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Times Advocate, 1993-01-27, Page 11
a • JLtga 1 information for fate -at seminar '.HURON PARK - Do'pgt.1mve any rights when youi -non rot neighbour acmes ting the creek that nnsur properties? What .kind of en- sllltion can you expect -when your farm land is expropriated for a pipeline or hydro line? lbday's fanner needs to be more and more aware of how their busi- ness is.affected by various legal is; sues. Centralia College is hosting a one .day aominar called • "Legal Rights for Hanna Owners" on Wednesday, February 10, from 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in Huron Hall Lounge. A panel of lawyers from the firm of Cohen, Highley, Vogel and Dawson will be speaking on van - sous topics. They will present a re - imam of standard financing agree- .ntiaents signed by -fanners and the -obligations and rights under each. Expropriation of farm .land, and the circumstances under which this is allowed, is another topic. Law- yers will discuss how farmers can handle these situations and what .xal■■eure of compensation fanners 'ia add get for these takings. Lawyers will .tackle the topic of property taxes sand the options available to .farmers who are not satisfied with the -property assess- ments on their farm. environmental liability, an ever- -.amassing concerns among farm-. swill be discussed in reference tothe Environmental Farm Plan, as well as in relation to dealing with aisionsfarm neighbours and municipal • by-laws. Farmers looking to new ventures .and value-added products to -bring in some extra income will beinter- ..ested in this topic. The lawyers will ,address some of the legal hurdles that have to be overcome to estab- lish a secondary business .on a farm. These include zoning restric- tions and licensing. In addition the aseeps to insulate that secondary L. mistiness from the financial oblige- frtllitYts of the. .farm itself will be .-at. 41!!!!!;1;L your questions and con- amenaer. along as there will be time i liroughcut the day for informative ariiimussion and question periods. Tear more information, or to regis- ter for this informative seminar, sakes phone the Continuing Edu- On department at Centralia Col - Age. (519).23646691, ext. 285. How does your farm compare? :CLINTON - Net farm innate +r iaries a greast deal from one faun Ago the next, and for good reason! Commodity prices, debt Load, pro - Auction levels..and weather condi- urlions' can all influence how much approfit or loss your farm is likely to :.generate. Some of these factors may be under your control. others are not. The .current economic environ- ment will not let you sit back and coast if you hope to survive. Eval- uation of your farm's performance is one useful tool that can help as- sess overall management. To do this, you need information about your business and some basis for comparison. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to compare your "cost of c trop" with ,averages obi lobed from other tains. The Ontario Farm Management Awlysis Project provides a "corn - pltaliave analysis" eaercise that can be used to evaltlpte,production and financial ,fie of your business. This Gagliatial perfor- mance of your business. This cont( - denlial report will provide you with a profit check list including such factors as: return on investment, rates and costs of production. labour efficiency. and capital efficiency. Farms in the provincial .sumunary are grouped according to net tarn) income, toprtt►sertting the low third, the average and the top third. In 1991, Huron County had 228 farms,pflrUcipate in this project. The breakdown is as follows: - Cash clop 24, Dairy 33, gets 4. poultry 9. swine (finish) 15, swine (farrow) 15, beef cow 32,.beef feed- lot.66, other 2. sheep 10. swine (far- row to finish) 18. Anyone wanting to participate in the Ontario Farm Management Analysis Pru jest..should conitictihe ©MAF office. l'hey would be happy to work with you on this,project. .Dennis Martin -Frnta>ppient Specialist for Huron County One Faso t in the Furr By Bob Trotter I get the shivers when I think about the concentration of power which has taken place in agricul- ture in the United States because whether you believe it or not, the same thing is happening right here in good old Ontari-art-art-o. An American rural sociologist, William Heffernan of the Univer- sity of Missouri, when he spoke to the annual meeting of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, vwmrned that corporate ownership of agri- culture in the United States is be- coming so concentrated that the system is no longer competitive which spells trouble for farmers and consumers alike because trans- national companies can control prices all the way fromthe field to the retail shelf. When they.are selling you the in- puts and then buying your prod- uct," haanidshaismacrs,"They ba- •..sically determine the price." In the area of poultry, cattle, .nsieep. seafood, wheat milling, soy- sebean processing, only four firms :.::control more than 40 percent of :eche American market. He pointed .suis finger at one firm in particular: "_Conagra which is the largest dis- rstiributor of agricultural chemicals n in North America, one of the larg- est fertilizer producers and a big player in the seed business world- wide. The company owns grain eleva- tors, railroad cars and barges. It is the largest turkey and broiler pro- ducer in the country. It hires grow- ers to raise birds and processes the birds in its own facilities. It is the fourth largest food pro- cessor in the world. We now have Canadian Agra hard at work in Ontario. The com- pany has purchased more than 22,000 -- that's right 22 thousand - - acres of farmland in the Kincar- dine area, another 3,000 acres in the Grand Bend--Thedford area, built a dehydrating plant to process 90,000 tonnes of .alfalfa a year along with corn silage and grain corn, bought the Southwestern Onta- rio Tomato Processing plant in St. Thomas which will be re -located near Kincardine,.set up two real es- tate .companies, started construction of a .