen. ;in Eri:14; the 12th inst. ....... • . With the G.inton Stage.. . • .. ish".77SIC AV= SeWINCI IfLACTITINTES. . , . . , .... ,,.. •_ .., ..•.,: , ,,,,,,,,, •-"." All narceis aud messages strictly attend- rto' e. ' CALDER & CO, -BANTON'S . . , O. C. WILLSON'S . . , * , , NVO.R118. . ,., . . . . . , . gle , 133019094- Aft. - . The largest stelelc'44of sin X' kunzthaUllEATRI41.Z E CARRIACES & BUldi S " Ever exhibited in this Vicinity, , , ,..,,,, • 'Which will be found to be the IN GOODS TITE. NFW. TARIFI Best and Cheapest .. . ,, - 4 . , ever offered to the publie in this 'vicinity. Now is . • • :Proprietors, • ton.dnnAliril 16, 1674. 34.tf.- . , • . . i -i';". e....' New Fresh Groceries Rantors Te'ts ' • r ' .-?,,, ex.trti value ; they-Were-pnrChased !, ,,r,,,, • , ,,its w.144:. .2t ,E, AND. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT A'''''flkiffiN"' . - EMPORIUM, ..• Dipig5, htinifai. &,c • - A PUBLIC CAUTION. • . - t,- - SEA' OPTH ONT., ' DR.S.PITCH' " FAXILTPHYSICIAN"•rniminfactiired . .... Containing descriptions of Diseases and rules for their treatment, will be sent free °fiat I charge by mail tp-anyon9 scuttingPheir addres, - • ...-- ' „:"-- ' , • ' '. 0 • • 30 41. 714, 13roodway, New Yoric, 0 . . ' Holloway's Pills end Ointment Mr° neither nor sold in any part of the Viiited Statoe, although they irry be obtained in the B.N. ,,Airicricitn Provinces. hitch Pot and Box beers tho •shitishOEvert,nont `-Hollo- „... v • 9 STILL. IN. TIM FRONT RANK AS USUAL .. . • ,, ., . tbe time for bargains, as the p onriat,sr has , „ made such . , , REDUCTION IN PRICES W'IL INCRE11. l' TI -XM Fitton or Stamp,wtth tho words, wayts PL1ls and Ointmillt,,Lopflon, engraved Micro-. 011 •It Into become fie ersay' to make, this announ- tweti,,,...ern.t.;,,l,bier•ezose,Te N w.Ye-r•leCh mien1 Ccutipani• d finding at lest °that their name hits been so exposed, have assumed the title , of "Holloway and Co. ;,' but, even,,now, . no one. will buy their medicines direct from them, se that they have road° arrangeihents to snpply oxelnsivoly the firm of MOSAI'S. Himry and , with their so called Tilllovray's DCo., ofills and OintNOW York "- , . , •llenges : , . • SEVU'ING .11fIACHINES S THE FLORENCE Nosielss, Roversible Feed Lock and Knot Stitch Family Sewing Machin eha- the world in o0ad range of work, strength and beauty of cIrrability of construction And.rapidity of. motion. Call anthexaniino. Send for circulars. Agents wanted in every town in the Province. This Machine has taken first prizes atoll the County niT8. 0.C.WILLSON, General Agent tor the Dexalnin. I r I, as certainly ePL,,Ii`..,4,i1 DEFIES CO.S.IPE717'ION Every' Article ••in Dry Goods 89 lea,ding Articles in An examination of the stock before Fuchs:sing • elsewhere is respootfully solicited by the subscrib'r, SEEDS ! SEEDS r ' . . . , , 'pr,' _-... v- e , •,,as, r..., ,. O ,_ ,: - ...,6- . IA, ( I •' - •,',„. 41 , , ./.,- '. ,,,,_%ss, • -, ...., , _ - L-- : , ---..., ,,,,-':. ...-,-.. ,-,- ,.4 ' •_..-.1"...": ,..-4-' - .,-.. ,.... .,g...._;._ .... merit." It is presumed that from the large con, nexion %Messrs, IT enr.y And. Co. Intro in ' the „British. ivs ,..,..-• ,. • ...