HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-5-28, Page 2.e T•tr...t, htta,,elyes in the °lI, , may be full it »ree'ttted iiLipctte y f)ref IIPt4 tO la yeare iii tkW 1,1041tulA,11V, ' ' 'i-r,wiIc,.xill,e1,02;04100' to ttavw.,i90, • ,,,, „.........‘,....... Capt. liall's turtgattscript relatillf; to il, ' atniltoti Timm grows frantic the Artic exPoditiOns are t&be patell'as, ulPlt it w41 be `.$ee" 'that QUI' Yillage 15 Wtter of ROSSt' 41,,,,,ia delio'lm• ea ay thP Li, S. 00vornMeut At a sum farcn'od by Ll'iott4e): xittuia'toot'Alov, lu forgttry, ',which the ?,littister iiot excee'ding $15,000, foi tip ben,cftt Ita40.eyPnsloi.15c'vf,,IINI;11),ist8hIol.,, jact,elt11(1)rrEx!ierellit'',Iek!is, t,t;totly ilk rtitfitl.tutt4 '' ' ' ` ' of l'tal, 1-Ttt,r,liated witliont hisita„ of his wiaaaNt- , , ,' gala we believe po.:3,3esies eodoritb,o ''''''''1Vt"*''''''-li''-''"`' t"'"'1,'",,'“'"h twit." As tlis initilaculate. war•chief Of it aestaatee clralik" ttP1)1.°".. ` Q; .41.6 taet in, b„dvanCit4 her pupils. . , • „, __, (.(,..t.:rs o2,,J.PURT,Ni,),',..,,, - thq,'Aiiiititudel)arttrmit vas taaree deye afoaeleitionata inNitothe friends of tho ups Atli) Do/.,,,Ns,,___Tilet,,,, is 0, great te the Qv‘,Iviae'*All, eN.cuse from the 09,14,edotAte dead`to unite .v,,itlt thetie of depths of las own cointczonsness, we troable toAbiltb,'"Cif the cenaagifaiiaalaia Le haat givell et the atneture,coaaelera.- ton."'We shouldn't Imes heard from him few six neontlis at least. ""eVithe oiet hesitation," After three days on the rack, is commendable in Assiousigill -taVeatateataesseterfatateatatetattetrasata7t astae"..talettaeastattattatatatatatestataettatatata a atenattattateatatatalatainetasteettatten vt copies of the paper have been sQlit„ sentenced to death in $t„ out nes.t year, gddition to tilos,: we" to Minister of ,),filitia Rws and others Catlierloo for killing liis wi0-legally now have, and kairavcd speelally for of hif ilk, who Lave boou aprestitutieg" ll J3bat. bk s(a),teli(„0 ar cow, oewe 71%). WE', LQ1)0 011r enterprise 4,7,10C tSeCCOU , «AL,3 4at,sorttt M c ith 1,-.11' .. >rtiStrni, 'at."; ok tt oct arttoLla loat ot k;.; t, 01,04411, e ea • 0,,,hanosperioUt ao‘g# deaths insett4 • oy. actrartis2teentsynt4out secoi4e (limey:atom tueeriat tia tatela, eta °tarsal alcor4itum. aarertisolr.oncs ;A.) 'tto ,tooasitttea 1,7 o scr,L7* of Solid nonperi.i. FA'Afar -40PrENENTS : also tontming ratss-icill be charged for rOorlY s..lverLisomonts:-, vr,an, c ¥O.vas 0-1.4 Qohulau ..... . " , . , . , , „. 25 .„, 15 quarter " ... .... 8 ' 1•34.1th „. .. ...... 8 •••• 6 nact43ae cards, oil hues asanedsr, es; las to to, e.finea, ti• 7„i,% he govier. gi1110 Exeter Oat May 2E3 .SOUTI1 OXFORD. )1.7,4„ore pleaseil that the elan lion Senth Oxford has terminated.by :the defeat a Edgar the rejected of Monek, sea in the election of Col. Skin tutie The eleetiou was not fought on ;party principles liethanenbeing,acknow- ledge(' Ttefertnersbut the Toeies sup- - ported Skinner t a man. Col. Skinner as. a, nacelerate Man and has had the backbone to roe ,faul el the wiehete ,of, the peity ,Dietteteri and run hide- 1.)endent of a einivention, whose action was iailuenced by,the 1%irepuller.of the 0/obeeeeer. Eagarewould be a oraditable member t tor any 'constituency, tvere•it uotefor, hike subseivioney to the party; but the eleetors of •South Oxford look- - upon. its,•,d'elMice between Inde- pendent lewd:men also *elk quelified for the poeiliteil, 'mid an otitsitler whom, Geo: Brown attempted to foist• upon the Constituency... We are gladthat an initiativeehae been 'taken in this. niattereitaid'ehat Oxford'hee shown the exaMple toe other eural constituemeies of repulsing "l'orouto legal attired gen- tlemen. , Skiuner's majority was 27e. Peneetneeve protogued, yesterday. Piiiitnn. Arthur had, en Mentlay, the 25th, title of Duke of Connaught conferred upon, him. This is•tlie first Roytd title•ever aociated with Ire- land. a . • . ' Geteeit, the , tempeeance .orator, tured in leenden, the Less, on Theiraday evening lust, to an andience f -*bent 700. 'OeeFridteee e'veleinte. he lectured an 800 $t.,Ottehernies'aiidience. now his feitteneithe tit take a four Moe] recesit- Tun, Board of, Suaeraisors in San Francleee hieve" passed an - ordinance eel iprohibilini 6:eating, or fraudulent or dishoneet praetices. at card playing.' In consequence, -the' visit of our artful Archibald to the Paeific'Coast has been nuaveidably postponed. THE PQrt- Hope 4 Triaity. College Scho .1 Cricket Club werepresented on Saturdees kit With 7a eplendid .Doznin- ion flagter . their ceicliet, ground. iu compliment to their successful playing laet year. The flag was :Obtained by eubscriAfene collepted by the ladies of the town:, , . . , Psx.lisk4'advi'd'ee to the 15th. inst.,' says thit eeceinales, was hot mortally wounda-14ty shots reeeivea", when, ett- temptiug to escape the steamship Ari- zona, but was recovering..? His trial for the outregenpon British Tice -Cone sul Magee:was -Med- for elre 28th Arirel, He .will probably he theta' Peeien pita who were on board the_ eidiniteee, leriee- na in theport when thes,"fentri:lbe ',Wtut8 going on sPeakaaary -"atropetie a igo.iiest Mr. Jamee, -.the Velle'eCorisitleler Mit interferini tee 'alley. life.e Magee the crueltyeof the.COmmiendant Tesealutaeerather it atinetifary • way of tianieritbere eleated by; bribery and coriiileie,• 'dtkcvii.`" lie irkatisae.- The Lowta, Hoeseaf thefeegislatere, by a vote of 47 to. 8; flias :Adopted resolu- tions aeclitriata Seetators• ,Darsey and Clayton olsteinesd: their seaesiuthe,Uni- ted Statete Senate by bribery: endecor- ruetioneetted that in ,case -tipsy dor not resigie wttliitiettiattlayelthe 8: ate will, be .rugoestpd to A iueestigate their eleetieie teed exPelthem. • A BeniciihetWeenSPrinee, Bisatateli• and CotenteXreinneseenne.toilaye:aritten- out of the Count's corees2.