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Times -Advocate, March 10, 1993
111 a o i s -Ida! Pi `s
Future brides
enjoy party
-EXETER - Last Monday night,
-h 1, 119 future brides and
Alen- guests arrived at the South
',Huron Recreation Centre for the
,ninth annual Welcome Wagon Bri-
dal Party organized by local host-
esses Cathy Seip and Doris Wei-
Upon registering, each bride-to-
be received a gift package, filled
with wedding tips, sample products
and gift certificates, courtesy of the
sponsors of the party, and was eli-
gible for the door prizes presented
by the business professionals in at-
This year, 30 businesses, a record
number, shared their expertise on
-4wedding planning and homemak-
• ging. Their displays were outstand-
ing and offered many worthwhile
ideas for the brides-to-be.
The highlight of the evening was
i a fashion show in which local mod-
•: -:els displayed beautiful bridal attire
from The Wedding Knot and the
very latest in coordinating formal
wear from Bud Gowan. Country
'Flowers provided the bouquets for
.the show as well as the breathtak-
:ing stage decor. Fashions for the
:zbridal trousseau and honeymoon
were from Clothes Call and Cameo
.Lingerie and Loungewear.
Throughout the evening, hostess
Cathy Seip introduced each partici-
7.pating business outlining their mer-
?:xhandise and their personal and
--professional services.
The Bridal Party is made possible
through the support of local busi-
nesses and thc assistance of the
South Huron Recreation Centre
staff. The hostesses say they are
pleased with the continued enthu-
siasm and cooperation that the -an-
nual Welcome Wagon Bridal Party
has maintained each year.
riagela Gould models one of the many creations at
the Welcome Wagon Bridal Party held last Monday at
the South Huron Recreation Centre.
The Welcome Wagon
Bridal Party drew many
future brides to the
South Huron Recreation
Centre last Monday. At
right, local models dis-
play some wedding at-
Unusual tlisplay-of Christian unity
Planned distribution of video
By Eugene Fox
LUCAN - In a most unusual dis-
play of Christian unity the two-
hour video cassette "Jesus" is about
to be distributed free throughout
thc city of London and surrounding
area, churches, including some in
Lucan and Granton. Beginning last
year with the vision of several
Christiap business men meeting in
a London tavern for Bible study,
more than 65 churches are now co-
operating to do the distribution.
The plan includes every home in
London, Woodstock, Strathroy,
Komoka, Lucan, Parkhill and For-
Funding the distribution out of
their own resources, this joint ef-
fort spans Anglican. Baptist, Breth-
• ren in Qhrist, Christian Reformed,
Church of Christ, Church of God,
Church of the Nazarene, Congrega-
tional, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Ply-
mouth Brethren, Presbyterian, Re-
formed, Salvation Army, United
and non -denominational churches.
Organizers are quick to point out
that participating churches are not
just trying+Rq increase church atten-
dance. They arc quite aware that
many who receive the fret video
may never be interested in church.
Instead, the outreach is designed to
give people the opportunity to ex-
amine the Bible's message about
Jesus for themselves in the privacy
of their own homes. Later, home
Bible studies will be offered to
those who wish them.
Currently in 250 languages, "Je-
sus" has been seen by over 450
million people around the world,
including the former Soviet Union,
making it the most translated and
viewed film in human history.
Filmed in its authentic setting of
the Holy Land, its actors them-
selves have been profoundly affect-
ed by its message. Chosen for their
professional acting ability, each has
come to personal faith in Jesus
through working with the film.
Every word of the script is taken
from the Bible's Gospel of Luke.
The distribution of the video is
closely tied with London's 200th
anniversary. Lt. John Simcoe stood
at the Forks of the Thames (now
Ivey ,Park) when the city was
founded and prayed that from it
"God's light and truth (in the Bible
will spread to) this nation." Now it
is expected that some 5,000 Chris-
tians will gather at that same loca-
tion on March 22nd for a rally of
prayer and witness. They will pray
for the success of the "Jesus" video
distribution, not only in the London
area, but also eventually to every
one of Canada's nine million
homes. They feel this gives them a
strong tie with Simcoe's prayer.
The actual distribution is sct for
March 29 - April 3.
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How to classes begin soon!!
Learn the fun you can have creating decorative
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Capsule Comments
with Ernie Miatello
Former Surgeon General of the U.S., Everett Koop,
says "Drugs don't work in people who don't take
them." Compliance with the doctor's orders is a big
problem. If you have trouble remembering to take your medication,
check with our pharmacist for help.
March is National Kidney Month. Did you know that the first prototype of
the artificial kidney was developed back in 1913? But it wasn't until the
mid -fifties that U.S. physicians pioneered 'hemodialysis", cleansing the
blood of toxins.
Nursing mothers should nurse before exercising, according to a major
journal on pediatrics. After exercising, breast milk tastes sour due to a
higher level of lactic acid content and infants may drink less due to this.
There is much misunderstanding about how AIDS Is transmitted, but
•one thing is absolutely for certain: You cannot get AIDS by donating
blood. Next time there is a blood donor clinic in our area, give a pint, if
you are able.
You'll be relaxed when dealing at our pharmacy. We do our best to pro-
vide you with hassle -free pharmacy service. Give us a try!
If you like our fast, friendly• service, spread the good word; tell your
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