Times Advocate, 1993-01-20, Page 7Mid -month birthday celebrations plentlful By Carmel Sweeney ZURICH - Last Monday evening Ina Neeb, of Spruce ViUa_et+d a group of women having birthdays in the month of January. Theilliatimus enjoyed euchre as well as cake and ice cream. On Saturday afternoon an open house at Laura Gascho's Maplewood res- idence was held in honour of her 90th birthday. Several friend and relatives attended the occasion. The friends of Frieda Moore gave her a birthday party at her residence on Saturday evening. Games of crokinole and euchre were played before cake and ice cream were served. Jerome Sweeney celebrated his birthday at the home of Mozart and Marie Gelinas on Sunday with a dinner in his honour. Birthday wishes go out to Allan Jeffrey and Paul Johnston. Robbie Ma- thonia turns four years -old on January 20 and his sister Stacey will be 2 on January 23. Visitors Doug Klopp of Oakville and Diane Klopp of Barrie spent the weekend visiting with their parents and families, Herb and Donna Klopp. On Saturday, Beth Sweeney travelled from Toronto to spend a few days with her parents and family members. Gary and •Anna Geoffrey of Windsor spent the weekend visiting his par- ents, Beatrice and Clarence Geoffrey. • The daughter and son-in-law of Allan and Isabele Gascho, Linda and Al Moran, visited from Toronto on the weekend with their two children. Personals Brent Marcel Vanneste, son of David and Sherri, was baptized on Sun- day at St. Boniface Church by Father Peter Hayes. Best wishes for a qukk recovery we extended to those in the hospital: Bridget Groot, Clare (Sliver) Bedard, and Matthew Ducharme. Bowling The St. Boniface Knights of Columbus are planning to have their annual "couples bowling night" at the the Town and Country Lanes on Saturday, January 23 beginning at 8:30 p.m. The cost to participate is $25 per couple. For further information, contact Doug Debits at 236-4419. Ar- rangements should be made as soon as possible. Quilting The C.W.L of St. Boniface are looking for'anyone interested in quilting to help with a new quilt set up in the lower hall. Everyone welcome. Senior drop-in centre The senior citizens are having a drop-in centre every Monday afternoon beginning at 1 p.m. in the lower level Senior's Room at the Hay Township Hall. Before the euchre cards are dealt, Cathy Schwartz will lead everyone in warm up exercises. All seniors welcome. Meetings The Chamber of Commerce held their January meeting Tuesday evening at the Hessenland Restaurant. The annual meeting of the Agricultural Society (Fair Board) will be held January 20 at the Township Hall at 7:30 p.m. Various reports will be given and elections for -the new year will take place. A pot luck lunch will follow. Everyone is welcome. The St. Boniface School P.T.A. meeting was held on Tuesday evening in the gym with good attendance of parents and teachers. Varna crrokinole club Queensway news electsnew officers HENSALL - The new year start- televised church service of the ByJoan Beierling VARNA - On Tuesday evening January .12, the Varna Crokinole Club met in.the church basement for their:.third session of the sea- son. The 16 members were divided into two:groups for doubles play. .Raymond Beierling topped group two -with 38 points while Joe Fu - lop was runner up with 36. Ralph Stephenson was high in getup one with 35 points and Marg McClymont runner up with 34. A business meeting was held and the following elected to of- fice: President - Ivan McCly- mont; Vice-president - Ralph Ste- phenson; secretary -treasurer - John Harris; committee - -Bill Chesscll and Joe Fulop. The club next meets on Tues- day, January 26. Thursday, January 21 Goshen U.C.W. will meet at the church at 8 p.m. Jean Bennett will . talk about her time at General Coun- cil.'Varna members are invited to attend. The Annual Congregational Church Meeting will be held in Vama on January 24. A light lunch will follow the service. Please bring sandwiches and/or cookies or squares. Goshen's meeting is January 31. Get your spaghetti supper tick- ets to be held Wednesday, Febru- ary 10 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. They can be purchased from any member of the Teen Set from Varna, Goshen, Brucefield and Goshen. Raymond Beierlitig, a hockey ,.player for. .the :Znnch Bantams. .played in the.thesley Can -Am tournament with his teammates last weekend. They won four out of five games and came home the 'A' champions. Each player re- ceived individual trophies. Raymond received player of the game award anti a hat trick award for game three. Congratu- lations to Raymond and all players on this team. ed off with the Christian Reformed Singers coming in and sharing their music with the residents. Pas- tor Stephen Alles from St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Zurich led the firstchurch service for 1993. The Volunteer Auxiliary held their fust meeting and started mak- ing plans for the new year. It was decided their next meeting will be delayed one week until Monday, February 8. Last week there was a very unique church service. Since the regularly scheduled minister was unable to attend, residents had a :<<+�rt':;.<•:: <�t..o'T�:'f :'�' :.eii:'�+f.2 ":+Sic•''.y�{'�' Christian Reformed Church. Spe- cial thanks to Lida DeVries for lending us a copy of the church service. A group of residents got together on Thursday evening for the Sup- per Club. Upcoming events January 28, 7 p.m. Birthday Par- ty with Mozart Gelinas and George Mathonia. February 2, 7 p.m. Christian 'Reformed Singers. February 8. 10 _a.m. Volunteer Auxiliary Meeting. •`'<'.:jFi{i'' .:)2':•:C,/.•'i;.f' .< !.4'�i :;:k:: ^�;,»; :::;.�;;: � ;?�r::F � •:.cam<' r: s:.. � .4?+.:: A4614)t WOW 1LI. FALL & WINTER FABRICS 50% OFF REGULAR PRICE • • • • -440 1397 Main St Exeter Heart: Phone 235.2842 t•• Mon. to Thurs. 9:30 - 5:30, N. 9:30 - 9; Sat.; 9:30 - 6 41• ••••••••••• ••• f Winne, rj HURRY! HLRin !INA' VC1 1 FACTORY BRIDAL OUTLET Brida1 Blowout V it'Il'I1tir»rtl NEW BRIDAL GOWNS starting $130 t.00 at HOURS: Mon. -Fri. 10-9 Sat. 9-5 Sun. 12-5 Cash All Sales Final SJ2565S 26" STEREO SOUND $69995 Less up to $100 SJ2065S 21" STEREO SOUND $52995 Less up to $100 SJ2743LK 28" STEREO SOUND Picture in Picture $.119900 Less up to $100 SJ2765W 29" STEREO SOUND $79995 Less .up to $100 '9°'S29" STEREO SOUND 20" STEREO SOUND SJ2775BG Picture in Picture 43995 Less up to $100 $ 95• \ivy,/,1; 999 Less up to $100 SCRATCH YOUI? OWN DEAL FOP A ZENITH ,.if,. e/i,fr • t_OLOF! 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