HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1874-5-12, Page 3NEW DRI1 GOODS • NEW OE CURTAINS. .4ADIE•S' NEW COSTI.P.MES Orr re :17,'Ne Fred, fliaerp ; of:t. tet!.a.fer :flughted. ire ''fe w days, .\\''e arederoland be will QOM bit),0 With P1(P;11.Vj't Y,is4 Foci. a jolly time ; :lead lt'ai ids auaturai , 1T VtArcrie,,fm.....110 following oast was tried at the Eendon Ansiu*sc: Salt -mei Mirr- ray Ve.. ,T0h1). meewoe—This was an action brought by Om plaintiff, who is a feeepr ia tie) weeteie ef, eisboree, *recover damages fr,M). (10I"tAtz:t14, w110: V0.5410111.talt towmiliir), igmioluira, ter th Ser408 46' JazMtNIRillraY; catieedl'hY:l seduction', 1.10. 411.*st witness Called was Janet MOray •Whe a.f! cal hr the witness. ho?g with a obeil io bur e;lie eeposed thrit she 1,1ved with her father inLlo toWuship of illsborne, and that het:father :had rcal,led there for UpWards of 80. yetusi 1 ,Wl1.8 . yews ot age on tit() late of thiluziare lest. enew clefedayke end have boot Itequant'tx•I Nvitki 1.the for four yoars one night he WOO t With .O10 to at party ;1 nUIt hn again iwo mouths afterwards at,the rresbeberi- eit claiu•eti 111 Use,:nole 'and frequently.. after that lo was .courting'a11(.1 *1,11.4 ,,a'11.; drosses to mu with a view to marriagqie ne tutul improper conneetion with roe, the result of which was a child., who Wak borit..'OM the 80tit of. February IAA; 1 was them liVing my father's; the defendant was away fiexo; home when the ehild was N,r1;1 did llet 'we him, after the Child Was born; • preykicts to that he cattle tie 'my fatlter's honse, and the whole of bnr fatidlY NY01*0 010 ; tide was on the k2,p6h of Pecoedier .414 ; whoa asked by ray father to ntatry me; he Said net dieOWn ata6or lieClaw, ohad Was MST' he pretended he had no plate to 'Lae kU to ji that was the last time 1 saw him ; lte has not n'taV- ried me sine; 1 /lever had any cennoolien wit h • with anyone else"; think the 'defendant is Over, • thirty Years of agef Por the defence 'Mr. IAT,, It. Meredith, who appeared on behalf of Mr., L. Li, ele-00.1;- called Acmes Hill, a nephew of the defendant, who deposed that lie had proper connection with Oaret l‘lurray ou severej occasions dal ing 187'2 and 1873. J o'ph Hewitt& of Fullarton, tostified that he hod improper intimacy with jenet Min ray in 1871 and 1878, and had told 'Unita Hill allout it. it may be remarked that the 'witnesseS • tor the defence gavetheir evidence wit considerabltrelnetabee, iStIV READY-MADE • CLOTHING: and the general opinion seemed ho that theY had been brought purposely by the de- fendant to dnansge the young womau's Chime - °ter Mr. Meredith addressed the jury tuiefly on the evil erects of biinging such Witt,: luto courts Of justice,* am 1 befere the Communfty, and ag wfellowed by Me. Sinclair, who severely stigmatised tho' condruk of the defenda,nt and the two iuffians who had unblushingly gloried in their shame. His Lordship also oundeumed CHEINEMEMOVICEIRSMINSIIMMEMITIMI ,tU introduction of snob witnesses,, aud re- bukell the defendant in terms MAtittiog the 00- 00,6intl. The jury rendered a verdict ,for the plaintiff and $850 damages. CASH _________________ TOEE NEW CHOICE TEAS 4EL 41ITULLTCrIPAP. its nJ, y 4./ J Choice 3.1cts at Q r. "or - tor Eggs. „ W. In1T03):::.!I:17.. SC41 „alti% EIZif,)r Ti.rtm .17,//`:.1"•.1 pf.'