$12rmillion-.warehouse Godezich, bought controlling inter- est in the Pelee island Winery and is expanding vineyards at the rate of 25 acres a year, set up a research farm to run trials on all kinds of ide- as, started a joint venture in research with the St. Lawrence Starch Co. and is planning a canola crushing plant, a grain elevator, a feed mill, an ethanol plant and has even bought lies and tracks for a railway line between Harriston and Owen Sound. ibis, -my friends, is big, big, big business. I mean, humungous! One, lone farmer will have abso- alutely no clout at all compared to a company of this magnitude. I am 'not suggesting that these plans are either .bad or good. You can look at it-fmrnmany points of view, wel- corne them or criticize them," but you.cannot ignore them. -This is one monstrous conglomer .ate.tln addition to what is happening • in Canada and what has already hap- pened in the States,itte company has big plans in Latvia, Estonia,' r,Hungary and what was once Czech ,oslovakia. The company has farms to pro- duce crops and grow all kinds of livestock, has processing companies .to add value to their marketingfllild world-wide connections. I know of one cash crop fawner, smear l arckrtow-ertd- not er nearalli- Aspley who cannot wait to sign a con- tract with Canadian Agra Corp.- ' They see this company as the savi- 'our of their farms. I know of another beef farmer who figures this one company will have every farmer in southwestern Ontario bowing and . scraping at is feet. Time will tell. Times -Advocate, January 27, 193 Page 11 '11Nrrketing wlRi II difference ('1.INTON - Producers in Huron-- ounty will have the opportunity to help themselves to improved a liMaN��through a hands-on commodity marketing progriian. fn ;of a short course on a-tettrniealniarketing system-wkh ludo-upninistings to assist is attici- pantsin implementing the system on their own -farm. The course begins on Tuesday, February 2 from 7 p.m. - 10 p.m., and continues for six weeks'every Tuesday evening. Little or no experience in commodity marketing is required by partici- pants. At the end of the program you will be able to understand and use technical market analysis as part of -an overall marketing plan to reduce price risk and improve returns; and develop a marketing system that may be utilized over the long run. As a participant you must be willing to commit five to 10 minutes per day to keep daily price charts. Cost for the program is $100. For further information contact Brian Hall at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food office in Clinton. 11 Store (H)!', - Rannoch Store(A) $19-262-2605 . 1t •+ r':` 519-229-6700 'tBOb,Terry,Joe) Great Plains ( Murray) WANA SAVE BiG BUCKS! TAKE A LOOK $$ Consider The Savings$`,$ Kubota Parts --sharpen Up Now 1N -STOCK PARTS PR ASUN IN -STOCK PAM Savings ALL CODE X PARTS Savings and up figgE INSPECTION AND ESTIMAS.ON COMBINEPAIRS. Allis, . r Parts Amor r ...Savings Free Trucking For Tractors Booked For Service. ALL.SALES CASH AND CARRY..ALL SALES FINAL...THESE SAVINGS RUN 'TIL FEB. 26/93 Grower pesticide course safety course CLINTON - Several Grower Pesticide. Safety Courses are being offered this winter to producers in Huron County. Certification courses are being offered on Monday, March 8 and Thursday, March 11 from 8:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food office in Clinton. Growers requir- ing oertifrcation must attend this course and write an exam. Cost of the course is $40.00. Lunch is not ,.;included. For growers who would like ad- ! sditionaI help with the course mate- -Tile!, prior to writing l the exam, ;,,(nave two options to seleict town. The first option is to attend an Introduc- tory Pesticide Safety course. This course provides more hands on prac- tice and covers the material in more deptt than the Certification Course. The date for this course is Friday, February 19, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. at the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food office in Clinton. No exam or certification takes place at this course. The cost is $20. The second option is to obtain a pre - course workbook that will help growers with math and reading skills, prior to ,taking the Certifica- tion Cause. This workbook is avail able through the UMAF office, free of charge. A video tape gray also be borrowed that goes along with the material in the workbook. A number of growers who were previously certifned will require re- certification this year. Recertifica- tion is required every five years. All growers who purchase or use Schedule 1, 2 or 5 pesticides must be certified. For further information contact the Ouiwio Ministry of Agriculture and Food office in Clinton. Brian 1 all ( l arm Management Specialist for Huron County Residue Plantin Clinic 8"""r" by C.G. Farm Sup,y Ltd. Attachment Optioqs r%a'e 414W for Allieskime Levels to he ,rr(a e aloe pfatimrg 4 eest4e, a..�tar No till and min -till enactments aiow +ou to 460 your planter to your Wage practices. • Fou no/min-till coulter unlade, range from fluted to rippled a, bubbled. There's one 10 match your soil and rcudue levels. • Frarnc-mvunt coulters are ideal for all aotill coodrtions...even tough Stash and heavy soil. Or select row-nwunt r uulurs with heavy-duty down pressure springs to mia-till and light no -till • • Optional disc turnover clear, trash between coulter and seed opener disk. • Uptwnat .a,i of rubber dual closing wheels feature tour presume adfustirtents, vane* width ad(usuucnts and staggered positions for better soil/seed sontact • "C- spring parker leaves ,easy -to -sec wider quark d uugh Irish. •ower opuons.inciude trash guards, blower screen and weight brtkatt. • stliphidte-oil options also available (%oi�r as tfiv, as iittoee rikg �ffooa o1 ideas aq'Q iffioetwratiOff offAoie tip WAr'''IC ,i' ~ffif hod' o f et esi4e raw-, Date: Thurs. Jan. 28/93 Time: Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Program to follow Location: Zurich Community Centre Feature Speaker: Doug Smith, ThamesviHe The On/y Dr// On The /Market That..,, •Has The No -Till Toolbar Built Into The Main Frame, No Need For Expensive /fin coliddlOS alias Up To 750$0 01 Down Presstl're Per Coulter •Has Hydraulically Adjusted Weight Transfer To The No -Till Coulters And Openers •Is Designed For Any Field Condition - No-TII I, Min -Till, Or OonrontOgaI SPEEDY 5000 SERIES Uai4o'i�awn T0200 The Leede. In Con$evrl/ron rseMo%yr • i