HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-6-4, Page 2,teffo'
015 l'01.11.lf,11XU
Ivey Thursday .114:othing
p.PPQRATg P40/....$0.MR
voiz tm)40).1 PAY11.14 totals,' in allYsliCe.
Sok/SerlptielAiiskaii fpr less than six woriths,.
cue, 4 p unTarsc.
PIP/t illsertilo per llue.„ ..... , .. ..... ,.„„ ..... ...Se
1.4i111x subsoquent .. ..„ „2e
e.eyevese timits of strayed, cattle, 11014e11.310$1.'111,
toilet', 4,e., not OX(100111.1111 le!}1 41.1,wAth
1:00"t often, 5 tig ()quoit t mouth, 00 114.1itS,
1`;01.11. Ot Aribs, marriages awl ileatbS inserted
&avert ise ',routs without spepifie directions will
be luserteu till forbld, inl harlicd,1101%001141,
t.11011‘104S, tO 118 ietatemee Ile ses10 oi
rE4 ftLY ea;Rteeelettleeviee;
The rates will be cuerelet or '.yearl)
0xi3 veAU. 1/3,r,
'AO CO11111111 43C1) ' ......
Juirter 0 20 AS
11,'10.084oares, set Hues awl u/etoe, el; ae to toe
etos. see
11 he Civic,' gimes,
EXETER, JUNE 'elene 1874,
ill Oa It p tor oradmixem
One of the most useful institutimie
in our land is the Board ofEducation,
Not in itself alane as.a high geVerning,
newer has it become such, but from the
Nmount of gt cel scattered •throughout
the land by the branches of zthat gt:attt
L. .(1. nowieltly corporation, viz.: the
Board pf Extuniners. It is by their me -
divided labore twice a year that we reL
eeive caeh year our quotteof certificated
teachers, hence it is to theie laboes we
musteaccord in a grea
velem-atilt) ed-
eratioa. .Th a benoate
sh education :are ee
nown that it Weald be NV
er inta iliSenRSibn On that'peint,
We are jetly ware of the fact, and a
veW' inportaot one it, is, thet there are,
bliete'w men in thieeor any other cone-
ey,3ahose qualificationa ere such as to
alr4v them e peeititiii on tile eeambeing-
, ,
iboard of a county, and. to select from
itegee caudidates who present themselves
for ea renal ionl hose evi o are t) trein 41)
pur youth. Taking these things into
aonsidereeion and that of the three Qr.
fOT: 0t4ceSSal1t kalfl,041 is it not.
We and jnet thet this Board should:
receive ample apeoinpense instead of, as
is too often the ' case, the grumblings
laid threateeiiigs of disconten ted ani rai-;
successful candidates and their friends.
There are eoueties, net far dieter&
from this where these Boards receive
their peeper recognitioa. We think,
however, the wetter hap never been
before the " Assembled Wisdom'? of
this County, or they never would have
ellowed an examiner to sit in their ju-
eisdiction for the' small pitteece of $2
pee ;tayaethe Government allowance -e-,
they would: have suppiethented that
figura by.a hke amount. If there were
any honor in it, there might be some
to cry out that the stipend Was suffi-
cient when eccompanied by that empty
delusion. But it scarcely ever occurs
'that we find liorcir and labor. go heed
in hand. • -Would it not be wise in the
Comity Council to do eomething in the
matter while they are now in ses;ien ?
Two dollars .a day is scarcely bread and
water to 'a man who journeys quite; a:
distance to fill his engagements and
1(B 0110 dollar a day for his board. WE
do not moan to say that allowing 'these,
, genteel:0u an extranollar or two dol-.
'has a, day will cause them, to be more
zealous, for wedthialt tlesa gent:men
are men of honor, and If they undertake
a work, no meeter at whet price,,, it will
be welt.perforined. , But Why should
they -be tusked to coatiuue so 7 We hope
these retnerks will he taken in the
spirit ia which they ate gieea and that
they $411 receive chte atten'tiom,
"fates jee eiee 4 ores,
It is, we presnme,getierellety lehow1)
thRtt contraet .hae lecelai catered inta-
between the ,c4uverlinict eatt
Geri:eater whor'SAI,th
agree4.,:ater caTry passeng0i's anal
freight over'the Dawson ,'out, freins
T.Inuedep BaV4e Vert Garry',4t. $9,1111104
iteefl,;N't1,ont,t juuboou
siglied, bet elte retee have uot yet been
elesolutel,y freed, However, we annex
the rtet.Pe whieli•peovitiled.last year, Lend
arbielt emost likely, rule this. year,
T.citets eau be lied. at 'Toronto, Coiling
re:lament Prorogued.
The Erse seseion of the third Parlia-
ment of the Dominion of Canada lea
closed on Tuesday aft.ornoon, the: 20ili
trite with the usual prorogation apeeCh
of Hie Excellence the Governor Gene-
ral, and the usual formalities. The.
.followieg • 4 tho Speech from: the
Throne :
Honorable Cientlenien ill the Senate
Gentlemen lit de Bunke ty' Wantons :
.1. am glad that at a comparatively
early period of tho season .1 aw ableto
relieve you from further attendance in,
e I 'thank you for the devotion yoa
have showa the public intereete in the
ternest ;prosecution, of the Weeli'of the
I congratulate you ou having, paSsad
eut eloctioa lea adapted to the require.
; Meets of the respective Proeibces, eed 1
trust. that ,this law, with the amended
Act for the, te ial: of ;eontroverted
alone, will result jisecueieni forAlee,
leture pure and pc act:able elecAitMe'
he measure yuu have passed'
.eiding for the conetraction of the elm -
Olen Pacifia nail way will enable my
'teovereneeht to pewed as soon as prac-
ticable with sutetr portions of the work
as are necessary: tu' 1t .Uro COmintinica-
: tion with the Mt:el:Mr-and iiIi British
, Columbia, • •
I hope that the law for the eetablesha
lima of a militarcollege will be loande
to fulfil its desigiem securing a eless of
thoroughly' etlacitted ' (Acura fer .the
.2niiitary servia.
I trust that the other measures :yett
lave adoptect euell unanimity will like -
'wise peeve beneficial tet the cottutry.
