HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1993-01-13, Page 20Page 20 Tunes-Advovate, ..18101.013,1410 Kristen Itriannies °tdtitress scored her proud parents a plethora of prizes and gifts from Local merchants. The first baby of the New Year was born to Times Advocate sub- scribers, Brent and Sharer Dawson of RR 2, Hensall, on January 4 at 5:06 p.m. at St. Joseph's Hospital in London. Kristen, the first :child of the Dawson's, weighed in at 8 pounds, 2 ounces.i.She was due on Christmas day, but de- cided to take ober time and clench the first New Year's baby title. 4snnie Morenz SITIPKA -Where were ten.tsbles in .play .at the euchre Amid Mast Wednesday aight-at.Shipisa Com- munity Genre.-Wionets Aare: la- dies high, Doris Pfaff, Crediton; ladies low, Dorothy • Vandahl, Grand Bend; ladies most lone hands, Mary McCann; gents high, Emil Becker, Dashwood; gents low, .Earl Vandahl, Grand Bend; gents most lone hands, Lloyd Dur- er, Parkhill. The north group were in 'charge of arranging and lunch refresh- ments. Another euchre will be held in two weeks. Personals Congratulations _to . Larne -and Loreen Devine of2urieh -on :their wedding anniveawty.-The Devines lived and farmedlormany years in this. area -before -moving to Grand Bend, and later . to Zurich. Last Sunday they quietly observed their 45th anniversary. "Happy birthday" wishes this week to Gertie Stade. Saturday evening supper guests with Hugh .end Annie Morenz were- our son Bill -from London, and our cousin, Donald Jackson, of Hensall. Exeter seniors meet EXETER : The first meeting ;of the year.of Exister_Seniors was held January 5 at the Legion hall at 7:00 with -a gaodatttexndance. A new ex- ecutive t+ras:in charge - Alva Hey- wood. president; Lila Smith, secre- tary; Olive Essery, treasurer. An invitation was read to go to Huronview Birthday Party on Feb- ruary 17. Zurich M.L.F.C. Association Thurs., Jan. 14 at Zurich Community Centre $3000 in gash and prizes including JACKPOT $11 00 MUST GO! Noone under 16 olgibt'q.to play Doors open at 6 p.m. Bingo starts at 7 p.m. Lucan Community Bingo Wed., Jan. 13 Bingo starts 7:30,p m. liegular Games .4000 Jackpot Game Weals or less $600 bonus: 'Total prises $2800 Due Io the licence regulations, no one under 16 allowed to play Licence 0537495 Pat Skinner gave two readings. A musical group, Ron and Larne El- ford, Doug Stevens, and Laverne Rodd played several numbers. Volunteers for bingo at .the Villa for -January are Shirley and Ted Wright, Marion Frayne, Dorothy Bullock. The next meeting will be potluck at the Legion February 2, 6:00 sharp. • Sundae UM firellPs WWI lisoure inaetifts. By Muriel Lewis GRANTON - Unit One of the Granton -Mr.W . -Met fin 'The eda afternoon, Jimmy 7 at the home Jimmyof Doreen McRobert. "Standing at the Portal" was sung and McRdbert ltd the meditation on the>drathhe Delin- quent Aggravation - taking down the Christmas decorations, • based on the bible readings from Matthew 10 verses 29 and 30 and Luke 23 verse 32. Audrey Harloffs program was about Days of Auld Lang Syne, a wonderful lyrical poem about past meetings and past members. Made- line Hardie concluded with another of her challenging contests. Supper was served by the hostess and the New Year was toasted in with cider provided by Audrey Harloff. Unit two met at `the United Church on Thursday night. The new president Diane Dietrich led the business discussion when plans were made for a chili luncheon af- ter church on January 24. Fitness classes are on the list for February and more copies of the new cookbook Lunches and Brunches have been ordered. Officers for 1993 are: president - Diane Dietrich, secretary Pam Hayes, treasurer Nancy Mills, so - Bial convener Julie Riddell and sun- ahhre Heather Benner. Unit Bete tinct last Tuesday eve- ning, and toured St. Marys Wood Products where plate frames are male. 