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Times -Advocate, March 31,1993
i)qJodt/s ,for sale
Exeter Cancer
Society, with the help of
the Beta Sigma Phi
sorority, will be selling
daffodil bunches this Friday
..es part of their annual
fundraiser for Cancer
research. From left are
Maida Gaiserofthe
sorority, Ervin-Sillery,
president,of the Exeter
Cancer Society Leone
Brock, and Marian Rider,
also of the sorority. ,The
1,300 bunches will be $3
each and will be distributed
from their headquarters
opposite the Laurentian
VARNA - Anna Keys and 3No-
rie Hayter o ill:present highlights
on ,heir Iran ,to Europe :and Eng-
Iand:at.the Stan J ee-Ciubaiteeting
on,W day, it 7_at 8.p:m.:at
the Stanley Township Complex.
The Varna UCW Will -meet
-i ursday April 1.at 8 p.m. at the
Church. .
"The. Good Friday.service will be
a Varna Goshen;eombined service
in Goshen Churc let:11aun.
-There Will :be .a?i8iidal -shower
'or Dori:iiamon,Arptil.6:at 8.p.m.
T . Kr CW, have ,invited
itoth Vamasnd n. UCaW's to
.their tthsakcdfering service Tues-
day April -13 :at 8.p:m.-The guest
speaker to :bc Dorothy Chapman
speaking on:her.uip to Russia.
This Sunday April 4 is the annu-
al Stanley Township-13cdter Canoe
Rally sponsored -by the Recusation
Minor baseball -registration .is .to
be held :this Saturday April 3:and
on Saturday April 10 from 9. a.m. -
12 noon at the -Stanley Complex.
The price is 3 12..per child and or
520. a family. -Please remember to
register your child.
have busy
HENSALL - Last Tuesday, -Rev
erend Larry Stojko, r' Dash-
wood Lutheran (' ' rated
the weekly church . _ res-
idents enjoyed seeing Pastor Larry
again. Thanks also.to Jayne Hayter
for playing the music at.the service.
Tuesday evening, The Fellow-
ship Singers came to entertain and
share their music. All the residents
enjoyed listening to the beautiful
Thursday evening was their
monthly Birthday party. Jack Sim-
mons and band played some old
time music while everyone else
was tapping their toes and swing-
ing around the dance floor.
Birthday greetings go out this
month to Gordon Morlock, Isobel
Sproat, Grace Dinney, Blanche Ste-
phenson, Marjorie Carey and Ross
McNichol. There were plenty of
family and friends who helped
them celebrate all the birthdays as
On April 1, from 10 a.m. to 3
p.m., Geri Fashions will be at the
Queensway Nursing Home. Geri
Fashions offers adaptable 'fashions
for both men and women at reason-
able prices. Special wheelchair
clothing will also be available.
Coming events - April 1 - 10
a.m. to 3p.m. - Geri Fashions;
April 5 - 10 a.m. - Volunteer Aux-
iliary Meeting - April 6 - 2 p.m. -
Grand Cove Singers; April 22 - 7
p.m. - Birthday Party.
+glornen lean io communicate
By Roberta Templewnan
STAFFA - The ides of -March as
past. Margaret Daynard was
charge of the programme which
opened with Hymn 6, from S.CT.
followed by prayer. Her top,,
which began with the beginnings of
language led us through experi-
ments in communication of happi-
ness, refusal and disgust without
spoken language.
Our attention was drawn to the
anatomy of the throat which allows
the upright standing man ease in
producing syllables •because the lar-
ynx takes a dropped position in the
throat. Animals on all fours do not
enjoy this ability.
The complexity of producing
sound which involves air passages,
epigfotis and tongue were im-
pressed upon us.
As early man moved over a hill,
across a lake, or beyond the island,
new languages developed.
An interesting "play of words" -
and Hymn 134, brought a meaning-
ful progrtdnmc to its conclusion.
Funds for "Seeds for Africa" are
being held because of the uncertain
conditions. March 29 is the date for
the United Church Women's annual
Conference in Sarnia. The April
Event at Brussels is April 26. Take
along your mug and S.G.P. song
book. A bale of used clothing is
planned. Consignments left at -the
church by March 29, for delivery
that day. Our strawberry supper
date is June 9.
'Please Wile the April meeting
will be 8 p.m. with Barbara Pull-
ullman and Sandra4 emp in charge.
As well as chairing the business,
Verle Mahon thanked those who
had so willingly accepted roles in
the World Day of Prayer held on
March 5, when Cromarty Presby-
terians joined us for the service.
Quilting goes on. We welcome
help! Did you read that? Our social
time was hosted by Dorothy Dow.
The committee for the 90th anni-
versary of the Staffa Women's In-
stitute, met on Wednesday moming
at the home of Roberta Temple-
man, to begin their planning for the
celebration on July 13, 1993.
Donna MacGregor has a combi-
*Minn Watereolour pen and Ink,
piece of art on display in the cur-
tmrent art show at Gallery Stratford.
The 1993 Perth -Huron juried exhi-
bition continues through to April
11, 1993.
Templeman family members en-
joyed an hour of skating at the
Mitchell Arena on Tuesday and Fri-
day in the March school break. A
cookout at Mike and Mary Jane
Parsons' trailer followed the Tues-
day skate.
John and Roberta Templeman
were guests of Western Ontario
Breeders, at a dinner at Elmhurst
Inn, Ingersoll on Wednesday eve-
*eSmall Engines SaliEsi= Division
is moving frwrri +tense4o Exeter effective
to provide you, Our ,#laluerl Lustomers
with service you. can .count on!
We look torwarlog you at
206 Victoria it, Exeter.
Dr ip by for GET SAVINGS on all your small engine
purchases and spring tune-ups.
We will be located directory behind the Exeter
Co-op Store.
Save $ 30.00
Sunbeam 40,000
BTU Barbeque
Save $0.00
Turf -Power
Gas Trimmer
Save $ 300.00
Turf -Power
12.5 HP Tractor
Ailsa Craig -
(519) 293-3282
-Hensal I
(519) 262-3002
ToII Free:
(519) 235-2081
Save $ 50.00
Turf -Power
5 HP Tiller
Save $ 30.00
Turf -Power
20" Mower
129 545.210
(519) 527-0770
Zurich --
(519) 236-4393