• ciAntlemen of the House if ()ominous
thank you foe the teadineeS With
• which yeti Ilittee, mettle provieion for an
aatieipeted deficieney, end granted the
burplies for the public seleii0.e.
fienoraide Gent/et/tea of the Senate :
Oen denten qt the House of Commons:,
I tease that: the mortetire I have
eetteed te'ne taken tor the preservation
Thei'pettee in the Nottlawest teeth:n.-
40.4%, i,lbo Lk:cede:Alin preventli g hoi i
of lawlessnees sa Medi to be feared in
these Vastly 1.111Settl64ugion8, and in
with the,
CIEL, .„
Tho negotiatione iti proorese relatiate'
e •
to the compensation clue to. Canada
under the Treaty of Washington Will, /
wipe, tea= our jut expectations.,
We have reason te rejoice that with.»
rd bier bpeclets are peace and peosreeity,
l'epray/that the ("Otte try May ,eon-
tinuetisly cutjey these invaltlable bleae-
wood, or Thud ee Bay :—
eonietenettesaas,-e-itheaotat Bey Te voter
dolts, • willa 2001be, Bag,gage... $10 00
Clalaren meter 14 years, 1001be
Thi,g1lAge; „ 00
etuder Years., . Tree.
Freight, not includinglIonseliold
Furnit uee or Machinery, per
1001bs • $2 00
buheleeld l'efititere (at owner
risk) eel, 10,01bs . . . . „..„ 8 00
Afaclehters, Spent1 ream.
lierees, Cattle Sheep•,
etc special rates
No ayrangements have yet been made
with ,steataere: trom Collingwood to
Thaader Bay. Last year the .charge,s
were.: , • ,
Termite to Thender -Bay 00
Golliugwood to!Ilatecler 4 00
; ..Ctreeinernear, of Marquette,
lies. ;been appointed Stipeudary Magis-
, t ate of the. North-west Territory,
Wesetatt hardware neerchants have
agreed to ca-opeeate with Mouteeal
dealere atul abandon the System at pre -
tient in.aeihng, goods at an advance ou
the eterling. An agreement is being
prepareA for signature; to come into 8f: -
wet on the let of next july.
Vet.), ibiai011, YOU may.
tile ringeklilnese and paitom VielteIlneee
of eateMtericauneighbora Jett in some
ettes'AliOy pot to:Wish tp feeble at-
.tempt0".4ettejustiiUr'iletde by Canadian
,n-lagOktio$, T1 Cpunty 'Penanission-
ors in'South , Qttrolina ltar:ve been sent
to „penitentiary for 4 bretteli of public
truSt. 'Three peorlee4y derartesy cell-
ed gentlemen-seniathe'away'Witha Prie'
vete letter in Montreal and pethlithed
its Conteete to the seorld, and hot only
gloried in thei . shame but wore rower&
ed by the,ele vernment in whosebehalf
they attetal. Oile of them—Peiniy----
wee made 0 Setattor ; ainithee—Yeang
--a Float Ittseeetor ; while tile third --
Mr. Dorioneie even now lioldiog out hie
hands for his, appointment 858 Miaietar
of justice, " Look upon this pieture
and then tire that," aud then go away
air to icane seatladed dell arid, tveep ,at,
the .thought that ear country is eapillt)'
goleg to the dogs,
Erneteei 5 paper in the east town-
, Tire 'Pelea flade it*neCeisetty to
take aettinible off ;to 'British Columbia
no,w.that the eessioa is oeer mai he has
nothing to.de.„,kie is. gomgo ell the
, people...4,one hie,Pacifieltailw a,y seheme
awl eepletio ethos . "magnificent
stretches" of hise If heever gets 'hack
to Canaria without being scalped by
some discontented leoltanabittee we shall
.be sadly (itsatPointed.
, Now we teuOw 0,4 abtaitt it. Awl:Ten
Mr. Browue so t he Ste Catlierineeefee):-
.9ta/ infornie us, receiees 50, sterling
per day from the Imperial, and $15
day and expenses, from' the Canadian
Government for transactingethat little
business Of ours at Washington.' We
neove that the Senate be abolished and
Mr. Brow's trunk forwarded to the
Ameiicare capital, so as to give theman
a chance to turnanhrwest penny. He
will never have another 'thence like
that if be lives to be as old as Methuen -
a is reported that Great Brits,ie has
really accepted the offer of the Fiji Is-
lauders, and that is proposed .o send
out there, as Governor!, no.lpss a per-
semage thau Captam Glover, of Ashen -
tee fame.- Now, how is this'? Are our
bright dreams of getting aid of George
Brown; never to be realized. • Aee Gov-
ernors tole sent to colonies all over tha
face oldie earth andCanada's dictator
left yearning for more beings to •bully.
And then what a beautiful broil he
would make f r famishing Fijis. What
the world eau Disraeli be.thiuking ?
We must drop hiin a note. ,
TILE DISPHiATIO,st appointed Rt' the
meetingof' tea importers to proceed to,
Ottawa and urge upon Oa Government:
the necessity vf reampeeing, the ten
per cent. duties on tea § imported 'from
the 'United States, left Montreal, on the
28th nit , aud in anawer to their des-
patch stating that they intended to
e ail upon the Premier at Ms convene-.
etuto were ieforrned that it would he
.usii:osF, as the, la* cotill not he alte,red.
It is. stated that the travellers of
,eauliouses are already' Booed: igthe ,coun-
try for eiders. . •
tie' editor ef the Kincardine Review
isevriting hise1f dowa an ase. just
lefty any sane man being ,. asked
to . believe that - be keeps a
Whole' " fuactionery" in les o.ffice..
Now, really that is mei'a titan-ham:el
. . „
nature eau stand ; and he liaait Lill to
Ininself„ , Worse awl wore. Cieneate
the man let hot bisewhileneantl super-
abundant efforts lenge'. ,continue to
embattles, his feetireg andthat of his
readers. Geit short his. every siebeer.
fuge while now, teeein the prinee.ot liFee
he lon.his, eareetletro lead and intei#1t
spirit tp, res,t in the doevey• hose ei,of,
indi,gniAed existence. • Olielet poi his
.transeenclAttal -attte so illuminete, tbe
path, of virtuous and inctelest select -lb -
'arse •• Cremate him f . -t-e.
him t. ;2„cipii.A both, r the leng-
e e hI rernains.cin this meth, the more
he'll be cremated wheli he j eurneya to
that bourne:i.vhere:the weeping and the
sighing,' weep amt. sigh the more.. Now,
dou't try to make us vexed again; for
,we don't vex worth a cent.
Tim Cote ere of the Doimuion Rifle As-
sociation hag decided upon the follow-
ing as comprising the Wimbleton team
for 1874, -Caprain, and Adjutant Ar-
notd, 74thIlattalibe, New Bitinewiek ;
ceeelor-Sergeetit Willie, 47th Battelio
briterto ,• Private *omen. Sode Batted.;
iiniAirebec Captain E. Chi:tech, (ma-
ke leardilielleha Battelle, Nova. Seotia;.