-;&,......A :4 . . , 1--,:v1i,c..dpaos,„neg4sovg7i.j. jet,istcl:troliii;1111-1:31.iiic evnogslilatenIcyi othei.s mile4 ss they exorcise {01,c;tution to pro- vent tlieirboing InisIed, by finding these medicines bon‘iug„,a,titatup with the vain° of "Hrdloway end po., NOWN,Yfoli," print •d thereon. Many respect-. itible...drina intim British Pi'biinces, whO obis in my TrAidikreitiati direct from. here,' • have very properly % 'Stiggestedilit0 I should, O1.. the benefit of them- ;Velvet iked titfi, public, insert their immos in the nown Ont.:Ileaines can • mipers, that:A; rosy be k:B he had genuine from them. • The f011OWISEg 1.9 a list of the firins alluded to :' and Ipartioularly re- mcbmniended those who closire.to get my medicines ses eod :-Messrs. -to apply to Soe of tho Houhrn CO., Halifax AsX1vriltY, 13:x.OWN &Co., Halifax, N. S. Misers', TOR. •1,14; S• Messrs, T 33, Illiiitita tXo , .' N. ., 13. Mr. T. Da 6 BBASAY, Char- & Soxs, S. linN „lotto. TO1Wa a. III. Mosgrg, 1.n.'Normv& 0 o„ Vie- torisi A:O. Messrs. lfloonsi & Co., Vietoria„.33. -DinorllePAttiiin, Chatcan, N.B. Mesers. Mostao & Co,. Montreal. Mese:T. J. Wrinkn ?a Co., Tfaxiiii- ton; Ont. Mr, H. J. tesili, Toronto. Mr. A', Chip AtA/4 Swint P.t. John, N. .13. Mr, .7orxx )3 mi, OM- ex loll, Ont. Messrs. Ermxot 4t Co,, 'Toronto, Mr, 1. CII.KinNEri, sb. Xellii 14, n. mes,irs. nAwmc.o.,tit; 13norrunns, st, ,Tolin, V. 13. Mr, B. s. Datnirr, WindSor, Ont. Mrs OXiPtIll, Mordon, N. 8. Mr ' . oneawii,e,Thitit. iftin,, Fredericton, N. D. MN. NV . A s, ,, . v. 4,A. e „ • :, ,, - S. , , ,.$ , ,r, :+:104,4 ,:0* 4 r,for .•-!. ... P .4 . , ' joilimii , ,. •OVAL ! RE-MOVAL ! . , . PRANK MIDDLETON . - . ligig Pwehased the stok of Mr, S. ti,.., Nelles,and has removed his stock of . ..0. I ta , 13"' ' .00KS i L ' onnEns GROCERIES. T G. WILL SELL AS OLD PRICES FOR A SHORT TIME all kinds of Vehicles attended to ,,. WITH THE IJSUU., DISPATCH Take advantage of the Chan.ce. ALL WORK WARROTBIL. JOHN T,ii4''• F,xeter,Anril 23, 1874. • ' groiy. • . . ' • in XitTES, NOIMI IMMENen STOCES Iii,,T U tl\TTRAII aria. CREDITON 114 - . , . , , . . . . .. . , . . ,. ._ aocaana•• aa aa,.......asaa. 4-, , N.13,-600 Tinncts Batter and 100 000 doz EarPs Wanted , . ....bk.,- • ' .---- 1-iighest Price always paid. . ' THOS. OrREENIVIS:Ya . " 4."....mitmitOc, .. . ,ilosviariiiiimmillimeMealioarnieri WxrIrr, T'redericton.„ N, IL sressno,,W, 4; D, *t or:treat. Tho media:tee are sold tattier loWaSt wholesale not priees, in quantities of hot less that AG worth -Vim, 8g, fitlo. 228.., and 34s. per cloten bext114 of Pille Orpots of Ointment; for *Melt re- mittomeos mast be sent in advance. • ..,..6....,—..ammi„...iiio,4,,, . s - ** , 'befom the late advance, , ftild. will be , . • , sold Very Cheap , and euhiee,t . . 4 . , ' " .0 . , and tationery to the stand ately occupied. by Mr. Nellt3e, and all - • 4, W-4 = ..- , all'.." . rr HE FAVORITE LINE. ,,.......... . , CHANGE OP BUSINESS s ---,-... ,,:-....„,„.....„,, --,---...,- ,,,m?-tv- ,•5_,, - - , ,..,,, THOMAs HOLT) T‘,VILV, Olietriista, and other vendors of ITolloway's genii, 1110 PillS ttbd Oin 6:multi:nay have their names iii- sorted fit the local papers if they willtiloase apply here- 6og oktord.fludat,w.c. London, March' 81st, 1.8/4 . • • 40,61i1 - : N.". ' . . ' -TOY' Cs4 , * a s S t g , Elawitsli ‘-w' ' a e. ! • LONI)OX & EXETER. . —ix— , 000a rno'rs reitsori:toiturta6b, e Sta es arid • These StageiOtre drt3km by tho moo ddoommo , ,, 1 f 'Of' r. " ' , ' d IdaVe • 0 0 "oh rk 0d.'',6"k"ri TiltIMUTEItNitOTEt itiOND011f &Veil httisiliObilt et g tim., mitymg m tyroim 1 ,tliiiiito eentittatWilli, tilting foil the oast, and west. iii.deitilitectinghi"E*15.00Vitli'tlie Clinton' and St IititiV6 attar*, . . , . . , ...... , CA VACTORY , , . 