HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-03-10, Page 23cmic\i. DANCE
9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
349-2678 Daoaa Code
Fri,. Mar. 12 ,
Singles Dance
Lee Davidson & Sagebrush
at11M 3,13
BROOKS-WILLARD • Paul and Kathy of
vale pseudly announce she arrival of a
Carol on February 17, 1993 at
slli I d,•1Nirdex. Spading privileg-
>la 4taadtsr Jct yy and Ray and Pat
..luras, and &trgate and Claaol
. oaf:Centralia; and gmat-
EUa Willard and Jeanne Kad-
me cif Bland Bund. 10•
DUCHARME • Big brothers Corey and
Brent would like to announce the long
awaited arrival of their new baby brother
Krutofer Ronald. Kriuofer arrived on
March 2, 1993 at 3:45 p.m. weighing 9 Ibs.,
6 oat., 21 inches long. Proud parents are Mi-
chael and Vicki Duchamu. Kxistofer u the
third grandchild for Ronald and Sharer
Schroeder and a bakers dozen for Matthew
and Martha Ducharme. 1Oc
HERN • Mery and Teresa and big brother
Eric welcome with love Courtney Danielle
Alexandra. A new granddaughter for Helen
and Cord Smith, the late J.P. Daniel and the
late Morns and Dorothy Hem. lac
MATHERS • Debbie and Dwayne Mather
of Mississauga are happy to announce the
-Arrival of their third son, Kyle Raymond, on
February 15. He is a wee brother for Brent
rad Blake. Proud grandparents .are 11a and
Arnold Mashers, and Marg and Earl Homer.
McGREGOR • Jamie, Elise, and Alexa
thank God for the safe arrival of Lindsay El-
isa Hedy, bom February 18, 1993, weighing
7 lbs. 3 ozs. at St. Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia.
Proud grandparents are Bill and Elaine
lllaadeworp and Ken and Jean McGregor,
and great-grandmother Hedy Devine, Antic
Vandeworp and Elva McGregor. 10*
'VAN OSCH • Gerald and Lori (nee Wester -
,veld) are thrilled to announce the safe arrival
.of their son Jaron Keith on February 28,
4993 weighing 7 Ibs., 15 ozs. Baby brother
:for Kylen and Kurus. Proud grandparents
+are Harry and Stella Westerveld, Elora and
Harry and Paula Van Osd1, Grand Bend.
BROWN • I wish to thank all who roam -
rimed me while a patient in South Huron
iHospiul. Thank you to Lloyd Hodginskr
bclpsng me move at the Villi.
1HODGERT • 1 woild like to say "thank
.you" everyone for the telephone nils, cards,
stints and flower. All were greatly appre-
10° Kathleen
McPHAIL - I would like to thank everyone
who sent cards, flower, made telephone
calls and visits while I was in South Huron
Hospital and since returning home. To Dr.
Jadd, the nurses, and the staff in phyuotber-
Ae y, thank you for your care and enoourass-
t!lane Ross
MASON • A very special thanks to my fam-
ily and friends who helped plan and cele-
brate my 40th Bitthdsy Party, which by the
waw, was a total surprise. You all are pest
*101 asepis.sild.IgrsUssaw-Gloria the JUL
tithe we had.
10c Kathy
SMITH - lissismillissotille4etSBAyttyste
Bairn watild 1icatin sap= 'flair mem
&Mkt afiil:Itedlabel3e*lelt vas, Minds
=hews.Nal as umerampressieas °`
donations, and 'teed. as Me loss of a rear
husband. Sather, greatifidssr, and brother.
Spatial shaakatu Dr. Rodney, Ssaforth Am -
balance, aad Saafonh Community Hospital
Staff. Also special thanks to WhimeyRstrey
Funeral Home for looking after arrange-
ments, Rev. Cheryl -Ann SudelbauerSampa
for her anent comforting prayers and service,
and Egmendville United Church U.C.W. for
the not re A special tis*7you to
the n of LO.L 1(793 Sca-
forth, R3:P. 1161 Clinton, G.B. Chapter of
Ontario West, G.B. Chapter of British
America for their well attended memorial
service and all who ausnded from near and
far. Your thoughtfulness and invaluable sup-
port at this most difficult time is most grati-
fying, and will never be forgotten.