1'. ivate biliher,r19th Battalion, Qn-
tarle.; MajOr Giboi, 13ele'Vettalioo,
Ont..; Coeperal Battelioe,
Nova Sootiret .Lienteeent*Metabbleh,
Coburg Qaarison'Artilleii 0,4"itlein J.
P. Macpbertort,' Governer-Ceetleati's;
Foot Guards, ; . Captain j': kla-
soe, 18th'Bettalion, 046 e'Privath
lkfitelieller8th Battalion., Ont. Coloe-
.Sergeent, °mend, 13th Battalion; Ont,;
'Nivette Point, 181 Battalion' Ont, j
Corperal Pallan, Garrison irtillerY,
New Paatitewielc e'Serateaat
GoVertior General'a Feet Guards, Ont,;
Captain Thomas 4th Battalion, •Qtte.
bee ; Lieutenant Whitman, 60th l3at-
1811011, Qtieboej Eesiga Woffetnlen, let
Cetriattny Rifle 'Volunteeta, 13ritih Col-
umbia ; 13attery gergeant-Afejor Wynne,'
Garrison, Quebec ; Oise b01fl0 heR net
as ytt been reteive0j frorn lqatitota,
Analysis—Onta,rio-, -16 denypetitors
Quebec; 4; New trunswielt,2i Nova
Scotia, 2..t. Manitoba, 1 t• British
umbir.5 t. te,tit1'20 cogipaiters:
mitte from 101360 x05not hetet 80.
leeted, 'The melee of .M.Oritin tilo
sdoteti is being Made Vp,'tit. w11 h'e
published hi'rt., feW day/4
4Iwr41S VP.
Friday, May 4Q1.-
i-f,',Fkletning83. t$Paill cannot' be
110444y, :444.44-1 Ceneltoi 4114 is
i4e,itpaeiated by dysentery,
'''POrt Rope Ime an amateur drantitie
etuVaad lU the young' folks ha,..the
thetadeee, are save strattlt,
liodo lad narikeil,ToplynI,
was lii115d •Yallaoatill by S'e4t 4401
passing over hire. '
'Fleuteis TiTenny w1u1 reOlang
horse got a feartni bite, whieh will lay
him ay. ior some timee
Air ongieeer was struck ,on tho heed
it Des joachims, Q„ by the engine.
erank,, severing his head from hie h,dy.
Dr. 1110111,anns was buried at Now-.
ships certetialy has it disadvantages.
Here the Maritime:1 FC0110MiS1 man I MS
11R11 his office besieged by poultry-fanci-
eesaand owners of bigelaanoriag
for deadhead notices Xthe abi,ormal
productions of their lieneriea. Mr.
Marshall teipp 3l1 ill One uorning With
a four ounce egg, and was follewed by
by ,Mr. McDonald with 11 roand dozen,
six of Which weighed a patina: and 'fplie.
minces. Some other domestic fowlers
hearg ),y11,1,1b wt o.ing on, and. waltz-
ed roiled with big sized hen.frnitk,' and
in 4 few clsys tho. editor's table WRS cos'
erPil over with eggs on'the
eggs with a equare Shell, and eggs with-
oot any shell at ad, With the chnekle
of embeyo,rooetere and the eacklieg et
coming 'hens resounded through ,the
sanctum. This waS ell right, but then
seyetal faenters, droVe in from the coun-
,trywith hea-coope and emptied their
oceurants out on the editor's floor, it
• Was time for IiiM to protest, espeeially
RS One f Ullegroiv re old Shan gh ai, was pee-
. a lug th "set " aiu. the editer's' pate.
The Merl:ham journalist' is pew 'said te
be the Mast ogg-otistic Maa ia the
fresh:less ! 0' .
doCieiim of eensideritble importance
respecting- the •disposal ofliquor after
legal limiks was given, Oa Friday last,
in 0teneve, by:Polfee.0.1.agistrate O'Gara.
He elm& before Win a liquor 'case, the
offenceconsisting in'•.a.gteeer Wing
allowed :a half a, damn bottles of beer
t ' be removed 'fronahis, shop a#er 7
o'clock- -on • $t.ttirdetytielit. • T4
elite proved TOSitiyely that . beer,
lied 'been boughi-aud paid. for clueing
the early part of the afternoon, but the
purebaseedid not cell for it Until after
seven in the evening. ; the gent, there -
fere, if any, lay in 'fatale that he allowed.
liquoe to t,e removed -from, his shop,
after the h,eter of 7: O'clock. . His Wor-
ship explained that the object of
law 18 to provide stringently against
the dieposal in any way cf lapel: after
the hour me-Mimi-ea:in the by-law.
dismissed the case. -
Post:near er General's .11epor t for
We hav,e just received the Postueaster
General Report for the year ending June
60, 1873, which is of, is very voluminous
character, their being no less than 424
rages or it, and contains a large amount
ofinformation, a, synopsis of that whie)i
will he of most interest here we eull
from it. There are 4,518 post- offices
in the Dominion, with 2,1,88 nnti1 con-
tractors; 208 clerks .and letter carriers
in the city post offiees ; 7 ocean mail
clerks: 187 railway mail' 'clerks ; 10
post office iuspeetors, 24 elerks in the
inspector's offices; 2 keel superintend -
en t§ ofthoney orders, tec., by which it
will be seen that the 'kat aide 'estab-
lishment is no small institution, , end
Chat it requites no email amount of
Wisdom to.cenduct it With prudence,
eernioney and the due performance of its,
_ . — a-
ft-Mph:Ms, • "
O 'There were nearly 2,000,000 ' pestele
cards used, With over 80;0tm00/
settlers Itoni + to 111 dents each': we'Dver
$2,000,000 were deposited in thasesav•
ing departnieet. The total, ileepipt's
for Ontario' ware about5'.'$700,000.
The fallowing table gives the, total
'amoupt received -at thodifferent offices.
inthis andit ye° and the 'salmi& received
by the postrea'steee. • ' •
P„ovenue. Salary,
Auburn, '44,; '214 82
Bahtlen, 10 10.
50'2 224
64 , 24 •
Bluteeide, 283 96
Blyth, .882 " 114
BrucefielelL. .222 78
851 310
13uslifield 12 10
Clinton, 2436 • 676
Constance, • 141 48
14411,12:eon, • ' • 278 74 '
' , 02
Exeter,7/3 278,'
. GOde*riche
Hill's Green,
La,kelet, ,
11"g!q(19O -
Londesboee ,
O Nile,
pt,l5f.i 1587
O '283
•• 1;1 28
212 74
-86 '14
114 44
64 16
189 • 66
813 * 252
75 82
19 22
Rodgeryitle, 223 .81
St. 11,elenS; 168 51
Seafortli, ' 2925 714
Varna, .. 17,2
Waltoue , '211 , 70 .