.13011.1 38 WI, Ca,rtati 1 - an Eti"toJi).1,11/**, L• • hwitt more public* intores ----Ovilit 8:x milbo, dollars cb rteC..o'tliry,' to thP Premier. ' 'to "to ,11Yol,"1 int() sAsoin.ts, know ir.—!. n.'w-nms c:it't have Cr - idea that. Grit 0,-e.e.ee.ereit wonld eti- onirtte cliv glen f1ed sec :ion ails an . But enotali of will not Itur‹-ne the snbjPet. The riq.eral pub:ic were fin nauseated witli recitie Railway lost ';irear, AR they turn from it witillouthing and disgest. Vainly do we seek te recall the liglet of otder days or to rekindle the extlri- gnished Pacific 8-rfindle. • Before 1 (Iron the distastefel theme I would simply mention that the sections alluded to arc to be let to contractors. The great ,C07(71tf, (teor of the Mini. - 1.6r Schetne.will of cettree be Sir J'ohii I went tb hear Othello on Tuesdaty evening The rnle of the' noble Moor was assumed by Ring, the t:rag,edian. It is considerable or n, roll% He rens around on the coach ani the. fioor ; he ro1Ishi eyes at er the faehion or color- ed folks generally, and he.rolls tbe "r" in lqr-r-raitor-r1" and such -like words as all the actors do. Cassio's rote is the roll of an inclivid- AI with a weekness for the intoxicating /elm. He did it very artistically, Infat it is a aniscrermt winch .sat behindme remarked, he is a great dram - artist. I need not recount the plot. -3i.onr readers are familiar with the works of 1.-ilitticspeare, or if not they ought to be. It ,was a fine.entertaiemCIlt, partak- ing of a politien-religions character. The two leading actors being a King and it Pope. Ther:a is to be a gergeons broleinet at the rQueen's to -alight in honor of Bryd- ges formerly of the Grand Trunk. I have received an invitation and as the hoar is approaching I can't expel - lite any further at present. However 111 finish up this letter AS,— ter I return from thc banquet, and then I'll be able to tell yeti bow it went or. ^ * * * * Jush had sliplend',titne, (hie). Groat banquet, Brydgos good ferlow. You bet (laic), 'It'aution 'f mine, 13riggs 'n' Brydges same name irigmtly, High touca 01(1 Noonan name, Meng fitsliti families (laic), '1;V1tasliMatt,- \.,, ter, penslal won't write straight. lirydges white man, Et&h ant; 011 the Grand Trunk now—joke:Lamb sh many bridg,os otf the Grated Trent:* 'sused to be. HoWS1 ant, • Fine Ttanquet,, Tooli'teo intiqa soup- Jhough rup don'eree wi' rio (hic) mush, tha5511 ?Men' eepy--eh Wen ter g*n i:1).(1, A lweyo wanting chic) ee.ey , prietcrsli, (hem Ailquet (hie), Goo----gord BIRYD(I)S I), B. • Gradeeto Cob'eonk Toronto, M ay 131]i' f. ['Mk 1)C) iy trying n )l fhr fIf.pls 33ati qtt et don't ovel Il11,010 the latter 1P )fl nr 111,i kite,e, howhvee,it ig eyi(1.,nt, that 1,0 11,1a •4-0)41d somo 8intilftr oolobmiim), rol(1 hk 'qthtit000 otiodivj 1'4 , ‘1,11 011 c !*, , Coleorne.