'This eating was arranged by 'program converters Elizabeth Oar - vett 'who 'is employed there and Joan Hayden. The group later returned to the Garrett home where Elizabeth led the devotional, read 'Beauty for the New Year' and Joan read pointers for the New Year from Reader's Di- gest. During the business. plans were made to make about 50 more meat pies. Lunch was served by Joan and the hostess. Church At the St. Thomas' Anglican Church on Sunday, January 10 the Rev. Stephen Emery's message was that God has no favourites, His Sal- vation is for everyone who be- lieves. The lesson and Gospel were 'lead by Rev. Emery and Muriel Lewis. At the Granton United Church on Sunday, Pastor Normalie Voakes' aermon was about "Last Minute En - tires". The choir sang the anthem Softly hd Tenderly. Varna -by jeatt Beierling VARNA - Margaret Hayter host- ed the Jamiary meeting of the Var- na U.C.W. at her home Thuredsy evening. Margaret McClymont and Margaret Hayter planned the pro- gram and devotions. A skit on New Year's Resolu- tions, with Joan Beierling one part, pointed to the wisdl t setting realistic goals. Joyce Dowson is the new presi- 'dent and Mona Stephenson the new !secretary. Past president Carol Si- lmons was honoured with a Life Membership in the United Church Women and received a lovely vase and pin. Ruby Hill expressed the members' appreciation for Carol's dedicated leadership and the spe- cial qualities she brought to the po- sition. Joyce Dowson installed her as a Life Member and Deb Rath - well put her pin on. An invitation was received from Goshen to attend their meeting Jan- uary 231. Jean Bennett will speak on General Council. The Presbyte- rial annual meeting is in Wingham on January 18. The Varna Pancake Supper is on February 23 and the Dessert Euchre on April 14. A crokinole party has been planned for Friday, February 19 with pro- ceeds to go to Clinton Hospital Auxiliary. The UCW are still saving Camp- bell Soup labels for the Missions to C FifeaiNpa•ndiee HENSALL - Helen MacLean chaired the January 4 meeting of the Hensall United Church Friend- ship Circle. The New Year was the theme of the devotion based on Romans 12, led by Deanna Brock. "Let's Make this Old World Smile" was read from "A Quiet Heart". by Becher. A poem "A New Year, A New Day, A New Life" followed along with 50 success strategies for the 90's which were given out for home reminders. The video "Waiting for the Wind" - an emotional story of death and faith was shown. h1 the business, Hensall United Church hosts the World Day of Prayer on ilench S,l tehns-*erre started for it. Mary -:,eve the 1992 stats i _ enad thank i ailhorn' n Perth ItasairoilisisteBol eti, and from the Lmeibrt Conference Ethiopian Rural Development Pro- ject in Wake Tiego. After a contest, everyone enjoyed fellowship over lunch served by Hazel Corbett and Beatrice Rich- ardson. Bus news Cha Co Trails has re -instated its bus -route form Hensall to London. The bus comes through Hensall .at 11:00 a.m. In miser to have the driver atop you must flag hint down. The bus returns to Heos41I at 7:30 p.m. in the evening Monday to Sat- urday only. The Flag Stop is locat- ed at Kyle's Gas Station on High- way4. There will be a Valentine Lunch - Tired of paying income tax Reduce the tau(. Inv st in a Credit Union R.R.S.P. UNION t: hive ROOS Fitiondly 11111,1400 eon at Hensall United Church on February 12 from 11:30 - 1:30. There will also be a take-out availa- ble. For ticket information call 263- 2535 or 262-2401. -Drop In The Hensall and Area Communi- ty Adult Drop In will meet at the Hensall United Church, Thursday, January 21 from 10:30 a.m.