WeStfiell, 46 20
O -Winghttin,Q0,, 27,8
Wroxeter,. 57'7 224 '
Zetland, .
Z meth, '257 98 :
The amount reeeived eintutilly. for
O carrying the =tile betWeiee Clinten atiel
O 1.ntialon, was $1;139.; Clinton and Per.
;tees Hill, $1 Chilton and ;A/Ingham,
.$147. The business 111 reooey :adore
oa Canadiiut aceotint ia tl e eottely of
..1.10tbdis'll'ut smelt, there being only
ISSUO(L kt51n the Clinton office,
O oiliountingte alitIlo os' ; Exctcr,
.7, $514 ;Seafort,11, none, Tbroughotit
Ontaeirt and Quebec; the :tending of
money by post office orders appears to
be little peactised, for the total mitnime
issued is Only 408 for Canada., .
But the system 111 uSed lifigely to send
money to the 'Wined Kingdom, which
is' Lam 110 cluubt 16 a88i14f; friebaS iri
eomieg to this (*nary. The f011oeying
;s the nunlber of orders and tidtiounts
Bayileld, 19, ;$174 tI4luovxl,$84;
:DIA; 5, $140; Biessels, '2'4*- $428;
'Cantina 132, $2,72$ ; Dangaiinola
024 Egmoithille, 3,- $58 ; Eter, 74;
$1,822; Godeeich, 180, $2429;
pen, 5, $158; RodgerVille; 11, $350 ;
Seaforth, 109, $2,:247Wiixghsurf' 20,
$2.15, and •Z urie1i Zifti$.,--.---Xcee
market yesterday by the Maeonie lea,
terniky. The funeral was an 'Deposing
Aelad named Burns was fooling with
a lodaed gen in Hanithon, when it ;went
off, sooting e hole thratten his left
Governor Beater sap he is goeng to
make Arkansas no of the most o149rly
States in the Union, Hohas a Ifigejob
on hand..
yonth named Sepia in Lindsay,
was ertiehed te dee& by a piano falling
011 hitn., He was baleen, to tabe it to
elee Tow& ledl.
The body.of a stableinan peened Nip
ehael Mitchell was, dound floating in a,
Mill -pont" in ThaPid. He disappeared
on the 18th inst.
Henri Rochefort has aretved.in (J4i-
aago from California. He derails a thr-
loilbieler,isntoNryoovfohaiise(sitolffnie:; .i.ngs while a pris-
Horatio' Beirester ran amuck at a
Montreal hotel and Stabbed a Man
uamed John MoMalion with a pea-kuife
He will be jailed for six months,
: By the bursting of a toy Pennon in
Catherines a boy will lose one eye:,
In futurehe will have a .single eye to
taking care of himself.
A. Moeti-eal cab driver and hie corn-
panion 'anti -aged and robbed an Ameri-
can lady the other night, whom they
At three o'cloek, on Friday afternoon
1 tst, a fire was discovered in a stable in
the rear of „Mee, Joseph If erpers
•I'ehous'et The fire eves Oineautileat-
ed to 0 new frame building, jut ready
foe plaeteeing,t, mid withiu hell au hoar
both were burned to the &Nowt' The
fife was cauSed by 4 little boysoven
years old, playing with metches aud
lighting arnall fires about the Stehle.
Lobs, j,000; no tasurauee.
A (Mel was fought on Metaior Ridge,
Now OrlklallS,, On Ole '.9t11 1t., hetween
Iwo Creoles, Guillette ead Pezeres.
Weapoes, pistols; dietenee, 10 pitee5;
fire at will Lunt kidrunee. Guillotte fired
it the word of eommand, shooting Poe-
(3ros through the side, near the eide
of the heart.
Mr. Fowler), Managing Direetor and
Mr, Dumble„ Chief Eugineer, have boon
for Salle days examining the coeutry
between Uxbridge and Newmarket, and
vee; on l‘feeclay last locating the lino
through NeWmarket, and staking oet
the etation grounds, for the U. & Q. R.
A by-law was Passed laet Afondtty fur
that viilage to grant a bonus of $83,-
000 ; aleo et by-law WaS submitted by
the County Cetatcil this Week for o.
county' bonue of $175,000, toed a bonus
of $150,000 from the Comity of On-
tario will be submitted by the Ontario
Comity CoenciL
Brandisi, the tenor. who is known in
several cities of the Dominion, has get
Lute trouble it tho other side of the
lines. He hes been arrested in Detroit,
charged with smuggling two 'suits of
clothec,./ 'ft
The Rev: Ames Roy, M.A., who is
about to retire from tem head master-
ship of the C000urg Collegiate Insti-
tute, a position which he has held for
five years throngh all drawbacks, was
last night presented with it set of silver
worth $150, by his sebolareand friends.
Ile being tho President of the Adelphi.
Literary Society, was'also the recipient
of e valuable album from the members
ef the Society;
undertook to drive to a• private 13 01.1Se:
AMES Smith was tightening a belt
in Seabees salt:Mill, Port Perry, when
lia ' Was Caught Lcr 'libeled over itL,
breaking his skull.. He died shoed)
afterwards. 0000
A number Of Central Prison offitials
from Togonto are scouring the country
collet:4g prisoners under sentence
whose .torms are to be put in at, the
prison here;
About forty teams,, with drivers, liaT,e
arrived from Albany, New Y3rk State,
to work on the \Veil:1,nd Canal. Cana-
dian teams would not suit the Ctovern-
ment. 0 ;
Two plantois not far from Maniples
bad a shooting match, themselves tar-
gets'. One gOt five shots and seem' it
till he got mother one near the heart,
killing him. He is the fourth brother
killed in eonahats with neighbors.
The Rev. G. R. Cail, of the, Presby-
terian church,. St. John, N. B. was the
recipient of a $1,000 in cash and sev-
eral addresses, on the eve of his depart-
ure for England. We would go to
England for less thaneeleat_ and throw
ehe eddiesses
The number of ej,gnatures .attached
to petitions presented, to Parliament
during the late session praying for the
enactment of a prohibitory liquor lew
was as follows:' Ontario, 04,881;
*Quebec, 12,505 ;New Brunet -Vick, 83,-
586; N-va 'Scotia, 18,439; Petite) Ed-
ward. Island, 3,340 ; British Columbia,
408 ; or in all, a total Dumber of petals-,
(mere ih the Dominion of 127,817. ,
Saturday, May 28.