• pendent -it abeeitctelefEeuenenietiegoeliee eil and its .ceiiiegiiei. re preseeted-Pritssiie itt-+Rotheitalta6a-,79 • eiiice then'tie'hatitiegresentaciGetalittay, in Fraliee 'Wee expectedqie, would seen 'take the eipbaiteat 'Tura key. But tliesEtealle.: patierteasaperageir to be: orgaiiteef tite Getatiair Citancaller • apatite atutapitatif thettotitit';iatitialeittle ia' Which' they fiecf evi donee of offienti ittiatspretiete . 41'd. di'io7 bediende.., • • . • Tat GoVerunteriL' tett dlenites Strange, trate tb :Sart aeensaip of: King, eton Battery, ',Messrs, Maelianzie. ,• aud Dorion ,saia ,They; merely. Pelts - rouged with his professienial iierviteeta and stoped his pate et Thai "'vary , delieete ,ttetee of nuttitie it, ttral does Lot • tend to lastereiv pa the feeliega Of tbe tiouu tfy ageti tie te thee Governitient. put is well to renietetteit that uta'atakeitge aed alsa been aiferined that the titiet.60W.., erAmepecteaflueeeetaelm- ruly to vete fataits aappoateritaa : Owirt4 to some' itatalVerteittio ;the abstinend the"aaitor; ttie follotaiag sugt .gestive Beee, caeat'' had 'theobbe Vriday superAor ;w1to isseeks, to dictati er eoeree thee htr It his poWeasta guilty at oneeeof fireeitet- itig him Make ito di.tritding• 'aitaaelf," Vtith, they filly', tO,t114 gio; tok ton' of a" wen, bUt:'we, 'hover: egPeeted , to see the Grio4 pump, any up.,, littbe light of reeeat eVolitS, tlia.e.boVennoka4u, tiehl7 grglgeShing, Ana. We hose: aaea Tria, Hamilton atate halite the Hon. George Beown up.to public admiration for hoeing saved the country a feve d. tars by not drawing his sessiemil al- lowance es a &mien:. This is the fieet iustance on record Oleo Mr.. -Brown soered above the sordie consideratiens of' Uw werld, and the limes glorieeeili it, But the cense is akiarent. He is now drawiag $15 a dee and expenaee Washingtou as a Canediau °Mewls- ioner, and in the I:went:Lae Of the 'aora teait eeclaims, "Oh ; my country, I love it$ till." G. 13. khows On Which side his bread is buttered. " Dallnt Bill leas gene 'the weei Of the flesh, and been burial by the Min- tatr.v, with the Premier as andertaker and the Minister of lustiee chief mouruer. You: see the adoption of the ballott would:pet a step to the traus- :Mission Of the billet dozer; by ' Mr. Anse, ectereina 'afoaeannient eniplayeqs with voting for Geit caudieateee tend tl.e lainister,of Militia's occupation would be gone, as that'a, what lie!s for. And attyway the "standard et' &blies morali- ty muse be adve.need,'"' as . Mrs Blake -would say. Lrelee.meentime the""Gov- eminent, expects .erery. man in its =elle. ploy tu vote fee its supporters." ' . 4 pith:sows, .oP, endeze Policemen: have 'struck ageinsemearieg helmets of the Toronto eattern. = - • The CuliiiirefielerefednieeBioiu & Co., at Vienna. Out:ewes bernedyes- terday. • ' . • " . The Westernatir Direators at Lon - dein are once moreagitatingeheir annu- al sheW„ . • , „j3r.Miedlemore hasnerived.ineLen, don with .his first instalment of emi- grantnehildren. e The female ' tem•peiance-efollreire aboueto introdueeee3riteade of reform ' , The loca-out of farm., lebeee.ese ip Lipconsliere lisiedeeen settled; -and other districts soon wil le, • --. • ea a t • Political cricket and•basietalkintiath- s • eaa the ardet-of the dayiii London'bee. eweep Grite .and Tories._ ' A new- kind -of blece hug: ise reeking sad aitiapc aniong, the petteh orchards U. S.:ThOliUieiLS. ' Mr. :Stewart, proprieter ,the Brantford Wood -yard, :had' his engine house, stable and...two horses burned yesterday. Rev. Canon ffonesewlionnet with an accident in Heinilton by horie run- ning away, is still confined to • his .'ed in London. Seven persons were buried under the .eniiis of a holmwhich fell ".down at Cincinnati yesterday. . Two of them lettvedieel:• .Abill of pardon and Amnesty to those engaged in the late Arkaeses, difficalty has been introduced' to tat.; UaSa.libeeee :There is nothiag ni t about:Riele A. Mattel prize fight tookplace miles below Windsor yestesdayalie- tween a Detroit aruieer and a St Louis pugilist. ,,It is a pity they 'didn't' riffle led .e,ech' ethernouesof existemie. ' The Prezicepelenereeinider arrest,:e..e. • •.Dr Wiggzns, wh as"diSiiiiSSed"'1;i• the Gavernmenttfaciziaealiiitaard lantutiafer'beieg a Conservatiit .f.dtmet idle.. 'He Prepases to esteblisaea.worke shop in Montreal f‘oe the..htipeatia eieat pain. tattles lie ealieete,toe$15,,, 090 by, subseription.,- , ' L: " had,.' eight ,..bridhsinaids eeeterday; but Wassciontont With one groom. • - ` ' ••" .;- -Yreukerenyu, soil 'of the Bishop Huiten, 'died diddenlyiit Lantlea :yea; teftlitere'..a. t.., DattaeateCOC.haatet aaaga atate: iestelta day,ono hundiell'itedflfty houses were burned, • e., en, ne. =. Navigatioil js once, 'more- ett alte Wal' land can1, thadaniage havifig'aeia.ain pelted. ' st'aa jehn B. Gauehlectarel ii Iu4i1 hat eight. llahael,e gott4-fi41:to:401c s A newedrill: ehod wee raiseam itarerit Ye -sterility, and 'some titietyeneat' builda" iugsaaa,being,etected, Alit fiefeeeditere are inseetin tile" ,iten'stildeeeal fieldif f itabatuae' They sing ."dotait iil a, ..oal" titled," ,,moateana clientinalya 4 ••••• ;aft eleineiton Bowleg elleb'e .eiteesetalte place On the etleeittid .27tii.of, Jithe anti the 18th of ffttly, aittathetinatifil'iiattata, te.no.,awulottit4. ;T:te4" thirtyteiht :tiaileet•ffenatetanig",,int, en bonrs. 'f0441.te pinnies lot ,$1.0aft 4,jde ' ' '4 • Tim', spite of St- ,A.titlecieveiseliulen • ea bletaltitmayee statialt• lay lightning tettlata ,,They thust L4PILO ,etiata'.'