10• Sincerely,
The Smith Families
TEMPLEMAN - We would like to thank
our family for our 45th anniversary pany on
Sunday at the Crosswinds in Mitchell. The
video was fantastic and we will enjoy many
hours of viewing. Thanks- to evaryosse'who
remembered us with flowers and on*.
lOnc John and Roberta
GLOVER • In loving memory of my wife,
our mother, Murdiena Glover, who passed
away March 8, 1990.
Each time we look at your picture Mom,
You seem to smile and say,
Don't cry I'm only sleeping,
We will be together again some day.
So many times we've needed you,
So many times we've cried,
If love could have saved you Mom,
You never would have died.
It broke our heaps to lose you,
But you didn't go alone,
Because most of us went with you,
The day God called you home.
Our hears ache with sadness,
Our tear flow and flow,
What it meant to lose you Mom,
No one will ever know.
We hold you close within our hearts,
And there you will remain,
To walk with us throughout our lives,
Until we meet again.
.Lovingly remembered and sadly mimed by
husband Jim and children; Barry, Adase.
.Lauda, Jack, Judi, Pete, Bobbie, Bill.aod
*'their spouses and children. 10s
-:GREB • In loving memory cisimlb111d.fa-
•lher, and grandfather, Ken,l+esio:fid
away March 21, 1992.
You suffered much in silence,
Your spirit did not bend,
You faced your pain with courage,
'Until the very end.
You tried so hard to stay with us,
Your fight was all in vain
God took you to his loving home,
And freed you frau all pan.
• Remembered and sadly missed by wife
Mildred, son Wayne and Sonia and grand-
children. 10*
.IHARDIE • In loving memory of a wonder -
Ail husband, father, grandfather and great-
grandfather, Robert S. Hardie, who passed
away one year ago. March 14, 1992.
,We shall always cherish the manory of his
Atind smile, his quiet honor, his gentle man-
itii�ler. aidivaartdassandingrwt yro
Madeline Hardie, Pat and Joan Hardie,
Ruth and Cliff Cook and families. 10*
MAGUIRE - In lovung memory of a dear
wife, mother and grandmother, Anna Ma-
guire. who passed away Much 11, 1991.
Wonderful memories woven in gold,
This is the picture we tsnderly hold,
D.:zp in our beans your mensory is kept,
To love and to cherish and never forget.
Loved and sadly missed by husband Don.
family Leroy, Nancy, Dennis, Mary, grand-
children Darcy, Danny, Shelly, Kelly and
Leeann. 10*
POSTILL • In loving memory of a dear
mother and grandmother, Jan -lbstill, who
entered into rest March 13, 1988.
Until the day breaks and the shadows flet
Always remembered by Vernon, Shirley
and family. 10•
TIEMAN • In loving memory of 1. Mervyn
Tiernan, who passed away 8 years ago on
March 16, 1985.
May the winds of love blow softly,
And whisper so you'll hear,
That we still love and miss you,
And wish that you were here.
Always remembered and missed by wife
Al ice and family.. 10*
ship Night will be held on Saturday, March
27, 1993 at Kirkton Woodham Community
- Centre, Kirkton, Ontario. Dinner only, 6:30
p.m. 310.00; Dance only $6.00; Dinner aad
dance 315.00 per person. Music by The
Royalaires. All welcome. 8-12c
Adult Heahh Clinic. Location: Heath Unit
Office, South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Date:
Tuesday, March 16, 1993. Time: 9:00-11:30
am.; 1:00-330 p.m. I. Health Counselling;
2. Foot Care (fee); 3. Blood pressure testing.
urday, April 17. Tickets 312.00 pa person.
available at Purple Turtle, Exeter Flower or
phone 235-0460, 235-0745. Proceeds to Pre-
cious Blood Church Building Fund.
ROAST BEEF DINNER, Ailsa Craig Unit-
ed Church, Thursday, March 18, 5 to 7 p.m.
