HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-02-24, Page 1aidebt wad
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High School
group at Blyth
page 3
One regular
game left
Second front
Lucan gets
recycl og
LUCAN - Monday, Middlesex
MPP Irene Mathyssen announced
that the Village of Lucan would be
getting a grant to subsidize its blue
box recycling program.
Mathyssen announced that the
village would receive $10,485 from
the Ministry of Environment and
Energy as part of its Municipal Re-
cycling Support Program.
Ontario's overall goal is to
.achieve a 50 percent reduction in
waste going to landfills by the year
The Lucan grant has been ear-
marked for the purchase of addi-
tional blue boxes and for defraying
the operating costs of the recycling
blamed -for '-.
"EXETER - Heavy snows took
their. toll on town Streets this past
week. At least two traffic accidents
in Exeter were attributed to slip-
pery roadways.
Town police report that. last
Wednesday an accident between
drivers Brent Robinson of Bruce -
field and JoAnne Dinney of Exeter
at the intersection of William and
Sanders Streets was caused by the
bad weather. Only minor damage
and no injuries resulted from the
collision. No charges were laid.
Thursday, there was a collision
between vehicles driven by Law-
rence Russel of Exeter and James
Brintnell of RR3 Exeter on Thames
Road East. Damage was light and
there were no injuries. Again no
charges were laid as the major
cause was blowing snow and slip-
pery roads.
On Friday, at the intersection of
Main and Huron Streets, drivers
Roy Lamport of Exeter and Mark
O'Brien of Dashwood collided.
O'Brien's vehicle was heavily dam-
aged, say police, and charges arc
Ne‘k date set
for police
EXETER - A new theta—beets
set for the hearing into the activities
of the town police chief and the po-
lice services board.
The Ontario Civilian Commis-
sion on Police Services has re-
scheduled its hearing to April 13
and 14, to be held in the town coun-
cil chambers.
The Commission will determine
• whether or not the town's police
services board acted correctly in re-
moving police chief Jack Harkness
from duty on September 7, reinstat-
ing him November 16. The com-
mission will also have to decide if
any further action is to be taken in
the mater.
Testimony from the board, town
staff members, police officers, the
chief and several otters is expected
to be heard during the two-day
The previous hearing date of
March 15 was rejected by the board
because it conflicted with the
March Break of several of those ex-
pected to take the stand.
!se -4'r. Nlittriteco. ` ; •• r� •� e , ric 1 fs'i.
Huron Park homes up on the block?
By Adrian Norte
T -A Editor
HURON PARK - The govern-
ment housing in Huron Park, a'cor-
nerstone of low-cost acc onuoi da -
tion in the South Huron area for
over 20 years, may bg going up for
The Ontario Development Corpo-
ration (ODC), which manages both
the housing and the industrial area
at Huron Park, is reported to be
considering various ways of selling
off 361 -home development.
The homes were built in the
1940s to accompany the RCAF
Centralia Air Base. When the mili-
tary decommissioned the base in
1967, the barracks and hangars
were turned over to the province to
become an industrial park and Cen-
tralia College. The houses became
a source of low-cost housing ex-
pected to be an attraction for busi-
nesses to locate in the park.
In recent years, however, the
housing has became less a function
of the industrial park and is more a
separate source of low-cost resi-
dences, popular with single parent
families, retirees, and those on so-
cial assistance. There is frequently
a waiting list of over 100 families
seeking to rent one of the houses,
which range from less than $300 to
.about $500 a month.
'sThe houses have been well-
maintained by ODC and the provin-
cidgovernment. Two years ago, a
$2 million capital project was an -
nous aedytormake upgrades to the
homes, such as better insulation
and wiring. That project was com-
pleted last April.
Should ODC decide to sell its in-
terest in the housing, it is not clear
how that will be accomplished.
Se11Ang the homes individually may
prove difficult as there are no sep-
arate lots in the park.
