HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-02-24, Page 21February 25 1 • 1 Exeter Saddle Club' Public speakers at Parttime Mead also received cash awards from the Exeter Legion. In front, from left, are juniors Michael Hodgins (1st), Robert Acton (2nd), and Craig Overholt (3rd). Behind, from left, is Legion representative Clay Murray, and intermediates tied for first place Lawrence Cole and Christine Coolman, and Darryl Parsons (2nd). The Exeter Legion presented cash awards to Exeter Public Schools top public speakers on Monday. In front, from left are juniors Julie Godbolt (1st), Kristen Brooks (2nd), and Jannelle 1 -tem anc Megan Straw tied for third. Behind are intermediates Kara Farwell (1st), Julie Darling (2nd), ands Preslee4aver T31rfy.., Al rtht-tg"1 j►1V !',2he Legion's youth education chairper- son. Highway 21 may get newname in Grand Bend :GRAND BEND - Although per - baps better .known to some resi- dents as ikhghway 21, Ontario Street as homes through Grand Bend may benin.;line for a new name. :In discussing routine business at Monday evening's council meeting, mayor Toni Lawson revealed that the village's second major street is being considered by Lambton County to be renamed Lakeshore. Lawson said the new name might be needed because there are already several Ontario Streets in Lambton, and confusion over municipalities and addresses might arise under a BINGO Thursday ich Community Centre *3000 in Cash Mans including 4 early birds 0425. ea 7 Reg. games •$130 ea. 2 Specials $200 ea. 1 Sponsors Special (Win up to 100% of sales) Lucky wallet 1 Mystery Game (Win. min. $100 up to max. . $300) Lucky Letter 1 Bonanza Game (Share the Wealth) 1 1 Jackpot $1200 must go Doors open ® 6 p.m. Bingo starts 7 p.m. No one under 16 etigibie to play hoped-for county -wide 911 emer- gency telephone system. "It ties in with this 911 emergen- cy system," said Lawson. "Aside from the fact it's a nice name." "Why not call it the Grandway?" wondered councillor Bill Uniac, adding that too was a nice name. Council also raised the question as to whether the county would .eventually give council the final de- cision on the name selection for the fit. Lester s Roadhouse Exeter .Entertainment Every Thurs. is Kareoke Feb. 26, 27 - The Doteg Var- ty Band Mar. 5,6 - Katz 'N'. Ja.wa•rs Mar. 1Z 43,429- Tobe Ationouriced Mar. 20 - Ft April 17 - Terrylielelka Exeter 235-3533 «ru111 uUHU11IUU 11UUUU Lucan Community Bingo Wed., Feb. 24 Bingo starts 7:30 p.m. Regular Games 1.000 Jackpot Game 51 calls or lass $200 bonus Total prizes $2800 Due to the licence regulations, no one under 18 allowed to play Licence 0537495 i 104*VM/44' arck DANCE HALL 9 p.m. • 1 a.m. 349-2678 Dross Code Fri., Feb. 26 Singles Dance Nitewatch *** $at.. Feb. 27 , Crystaialres Ofiliff4Wifi INV -The Club fi- hilae tl tiaUfb's ac- tivity plan for the iapring and emitter horse WON, .aesann Maw re Sall tet the hoate of pest Iiiiellry; !ilik- hill. Open summer all breed horse shows are scheduled to be held at the show grounds located at Cen- tralia College May 16, June 19, July 3, July 31, August 28 and September 18. The horse shows are open to the general public and will commence at 10 a.m. sharp to accommodate some new horse show classes which have been add- ed to the /93 event schedule. The new classes include novice adult and junior events for English and Western style riders. The classes have been designed to safe- ly introduce newcomers to the fun and comeraderie of horse shows. These classes are open to alt riders in their first and second calendar years of showing. Riders of alt ages on both ponies and horses are welcome. Four English style riding events have also been added to the expanded class list These ;Acmes include a Hunter Hack and English Equitation class and can be ridden Hunt Seat or