-4:00 pan. The following activities have been scheduled: easy physical exer- cise programme with Biddy Cam- mack, lunch, representatives from Shoreline Heahhco will speak, as well as, Cathy Ryan from Public Health. If you are interested in join- ing in a Healthy Living Series -with Public Health, please attend this Drop In. Regular programmes offered each Drop In are: Line 'Dancing with Eddie Cammack, foot time, and Public Health consultation and blood pressure taking. Cost is 14 per person which in- cludes hutch and prngtams. If you wish to just participate in pro- grammes, the cost is SI per person. Newcomers to the Drop In are asked to contact Margaret Cole (262-2304) by the Monday noon before. Come out for fun, fellowship and a great meal! Skating The Hensall Figure Skating Club will be presenting their annual Winter Carnival on Sunday. March 7 at 2:00 p.m. the theme for this year's show on ice is "Disney". dam\ DANCE t HALL 9 p.m. - 1 am. 3484678 Dress Cake FrL,liam.15 Singiss Dance Sunrise Nitfw atop the Deaf, stamps for the Aft Mission and now popcorn to buy wheelchairs. Camp Menese- tung is in need of craft items, a vacuum cleaner, throw mats, thrOW cushions etc. Thank yt7u 40810elltliere lbeel# 1 Ahnm-severral tion'whicch re- eeived Mentations front the {TCW fbr their work. Ruby Hill has received a few copies of a book of poems written by Help Nguyen, whose family the UCW sponsored when they came to Canada. Youth Group The Youth -Group is having a spaghetti sitlipler in Bmcefield on February 4b*td would appreciate your plumage. A talent exchange which was a big success last year, was again conducted. Church Bev Robinson was guest speaker last Sunday in both Varna and Goshen Churches in absence of Rev. Phillips. Sincere sympathy and prayer are with George Phillips and his wife Olive on the passing of Olive's older sister. Trends There will be no Trends Meeting (10-13 years) on January arty 21. Next meeting is FeMttlttry -4dt at in Bruc efieki. • U_rricuttural Society - ,. AIONIKILIAL MEETING $day, January 22 Tinge AAA Restaurant, Exeter Dinner at 7:00 p.m . Everyone welcome Advance tickets only, For Information call 235-2122 CROSS CANADA TPLACE ITS PAST - iTS EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILLOWS IT ALL. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern School of Auctioneering. Next Class: Marchi 13 - 19. Information, contact: Southwestem Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. #5, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115. MAKE MONEY PREPARING INCOME TAX returns. Certificate course. Free brochure. Write: Jacks Institute, Box 52028 - 2 Alpine Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitot 1i R2M 5P9. Call (204) 255- _V50; Fax (204) 2646172. TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING AZ and DZ courses. Mao air brake, dangerous goods, defensive driving, log book and border crossing. Rodgers School. Ontario's oldest. Call 1-800-668-0031. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - not Quonset - 32x54 57,344; 40x72 510,276; 50x90 515,882. 60x126 $22,972 - other sizes available - Final year-end clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263-8499. BUILDINGS - ROCK -BOTTOM PRICES. Ontario Manufacturer Direct. Straight - Sided and utility models. Example - 14x20 $1,689.00, 40x60 $6,363.00.Order for spring and save. Pioneer Steel 1-800.668-5422. BUILDINGS FOR SALE Iron a trusted name FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS. To serve you better; we have moved to a larger factory. 'Sellebrate with us.' Factory -direct prices on Quonsets & S. Models. Gall 1.800.668.8653. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timeshare? We'II lake it, America's largest resale clearinghouse. Gen Resort Sales international. 1.800.423-5067 (24 hours). 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L Fitness contacts an asset. Generpys profits. No investment. Canadian -Horde. Free details. Finelines 2768 Dufferin, Toronto MBB 3R7. [ Your ed could appear In community newspapers in Ontario, or right acioaii Canada, ar wy.larfividBatsrevirc•.-t+ a is Wailed, ao CMI This Newspaper TodayI .4 4