Adults 58.50, children 6-12, 54.00, 5 and un-
der free. Tickets available from U.C.W.
member! of Margaret Tweddle 232-4707 or
Mary Sutherland 293-3194. No tickets after
Mardi 16. 10*
ROAST BEEF DINNER, April 7, 1993,
Crediton Hall. 10,11,12c
THE HURON•BRUCE Satellite of the Ca-
:atlian Foundation for Iletin and Colitis is
:boiling an educational meeting, "Nutrition
and Irritable Bowel Syndrome" on Thum -
shy. March 25, 1993 at 8:00 pm. at the
tin *y Center for Seniors, Nelson Street,
fle derict. Speaker is Darlene Bogie, R.P.Dt.
SINGLES DANCE, Sunday, March 14, Le-
gion Hall, Wingham. Dancing 7-11. Music
by Tumbleweed North. IOc
KIRKTON 4-H Information Meeting, Sat-
urday, March 13, Kirkton-Woodham Com-
muntty Centre, 10 a.m., for boys and girls
ages 10 (as of January 1, 1993) - 21 years.
Come and freed out what dltibs sire rivalrbtble.
Coataet Dane Wheeler: 229.6960 ler Citbli-
en Bane, 229.6714. 10c
Main St. North
Pastor Rev. Suds Vander Meer
Worship Services
March 14
10:00 a.m.
Sunday School ages 3 -grade 4,
during morning service.
7:00 p.m.
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
:itmday Radio
3CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
;;CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
29 Global 5:30
is not only the book of God,
but also the pod of books.'
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, March 14
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
1 190 a.m.Moming Worship
790 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
March 14
9:30 a.m. - Christian Education
1090 a.m. Bible Class
1190 a.m. - Worship Service
Everyone Welcome
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30-1190 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
790 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
7:30 p.m. - Bible Study
All services are held at
94 Orchard Street, Exeter
Everyone Welcome
For more information please
call 229-8881
68 Main Street South
Minister: Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Clerk of Session: Mr. James Dougall
Organist: Miss Carolyn Love
March 14
9:45 a.m. Worship Service
and Sunday School
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
264 Main Street,
Exeter, Ontario
The Rev. Fay M.
Third Sunday In Lant
March 14, 1993
11:16 a.m. Morning Prayer
Sunday School
Nursery Available
Youth Grpup 7 p.m.
Wednesday. March 17, 1993
7 p.m. Hoy Eucharist
7:30 p.m. Lenten Programme
in Hall
Everyone Weloome
670 Main St. S.
Pastor Vernon Dean
Assistant Pastor Kevin D. Rogers
Sunday, March 14
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Worship Service
11:00 a.m. - Laotian Service
in gymnasium
7:00 p.m. Celebration and Praise Service
7:00 p.m. Family Night
Programs for all ages.
Nursery available for all services
A place to ~Sod tied and a friend".
Horeb 14
10.11:00 a,m.
Worship Broadcast
Gomer of James and Andrew St.
Rev. John C. Hilbom
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Minister Emeritus
Rev. Grant Mills
Music Director
Ralph Topp
Sunday, March 14, 1993
11:00 a.m
Lent III
Sermon. 'Foreign Exchange'
Young Adult Class 9:30 a.m.
Church School 1190 a.m.
Social hour lollowing the service.
Courtesy car• Charlie Atthill, 235-1636
Nursery provided
All services taped.