„te letve ,iterfetteteptaa • Vied Ellis; aurstaY ageat, while „ . " walliitigaie the liighwayleteariStaffortle, aillta tile"; othea eight,••,atite lablied, of. ataatt Masked. maltase a 'a Pratiee taletteenielattitil t4 Ckni f f I d t- on 6 o our ett yes or aria. Varlet; the Collet:being 1+(t in, the atin itud'Aisabled-, •„'flow11c greeteil t ,botittsto the rtataiftiea: Itargatt,e.eeteinpetily. . thee towit ,yeetetelity of $5,000,:ereebetekefinea' toryelessalee bong tui1t.4 , Cided,6 "oanot, finthoi etatere pg.tos Wei -ea tan" tatiaiantesahie • teareteleitt pnion, dead,,in the -ceremonies of de. Omitting the etreves of fallen statileas. tite.tarday, May 28. :London ie agitating foe flee' 'alarm telograata, I . better get some fires Ara, , " . Sawere Barker, of Cellawaehas been tionunitted for trial for rape, on n little One•huntrea and forty aVelsh grantfor Salt Lake arrived at New Yealt yesterday. A man was arrested iti ItIonteeal for • a robbery counnitted le 1866. The nolitannen there have eoota memories. A young Inte'u, nemecl Itetyetall 'down an embankment in Nova Scotia and wits' crushed, to death by rolliug logs. „ A hale' three year old daughter of John Coles, of Oxone, near I3owntan- 'vine, fell into a detern yesterday lane was drowned'. • • ' Ingersoll burned au effigy Of t(lgar last nigittt to show what they think of him. This is the first ease of , mime tion in Cannata DraSingeter has received the nomin- ation. fel' Carleten Cotiety as represen, tatiae of theteaalters in the Council of Publia.Instreetioe. • . lac ate Coat', ,Denison iiiepectea No. 7 Company a thb' 84th Battalion:at Calmington yesterday, and was highly pleased with them. a 'The Senate are ruehinte, tliactitga business after all. The old gentlemen deal. Q0,i(1 bOOt t/10, ups ictud downs of, life, but the pilgrim who has togo tram,. Wing throUgit time int() the Ilereefter with aalf fte 41411.Y. aScentS awl &flouts tte a Oran& would find in a querter of a inile of main se sidewalks will cote taitily feel that the fates have appoint - ea for him 11, disjointed career. PROF, PALMER...rWO are pleased te be able to aneetince that Prof. Pelmer has 'tiociaeiate Make Exeter his aome, and tbat he is resolved to raise to a high standard the musical element of our town. Ile intends starting a band, the Maims of which he has already secured 4Poll a basis which will make this ne- cessity a permanency. We might also' add that he is now labering arduously, in view of his forthcoming 'greed con- cert. ' TEA Mayezeo.-,A very nuneeseful tea -meeting was held on Thursday eveniug, in the Be C. Church, here. After lea a public meeting was held in the &firth, presided over by Rey. J. Whitlock, and interesting and instrec- addresees, delivered ay Revs. J. Whit - leek, R. Robins, and T. Mason, were interspersed With excellent Music pro - aided by the"choir of the church; Mr. 1), Bramapresiding at the organ. A social was hold en the following even- ing, which was Well attended, FACTS FOR 'r/It.i CURIOUS...74f a tallow candle be,pliteed,in a gun sad shot at a door it will go through without sustain - any injury; • an& if a mesket ball be hatletletne .teThe fired into water it vvill not only reoound saifals yesterday. Lower Heim hatl better take a back seat. ' ' A. Gtuan, az Co. etbree in ,Ku sten, was robbed. of $0 yesterday It seems A: Gunn was.not there at the time, or thethief-would have been shot. Bishop Huron and Rieherd Finance Cartwright -John Minister, 'nailed for Europe together.. We've • got the lat- ter's name mixed as bad as' he did his' -tariff. • Fifty-six quarterly meetings, have votee for Methodist Union, end nine- teen 'quarterly meetings have voted against it; This is the state of the poll 1st heard from.' • A einfee French Canatliair -who eau- nat weeiele Nnglish,: married an Irish girl Who • cannot atteak •Freech Ate Ot-* _hewn eseeterdee.' , flew will she know what thee to got dinner ecaay if he can't' tell her.' TIME TABLE: CRINGE 'OF TIME-8131Atia JIFJ.NOESIEETS. A ,Ivt • tromi Emir. 1.47; 12,15 A. as. P. IL „ Ar. GOIN.OWicsr 4.15; 1-18: • 5-10. F. R.4ENN1NGS. DucerOfay .25, 1874. nct;',S11,34cippisi Mr. S. S. Arinitsie would inform the travel- ling publiethat his stages afford 'etery accom- modation.' *They leave Lnean at 5 p.m., es. riving in T.:az:don in time for trains east and west; leave LundOn, 5t,8 a. in., arrivingin Lu can in time to catch stages and trainir. • , S. 8. ARMITAGE. Tun" 2441 mixareite--atreeti as , blsaik aseIedees of Greece. „ TISE'COLD 'SNAP...-"Sgrtflier, ; and. Tuesday last, derrienited th.e. Wear= ing of overeeits and woolens "-' Fon reiereitite•ta.OUr ad , . • . • . vrtjsing columns it will liet D. :.Joluis,4413, for sale some firste- bugeies to.Yandustres: Drug._ Store ;for .Pure Drugs eteeii, etee, dieectlee. dive - :site -14e Central:Hotel. ". •: . ...,elloentereed" eLWe have Priuted and on hind a' ilean'bereeif liathinaeter'ft patiiited.ittigood Paper. , blerltS' ,Teetta this inmin1.; • PWRTS OF ItiViSIONACVOrdiDg...to alie.11evisedtlaiaatinietiti kit; allidatiate oftRetision held befote.thee5th of May, are Siegal," :and -; vieeereofiteeeelutt: 'tolen Airs in the.Neith etetpoleed their Courtsenatil efter that 'date.- • ••fe-4.C:`'CigejeieetteZ.--.elliel`Bible Chals. tiau .CetifeiettePtcyill:conainence its, Sit - tin on 1111ineaday, the etheofjuticeat 41eia400k. woes la the B. C. Charcla, .Loadonei; uns,vislnng.toattifd Aim, be eenaeyea. fropetE x eta. •anaslatek . (9p41,45;,.. by Met. laawkshawla stage. : i„TAkE WEgtni214itliCTS to keep yeieggentaitiril heggieitoi th t:feet, It is itu;sartiost tertaiu,,..oceerreece. ant „dn& tguos ot shafts Pr•ieetteetehea, acrase the sidewalka-sualattiatheye are ,-and Willaseonee ot later; be he ineites -Of, iteealrang ,serite,pereetaiii lege or areee. ;eNeentaiDitowsee.ea-Oa Satatalitatlitee, doe Of efeeeiteLenn en, tatei8,)).40ing arenndlds aeOkd'entally.: fell n, al3at .foe iltetatatinet it,sel'etance.ren4ereil,fty,,,tWo heatiatelaaileivell• aaelleaDadreatitt Mast aeroitify, Would havo',Iieendro'w,ifed.: :1.14/kon,ta8,NEXT,WEEKk Last, teeelawe infuititettnurteadelli',- that: We .Ittolili. etititai asynealite ' teabiilUing .4P1;f0ii<914 fot' 874 in thi issue , but fiat' 'eteateatteadaligeta to aatitetoae. 