—A concert on• m grand scale, will be held in the Temperattee Hall, Ireland, on Wecluesclay ev'eniug, 11111. of JUMP. Anexcellent pregramnie provided, and a grand time they be expected. TEryon wish to enjoy yourself go to Zuriuh, on Monday iXt. No plaee for amnsement in the emeete. A.spleridid programme is pi•e'vidiol. The 'Brase Bruil, of Which we have before spoken, will be present. fliT.Efhf Tta.r. Pacemonerue.--Mr, Thos. Senlee,l.as; opened out a photo. galiery, in 'this !datee. Mr. Senior is a young man primin1 of nnt1,e44, and when we sqy 0 ,pntii of'his father, sutliciplit ts sail fir a guarantee. IntV.ro trrot iff..t f ewer re. lt is to be :belied the fellowing •rei7 code ef rifles will -1-ie 'attentively studied Clitirmitee, so that in ruse of a visit to E,xete7, they will len.iw hew to net:— Never pass yore pfate for masinkl ri,- *st,-) more item six titles, eseeciaTly if there is cempany at the table. .N ever reach aeross'the table foe but- +ee. \\Tait until_ it is p5 401, and then take orilr a small bit, as better is at thirly porind, and the banks cerargieg tee per cent on A 1 rapine ore :apt to discourage the head. of the faanily. Don't -wipe the bock of 70:11.• ,Titc with your na-Plzin no matter how het the day is. Nevet take mere then ten good -seed biscuits, no matter if the plate is pas - ed twenty times. • Don' glise nrfinger t e stir;!.-cnir coffee. The handle of Thar knife is more faSh- ionable; rind if yoe' waiit to be real. aristocratic take a Siteooti. Refrain from wiping yottr Mouth 011 Cie -t able cloth, if poseible. Scnr.o fl,17 6.- 01 writers favor the pi -active,. end IVO believe a, few kings 'Yet peesist in it, but your ceat:.„sleeve is match more handy. If there'is a watermelon on the table for desert, snd yon bare eaten five or si Pinn4s, and the plate) is passed again; you should shake yiSur head and reply':— “Ne thank yen, 1 never did care nruela about Watermelons.” 1.0701,MIII.M••••••10•0••••• iUK rias. willis.—In Exeter, on 'Wednesday, the 20th inst., the wife of George Willis, E Reeve, of a son. McLean.—In Kincardine, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr. A. D. McLean, Merchant,of a daughter. FRAZIER.--in Amberley, 071 ale 34411i1t., tile wifct of Alex. Frazer, Esq., of a son. Lang.—ln Chicago, on Friday, Aril :141.1t, the' wife of Mr. Joseph Lang formerly Editor' end Proprietor of the Kincardine Review,' pf 0 Son, .117.v a a rEriii .Aerrr0o4v--'2'Orkr,nro4:,---In Exeter. on Friettly, the .1rit1t inst„ hy the 110v Mr lqitlortl:. • M, , Ins9ph, Act b esOn , to MrS. 'Waldron , iti o Ex.eter. ; Jeri Oi.g .R.ACE r 414 31,t7LOAIT. W1.1 f ^ "cat 1 PP to1 80 ....... . . ..„.....„..„„ PO to 1 "O S4,.1714„. • I It; to7 70 flats ..... .......... ..,„„ 1)40 In 0 44) '.1"es ... ........ „.., .... , n 33. to 0 00 ''.1iftnt• ....... C.o in PO Etr"" Pen* dezert ni to 11 l'ote tons ' to 1 no l'Illow ,.„, , . , ... . .... .... 744o 011 400 11tuntte,.. s 50 to s 98 10 0 *10 PT. lif.ATOZ'S. 31 (1 r"e 2 01 2 0, 1r) a th g When t ;., ,f5ti ;f:i,t i*,01(1 001 „. 1 "I /1*141','". 