The Provincia/ Sunday School Con-
vention is to be invited to meet in
Brantford next October.
O The .United States public debt state-
ment for May will show a deciAse of
about four manes.
,- The Roman Catholic pilgrims from
Ainerica have arriVed at Paris and re-
ceived -the blessings of the Archbishop.
O The sale of an obnoxious newspaper
has teen prohibited in Paris. It is a
great pity the Globs is not published in
, •
Schmidt, Who is sentenced to be
hanged on the 26th prox., receteed sa-
crament from the Archbishop in Que-
bec jail yesterday. 0
O President &rant has issued a procla-
mation extending to Newfoundland the
executiou of the fishery cleasee of the
Treaty of Washington. °O . -
A. 'convention of sportsmen will be
held in Oswego, in the second week in
Jxzne Seveeal thousand' pigeons have
already betDi shipped there.
Geo.,Loyel formerly hotel -keeper at
Port Stanley,. was -foiend dead' on the
G. IlailWay track at London yester-
day. ' Shicidwis sitSpeeted.
The 0 'United States ' Quakers have
adopteel resolntione reeommending 01-
biitraiioi1t 3, 46veii0iment 48 4 4164n8
of preienting ,war. Thai Settles it.
Two boys had a f4g14 oyer a b,ase hall
match in Clarke Comity; Ga., 'when
one struck the Other on the head eeith
the bat, killing 14m instantly,.
O The house and stable ad:finning the
engine hbase of the Port Whitby and
Poet Perry Railway Ceinyany, wore
burned 'down yesterday. Fire crackersO ,
Business men of Montreal, respect-
ing an English stock company', intend
to manafaeture rubber goods, employ-
,ing 300 hands, pot sibly at Coaticook.
Rev. tItt8. Roy, late headinaster of
the CobourgCollegiate Institute, was
presented with a set of silver, by his
and friends upon retiring from
his position, • •
A Meatreal man bee been etted for.
$10,000 dettnaaee for eircelating 11peti,
tien and makieg false represen tatienO a
against a groger, to preveet him ftom
getting a, heenee,
earload of 200 cattle shipped on
the Grime( Trunk Rai1e-1y to Montreal
were nearly Alai/ea to death, raid the
centrally had to pay, for sixty of them
Which- succumbed.
It is reported that the lion. Mr. Del -
ion *IS goitig te England for the sake of
his health, and that daring ine stay in
Loedou he and the non. Mr. Cart-
wright Will endeavor to obtain from the
Imperial Govertimant on amnesty for
Ittol Ab -Ail all 091140:304 in the NOrth,
VVOSt 1relible8.
VoX livev,--A fox bunt Or 1ittlI0V
1A 13131331113;',took, Place 111 the suburbs
tiN, village WO ;$9440,y; ,,etaening,
Mr, Rebicson ,entered his fox,- heund
ToWeee" Air, Kethlio enteredliie Lox
heand 1ap 13-44" and Mr, „Stewart
e I10/0(14/8 Steg hound ".,Peveeil of the
Peak", Re,ynard was id out 013,
41-1(1' inilY A119)Ye). Iwoxity yards .start.
VeSril'."•seen left the' ,Other
1113(1 !tad eaptered the unfartanatO fOs.
aftee lie had emdeetwo doubles.
41, 4r. 4-4 m
UE, NEAR,LY $80 00(1.,00
O Below will be found a synopsis of the
buildiag operetions in Exeter, for the
present year.. Although we present
.his list we do not wish q,nr readers to
think it complete, as there are a nun'
ber of our villagers who conteMplate
building, but are not, as yet, in a posi-
tion to give particulars. Amongst
the buildings mentioned , below are
some which are already completed,
w141e °the, s aro in a fair way to that
end and the material on the ground
for others. ,There may be villages
Whi011,0 can show a larger umnber of new
beilding,e, but, we meeh doubt, if there
ere maey towas" having the pule
ametnet 9f,.money .expended in their
undst. The buildings being erected
here are chiefly white brick, 11 and
two stories high, built in rnodernb style,
and preseet a very pretty appearance.
BelowAs the
Chas. Eacrett, 1/ storey brick dwell -
Mg, 38x26, probable cost, $1,000.
W. Baweleit, 1/ -storey dwelling,
frame; E. Drew, builder; proleable
cost,- $400.
W. Howard, brick dwelling. house ;
Gothic style, 39x23 • W. Howard brick
work; E. Drew wood -work; proleable
cost, $1,500—a Rue looking Belling.
School -house, brick ; T. Bisset
brick-work; Jno. Ross, wood -work ;•
probable cost, $9,000. This is calcu-
lated te be the finest building in the
county, and reflects great credit on the
W. Fatison, 2 storey brick cottage ;
j. Howard, Inick-work t 3. Ross, wobd-
work ; probably cost, 1,800.
W. Hodgson 1e storey brick dwelling
finished this spring; J. Ross, contrac-
tor probable cost, $1,500,
lino. Ross, Et beautiful,. magnificent
and comfortable brick resilience, 48x28;
probable cest, $2,500. It is an origi-
nal ;model, and, only requires to ,be
seen to be fully and deservedly eau -em-
itted. Mr. Ross has shown his excel-
loutta.ste it's,design. Finished this
jno. Mortimer, 1 st,orey cottage,
frame j..2probable, cost, $600; J. Boss,
Geo. Hodgins, 1 storey frame dwell-,
ing house; probable cost, $506. Ross,
R. Crocker, 1 storey ft ano dwelling
house; probable coet, $300; J. Roes,
Geo. Balsdon, 1 storey frame dwell-
ing house, 22483, brick. cellar ; proba-
ble cost, $700.
W. I -I. Verity, 2 storey brick iEvell-
iug houee, after the style of Mr. Ross'
but htegee„ TiitE willb be built upon
thd prettiest siee in the 'village,. and
commands an exteuded 'view of the
country around. ' Probable cost, $3,-
000. 0 Bissett, brick -work; 'Roes, Wood
Jas. Partisan, 1+ brick dwelling house,
24x32; 'probable cest,, 1,40Q;$Jno.
San ere, brick -work k 'W. Deanne,
wOod-work. •
W. Pdmworthy, 1 storey frame
inghOtLse, 13x84; probable cost,1250
pi. Sanders, builder.
John Sanders, 11 storey brick•dwell:
ing house; probable cost, $1,500 ; J.