'the 11114c c» Mietliek • factietaititieWatad atea'fra4' elel 'ait,Xatiielnitliiieenised tit Vitieltisen'a' ;44,-7,04 .thei: 400' ineetirg, might efiis Aeeeeiatide, it wiscided to adjourn 'theeliateASofred44:11/* *A's. estiaablateneta i'antireext Teeite the'ig,1t1t gee; et lien at atialtected• therniVill,be a large ttitn; 'date ",t Beya•IVbittew:eit.ivill :give ell &ally intitletaeaTliel'aithitite Cli ureh, ii the' Oit '',11OrtgO b1k WOre'. 0.11'4 cii;riiii4 • ir4l. tr49 g..141.1041.01t"'.4.3 AA.O. 3101*.Y,' gratifyIng.,tootitseiv'eAr:an Oie. Which. shoW4, that one work 15 apteeirital, by thoSwin.thisAlistriet.,..:Utithavealready but be flattened as if fired against a substance. e -A musket ball may bafired through a.pitne of glass, nankin a hole the size of the ball, without ' cracking the glass e•if,the.glass be suspended by a thread it. will make no eifference, and the thread will not even virbrate. In the Artie .regions when the theremo- metro ,is below.zeroepersons can con- verse) more • than a mile atistant. Dr. Jamison asserts that he' heard eyera, 'Word of a sermon at the distance of two ;miles. A mother has been dietinctly 'heard talking to her child on a still day acloss water a mile wide. et COURTS OF "BEVISION.-A. exchange 'Says :-A•mice point has arise 1 under the new assessment line, to abieli wo .direct attention of municipal authori- ties. . The assessors are required by section tato begin their rolls not later than February:. L5, to complete them by April 1,80, And hand them to the clerk on the lst.of May. Then . four . - teen days -are allowed for. notice of ap- peal; aad teu days after tao expiration, of that time the Court of Revision is to beheld, and duly tumounced by ad- vertisement. The New Act having been published -in exteneo in the Onta- rio Gozette,.and the daily papers which Is 'sufficientnotice) governs procedure this year; and all townslnps who acted upon the elates fitted -in tho old A.ct and which has been charged in the new one will have held their Courts ief Revision illegally, unless it shieild happen that twenty-four days elitese between the re- turn of the, roll and the holding of the Court. Probablyall courts 'held', be - fere the 25th of May, are ilh-gal; and • such towaships should advertise their Courts again for the proper time. All the popular medicines of the day at Vandusen's,. . NEWSPAPEi ADVERTISING. -Ne ws- . paper advertising is now recoguized by J31141'1108 men.having faith in their own Wares, as"th'e most effective means for sedurieglOi their. goods a Wide recog ni- time for theit 'merits. New,spa,perad- vertising impeleinquiree and when the •akticleerffered is :of good quality; ' and a a lair priee,....the. matiiraPresult is in-' eredsed etilese....Newspaper adversing is a perinanente addition to the 'reputation of tbagoods, -advertised, -because itis 1)611.mm-tent influence alwans• at -work an their interest, , Newspaper advertis- ing' is, tate most energetiattna vigilant efuAlesmene addressing thousands each 'anaa always, in theadvertiser's interest, . and ceaselessly at work' seeking cuetotia ere frotteall cmasso. •Newspiiper adver- tising • promotestradeeforeven in -the Wiest times advertisers secure by far ,the largesttsbare of what is being done. AN ACCIDENT. -Mr. WiliSni Hooper, some for being too high, and others far while trabrinfi hi a horse0»•Titeeday being to low; also, appeals against others, for letvitot no right to be on the assessment roll, but placed there by our worthy (?) assessor, with a politio- al,end in view. I will give yo t: a few iustances next week. 4 Yxsrr.-Devuty District Master Lawronee, t ad Bete afatteew, el oa erten ; tulaIo Gyea, Petter, and Itobinson, of Cliateu ; paid Exeter Lige 1 O 0. P., a visit Qil Tuesday Owing last, A few advancements wore made by the D. iq After the meetigg the tate:hers Of Exeter Lodge entertained the Yitaing aretiteratto itn elegant repast, prepared by Mine host of the od Central," Speeches and basts were the order of the evening, Pro, liodgson filled the chair. A ohoiee lot of perfumery and Toile Articles at Yandusen's, THE Memonete.-The memorial ser- vices at )5et1es4a, to place on Moe, day last, as per posters. The morning PrOnlidea a meagre attendance, as clouds hung murky and gloom in the atmos- phere, sou abundance of rain would an - pear to be the result: But towaras nowt, despite the stormy out -look, peo- ple hogan to gather' from ft distance, anon the ground and chetah pre- sented realer a crowded se6116. The memorial sermon was delivered ill the old church by Boy. Mr. Whitlock, after which tea, (at Which oyer 500 it downa and a speech from Rev. Mr. Wade, of Clinton. The proceeds amounted to over $100. The °Much will be a beau- tiful briek building when completed, and a, eredit alike to the congregation a id district where it is placed. Buy McDougall's Si eep Dip; at Vandusen's. Sr. RV'S. (Prom our own Correspondent). , W. M. Cuuneu.--The May meeting of the Ministers of ale Landon District of the above denomination was held in St. Mary's on the 20th' And 21s; in- stant, nearly every member being pres- ent, The Rev. Dr. Jeffers, of Loudon, presided, turd the Rev. J. E. Dyer, of Jeucan, was chosen Secrethey. The usual questions respecting the character of ministers and preachers Were asked, with gratifying results. The following appointments were then made to Con- fereuce Committee :-Stationing, Be'. J. 'Wakefield; Church Itelief, Rev. W. Lund; Sabbath School, Rev. D. C. Clappison. Revs. W. Kettlewell and W. Godwip, who have traveled two years, were recommended to be centin- ued on trial. Mr. Kettlewell ed leave to attend 'Victoria College next year, instead of travelling. The edu- cational Committee were recommended to grant the request. Rev. 