10, -Po 1.11*,—. -1101-^o-44 1,10 hon,T, 01•'1•;i1 411'71 44( 0, I oe) 3, 1`11el 111 4 4r401414 nrinniQfpn.on 1,n04,,11',6 of gienl.r„ 11Ine0 ond.Tuvinbs of .h..suro,a s1111 o 1o'' 1,sl's-srs, Is/s4r1 () It (so rs'rskin h" 1 f"4"+‘1/'`,.; 1'1,14 WPC/If "1,0410 litlor/ 1, 111, ytt /0 4440 y.stss *4s 1..4 4 "ss st" NI 1 rY,' f ,,tmmt 011010 007,40 31o.','1.8, 03 h 010 41' 4en44 0111014011' 11014 01.144* 14 hof;p, t(Ingliwfrom 444) 44.11,0,01 14..tiei to ."(':00 '1'' 411 T,et". 010 Pnvoll-nt 'fele,n 0y00 11 tumIdu o 44 40(41 (11101. 44" L4el -to 11) 31O teeei r 0" y,eleee r"" t'Itof*O4 11.6 limee hoe.' Or 14,1:4),5 TalaoNette,4 that .1, copy ,pf, lb? ef Toters for ton tlautC.4.pltlit,Y.' fq' the year Iti71, ontltien to Into, lonbora o. the liogn,iativ.c OP1.14.11,1,Y, NN4.0; tlii4 %tit devy`' J..§(4, posted. 11.],l, ialey e1termite.k4ateee,, *fie attA.01(i'i.1,V11,, claritcn, Exeter, 10‘lity Jth 1)7L ICE CRM AM) TVAPEriANUE DiMab! VOlt Ting 1101 T ;1[40.46, BA1 IilD 'AND ClONIPFC- t, '11 Ott Elt, Itlzkur, tiering peonat consider- able expen,,0 W tawny, Lie las 10-.01'01,411/ :300(111, ".411Pet'i0 11110611. 4'4l10004)() from tile tairsty pub Ilo5. ill Motalay, 1140 2340 last, lee- caw poid,,, ea, 0044. • • v.:0,1044; wud Tea -Parties farnishQd on short lice, .10110.414.(1au(-1.'COuteetionery1 am prepared to givo satibwe t 441. : ;JAMES 10 001 Exeter, May 20,1874: • 30.3w. • r TOTIGE . The Council of the Corporation c,f the County of kluroa 84111 meet ia the aottril liocun, in thu town oR Ocalorich, on ' MONDAY T. MST- DIY OF tILINE NEXT. PETEE ADAMSON, • County ciort, ' county Clerk's Ciller., 1 Ocideridli, May 1874, f —.),asture, wanted fur one horse for Ibo sum- mer gentiathi where a pootl supPly of water is accessible. ` 1111.. MOORE, Exeter, osT ! Strarect from: t,the prom:ties .of. the .s.ubscrlber, Lot 30, North .Ea It Leninism I..!sOorne, on tz.e., utd inst., a small dark Chestnut ware colt, 3 y..ers 010,•light nlano 041 t.ai,-,latol re., few white ;at:4...s on the centre otthe fo.fehead; 'Was soon at mi4:L.4y Poll,oto, on Wei:Incsday night, titil dist. Ay p40041 returniugthe saute to 1.1113 1./1: rewarded. MuTA ALT. • • Itealgory1110 Veborile; May 40,1674. 11241441 MPROVE YOUR 'STOCK. The seb•criber wouid ityforrathe pnople e" this neigaborimocttuat heads purcintsect the eelebritt'd winto Boar Pig, formerly owned by Mr. W, Wood, and. which Lie ttatti/1 several 11,st prizes. nowt illy residence, lot 3, London 1.1oc..1, Devow Terms, 73 cents. ItICII.XRD PERKINS. Pevon, Aprn 23,1874, 35-tf, 1 • lloto3ripitn ifol.4-ZHN .044 ;Nif.oLenpfm'f.!, T,m, 1.).-f),Y0 001144) 1400 100 bo saved. by gob*to the wafer your Vieur, Note the tbllowvag cola profit by : :Flour can' be bottell'eheaper at the mill than nnywhere pho, as the peofitf; of the flour stores are saved to the cemsumer." a rioting *will receive earerul attePCa-oni and, k Chopplug 1)(. -mo F2Avery :Day. The lighost price in Cash fol2 IfYFE WREAT, P14, O. A. MACE Ras just received 'a large and excellent Stoch, of Groceries, consisting of k reen 1.-,ok and Japan V4I4S ' liaisins, Currant s, Prunes Rice, 6 A • , :Sugars; 6.g• Whielt he is prepared SELL OHEAPERTHAN EVER. ll'DON'T. FAIL to GIVE THE NEW STORE A CALL. Exeter, Feb. 26, 1874.