11tOSS'ise G. & S 13rdoks helve • '; _ tioW,touimen,eed, the nturitftte- . .. , .. . , ,. ,,, „ bu'io•-,;',;.'01•‘•:,11-:11,,q•-i68, lltd.: Wagong the undersign:in having mutootod, Duo moir6 ,,. , i, . ,,,..,,,.. '--.-- . i 41, or&d; of tiro Lao', Dr, a IL Wifilinti lit 61161Mig tok 1110 , NnrIlitY Amu 0111-rilum mtkdricos, lo now pkomto,d to itcoonnilmlittd tho rii ,, 1 • , , ,, 1 Noloolied steelt of DR:U-GS ritrAi,t. t k 4,-,......“.,... "I'Prorcc,,.. Cash or•0"Short • Ore,- , „L ti,L,LJ11.1 J.; AttA.,,,,w. ,11.0 1,1,0,0.114,0 . Clit, •,,i, k"));.3/3111°) ,'''... --- ..„.„,„-- ..0- . , ?,- , ,, tr..------, . .,. ' •: „•;; ., 1.1.11St •11/10IMP.,1) ,AXIY IX STOCK, '. ,,ir A' dooty 8tygptmot ; „ ,', 0116 dApbtv AND Nemo? gEgog i • 1 •,„..„,„„,,„ „„„„,,,,,,-,,,...,„,,,,, . • l'•,,'''''',„,..!...,.uti-uxi Uk":41N. _,,,.,,' ' ' ' L I -, j A4t-, , .i,, - l'' ' It '' A'1Pr"TOq-'A. •qoC, .1. Kn,9I'1'1.t70.A"t,t'1, 11 ' 1 • ALLEN' • LONA BALSItivi is Tim Ont,,k.i. 1\fonnitx Cliftt .,_.,. , ti a.PProvat. Any tea that is not satis- , fivotcyey to, ,t4e. purchaser,. it ay ORD ERB A R E PR OMP ICY FILLED. , , , , WittitkAlzt to broiLlt, tip tild trioot• 'iliE4'- egging Cont.tlsin iv Yew helm. ,,it, lipt,01, too l'engAbming, it Is WAnnsurtsn to'give entite, maistaction even is' the wait 'cessarrneci cas'es cotstimptiot I ' it.irwArwhipoottot,16.4VO'' ' ;:' '" _ANo . , ly • s ' - • l'' 0 *Ii'g tO Iiiiesq I have kesolved to igen o xty toek _at Cost Pnee..uutil.• dispoSe'd Ofk' . ' .61 . atide eostfveness(wl iIt it t)ie' pa,c;d tviqf 1110i3t rninediefqs 61' ttfrAct aid had. PA ikeesitaine' he °pit/mitt -any Tenn.,. It is Witinnurany, te' •he Petteday )16110105 i id tlia' h'fOst•OdidO,i'd mut ald. 11 ii a is An AdtaVO illitl pOlVortill, tO111Oci. ' r'10 kr ' - ' T • 1),)'4„b: ,,-‘4, fIi.tlddail.,orst:otso io1, t,i.O: y l,.,pd1,1, rootvooetn,rotlm Y.,iat '-cMweraohrslo'esy rinrettysaA• tkotlgelereinlln- e80 t.t.t1l.u0ytanbnA6ayty' tg 1 q , I 1.)6 to • ' - ,undeit.„' ,,,. c, tly,a,,ima . , . , 'Don't' ito16.3f. , tall . . , ,.., win ho,i 1% . te 'try ' r ., ..11' . ' tElt Tlit SPO,T4 • , W' b' 00r TC), ralAMR *W. Illtliltirt'' d6 vitstcoxts , ,,,, . ..- , , ,r, ' Jot tnittt Atom . • ofthottlud pi LtibitiiAnd LondOit Wctli Oft, 'Id Uttia6'" '• ' ' ' . ' . ' ..,' - :101114, 1:1ANVISEttSiyto.,e, Mttr , r Also' onband A lot of booteh ' ,.,-,, .4,„A,,.... , c. -, • - _ . , ., . . I) l ' -L., •. ....•....... .. . . .1 • • . .1' , ..., ., • Vl t , i•ni• .1it-?.411 :1l11t11,t11,v,,n,Stot t6'6rW,aO1 •,:•z rO.los8g, ,aM1bILl:*1),• t,„1ftq• , lT, eaftiAlltia. b1l1iiA, lei1itt6heAr I. Thatriaiititaid ilitilalakittliOOW the gdWdaMlitOtarettlitha POP, ' artfOeftfRor 'drote, Wireiti hi' ticifittedtvelling, Pride,:11400.- Apply to' • ior. at , ' ,* lilititAtif *Si 54;40....'..tc".,...st,' , t,A..,:,1..wk. c.ioa, tnVi &6P1, idA:,T.,'1,T 1to01it1,,tk,..v-uex. t:, i'n'o.o'r.t::OtV-'7 6y1M •:o ' 0110ittieradEs t,:;yt,,lf6.i•it, 'i 0 ,Dm's.iIlaltti„..tv,11S:1.61.,a'IeI6:lt''e,.,, ,:il.ne'tO-' 1 li'. i vAosnP1 . Al, 6-t: l rdfDlattorlo f1:too .it fit6Ap: i; , 2E1