HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-03-10, Page 6' `'111119O411191111M119,41NOth 10, 1993
''RaiRRevi8.rt Luxton Pastor Patricia Dobbs
B.B.M. M. DIV.
B.A. M. DIV.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs Jr. of Saubleside Farms, Centralia
are pleased to announce the engagement of their only daugh-
ter, Pastor Patricia Dobbs to the Reverend Robert Luxton, son
of Mrs. Muriel Luxton of Toronto. The Celebration and Bless-
ing of Marriage will be held at Trivitt Memorial Anglican
Church, Exeter on Saturday, April 24, 1993
Poortinga - King
Mrs. Jean Osterloo, Exeter,
Ont. and Mr. Ron King,
Brampton, Ont. are pleased
to announce the engagement
of their daughter . Cheryl .Col-
leen to :faeprgeJames,:sonrof
Mr. tend,. Mrs. Weary.-P.odrtin-
ga, Kirkton, Ont. The .wedding
will take place Saturday,
Marclff27, 1993 at 3 p.m. at
the Christian Reformed
Church, Main Street, Exeter,
Exeter UCW
tthfnk of signs
EXETER - Leader, Grace Drum-
mond opened the UCW evening
unit of Exeter United Church with
a reading 'Spring Cleaning". 34 la-
dies answered the roll call with "a
sign of spring."
Gladys Talbot reported on the
profits from two recent funeral
luncheons and a banquet. Marie
Brunzlow reminded everyone of
the weekly Lenten series being
conducted by Rev. Parsons and
Grace announced that Mary Fisher
would help convene the Friendship
Tea in June.
Everyone was reminded to bring
craft or. household articles to the
next meeting for Camps Bimini
and Menesetung.
Devotions based on the Lenten
hems were taken by Alma God -
bolt's group. She introduced Rev.
Cordell Parsons who through
soothing music spoke on slowing
down and listening to one another
during the period of Lent.
Dashwood WI
learn all
about fabrics
DASH WOOD - Dashwood
Women's Institute on March 2 the
Canadian Industries meeting
opened with St. Patrick's meaning
of a shamrock and a soldier's Bib-
lical uses of a Deck of cards. The
Ode and Mary Stewart Collect
were repeated.
Valentine cards and colourful
magnetic hearts from the "First
Grand Bend Guides' were distrib-
uted to the members. Fashion Con-
sultant Mrs. Lois White from For-
est gave a demonstration on
fabrics ,and colours and showed
many lovely spring fashions.
The next meeting is April 6 with
Secret Pal LaiwiOgge,,and the col-
lects Okirallaileiliktitcs.
VARNA - In thence of pres-
ident Anna Keys, Charles Reid
chaired the meeting of Stan -Lee
Club on March 3.
He extended a warm welcome to
everyone. At this time an elimina-
tion draw took place. Names were
drawn from a basket.
Lucky people were Marg Hayter
who won a can of soup. No. 10 was
Ruth Johnston who won a pot of
mums. Last name to be drawn was
Marj Varley the winner of a bag of
Margaret Hayter gave two read-
ings "A Busy Friend" and reminded
everyone of bygone days with a
poem entitled "Our Outside Plumb-
They were treated to some toe
tapping music presented by Elgin
Nott and Bill and Wonetta Holland.
Several games of euchre were
played. Prize winners were Marga-
ret Elliot, Leona McBride, Bill Hol-
land and Hugh McBride.
From our
Itch en to yrs
By T.A. ghost writeiy Devine
Fish ranks.among the
most nourishing of foods.
It is high in protein and
low in calories and fat.
There is little waste from r_
bones or shrinkage, and it
can be served at breakfast,
lunch, dinner, or as a
snack. It can be cooked in
.the oven, on top of.the
stove, in a -microwave andhottdhetarbecue. Some of the best
fish I have ever had was prepared on the barbecue! Fish fin-
gers have always been a favourite breakfast food around here.
(Kippers would be, but you have to be prepared to open all of
the windows if you enjoyahose!)
Perfectly cooked seafood is moist and has a delicate flavour.
Don't overcook it. -The "10minute rule" is still the best guide
to cooking seafood by the conventional method. Measure the
fillet, stuffed fish or steak at the thickest part. Allow 10 -min-
utes cooking time per inch.of;thickness at 450°F. (Add five
minutes if the fish is wrapped in foil and double the time if it is.
frozen.) The fish is cooked when the flesh is opaque.andllakes
When defthiniingtfrozen fish, try: not to just throwtheblock
on the counter and hope for the best. Keep the defrosting fish
cold so the outside fillets don't deteriorate while the middle is
still:fmzen..Either defrost it in the refrigerator or immerse it in
cr`1ri water. Try to separate the fillets if the fish has been fro-
zenin a block, it is much more attractive when it is served that
• .way.