'Messes. J. F. Latimer, 8. Case and S. Kennedy are continued in superannuated rela- tionship with the Conference. neje-. turns showed elie district to be, emea. prosperous condition, spirituallyeid financially. There was a marked in- crease in membershijnespecially in city circuits, and.also in the return f the Missionary fund collected. The lay- men elected as de legates to the general Conference,' which meets in Toronto next SecItember; were -Messes. Isaac Langford, London township; George Webster, London city ; and J. B. Lane of Dorchester. The meeting was broeght to a conclusion on Thursday 'evening. ALMOST FATAL. -,Last Thursday eve- ning, as Mr. Walter James Fairbank, a• shoemaker by trade, , and lately ar- rived in town, was returning abaut 9 o'- clock to his boarding-house he met with an accident which might have ter- minated fatAlle. It appears that he had ascended from the street to the landing above, and, being almost a stranger he took a step too far, and precipitated himself down the steps which led into the back yard. When discovered, he was quite insensible. He was at once taken in the house, and Dr: Sinclair .at once summoned. It was now ascertained that the unfortun- ate man had, in his fall, broken both his arms. TJeder tl:c .are of the Dr., he is now doing as well as could be ex- pected. NEARLY A ItUNAWAY.-Last Saturday, as the funeral of the late Mr. Frazer was movhee along Queen Street west, a !Tau of liorsee-one °Ahem a spirit- ed young: animal---, the property of Mr A. Jameisou, Blansherd, became un- manegeable. The were frightened by. a.small boy cracking a whip on teel roadside. Owiug to the indomitable pluck of Mr. James Jamieson, the dri- ed-, elle team wits prevented from run- ning away, and but little damage was done asnear as I could learn. Had the team ran away, no ubt some lives would I a ie been lost, as , the hill leading to the bridge is eery steep. Con Assesses -rem --There promises to be setae work for our Court of Revisioa which rncctsilx a few days. 1 learn that about fifty appeede have been en- tered against this year's asseesment-- evening lest, had a very narrow °soap° featit being ,killed. It appears that the . horse, Whieh IS a spirited young Mut had,never been ruldene" 'capered about tenitteefellyaWhen Mr. Hooper attempted to ride him; but Mr: .He was resolved to baboss• and ' Would' not be shifted thus easily. • However, when near tlie eseteirill!-- the horse' itiapaged' to get rid ofthis rider, and pitched lam amongst ,i3oine logs., • in the strugglea Ma, HooPer reoeiyed some 'nasty- OAS and akeitiesS the • horse .hitytitg: Mauck hini on the forehead with one oat his fere-feef. He iteander the are of the• physician, end is able to attend to his duties., • -; • ' VirediieS. :day' evening last, as .per pestaa, the , ineaibers of the, I.O.O.F.. of this aillaget and a painher.ef friends:congregated in thee basement of the Wt M. Church, •tealieir explanatialfeaetea blithe Weak; of the Order. tha'Sfielikets .expee,ted :were imeble taattend ; but Rata, aria atetteeyr Who ' liPpeitis to be •,asnompt as o t3HD,. v0,8 rsont. The 'setateeai \Vera ban by singhig the :Openiegtede, and by player; Bro. W. ilotlgsoatreetipibiLthe' chair in a highly satisfeatety abilainterestiaga reed n statistieal report, which ehowett, the good Artitneial.and numerical the Order. All orders left at Bosworth's Drug and Bookstore (next, door to McLean' S Hotel), for 'Printing, Advertising, Subscription, etee, will re,eolve prompt attention. Liman subscribers will in future receive the TIMES at the above-named Stoie. , Tun HOurgar.-Monday was a holi- day in Lecan,,alid the loyal inbabitauts went to the surrounding towes and Yin latreS, to WATIOSti hoist) raees and •tah• leticegamee, and to compare the liquors of these places with the home article. !--J. Rooth Key, the justly eel - °untied elocutioinet will appear in the brick schooahouse, to -morrow (Friday) evening. Go and hear him ! It will be e rieh intellectual event Meinteas.--Merkete poorly eupplied, but pt ices continue goad. EDUCATIONAL...-. Several applications have been received tor the situation of head meaer. of our aulaic school it is to be hoped the trusteee will inale good choice. Covedie:.-1-T1e C011116'1' Met, puri. arit lo najeurnment; oe Wednesday, Mn flth at 1,8t) Present -T, Detail John's,Will; J. White, Robert Dight, in the choir ; Covecillors Porte, Plaited, mid J. W. Brotleack were calf- Robles and tIcteane Mintitee of last edeltipon ttr address the assemblego, meeting were yowl end approve& When 'Mr. Millen S L, 0;0 .06 reatlingl it Was tnoved by NY, Porte, seconded by Defetati ef the Ittiage," andltet. Mr. R. Thaf• the tattlers presented Greeey delivered the epeech Of the even; to this Colwell for the gravelling ot the ing Thio gentlemeendia the snleeet streets be not noW opened, end diet ableatatice; and deservedly etteeed die the time be eetendea to the Peet tegu, thatrks Which were SO tinttnintously ten • demi to him.' laise Meetiofiell render- ed ftiw solos; nI reagnifieeia, dyke old esaaed out latepartsto perfectien ;50 (lid the, Missos 13tss,t,tt, and Messrs< Senior" and- llosehrugh in their guar. Otte* 41:680elety in Exeter is flourish. deeenteete the' eecieties thrOugbout the ens ntdorr*nge1fleuta to Iiave se r9lnW omuf n' . 