Everyone Welcome
DURAND • At South Huron lF�i�aarpf1aI,fliltat-
or, on Sunday, March 7, 111113; Mr biaeeise
Napoleon Durand of
m, `Zurich; formerly of RR 1,
in his 87111 year. Beloved Auabend of °er-
trude Delphtsse Dudarme, Dear *Ow end
father-in-law of Jerome and class Ai lu-
nch, Leo Paul and Evelyn of Union, Itlsul
and Mane Cyr of Zurich, Lionel sad Hems -
date Cyr of RR 1, Dashwood, AsMieayand
Fenn of Waterloo, and Al and 8S1l1ssarrownt
Hughes of London. Dear brother end broth-
er-in-law of Margaret Jean and Wilfred Pat-
terson, Mrs. Kathleen Shreenan, and Harvey
and Rayburn Gelinas, all of London; Orland
and Marilyn Durand of Windsor, Phil Du-
rand of RR 2, Zurich, Maxine and Anita Du-
rand of Calgary. Predeceased by are son
Andre (1986), one brother Ricard and by
three sisters, Mrs. Lillian Roche, Mrs. Pearl
Rau, and by Marie Theresa. Also surviving
are 29 grandchildren and 25 great-
grandchildren. Rested in the Zurich Chapel
of Michael P. O'Connor Funeral Homes, 49
Goshen St, N.: Zurich thence to St. Boniface
Roman Catholic Church, Zurich, for celebra-
tion of the Funeral Mus on Wednesday,
March 10 at 11:00 a.m. with Fr. Peter Hayes
celebrant. Spring interment in St. Peter's
R.C. Cemetery. Parish prayers Tuesday eve-
ning at 8:00 p.m. As expressions of sympa-
thy donations to the Heart and Stroke Foun-
dation would be appreciated. . 10c
HARTMAN • Peacefully at South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, on Sunday, March 7, 1993
Veronica Angela (Sopbs) Hartman of Ma-
plewoods Apartments, Zurich, and formerly
of Goderich and Mount Carmel, in her 71st
year. Beloved wife of Austin Harman. Dear
mother of Sister Theresa Mahoney of Wind-
sor; Donald Mahoney and his wife Audrey
of Cambridge and Tena Hinter of Goderich.
Loved grandma of Luanne Mahoney of
Corbridge; Kerry Lynn and her husband
Paul Fuller of Waterloo; Michael, Murray,
Mark and Mathew Hunter of Goderich. Dear
sister of Leonard Sopha of Illinois; Law-
rence Sopha of Michigan; Philip Sopha and
Armondine Bedard, both of Windsor and
Doreen Dietrich of Zurich. Predeceased by
her. fent husband, John Mahoney (1971);
brother, Clarence; sister, Doris; infant twin
sons (1949) and parents Dolph and Priscilla
(Ducharne) Sopha. Rested in the Chapel at
Blue Water Rest Home, Zurich, on Monday.
Funeral Mass was held at Our Lady of
Mown Carmel Church, Mount Carmel, on
Tuesday, March 9, 1993 at 10 a.m. Father
Peter Hayes, Celebrant. Interment in Our
Lady of Mount Carmel Cemetery..If desired,
memorial donations to a charity of choice
would be appreciated. (T. Harry Hoffman &
Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood, entrusted
with arrangements. 237-3532). 10c
JENNISON - Suddenly, as a result of a mo-
tor vehicle accident, on Friday, March 5,
1993, William Robert Jmes (Bill) Jennison
of RR el, Grand Bend, in his 20th year. Be-
loved son of Bill and Judi (Glover) Jennison.
Loved brother of Billi Leanne Jennison, at
home. Dear grandson of Roben and Eveleen
(Hill) Jennison of Grand Bend; Jim and the
late Murdiena (Humphreys) Glover of Exet-
er and great-grandson of Mrs. Leita Hill of
Crediton. Loved and sadly missed by his
mutts, uncles, cousins and many friends.
Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Fu-
neral Horne, Dashwood. A private family
service was held at the Funeral Herne on
Tpesday, March 9, 1993 followed by a pub-
li funeral sendce at the Grand Bend United
urchAd p.m,Tenor Rev. Kevin Rut -
g4 rind Kl+v. olirs''Sio ei:dfficiatett: In -
in Pinery Cemetery, Grand Bend. If
desired, memorial donations to the Cancer
Society, Penh -Huron V.O.N. Palliative Care
Volunteer Program or charity of choice
would be appreciated. 10c
McCANN • At Viands HosLondon,
al Tuesday, larch 2, 19( d Francis
McCann of lount Cam :R 3, Dash-
wood, died peacefully in k o9th year. Be-
loved husband of Theresa (McIntyre)
McCann. Dear father and father-in-law of
Mary Theresa and Brian Gallaher of Lon-
don, Rita McCann of Toronto, Ed McCann
of RR 3, Dashwood, Cathy and Mike Veal
of RR 1, Woodharn and Barb and Peter
Tracz of St. Catharines. Predeceased by son
Peter Francis McCann (1975). Loved grand-
pa of Nicole and Kylie Gallaher, David, Ste-
ven and Jennifer Veal, Kim and Sarah
Traci. Son of the late Monza and Laura
(Dietrich) McCann. Dear brother and broth-
er-in-law of Mary and Tom Ryan; Noreen
and her late husband Lawrence McCann, all
of Mount Cantel; the late Jean and Ted
Lane, formerly of Phoenix, Arizona; Bill
and Mary McCann; Madeline and her Late
husband Leo Regier, Nell and her late hus-
band Jack McCann, all of Mount Carmel;
Ruby and Herb Person of Pontiac, Michigan
and Irene and her late husband Joe McCann
of Grand Bend. Survived by his nieces and
nephews. Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman &
Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood, with visita-
tion Thursday from 3:30 to 5 p.m. and 7 to
9:30 p.m. Parish prayers were held at the Fu-
neral Home Thursday at 9 p.m. Funeral
Mass at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church,
Mount Cannel on Friday, March 5, 1993 at
10 a.m. Father 1. Bagatto, Celebrant. Inter-
ment in Our Lady of Mount Cannel Ceme-
tery. If desired, memorial donations to the
Heart and Stroke Foundation or . Critical
Care Trauma Centre, Victoria Hospital,
wotlld be, appreciated by the family as ex-
pressions of sympathy. 10c
Suck &woe
for Rick McCann
& Cindy Jones
Sat.. March 27
For information 235-2488,
237-3721, 234-6260
Tunes-Advof>i, March 10, 1993 Page 23
Buck & Doo
for Andy Mothers
& Lori Bannister
Sat.. March 20
John Bannister's Shed
Beef & Pork BBQ
Sakes . L.Lvel 651
Birthday num
Rosemary Stewart
Love Leanne & Travis,
Dianne & Daryl,
Brian and John
Buck & Doe
for Julia Brown
& Steve McIntyre
Sat, . March 20
9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
=mod Community
-Uinch provided. D.J.
55.00 per ticket ►4
'az.z.: XXXXX Z=Z=—.
Magic Unlimited Theatre
Cuthbert & The
Dragon's Teeth
at 30-40 minute medieval tale
for ages 3-12
Lucan Community Memorial
Fri., March 19
10:30 a.m.
Admission fres, everyone welcome
Sponsored by the Lucan Opti- -
mists, Southem Ontario Library
Service, Outreach Ontario, and
by Middlesex County Library.
Meine (Mike) Eizenga
90th Birthday, March 15
The family invites friends, neighbour,
shuffleboard and lawnbowling partner,
C.R.C. Friendship Circle and Church
family to a Reception in his honour
Saturday Mardi 13, 3.5 p.m
at the Exeter Pentecostal Tabernacle
Best wishes only
The Granton Masonic Hall Board
Invites you to their annual
Oyster C3 Ham Supper
Sat., March 13
atthe Granton Masonic Hall
Serving from 4:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Oyster Ham
$15. ea. $8. ea
$7.50 ea. $4. ea.
Bob Wilhelm 284-2148
Norris AtthIll 229-6548
Carl Mills 235-0905
presented by Zion West U.C.W. Usborne
Saturday, April 3, 1993
1. tri tie • 1 - 11 1 11 11 . 1 -11
10:00 a. .'to 3:00 -p.m. - Registration : 1 a-lil
$12.00 person
includes • luncheon • displays • demonstrations • surprises
• Fashions by Designers • door prizes • quilt draw
FOR TICKETS CALL: 229-8770 or 229-6271
or any UCW member
Advance Tickets only by March 27, 1993
Nappy 50th Wedding Anniversary
Harare and Labelle Harness
March 13
Love from Marlene, Bill, Rob and Leanne
with Hockey Creat
as he talks ab
out Itfe
in and outvof hockey ey
�,.*^ Thursdays March 11
Roast -Beef Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Tickets: 510.00
Presented by: Emmanuel $aptist Church
For tickets please call 235-2661 or 235-117(