• SENIOR 11A.S LATE.LY voiri,l.0.110Ct t.lie: puli101.401.11.1 XMAC110 1.1,Urt.btii 144 t"r'1.01.,63.0,..., 1,4%1144011) ttlo 130 .11/6 1143 TUO.140 0.tlull 1)00,4444, 048 oit, work.. Raving studied Witi, diogt,nee 8041 bo,no time past thedif,..../ent offeeloi tss.oss 013.4 11(5 t.alcei, instruct ions 1,010 st.ru.h., 04 10.) 11.1 tiSt5 111 the Jjoitainion maid the adjoiu.i.ug statot, .ue 111 now prepared to umlaute wo/li io 11.1t,-411asc style. Irma tuo llo:st tiu Ispo to a liie-size p„,,totogra,ph.. Letouching auti enlarg- ing luedu 11, apooniiiti. 0; al. fraioes 04 dul,rent sizes Root. coustmutis on need. P3110es-431.50 per d•tm..o.t ; per. dozen. JorLt;:t, wim !Aug tbute (01400w:on pl.otogra,Pued tvoui(4 do a ell to 4111,4 MN none 1.,nt goon. work will bo so mea.001,0,e Ids rooms, C11..1114. a 7110, Nos& aritirAloiermoilEtrilM.P4014.00.1Waltddlilianftliwilleasiaill7T11 " SEEDS ! 'SEEMS' vrAperAMA••••••••••1 S DDLES 4 - PP? 11 eT '2444 HARNESS, TRU N KS 8K 1)4 -A. " "‘.."'"" '••• EAC.D.ETT, EXTTEfl, V/430 114' carried on tbe luteire0s of 5144e110r -end Harness ?faker for the rut 5-1 sixteen vmar 41 yv midrt, embroces this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to his ninny customers tw 448009 linen.). patronage bents" ed. upoubini. So '5 10 retain this patronage and that of his new eastain . he begs to state tom, lie keeps on hand and Makes:to 0,1(41)41 11 prat,elese tesortmout of • . . . 7HEAVY and LIG-tti.:P, AB:NESS which ho will Winn obattp v erfr otlter 0.01- 50 to the 111-11!-LiA4. lin wink]. call, seeciai attention • his stock of ItOlIsil CLOTHING, just received. 71e also keeps an hatid • TNELL FETOiT AfsiO OVER-OilEGN, riri1e1t1;•-• attontien rei4 fo t.4*.e 41 tting 04 collars and the facing of them. r...k" nr,rAtnnao dm. With neatness and despatch. li13:0E1101,2t THE PLACE—shop Routh of jot. Pickard'm ntoro. 0 CO. EACRETT Sto AWN. CHILDRENS CAL,'RIAG-ES TUST 'RECEIVED AND IN STOCK „,' A GOOD SUPPLY OF FIELD, .eARDEN AND FLOWER LEEDS HOME TO.OTH CORN L=.a PLASTER END SEED POTATOES ! BACX3 FLOUR & FLED bTORE. Exeter, May 7,1774. 37-3m. &M...,..7..,:r1407;:=7.=1=7/Mr7.11111eLTI.. V=7211 11 • Mttintaviti (vc DOillii`COM LABORATORY, cheie0 annortinent of pure drugs and eheini, cols, and 'woore will lie forturl all the latent mid mast pepUlar patotta 04 MU day, a iow of whieli 8148 11.111y,InglItiou, Tonics, Dyspepsia Remedies, itc, Bedell natters, Vinegar Bitters, 3)100)4)' ))[4444 'e. CaldWoll'S delebrated Iiyhpepsia Iterneely, soif s ((p4148104111118. Iterali ***. Sti;realltikalNi PriStors"*. Fi&Separilia, Bad- v'spel,erventflodo DrOmid;klaltatin 41014140000, 101,0411) )'*4 4481 04,14(41 Di c•atovery, pepoW's -Medical ictery, h3100110041043Itchoedy,-11.0mhold's ,3,:otitountoutum, • Cloeglas, floIlls,"(euistunetioe ee,e ' $ eeseo's Quntry Pectoral, Allows ramg urosern, wincaYs Bahl 1111!Of *Wild OfferrY, ' lt.wison I's Vivo tpd ;,./,d **In, 4310 0004(40 P.V.;,,forn, o wn's ri co ....c1;int Teoclins, Wino r'S1,tathj tia *1,4 Rio - 414,2111,m,, I, 0.iinw's Cot