Sanders, brick -work t $anders,
a 1.1. eagnificent 8 storey
brick hotel, Mansard roof, This hotel
ta Well Situated, and will be open ley the
1st of July. It is bent with till mode=
improvements. Probable cost, $6.00 ;
Jim. • Sanders, brick -work; WeWelsh,
wood -wk.
fl. 11 storey brick dwell-
ing house, 3.0x28 ; probable east, $1,-.
200 ; J. Howard, brick -work ; W.
Welsh, wood -work.
Mr. W. Sanders, an excellent,roomy,
and comfortable storey - and - a -half
orick dwelling -house.; Finished this
spring, aud cost about a thousand dol-
lars. ;
A. Lewis, 11 storey brick dwelling
house; probable cost, $1,800; Jilt).
Sanders, brick -work; Jno Ross, wood-
work. ,
T. Bissett, 1+ storey frame dwelling
J. Harris, 1+ storey frame dwelling
house; probable cost, $000.
O R, Biesett, dwelling house.
Jas. Pickard, addition to dwelling
house, $400 ; 2 stores, 3 storeys high ;
prooable cost, $11,000.
Mr. Kitchen, dwelling house.
O en Max" or TIAF--SCAlmun Aril1AROX2dEllas.
Gomm EAgr. 1.47; 12.15
A. M.
orXti Wr.sr 4.45; 1.13; 5.10.
• Lucan, May 25, 1874.
S. S. _Armitage would inform the travel-
ling public that his stages ailord eery accom-
modation. They leave Ltican at 3 p.m., ar-
riving 111 London in time for trains east and
Wast; loave London, at 8 a. in., arrivinginLn
main time to catch stages and trains.
3041. S. 8. ARMITAGE.
?It tiritittg..
Hellebore for currant bushes, and
potato -bug destroyer, for sale ,at Van-
dusen'eD7rug Store. '
, COURECTION.—It was the sou of Mr.
Jno. Balkwill who narrowly escaped
drowning,' not the son of 4r. McLea-
naneas stated last week.
SHEEP SHEARING.—Our farmers cora-
menced the latter part of lest week to
sheer their sheep, and by the end of
this week thee labor will be over.
Buy McDougall'a Sheep Dip; at
Vanduseeese .
Dn. Rese..--e-We would 'suggest to our
our readerrathat they refei. to Dr.Rose'e
•advertigemett, which will be seen in
another coltime.
Mitexees.—Wool. in this. and : sur-
' rounding, Markets cOmmanda from BO
to 87 cents per remind. Butter .from.
15 to 16. colts; ,
.4 choice lot of perfumery and Toile
Articles, at Vanduseirs.
' Wooie—kst the wool season is just
•tipon us, we Would recoMmend farme4
;to thoroughly,' cleanso,. their sock be-
fore lerineiug it to market. Nothing se
well repays a little extra labor. There
is eveaty, indication of a larger clip than
usual in this neigitheelmod, andjedgice
front , the . recent :beau salea in three,
S. markets, good priceta will be realized.
All the populat meddainee Of the day
at- Van d !eon's •
A Weitarea.--A. rather strange ° but'
fatal accident occurred to ,an excellent
. .
mem betovging :to Mr. John .Sanders,
one day last week.' Itappears that:
Sanders put the mare in a yasture
field where hia cow was geeing. Rae.
the day, the &ow, gored thehiare, -letting
eut her entrails.. This should be it
evarallig against putting horses in the
8aMc field with horned 'cattle. .
krescription s an(1 Recipes'
and gniekly dispensed at. Va,nansen's
eWeoree-The Highest ::Markee Price,
will be paid in Cash for Wool at e
James Preeene's,
tf Dieter.
. (From our own Correspondent.)
, All orders IOft at Bosworth's Drue and
Bookstore (next door to 111eLean's Hotel),
for Printing,. Advertising, Snbscription,
etc.,!will receive prompt attention. Liman
subscribers will Minter° receive the TIMES
at the ebotc-named Store.
Cittemee.—A meeting for the pur-
pose of organiziug, it cricket club' was
held at the Ceutral Hotel on Thursday
evening,May 28t12, when it Was Moved
by Me. MeCosh seconded by 1111. Me.
Diarmid, That Mr. H. Macklin act as
ehairmeln and W. J. Sinclair act as sec-
retary; It was then moved by 11.fr, D.
NIcCosh scconded by Mr. G. Shoebottt
Alin that a committee coneietieg of Ms -
'135. lIeDiesiend;, liateines Leage &
Macklin° wait on the officials of the base
bail club, to inalte arrangements for
sharing their practice ground.--Carriad.
Moved by Me, McCosla, seconded by
MeDierraid Thai Mr; KeOdie be
president of the Lucen cricket club.—
Carried, Moved by D. MeCost seeond.
ed by Me. MoDietrinit1 That Mr. H.
'Macklin be
Moved by Mk 0,r. gliliel)gittoill,,
set:elided by Me. Taylor, That Mk:
J. Sinclair act as treasurer. Moved
by Mr. MCDitteiniel, secendeel by Mr.
That istr, Wm. Quigley, act
88 CaptaieTlio ineetiag: then ap.
pointed Messrs Pate, Watt teed Me -
Cosh to eict'with the oither offleers as
50 eXeCtiti,V0 cotninittee, The fee' for
membership was then fixed rtt, ems dol.
lee, It is expected that titer chth will
to a strong one and after 0 little pritc-
Ace Will e irt a position to ace( -pt
challenges from any alter neighboring
crielmt &lab, ,
Ream:ea.—J. Room Kay, eloeutioniet,
g AN 0, Readiego in the brick school loose
ittet Friday evening, The selee,tions
were good and welt rendered bytt the
not RS
..olis. a
Tilo Exeter B0141011 Of nelsons Ban
Yorlc, T,J„S„ N,13., and all the
and Ouebec..
O 1\11148 4(14431'0e8 on Produeo•
3rist ells • Sterling Exellallg,
1)isecatii. s Notes.,
A Savings Biknk Department has been
Branch 111.elsons Bank.
US110 RAM.
ArimreasAny.---The anniversary of
Eden B,C. Sabbath Sehool took place
011 beiday, the 29111 nit. The day Was
clear and Warm. Notwithstanding
tile intellect heat a large crowd of pee -
assembled at the eliurch, and over two,
hundred people 'participated in the fes-
tivities of the day. A number of the
elill4en Of :he sehool took their,posit
tiori on the 'platform, and 1111e36Sted
O the ainlien 00 With dialogueeand reei,
tatione, which wore perfOrMed to the
, satisfaction Le all peeseitt. Rev,. Mr.