"The _Canadian Seafood Advisory Council have announced
the 1993 "Great Canadian Seafood Recipe Contest", an oppor-
tunity for you to present your favouriteseafood recipe. The
prizes include trips to Vancouver or Halifax, microwave ovens
and Coming cooking sets. The recipe must be original and use
either seafood fillets, fresh or salt water varieties, or processed
seafood that is breaded or battered. The contest began March
1, 1993 and closes May 15, 1993. For more information on
how to enter or to send an entry write:
The Canadian Seafood Advisory Council,
#443 Durham Road 21, RR #4,
Uxbridge, Ontario. L9P 1R4
A favourite recipe and a winner with us, calls for sole.fillets,
however, ocean perch, snapper or cod can be substituted with
delicious results. The source is Anne Lindsay's -Smart Cooking
cookbook and it is quick and easy to prepare.
Place in a lightly oiled baking dish just,large enough to hold
them in a single layer:
1 lb. sole fillets.
Sprinkle them with salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.
Combine and drizzle over fish:
2 tsp. melted butter
2 tbsp. chopped fresh parsley
1 tbsp. lemon juice.
Bake uncovered 400° for 8-10 minutes (remember the rule)
or until the fish is opaque and flakes easily.
To microwave, cover with plastic wrap, tum back confer to
vent and microwave on high 3 1/2 to 4 1/2 minutes.
Seniors enjoy music
EXETER - The March nieeting
of Exeter Seniors was held at the
Legion with a good auendance.
Exeter is to host the Zone Rally
on April 22. Guest speaker .will be
Gwen Whilsmith.
A 50/50 draw was held and win-
ners were Olive Essery, Ray Smith,
Luella Taylor and Harry Beaver.
Helpers with bingo at the Villa
this month arc Ted and Shirley
Wright and Mildred Thomson.
President Alva Heywood read a
poem "Signs of the Times". Alice
Bowen, program convener, read a
poem "Friends". Max Ducharme
and the town liners played several
musical numbers. Eric Kints and
Marlene Mothers sang. ladies who
wish to arc to wear their Eager
bonnets to next meeting at the Lc-
gion April 6. at 7:00.
FRIEE/ t Exeter store only
One package of hot cross buns
(Value $2.49) With purchase
of 1 package Valid until closing Sat.,
March 13th
>tMsiiary &lassie
.[house •
Their talented visitors returned to
favour there with more musical
numbers. Several members enjoyed
dancing to the music popular in
their younger days.
A potluck lunch brought the
meeting to a close.
• Family fun
The Family Fun Night sponsored
by the Stanley Recreational Com-
mittee proved successful once
Children and parents both en-
joyed dancing and spot dances
were won by Amanda Elliot twice,
Pam Crete twice, Stacey Consitt,
Cara Stephenson, Vicki Carter, Mi-
chael LePortc, Heather Beierling,
Melonie Crete, Traci Taylor, Marg
Smith and Brian Glen.
To top the night off hot dogs
were served along with desserts.
Canoe rally
The recreational committee. are
now making final plans for the an-
nual Canoe Rally to be held April 4
so get your canoes polished up and
all set to go.
The Fiddlers Jamboree will be
Sunday, April 25.
On Thursday, March 11 the
World Day of Prayer Meeting will
be held in Varna at 8 p.m. for both
Varna and Goshen U.C.W.'s.
Thursday, March 18 the Trends
Group (ages 10-13) will meet at
Brucefield at 7 p.m.
A combined meeting of both Var-
na and Goshen congregations - Pas-
toral Charge will be held Sunday,
March 21 in Varna following a
joint church service to start at 10:30
a.m. A meeting is to follow at.ap-
proximately 11:30. a.m.
Congratulations -to John:and Gail
Dowson on the arrival of their baby
Low and high heel styles
Perfect for any formal occasion
Main 51. 235.1933 Exeter
Quality Footwear... Courteous Service
5100 tol.50 OFF
All in -stock
Buy Any New
and make no payments until July, 1993
(To March 1))
SPRING 411{1{1'
We pay the taxes on all
sofas, chairs andloveseats
V1111111! (11N(
Mattresses and
Foundations at
Terrific Values
typvi.,,ti1 l3i,t;o ltit>lue( rrtvur:` bdvirlgt
trlrOUgteute tint: stuff_
Appliances and Furniture
Bates aimi Son*.
63Msie Si., bale 23S.slot 1361Y64
Spring is just around the stir ter
and so is
Patricia's Country
Cuts and Style
Shape up your hair
Behind the Post Office,
Huron Park
call &-931
Low and high heel styles
Perfect for any formal occasion
Main 51. 235.1933 Exeter
Quality Footwear... Courteous Service
5100 tol.50 OFF
All in -stock
Buy Any New
and make no payments until July, 1993
(To March 1))
SPRING 411{1{1'
We pay the taxes on all
sofas, chairs andloveseats
V1111111! (11N(
Mattresses and
Foundations at
Terrific Values
typvi.,,ti1 l3i,t;o ltit>lue( rrtvur:` bdvirlgt
trlrOUgteute tint: stuff_
Appliances and Furniture
Bates aimi Son*.
63Msie Si., bale 23S.slot 1361Y64