"It's not subdivided now," con-
firmed Stephen Township adminis-
trator Larry Brown. "It's one large
Brown said ODC officials met
with Stephen Township council
members to sound out the possibili-
ty of selling the houses, although
Brown said very !hale detail on
what they have in mind was dis-
One of the main concerns of the
township is the condition of the ser-
vices and how they might have to
be brought up to standard before
subdividing the land.
"That's standard for any subdivi-
sion," said Brown.
Stephen Township�peeve Tom
Tomes agreed that a14' sale of the
hones would be trusted like the
creation of a new subdivision.
"We have grave concerns," said
Tomes. "ODC has had good own-
ership of the lands and maintained
them quite well."
"We would like to know how and
who they are sold to and we would
like some say in that," said Tomes,
who added that selling off blocks of
houses to landlords would not be
viewed favourably by the township.
He said he didn't want to see Hu-
ron Park become something like
London's notorious Cheyenne
"We wouldn't want something
like that happening in our munici-
pality," he said.
Tomes said Huron Park has im-
proved considerably over its 25 -
year history. The first tenants were
not as carefully selected as they are
today, and the community's reputa-
tion suffered.
"I think Huron Park is a fine
community," said Tomes of today's
The reeve said ODC's suggestion
that the houses might go up for sale
did not come as a surprise. Over
the years, the crown agency has
passed control of all services in the
housing area over to the township,
and Tomes said privatization of the
property itself is just the last step.
"We do supply alt the services
there now," said Tomes, referring
Will you soon ,be able .to
houses near.:.
Sante -block
business break - ins
over weekend
EXETER - Town police are in-
vestigating two break-ins to local
businesses, both of which are
only doors apart on the same
Police say the side window of
the Tasty Nu Bakery store at 443
Main St. Exeter was kicked in
sometime on Friday night.
Stolen was a small amount of
cash and a block of cheese val-
ued at about $ao.
Sometime in the early hours
of Monday morning, the glass
front door of Triangle Discount,
at 433 Main Si, was smashed.
Thieves took only a ..small
amount of cippatles.ain Abe
break-in, report police.
The investigations into both
of these crimes is continuing,
say police.
The glees in Triangle Discount's front door was being le -
placed Monday morning after thieves broke through it
Sunday night to steal what police say was a small
amount of cigarettes. The store was robbed in a similar
manner last November.
in Huron Park if the government decides to sell off its
user pay
to Stephen taking over the fire de-
partment, the roads, sewers, gar-
bage collection, street lights, and
water lines - all of which used to be
under ODC administration.
Tomes said he has some concerns
with how the properties might be
"We sure would hope they
wouldn't put 360 houses on the
market at once," he said. "We don't
want to see anyone dumped out [of
their house) either."
The reeve said he could see why
ODC might be interested in divest-
ing itself of the housing project:
the only one it operates in the prov-
ince. He said the province's budget
deficits have no doubt spurred its
agencies to seek ways of selling off
"They though the province, being
in the financial shape it's in in, the
houses could be turned over and
they could be make some money,"
said Tomes, but added that any
hopes for quick millions were like-
ly mistaken.
"I think this would take a few
years to get through," said Tomes,
noting that a subdivision plan for a
property as complicated _ as Heron
Park takes a lot of time.
"We don't see it as a quick fix for
the province's problems," he said.
Fausto Saponara, vice-president
of finance and administration for
ODC, from his Toronto office
Monday said that all stories of the
Huron Park houses being up for
sale were "purely speculation - no
such decision has been made".
But Saponara said that doesn't
preclude the possibility that the
houses could be privatized, since
the province is examining all its as-
sets that could be sold off for fiscal
Orad Bawd hikes fees,
iris duces new ones
GRAND BEND - Your next trip
to the village office may cost you
more than you thought, even if you
aren't buying tags for your garbage
Grand Bend's Monday evening
session saw the increase of several
fees charged by the village, and the
addition of a couple more.