operate( ily,popnot,paiba,t,, r,-41ll11011110,41 rood, BatilitItt'f; .syrup, 13 0( 011111 et eletle, Pc rtqs. Group bell's, tiodiiwie oil. with Pancreatic Eniuliden, ite Dandelion Pilin, Aver's, Iterri cies; 'Bristol's, 10i41e,11 Hoot, Jcidalutt's 001)1,410)01410110, itag- yal ...,tcy`st Drandt,th'n,' Nallnual,;*.Mer,Sam', , l'ull101.bl,iTh,Ur /J11/11111111.0111/11CO'Cl.,'---SNS'OClt 01/1.1k/k 011, ag;k110/' 0 tOrP16.101 10. , Wilson'a magnetic' Ointimente, PetAtt's S,i.1,7+,, i (3061, Carbolic 9.1111 8611019 911.14111,. 1:414V111,1f44 01-8110 epow's, humor and 'Kennedy's Ilamer (rin+lito fits, , rain XleJoael,- oft. • 'keettratlar...tnaeeftaiikrreve' !Ira; !Electric 7,11*in (nit, '.1101110 011, WirtgOVIi WC/filling Bpi /1), Pi:004C COM fer t'; Kennedy's Liinude t, Illleelabtes eta. riereitzt, ekeite oeef, frer,e;er'a 11,41114,, L'reeinlat't, 0/0140 rewdois e 0, 0E10 ,1.00/' >1.011/11I 03 3± Dnyis' 71710401414e4 sPop, 0r, 4, na 11 ''3141! 431(1 satittfe cl,reo 11 0,l volg i*en.oy 81,110hfl 61/11116(gl, C01110 One 0u/11113 1411. J):itbrrotton, 1111, Dros,>,!!!g, .01140x3, (,)(1,11f1. El IV...40(11 61T(.1,04, .1.10040 AT,01d101no44, !Ivo Yv:Incs fii (pi ()yr; 1oi4 Mddio .1 al 11S0i Siatirs, Altc `1110 f)y08 tho ro.1/4',',"*"' • 161 Elvd Eficalar two Eaucap,. N A. BOSWORTH /. Tiff 20724110 412\sTID 1SOWYEZN76;02 BEACZELNIterZi C. VVIL__ISON'S MU5I01 BEWINGT.• ,MACHINE AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT . .„ . ElirPonium, EAFFtTK)NTO,' 9 STILL IN THE,FRONT RAN:IC:AS USUAL ; * " 71.771 al' 42r, rel Call Erig .....1,4 - .., . , • Tin, 3)r,0n-,1*.41„3 *l•nsitotsn, Dot orailtlo Pond Look and E.not Stitch Family Sowitig Machin ohs., licliges t.ho world in perfoeslon and :range of work, strength and beteaty of di‘tabilitv 644 constriletIod artet 174111d:by or motion, C,,:l. end examine. Sand for eirenlarn, A goats wealted irliwory town in the Province, This Illaebbie lute take*t limb pr,lics at 1111 the County Pam, • 0.C.WI1FlitiON, Gen ereIA gent for the:Domini:at, unsemsreisumn.arto . ........masmoor 31 ..7:17217.34Q7.4!H•E4'C),VAI):!. ertreliti9ed the 'Iatock of Mr- J. A. l`Telles,taud has retrieved his,stock of pOO 0,44 and stationery to the at ply odettpled irZIr. None's,atiia1i ORDERS PROMPTLY FILAFO, • 0 it -4-'0 intLOSS, 1 11.1IME .T0* 89,,Y0f1 tOff.41 • 13.15 COS PriCe utitit'd*Espoqe*. Of, ' "“*" DOO:a ;MIEN' mt Stook • CAPITAL, RESERVE...._,...„ $c3 ,000.000. 2,000.000, .44,."3,*tnell of the a31qre l3auk bz, 'been oPeued in Lueait lor the, tx,,,mgm#1.0.4 (keno 11085. -SAVINGS. BANE. 'IDEPABiTigliINT., estaktrie 613408 ea low eameo dealer racielvee 011 depostt. I1lterest-4 and II per cent, allotrod. No notice of witlidrp,wal required, italeriectu currently bought ancleel8. 11. STOW liEDDIC, Agent. , nerure/m1 • RANTC7R--' SP7LIWO C -00P$ a I I) 1'. • T.i0VE14.7. 1213.1.S.S .