W4,41,601; befed a's. Chairman, Revs,
tdiylttds, oal1 anc.1
Boer &livered addresses:fp itio 8911601,
Tho proecedings were interspersed witn
mune, 1.,eleeted for tho occasion t Miss
iialy Poplestone presiding at the in,
strainent. Aftee the Benedictioe Was
pronounedd by the Chairman the crowd
repaired to the shod, where tables Welt
set, Which literadY groaned the
oad,of delieectee prepared by the good
folks et the neighborhood', 'After all
had fared sumptuously of the rieh 50.
past, the crowd dispersed, riteeeeS'
of the dety 443.00,-e-Coet,
11 issees Drafts en Loudon, 14g-, Now`
principal cities 40a tows jI Qatterto,
Now Yor11 Ezehange, areenbaeka, kat
evened in eounection, Iva the Exacta'
.,:DET)0 $1'12$
111)w:trete received. ,
from one Dollar ($1)
1)01Mb1.9.oi priliwtid icith ,Piterest.
Exeter, 11,Iay 7., 1874,
Teem eur ewe ottereeemeamte
rP.d4; --J411tea'vfiAl°
ltc1 ogrf eS
lt rtier
0110 013011 OK the premier and the Hoe.
E. Blake. After exiiaueting himself
and his language in his affoete, to effect
a sale, a benighted tory asketl hine to
put up it picture of Sir John A. Mac-
donald. It was bile, and the picture
readily found a sale --the dealer MCA
throwing the other two -wor-
thies into the bargain. It was thought
.by some that the admirers) of Blake and
iviaekenzie were afraid to take them
home, . for fear, their better halves
might mutilate and destroy them, on,
gaceenotuienntienofhatlaieoimphioisoexdioouns t hd uix f tahveosre..
ite beverage, tea.
OUR SUROrfaretirGs
an :1 foreign consuls in full uniform.
`His Excellency arrived penctually ett:
three pan., attended by the Guards, as,
,the brazee-throeted carmen, ,belchedi,
1, stl e)hichere ovtaisi ewcii%ltyr
O cborme.en,iarks 84
firm -and audible voice.
O See how easy it is to report ehesa
all, tli -
Without knowing what actually
transpiredhis dt(tilkkallPeP,, asit is set
. ' ,
It ought to have, it4 the blame
s' re°epoeVrrtilerkt. wehnot'fai49
fully furniehos the stereotyped and eon -
relational phyases, appropriate to such
O ot(3tszone.
Previous to the prorogation 9f ,Inz
10.11 correspoaenee whihhacpaes
uel Briggs, 1): B.., eespeeting the , Reci-
procity Treaty..- or the means being
taken "to precere the ett11.10, ale° for ell
correspondence whic.,h.bad'passed; was'
then passing the might hereafter pass,
between elee said Hon, 0.eorge Brown
or the said Jimuel 13rigge.„, De B., and
any other person or persons respacting
the seid Treaty, oe: eery ot.her Treety or
in anywisehavbag any conuggtion there,
with or relation thereto.
The Opposition are not so demoral-
ized as people think. Their leadeee,
display great eceolution. That was a,
great resolution,
In accordance therewith I have for-
warded to the Government it copy of,
George Brown's letter to me on the Re-
ciprocity question, and also, the follow,
ing which I sentient in reply eta
"Toronto May 23rd.
"Dear Brown,
Your esteem favor duly, to. hand. I
was truly glad to learn that your pros-
pects of securing the Treaty for whicli.
we are languishing, are so good. Un-
doubtedly the thing this country yenta
is a treaty, which would enable us to.
send our surplus iniports to the sea,
board via the Huron and Ontra•io Ship
Canal, and wieely discriminate against
native industry by developing the triaie-.
shipMent system and thus dimineshing
the volume of foreign tariffs with 'which
tire market is overstocked. 1 don't
imow eel. have got thes jug righe, but,
I am firitrdy of the opinion that a good,
:Reciprocity Treaty is a priceless vide.
mecum, as it were. I negegiated one,
the, other day. A. mutual and -telironie
catty friend of ours met me awl-- asked
me to set 'em up. I said I weuld pro,
aided he would reciproanete. That was
a Baeiprocitv Treat -eh ? but he eucher-
ed 111e-Lic took ten cent drinks. I
thought I had fixedeethe arrangement
on an equitable basis bTit be beat me on
31 ininor point; of 4ti111 which I had
overlooked. Do not consider this little
hicidene.irrelevapt George. kt embod-
ies a moral for ;your guidanee., hell
you firmdly conclude that Treaty don't
aeerlook what may oppear to be minor
detailOr the Yankees' Will gr,et ahea(1 of
us as that ettrdine did of me. e •
Mackenzie bas commissioned me to,
for. Presiden t Grant.
look put a suitable:
fer With
t ciu jgeiefte
1(1 view I attended the Carleton 'rates
to -day, but hitherto' halve not succeeded,
in securing en animal of sefficitptly
tteeelerated geit. I shall doubtless have, L
to- attend numerous race -meetings be
fore I can do so. I look to the Govern-
ment, of course, to pay my exmnses
which ate beavy. L1ie pool system is
fraud. I didn't realize a solitary lhek-
el -O 0..
You will doubtless have ebserved ilia
Edgar -vas nominated for South Oefarde
.11 becomes my painful duty to unnoutee
leis melancholy defeat. lou must pee-.
itively conae baek George. You ara
losing all your infittence here. You
have stayed so leng awoy that (very
Gaitpaper isbeginieg to feel in-
dependent and to talk as if it bed es
imuch to say about the running ef the
'country RR the: Globe. When country
Grit Sheets dare to oppose regular par-
ty candidates like Edgar, and to up-
hold such men as Dr. Sangster whom
the Gio1eO is trying to crutli--when
even the Hamilton Times gre-vor cheeky
and defiant, it is evideet tied things
want re-organizieg. Come back right
away, for year p ewer over the souls and
minds of your hitherto obsequious
lollowees is trotting to its fall. The
Treaty may, be a geed thine, for Ca»e-
da, bee when I tell you candidly that,
knOW 33011 15111 ilisregart1,
a11 other considerations, al?4 tsph youe,
steps. 'wince area an t.1, ettiteR out ieteiele.
cut disaffection with an iron he313,,
Yours ohsequiously,
Jimute Beiptest ).. B„'';
That letter urely ought traletch him.
I don't think I have put filings a 14
too strongly. The Grits are gettingin..
dependent in these days of revolution
and I doubt very much if Brown has
half as 1110011 influeece with the gov-
ernment as he gets credit for.