Building permits are now more
expensive in Grand Bend, but
mainly due to an increase in the
,s,fees charged by the county for pro-
}.,viding building inspectors.
Clerk Paul Turnbull recommend-
ed council increase the village's
building permit schedule to accom-
modate the 10 percent increase
charged by Lambton.
"If we don't we're going to get
further and further behind," said
Turnbull. "If we have a user pay
system we should pass that cost on
to the user."
Councillor Bill Uniac said0e_.
agreed with increasing the ratekac-
cordingly, but wondered if some of
the costs were missed.
"I'm alluding to the overinspec-
uons that are involved," said Uniac.
Turnbull replied by saying a year
of heavy building- activity would
mean that the inspection depart-
ment would more than meet its
cost, but in a slow building year
like 1991 the costs are not recov-
ered, even though inspections have
to be conducted for outstanding
Uniac asked if fees could be
charged for inspections.
"You start charging people for in-
spections, they won't call for in-
spections, they'll cover things up,"
predicted Turnbull, to which Uniac
Consequently council passed the
new fee schedule, which sees most'
building permits cost $55 plus
$4.50 per $1,00q of value. The old
rates were $50 plus S4 pet ,51,000
assessed value.
Council also agreed to introduce
new charges for applications for
minor variances and mimapies.
Again, this cameal,t1[n
dation of the clock.
"We liulc stand at the coffer
and handhiolrt through that wo-
os' cow," aaid Turnbull, but ,amid the
village had to send out notices and
hold meetings for such items at no
cost to the applicant.
Council agreed and passed the
new tariff bylaw which included
fees for those services.
The town's traffic bylaw also got
an update from council Monday.
There is no longer a $2,000 limit to
major offenses in the village.
"It was felt that we were limiting
the judge," said Turnbull, and noted
most municipalities were following
the new provincial guidelines.
The new "traffic bylaw also in-
cludes several new areas of the vil-
lage where cars can no longer park
or stop at the side of the road.
At the conclusion -of the meeting,
with all its new fees, a man in the
gallery made the observation that
many services that used to be fund-
ed by taxes were now user -pay pro-
"Every time . we turn around
there's something else user fee, user
fee," he said.
"Our taxes don't go down, they
keep going up, and so do the extra
,charges," he concluded, noting it
wasn't just a Grand Bend phenome-
non, but was probably nation-wide.
Committee members sought
Lucan toestah
citizenship awls
LUCAN - Village council will be initiating a Citizenship award for. tbe
year 1993 to honour local citizens who have shown outstanding efforts in
volunteer activities in the community.
Reeve Tom McLaughlin and councillor Rob Brady were members of.a
_CiMitnittee charged with iambi/Alias. ciuzeliship.recu,gdi ion ptogramgin
other communities and making recoaunendations to council.
The original suggestion for an award of this kind was made by Rev.
Bruce Pocock.
Council is_ now asking for ttaee volunteers from village residents to
serve on a committee to set up an agenda and select recipients for the
award. The deadline for showing a desire in become a member of this
committeee is Friday, March 5.
The council report presented by Brady calls for two awards to be pre-
sented annually, one to a finale and one to a female recipient. At last Tues-
day's meeting of council deputy reeve Harry Wraith suggested that only
one award be made each year.
A suggestion was also made that an award for an outstanding youth be
added in the future.
The committee when chosen will serve until December 31, 1994 and af-
ter that it will be a three year term to coincide with municipal elections
and appointments.
A start-up budget of 5500 has been su1gested for this first year of the
program, but reeve McLaughlin thought the actual cost would be consider-
ably less.
whlarge plaque will be tained at the village office in a public ,area
ich would record the winners and the plaque will accommodate photo-
graphs of the current year's recipients to be taken at village expense within
the program budget.
The committee when appointed will .select recipients each year from
names nominated by the public in response to advertising on the local
cable channel and local newspapers.
Members of the r:oatmitteeaad.elested officials of the vrprp - •
gible for rec nition during years when they hold office.