Park style. Tentative activities for 1993 at Exeter also include movie nights, demonstrations, clinics and two trail rides; the fast one has been set for the Lucan area on May 22 with a rain date of June 13 and the sec - and ride will follow at the end of the summer. The trail rides are open to both English and Western riders on horses and ponies and are non-competitive in nature. Families are 'encouraged to attend the trail rides which .promise to be a relax- ing, fun time for all with a pot -luck supper to follow. The annual open general meeting of the Exeter Saddle Club will be held February 28 at 1 p.m. Interest- ed newcomers, and cmru tasaitell as former members 0011be ! rr Saddle Club, South Huron Aillian Association, Thames Valley Mid- ges, The Dorchester Saddle Club and ibe Mitchell Saddle Club, are encouraged to auond. Further infor- .le ben .carte by ,catling Julie Forrestat227-1062 or Pam Sugden; The Canadian Horsetrader Magazine at 227-4782. Party! Buck and Doe, Stag, Wedding When hosting a party with a special occasion permit. Protect yourself with Party Alcohol Liability Insurance. Premiums available for various size groups. exGeiser Knesie ins. Stokers Inc. Exeter 235-2420 Grand Mend 298.8484 t :171 !714'S •• • AT OAKWOOD INN FEBRUARY 26 TO 28 • FRIDAY: FREE ADMISSION Riverboat Casino Night: Cajun & Creole Foods a SATURDAY: MARDI GRAS Dance only - $10.00 Dinner and Dance - $44.00 Featuring "THE FABULOUS WILD CATS" !! Wear Something Wild & Crary !! Sunday Brunch - $13.95 • •r I • (818) 238-2324 OR 1400-387-2324 OakiNNI •• Resort, GoU 4 Cou,ury Glut, Grand Bend, Orxar, ti ti • i RQBazr travel marl Tours BRA1SION, Missouri - 7 days departing May 30th - Exeter pickup - includes Shoji Tabuchi. Conway Twitty, Ray Stevens, Wayne Newton, Ozark Morning Show, and the Passion Play - also includes sightseeing. 8 meals, bade handling, and Robert Q's Escorts -Doug snit Phtl1Us Joltwrpn • MAAITIMQS NiatamipiI - September 4th to, Sept*llber lath - includes PEI, Nova Scotia, Cabot Trail, New Brunswick, plus Maine land lake gieorge . LAS ZR - with gather Wylman as your hostess - Oct. 3rd to 7th • Exeter and area departures. SENIORS RECEIVE A 5% DISCOUNT ON ALL ABOVE TOURS. 1020 O+ tsdo St. Siretfevd, Ontario NIA 6Z3 1j (518) 273-7800, 1• 0 5-1r73OMx (818) 213-7778 ././J./.l✓✓../_'/.l✓_'y' J'i'm/_' ^-_,'rJ1✓./_/lll 111111184119101111119e, February 24, 1993 Page 21 t ellr,ir swrw��, iMa,40l> ,' Mlv.rs yarCh 24,114113 ExMsr Lions ¥Youth Centre Two sittings: 5:30 and 5:15 p.m. Adults: $5.00, children under 13: $2.00 Contact any Exeter Scouting Member for tickets The Royal Censlan Legion R.E. Poesseramm #167 COMING EVENTS Thula_. Feb. 28th - General meeting at 8 p.m. Lunch to follow Wad.. March 3m - Minor hockey "Legion Appreciation" night. Free admission to all Legion and ladies auxiliary members. gyp-. Manch 14th: Zone C-1 Convention and Election Branch #156 Seaforth A QUALITY MEMORIALNEMOT BE EXPO NELSO} MOnNTS Local Rep. Jim & Donna Hoffman 114 Main St., Dashwood 237-3763 1400-265-2677 Home Appointments .sheik lie Winter Sallee Monuments • 30" long x 6" thick x 24" high * Polished front and back with pol- ished top base Grey - 81149. Britz Black - 81213. - GST included - • Cemetery Foundation Extra - YOUR CHOICE of designs and lettering styles. Other granite colours available - call for details SPRING BREAK DANCE Featuring LOWDOWN 1 FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1993 9:00 p.m. till 1:00 a.m. St. Marys Arena & Community Centre Advanced Tickets $9.00 per person $11.00 at the door Available from any Fair Board Member & at M&M Variety BUCKET SPE1kI 15pcs of Chick si 99 phis ins Now, pick up a 15pc. Bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken for only 13.99 plus taxes. Offer Ends Sunday March 7, 1993 Hill M 0 Jit Can't Wait For It.