I -would sooner got cash for it 1
To -day my old hind Mt:Roller enters
Upon a new era in his life's history.,
1.10 is getting married. r'
Strange that none of the papers have,
11:11Will nob enole from In qi3Ozar th OE e
lines coecerning "Two souls ite." bet
close by wishing,the
Mists- all the felicity in anyway incident.
to that eonclitioui "
' Gratittete Cobocook Untvereity.
Teronto,11Itty 27113 '74.
BARE BALL.—The .Seaforth and,
Guelph base ball clubs had'a tussel in
Guelph, on IVlond4y,'the 29th, Sea -
forth was "goose -egged.'
Peearenism,—The Lucknow Sentinel
says the Kincardine Review copies items.
fi-out it colunute° without any attempt
at 'credit. Nut a very creditable transac-
App0neree,-111ies A. J. Duncan, of
Bluevale, has received the appoiutment
of aestetaut teacher in the Harriston
Public School, at a salail of $800 per
annum.—Winehant 2'tmes.
FOUND DEAD.—An unknown man was
.(uund tieat.t nekt.0 Bluevale, one day last
week. He had two dollars in his pocket
but rio person knew who he was. He
uoulchrt have been 31 newspaper mau
with all that wealth.
SAW KILL BURNED. -T120 saw Mill and
slnugle factory of John McDermott,
Paluiersten, was burned on Friday
inght last. It is supposedto have been
heed by an incenuittry. insurance,
'2,000 ; loss $6,000.
Stitiiile, in connection with thisAseocia•
Lion, will be held ie the Court House,
Goclerich, beginnitig 011. rrilllrliday,.1 1 th
june, et 8 .p. and conunuiDg tili
Saturday at 11 it. in. Dr Sangster
will condect the main portion Of the
O Beeia's UP.—The Wingham Times,
like a spoiled child, ' answers us in
eery naughty manner for the bit of pa-
eerual and friendly advice *fedi eve
favored it -with a- week or so ago.
Now, yoa must not, or' we'll tell you 01
that man whose conceit led hen to
think himself an eintieror, aud on etnn-
wencitie,i his ;ruling' powers upon his
wife, she broomecl him out of doors.
O A Bee Setastr.-'-a0nTridety last as one
of'Mr. Wileou's egg wagons 'wee petits
way home„ when near Lontlesboro„ one
of the lear axles broke;allowing the
• •
eorner ot the wagon, topine to the
gee uu wie li a jerk. The:. wag on. was
eattvily loaded at 'the tithe', 'and, tiM
most, el the bdxe 1l out; Stuttehing•
large niimbeizif the eggs. During Fri-
day and Sataielay a large 'business in
cracked. eggs, Wiks llpne Ckt tlke ,Seaforth
Egg Emperiuna.--)E.reositoe: '"
Get Dr. Sage's Catvrrh RemedSr• 'at
Vandusen'e,, :
Nearly DEQWNED--Minne Griffin,
daughter of Caleb Griffin, Esq., aged
about 11 years, tumbled into to river
yeaterday afternoon. The water is 'id" -
lout 4 or 5 feet ,tleep where' she. ,fell 111,
and. bailor the timely etssistance of an-
other little.girl, named Merracle, She
wouhlprebably have been drowned.--
Winghant Adnanee.. •:
' FAanmits AHD Mmemesneil.---Provide your.
selves with abottle ofPain Killer at this season
of the year, when summer complaints are so
prevalent itis aPrompt, safe and sure quA. it
may save yen d4Ys of "sickne'ss and you will find,
it is more valuable than gold.. •13e mire you Lily
the zeaumo Perry Davis' Pain Killer, .and. take
no, other mixture. ,
• ••
J.urr, 1873. JAmas I. Fnut,ows,.toe.Dmin Sia:
m the ball of 1865 William Young', Esq:, mer-
chant, Caraquet, Gloucester County, was ill
witfi typhoid lever. Immediately after his re-
covery he beearne affected with a cough, ac:
conipa,nied by Inhch expectoration. Residing
at the time ,in that neighborhoO, ray, attention
was called to his case, the usual tonics,and ex-
pectorants, were administered without anY per-
ceptible benefit. "laving business in. Montreal,
Mr:Young consulted several eminent' physicians,
there i ncluding Dr. Campbell, ee` MeGill' gat -
lege, who advised a reside= in a southern,
climate , as bis right lung WAS very t.eriously
atfccted midi it tithucular deposit, end agreed
with the opinion 1 had previously formed. lie'
spent the follctwing winter in Savannah. On
hi5 return, a little or no improvement cortfcl be
observed, and in a short tine, frequent and
protrasting hemorroage from the lungs, night
sweats, and much expectortions, causin5 great
emaciation. had rwhiced him to a very feeble
of health. Ascertaining the ingreedients of Fel-
lows' Compound SyrUp of Repephovliites,I re-
solved to give it it trial in his ease. Ho com-
menced using I he "Syruil," mid in much less
time than I could expect began to improve,
the progress of the disease seediing to be arrest,
cd almost immediately. _Ye bad no return of
the hemorrhage. ffis oppetito hrtti reffiniei
and his cotw,hhas abated. lib was at Halifax.
a few days ago, and 13 11051/ attending to his
liens,' duties. I deemed it a dttty to yort---Itiar
the public as'as woil—to give you the above
statement of facts.
Yours r^eoofifolly, A, SMITII,M, D.
1 certify the above to be correet, \V, YOUNG.
.7.;:i1)otor National.
nie 8058i011 i8 over. The Hottse 0
,. , , , , 1
°Wilt:Long was duly peorostma yesterday
, with, the visual ceremomete. .
1. wasn't there bet I uoderstand that
it was an) affair of eonsiderable george
The ir1ite of Ottawa--nay4 of the en-
tire Dominion: were ht attetAlanoo:.
The galletiea Were 'eroevded by a
numbet ef On theeed ° 00(31,8,10e, 100
I0Os Weit tumble to obtain. admiesioe,
Numerona of 0113,555it'S Pahl:1St daN,Yht-
ors eled iit the brightest and most Ms
emitting of •spring r Coefennes ocenpied
smite onsthe floor of the House, togeth
et Withthe loading. chrot, jediCiat e
: , . ), • s e
11(135. 10 Pxotor, cM the alst idt,the Wife 011:e0
Parr; of it daughter .
tettatereeen Das vets go, 'on" the*, Oth hit, th.i
v:Ife 0( Charictt tecrottof a Soil
111MM---111 Plaushar,(1, tbe 53515 ,1t, The *ifo
1:116thati .ne 13 350)111333
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