$00 1-,t'LLE.q.i.k, Beautiful Prints, .New Cottons, NewLinens, New Sun Hats, Cheapest he Ever Sold. ANOTHER LOT OF TEAT CHOICE Cr; el. TEA. A TEIV E `CASES BLOATERS AT. NT CK Begs to return thanks for the patgonn,ge bestowed upon him for the past twenty years by ihe pptiple of Exeter and surrouding count:3'; ancl now opening—in all departments—the Largest iiiid Most Complete Stoo,T.!i, OF GOODS IN THE COUNTY. COMPRISING DRY GOODS heady -Made Clothing Millinery., Etate.ct caps. Groceries, BuolsAt Shoes, 7.7nrbware, Crockery DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC., ETC., .A11.•4 which will be found to be as low as any other rclinMe house in the country., ^ Reinc14.)er this is the Oldest, Established 114n4se in the Couiaty Qp:posito the *tat Offioe. THJ NEW TAMIFF! •01. I YO'TIR SUPPLIES DEPOPIbthe, • TRit,ro, 1711 anegs- et231,09.11 11%.01=261,0511CLEMOINIAMNErrielrin•WVA........• • IN GOO 411•1031MilICOSTISCALIKTint17110.113:41,• RE N woaahtsen rp AL RI WILL .IIITC,121Z4S:irs TliES ICIZ ale 1.1.scuplitakin•moircrial, Innunausamonancososergetn=a.gaterreau 11701°. Luck in Dry Goocl &lea 717 Atic1,os GRO*OtRiEri.:',1% 1, WILL GEO. AS Mg PRIM$ FOR* it„f0111.4r TIME . , , Take advantage of the tthan.oe. aommumnl=raurmv.../rn,rada-athirk 4111VIELIFE STOCEIS VitliTRA,LLA and OltEDITON N. B.—LOO Tlimets Batter, and .i.00,o6o doz. e always paid. TILOS.• G :EEN-WATN.. . , ....s.nerkinnwnroAl.....itnomegArn..maloo.erevamoitair.ommarammumplounteg...m........mrsone•emmem....evryro...m.m.....A..rrrmegsAtalrerena FAVOItl:Tlilli LINE. kX,ETE R5 OREN TONI LUCAIN. AND iITiibv Stvl,ges • LONDON EXETER, T ON3D0r,V DAILY ST ilGE Good:. il01iter.4 Conifertable 'Stages •end Fast :Time, Those,stageS aro driven by tbe wort cncomme daring of drivorg, and loevn 'iilV. t7V13S1'1•1114 11()TEL, EI)N1)0N„ °very niter:loon, ai 44,18, arr iv i n 1174411041 41f 1113100 101( 1, t wz3414)44 for tile 4004, /11,11 g0111.1401/111/.11/1 t1xotolwlth 1/11(1 011111011 and 711 Tit/ l'',•/"'Irs'flto qr AnOrr 041, C1)111140t0134 311 44*11,11 sta, 44,141 ji3O t{)(1LITA‘c.i..T1q. JOHN' 11 AWE'SltAW, :Driver. , Proprietor, ,AT A ih‘.:N.0:AIN f ' 'That :011g4b4) "'Jet 1111(1 rtitiltdfitg ateta, alto, Iireatafeepete, voq oide,144114101 1!et111, the prop - 4444t444444 4)14*84, Milne t Suitabbiliatfitit for store. . tit:17.6'iL**.n.Or',PriVate dwoilhq. P' '14)08o, Apply 44)) 10,4e J',.efffNileet beiOetteit leaves ExetRinul cjroditnn about 4 a, 1n,, C01\'NECTINO IN LITCAX 431414413110101g in tergleti,414 A. M, ° 1:04t0.4Cty110'01L tt r, rk the abet4pItteos, arriYingin Lu can in llme for the train ((8, T,11.) e11)114 West; Conneet,ing, ili jnxefol! Wlth Stage, 111* All meola peat naeseeeesrArielly atteml tael CALIMR trOl)rleffntib. tiOtAt10114 Apl0i4i, 4074 A Whole Suit cc t PfqrAs (31'4 ALL WOOL EitilKOKKIRN TWEED —11.0 FIT ANY -SIZED MAX -- For 7.50 AT gavxzwzro, ST. MARY'S. A N.E.t—Similar bargains in all other Departments, For in- stauce-- ;Real Manchester • Poplin DrQwles $3, 5.,,,,fimmr.vmenme.,======grimmutumizpvro mONBY TO LOAN. CO'U'NTY of PERTH LOAN &SAVINGS SOCIETY. Board of nirertors: (1, 73, Stnith, Esq„ 'President .7as. Trott., Esq., 1,1, P„ Yieo,Prosident; It. killyard, 14sq., Agent Bank of Montreal ; Wm. Neal Hutton, mai, Geo. McIntyre, Esq.. john Sanderscm, t, sq.; R. liarstono, Hecrotarv titml Treasurer ; Bank - era, Bank of Montreal; Solieltom, Jones & Me - ],„:o agall. Tho aavantages this company offer to Stock- holders tvre 1st. —Thu most; undoubted security, as the Con- stitution lolows Moo investment okeept on Real Eatate. Prufl.