1..i. • lac meeting oe the let MoThyn atm°. -,'Ciaried. Mote d by W. rorte, SeO, ended by E.: aleteeti,Iliat the Reeve ialiereby autliotieea to 'employ WO Men,---GeOrge 11hn Itila beemoiel (if their serViCeS 08,11 he pro. onred).,..,,and -rept& the throoglithe villagef wherever the, same teatilred ; aleta that the Beet) Order 0 supply or oak veiuitling to be used on the said repair, Tee Cot:well tileit ad- joiireeta ULW arrOOT oi MT Certespoa4eot). Tan a5eu --Zuraih oa Monday lest retained her ttamo of beiiig tee king of sporting eirele•e. Flap early (Lava one til dusk fun and leivoliey eel(' higli car- nival, lu the taoraiug, the crowds titeu assembled, awe treated to the sight of two bands o Calitagnipiaes, under their respective leaders, With their great, long mi1(Ies-m-0a ma from tae country doing 'eta beet to outrivel the one got up by their More embitioue friends of the village. Fireworke and fireetacliers then for a time played the little game usual on such occasions - frightening horses, searing cats, and malting ,timid ladies recoil fot their lives. The utmost good feeling existed throughout between the coutestants m the games and their friends. On the wholo, Zurich spent her holidayin a loyal mention and gave her visitors ample room to say, that, through the instrameutality of the committee, they had spent a pleasant day in its vicinity. NEW LANDLONTL-WO aro welcomed by the presence of a new lanalord in •the person of n Mr. Stoveus, who has purchased the Hill estate. Mr. S. is one of these easy-going obliging gen- tlemen. that you appreciate at a first glance. He is certain to secure a large shitre of trade, Get Dr. Sage's Caterrh Iteieedy at Vendueett'e. CODNOIL MEETING ANT) COORT OF REVISION. - In adjourned Court of Revision was hold in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, May 19. The Reeve in the chair. There were no appeals, several application*: were made for alterations in the Assessment Roll. lt WAS MOVed, by Mr. McAllister, seconded by Mr. Ronnie, that the following alterations be made in the Assess- ment Roll, viz, the west half and east half of Lot 20, on the tenth Consessiou, be placed on the resident roll, being the property of Dr. Geo. Buchanan; that Wm. Wilson, on Lot 21, Con. 5, be reduced one and a half acres of land on account of the road running through his farm; and that Alfred Mcl'aggart's nanae be placed on the Boll for Lot No. 10, Con 1, instead of Wm. Case, who has sold the said lot of land to the said MeTaggart, and has left the township; and that Jacob Wiltz be assessed for south half Lot 18, Con. 8 -Carried. Moved by Mr. Mc- Coll, seconded by )1r. Geiger, tbat the Court of Revision, for the year 1874, be now closed, and the Assessment Rolls for the said year, as now altered, be received and confirmed. At the conclusion of the Court of Reilsion, the Conn. ;net for business. All the tnembers of the Council present ; thelleeve in the chair. Af- ter the minutes of the previous meeting had been read and approves of, it was moved by Mr. McColl, seconded by Mr, Geiger, that B. Brown. Reeve, be and a hereby authorized to superintend therepailing of the Centro G, avel Road, andthat he employ resnonsible parties to do the work. Moved by Mr. McColl, sec- onded by Mr. Geigor, that •Daniel Nresser and George Berner be paid each 813, and August Hill 912, while attending Surveyor while sur- VeyIng swamp from drainage. Moved by Mr. Geiger, seconded by Mr. Mae., that the Reeve call A special meeting of the Council as soon asMr. Bay, Sun eyor, has completed his survey of the swamp lands in this township, to take into consideration and pass a by-law in con- nectionwiththe same. The Council adjourned to meet again on the first Tuesday in july. Ikon LOVE, Sr., Clerk. Orlt SURD thirDI.IrGS NARROW Escerz.-Two young men, Mr. Harry Piper and Mr. Alfred Har- rison, residents of this place, were up- set from *boat in Holland's pond a few evenings ago, and had it not been that their lungs were in good working erder the consequences might have been ser- ious, However, their shouts for as- sistance speedily brought some people to the spot, and they were soon rescu- ed from , their perilous position, ap- parently none the worse tif their coal bath. They have since come to the conclusion that their boat is not a suc- cess as aroeker.-Adcoate THE WIMBLEDON' TEA3C-Mr. C. Bet- hune, the efficient popueltse freielet agent a Stratford, has been Chosen as one of the eighteen from whom will be se- lected the Ontario team to go to Wim- bledon (England). Mr. B. is the only 'Man from the Grand Trunk Brigade, on whom this distinguished honor Les been conferred, and we feel satisfied that should he be able to go,he will render a good account of himself atuoug the crack shots that will be there as- sembled. -Beacon: GOOD Sewn -W. -On Monday morning last Mr. Martin McNeil, of Vanstoue's, Brussels, Saw -mill, • and hisanen saw- ed seven large logs, the majority of them considerably over the standard, in 48 minutes, the whole of the logs ag- gregating 2,008 feet. A couple of stop- • pagee each of about two minutes" dura- tion, occurred during the trial, se that deducting .the tiene thus lost, the feat was accomplished in 89 minutes.-laust. BEARS Cereonen.---One evening last week as Messrs. David and Alexander Murray, 9th con. Grey, and a neighbor, were in their swamp, their dog discov- ered two bear cubs.' The whole party gave chase, and succeeded in treeing and capturing the youngsters. Vis1rr:•---0, Vanity! A constance man named Thomson Actually wrote - himself -to Mr. Cartwright, Finance Minister, about the twenty -cent nuis- mice, and his egotism would lead him to believele was the man who effected the change, iteleast ilea letter to the Expotitor, OV1r DIS own signittere, he says so. Oh, Robeete ' Boma Centaen.--The vote On tae by-law granting 1.00,000 to the liuren Quebec railway came off on the. 2let inst., was carried by a majority of 145, Thiele the first ,bouns wbiele hos 'been voted upon for the Fowler scheinei and it 'will, no doubt. have a salutary effect upon other muincipalities. Ar no period of in.., is watelnul care over the functions of the brain More requisite than dur- ing, the acquisition of knowledge by.the yout Plodding; persevering Study requires 4 store of vigorous, nervous force, or the child ttiv MIT ENDER THE TONTAL'T0114 Stern necessity any .totepel die student to sh•ttin his towers beyond *hitt is prodcat, and early premise of excellohtto be blighted thereby. To sod: we ORO Teeomintold Pellows' ,Com. pound Syrup, of Hyp,ophosphites h Will not oily iestoro the Sinking patient, but its Use will enable the toiling• subjeet fa preserve hif: ,metilt titial Ana utvoilgla , Anqata .vittliont daft. Ili (FOE BALE AT