—Tho continuous investment nf monies, 3rd.—That as soon as SIIVilf413 Dank iS Open OfIell fithelC1101C1411' WAS 1148 proportion of the pintas in addition to dividend on his stock. ADVANTAGES TO BORROWERS. lst.—Tho system of re -payments by,yonaly, half- yearty, quarterly, or num toly inntalitimilts falling duo at auto dates in the 7431441, 1411(1 extending over snob 43, 18e1'44,41, of years 1411 131147 suit the borrowers. zed —/lo:rogOl!S will be allowed interest on any num or /111.1t1/4 thoy may deposit to meet their in- ot Ilmontn, 3rd.—The expense of exmoining tee vitae nred drawing the Mortgage is regulated 3111 14 moderate tariff, not allowing the borrower to beovcrelikt, ged. VAL—This Society (loon not au% mortgago". 5th.—Auonts are bound to;regirdettli ttpplicatiettm for 10144814 ,45 strictly co1)44e11t1413,„, SAIL—Mortgages purchased on ..kbe mr et rot lob; m 4401*415 , 7t.t.—The28 ad (ace is estagzhed at St. Ntoro'F, iociety crommeneo no the ist dttr of l‘Lay next, to loan monoytit the Seerotarv 41*01 Treasurer's officio, corner of Queen and 3;Vator streets. April 20,1874. 37-ly SEAFORTH AND HURON Marble 171frorks. INE.1.4.2ZESZITZI d4 SON (LAZE Or HAMM ION,) Would intimate to their numerous frienclAtartel the pneral public that they are prepared., to fill all orders for eionuments, Headstones, Table Tile,. Mantles, &c. Granite. Mon in; en's imprirtell to Order.. Work of tbe best style and art, and cannot be. surpassed in this next of Ontario. A Cali respectfully solicited. Opposito Logan & jarnicson's store. 11,1 SI'd,132 T, SEAFOIIT H. MESSET L. 'A11.13311 C. THE telaIGULAR itleetings of Lebanon Porent Lodge, Ea, 14111, t.:,.,,,r1201 icglavits„91111 't'e. 44. enr- mal invitation is exten- q, clod to ell throe. l‘fsr. .Api 11 t17, itle.y June 11,70no nic"o"" P,O, July P.7,M10. PO, Sept.. 71(1 21,,Oer, 16,4ov. 23,Dee, 216,181 28, 311. J. 11.71741, ocretary. • 1•Ititiliii.1145.' NOW READY • AT TEE E xe t e r Carria„ge tr,t, r.1,1 -Vor ()RIK: Tho lari:e!'st ;I.:a single and ' adit&iql CAPtailiCES 13XT, CZ:aES' Ever exhibited in this Viciraity,. Which will bo, found ±0 1)5 the • Best and' 01 -.1.',. -)rest eta offered to the public in 181144S.4) 1.injit-r: ttro timo for bergitillS,. /1,9 440101.1 01(1011 11441 made knell REDTTOTION IN* PRICES, as certainly COillP.ETIT 0 Y • .114.11 maminittiort of the 'st0c1 bnfore yroreloiqug elsoWilere respect,fully solicited by tire stibseriVr • ORD 21127-1,' for an kinds of Vehicles attended to • 'WITH. THE UST'S-Li DISPATCH. 2"....LL WORE: 'SVAItTI,AN TED . • JO:El:N. teeteer, 1874,4)5-141 111"XE TER NORTH. CrArtri,t,A,GE• PACTOIIT Messrs. (3%, cc; j. BrobicsL 1441ve r.ow otinnottoed 14136 tun of fltirtbios' and N' Va&ons TL(.1,01)," Spi.tnq • 11,nd ot- Short . Atsp, on htl,:adft lot of SOO'klt DiAttiondi-Igtow8) of theft out tilannfiwttro, whioh 't.11.07 f,telt.f1(4., 611.0011 as 41I3y MO In iiho:Lnao, PicAp,to.,o01.