VANDUSIM'S.) 1110) office, ef the Munk •Itteeret Prets Was broken into On Saturday night last find a large qteilitita of type in the ceses tied one eale Of the paper up, Was teia, 011 ithdaerobalay threwe iptii the canal tis the 'empty eases were mind in the water, No heace of tht ; 'burglars or the type has been Nina. PAID-UP 11E811 The ,F,4'eter Braiieli Of Ttfolsons Ban york, 15,S,, St, John, N.B.t and all tile and Queboe, l'tlakes advances on Prodnee, Alia sells Sterling txchal ge, Discounts Notes, SAVINGS 8,4 NK A tetyinge Bank Deaartmeat bits been Bettaelt Moltions Batik. DEPO froza One rtgliar ($1) PaVeNt On DeMand With entereet. Exeter, May 7, 14374. Re C. Dfstriet 'Meeting. The annual meeting of the 13. C. Ministers and representatives, iu the Exeter District, commenced its session in the 13. C. Church, Eseter, on Wed- nesday, May, 20th, at 9 a.m. The meeting was opened by singing and prayer by the chairman, Mr. L Whit- lock, after which Rev. W. C, Beer was appointed Secretary, and Mr. leletherell Journal Secretary. The District com- prises eight circuits on which are labor- ing 18 itineraut preachers. • 'Dering the Year one new mission has tanned in Palmerston, with yery encouraging prospects of success ; four appitint- ments have aeon taken up and a com- modious new church is in course of erection ia that village. The meeting passed & resolution of sympathy with the Rev. J. Edwards in his affliction. For oyer forty years he has been actively engaged in the work of the ministry; his praise is in all the churches, and although soon expecting to enter on his reward, he still delights when health permits, to preach of Christ and Him crucified. Rev. J. Holmes, a young minister of much promise, and -who has been co - laborer ior Mr. Whitlock for some time, finds it necessary through affliction to rest for a while from active labor. Bros. Rollins and Mason offered them- selves as eueleidateS for the ministry, passed through the ordinary examina- tion, ane -were recommended to the tContiference, to he received on probe- ioThe examination into the spiritual state of the districeled to devout grati- tude to Almighty God for the gracious outpouringof the Holy Spirit on serne of the stat;one, resultiug in the revival of the Church and the hopeful conver- sion of over two hundred persons. The finance of the church showed an increase in nearly every department. On Wednesday evening by special in- vitetion all the members of the district meeting took tea MAIL-. James Pickard's and heartily enjoyed tho hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Pickard, in their elegant new residenc a From the commence- ment of the B. C. cause in Exeter, Mr. Pickard's house has been a wel- come home for the minister. On the same evening, the Rev. W. Wade, of Cliuton, occupied the pulpit and preach- ed an earnest and hnpressive sermon from I. Timothy vi. chap., 7th vetse. A large amonneof important businese was despatched on Tuursday forenoon, and in the afternoon the district Love. feast and Fellowship meeting was held and attended by a number of friends from the country, and proved a Beaton of spiritual profit. A. short session was held after the close of this meeting, and the list of business was disposed of about 6 o'clock. Votes of thanks were tendered to the friends iu Exeter for their hospitality in entertaming the members of the meeting, to the chair- man and Secretaries, and after a few cliaing remarks from the Chairman, the brethern departed, expecting to meet again in annual conference which takes place in London, the first week in June. Stephen Cotesseft. All member& present, Court of Re- vision 'resumed. Petition of Teachers' fcr aid to assist in purchasing library for use of said institute, be considered next meeting. Moved by J. Parson, seconded by A. Leary, that By-law 72 be repealed and another substituted, approprating $10,850 for gravel road im- provements out of the Surplus money, and that , $5,000 of the Township debt be paid out of the Surplus fund set apart to the credit of this township. Moved in amendment by VT. Fulton, seconded' by J. Kuhn, that the voice of the rate payers be taken on tha matter. Main motion cal ried. Moved by W. Fulton, seconded by J. Parsons, that Township Hall be repaired and J. Par. Sons see to its being done. The follow- ing orders granted :--Joseph Elliott, $50; Mrs. MeEachen, charity, $5 ; Mr. Smite, $9.20. C. PROUTY, Clerk. ONE Of the most remarkable sales of blooded stock ever held in Illinois took place at Dexter Park, on the 21st inst., being that of the celebrated Lyndel herd of short horns, belonging to lion. W. S. King, of alinneepolia. Fifty cows and twelve bulls were sold, the termer agregating $101,615 and the latter $25.275, being an average of $1, 982 each for the bulls. Bayets were present from every part of the Union, from Canada, and one, Mr. George Robbins, from England, who made the Most notable purchase of the day, that Of the bull Duke of Millhutee, f r which he paid 14,000. A large uninber of the finest aninutle sold went to' Keptucky, New York, Iowa, Illinois and Missouri. The work on the new cabal, bear Port Dalhousie, is rapidly progressing. About 1.54' men are now employed this section, and the COD tra ctorti say that by the end of the month they will enn ploy 800 to 400 Ind). A large nutribee of Finns arrived et Putt Dalhousie a few days sitme, they will go to work, we believe, on the now canal,. They are a sturdy race, very quiet and industrious. Mr, John Brown, of There'd, on Monday last aismissed two tia his fore - hum and repliteed them by °there, am of these a quarryman from Syracuse, On the same day his Syractisian had oterunon to cross 11 coiinnons 011 tho rn intain, an tt the hat semi of him W 48 at Males beiteding house. At ten am, he lt ft there to go to 1iSs Melton's oittaliat honse; It is auproseil he 1150 it with foul ploy. 0 13 tfr011" $2,009,000 200,009 k iss Drafts on Loudon, Eng., New pri,neipal oitlee and towns in Ontario New York 11,4tointuge, Oreisaback*, ate. DEPA RM ENT. evened in conneotion With tho Rleter SITS upwards reeeiyati, Emu). W. STUA.THY, Mattagorr • 82-y1. William Willson was arraigned be, fore Judge Lowder, of St. Catherines for attempting to 'shoot Mr. Henry Walk- ing, boss for Messrs. Manning and Ginty, contracters on the Welland ca- nal. While two boat loads -of raftsmen, twelve in all, were passing down the Madawaska River, about three miles above .Arnprior, on Saturday last about nine o'clock, their boats upset in the Landing Shoal Rapids. Seven out of twelve are drowned owing to the bigh water, eveift current. and strong eddy as this season of the year. The names of the parties drowned are Wm. Shaw, Patrick Fox, Napoleon Rochett, Emile Lanfortasic, Maurice Deroder. Further combinations entered into on the 22nd for the "Tiirmation of the Min- istry having failed Preettient Mac - Mahon has decided toldeleano him- • self. The Ministry was finally tonsti- tuted as follows :-Gen Cissey, Minister of War and Vice -President of tete Council; Duke DeCazes, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Fourton interior; Wayne, Finance; Eugene Alliaux, Pub- lic Works '. Louis Grivart, Commerce ; Viscount DeCamont, Public Instruc- tio ; Adrian Tailhand, Justice. The London Times correspondent at Paris thinks the new Ministry will fall if it at- tempts to go beyend more administra- tion, and states that President Mao. Mahon yesterday morning threatened tp resign. The News special reports thtt tbat all hopes of passing the constitu- tional laws have been abandoned. The appointment of Gen. Cissey as Premier caused great excitement. The correspondent who has been in- terested in unearthing the Convent mystery, received a letter an the 22nd inst., from Archbishop Lynch, request- ing his attendance at tho Palace. The correspendent went, and had a long in- terview with His Grace, who gave his version of what the missing girl Emily Cooper probably saw. On the day in question the weather was cold that it was forma anpossible to heat the chapel sufficiently, so the priest retired to one of the nun's rooms for the 'purpose of hoaxing confession, and wbile confessing the Nun, the girl saw them together, and mistook the motive. The girl's, friends are still using all the means he in their power, and spending -money freely to discover her wheeeabouts. Though the city papers will not take up the story, it is now generally known, and creates great excitement. A despatch from Brownsvilt reports depredations tin life and property on" the, Rio Grand, which are increasing in art elacming exteut in Itaexico and Live Oak Counties. Ola frontiersmen are deserting their ranches, and ask for authority to organize` for ,defence. Mexicans have been crossing cattle at La Conches for the past three days, and twenty-four miles above,eetmericans have been fine even tram the Mexican side of -the river. The Commander at itlittamoras had been asked to send milit tory Leecapture tho raiders. Commit- tees of publia sleety have been organiz- ed At Corpus Christi, at General Au- gur promised to send a company of cavalry there immediately. Mexicans threaten to plunder and burn the city, and release innrders front jail, whieh guarded day and night against three,en-, ed attack: • a • SENOR CASTILLA, Meade of Jacobi, in the state of Sinaloa, has officially re- ported to the prefect of his disttiet. that on April 4th he arrested, tried and burned halm Jose Maria Bonilla and his wife Diega, for sorcery, it Laving been provel thet they hal bewitchea one Silvestre Zacarias. The day before the execetion, citizens of Par' as as a final test, made Zacharias take three swallows of Nesse,' water, whereupon the latter vomited fragments of blanks and bunches of heir. The Alcalde states that the people were exasperated against the sorcerers, and demanded that they be burned. The sentence was executed with his approval, and he adds that he has his eye on other sorcerers agaiest whom complaints have been made by citizens. The official organ of the city of Mexico confirms tho re- port of the outrage, and says, several families in town have sificecomaelled the officer to burn anal* old woman and her son for the sante 'cause. The general government`has asked the ati- thorities of Shades to send a . detailed report of their proceedings, and to take measures to protect the lives of persons threatened with similar violence. e,„ WESTON'S GREAT wate.---aanougn award Payson Weston aid not accent- splish his great undertaarng, of aVehig 500 utiles iu six coneecutiee daM put on recoad a fent .unparallecl in ped- estrianisie when he did 480111 that time, fie attributed his failure to an injury which he sustained on efoxiday alters noon, the ball of his left foot bear* cracked in tivo places. He finiehed his 872nd mile at 12:8441 on riday night and about six o'clock on Saturday morn- ing Was tOggillg away again. Notwitin standing tho rain storm the attendance both day and evening was itnmense, be- tweee. 5,000 end 6,000 persons being on the floor anti it the boxes et ono time. He seemed to feel in the boot of spirits. In the bout; were Major -Gen.. Hancock, Messrs. Walter L. Cutting.' tobert Cutting, W. 0. flatlet, Elbridge T. Gerry and family, Gen. McLean and hurley, he Hein. James rileCabe, Mies Minnie Conway, Ex-aetiater Latatence Judges Brady, Amiga and beteoltue?- , Prof, Dosmeten,Witrden Brennan and ethers. The pedestrian was 6011d111.11414, ly cheered. Ile made hie 48011h Mile at 11:59;14, and thee went ham the treek, The epplituee was (Weaning its he hartiea with a body, guard to hie Everybody folt that that he desetved to bbr;oatnit,11,666:18soet:Lsoraltait(iyithhiii4fisvvelgattgat, lamtoioestintgama:tesot ai:noie:11641, 50 he did NOion begiat the walk, mta apait is wife Etna liUle 011011. -*N‘