Times Advocate, 1993-01-13, Page 13POBTh
OIdtirC is r ho Re
Pre -game chat and words of encouragement to goalie Glen
Stire were given by Exeter Molting Hawks Walt Tiedeman be-
fore Sunday aftemoon' s game at the Lucan Classics Oldtim-
ers Tournament.
Classics, Tigers
edged in finals
LUCAN - _Despite making it to the finals, a pair of Lucan Dictum's
hockey1eamscame up short in their bid to win on Sunday.
At the.annuhl I.ur tri Irish Flyers Oldtimers Tournament, the Lucan Clas-
sics losia 2-1:decision to the Lambeth Canadiens in the B' division final.
The Classieswere in the lead late in the game thanks to Brett Fairweath-
er's goal but the Canadiens tied it up with' 50 seconds left in regulation
play and then won it in overtime.
In the 'C' final of the 16 -team tournament, Steve Revington had a pair of
goals for the Lucan Tom's Tigers but it wasn't enough as they wem-beaten
4-3 by the London Ford Oldtimers. Gord Moon had the other Tigers' tally.
St. Marys won the 'A' title with a 6-1 victory over London Oar House
while St. Thomas Spanky's beat Kitchener 3-1 for the 'D' final.
4411100s .,„
Monday Ladies
Darlene Bourne 262-748. Marj Green
251-695. Pam Hodgins 236-650, Lynnc
Farquhar 254-645, Beulah Storey 269-
613, Glena Tripp 229-608, Deb Pearce
251, Merna Scott 245. Cathy Boltz-
mann 239. Pat Hodgins 238. Helen
Hardy, 238, Bonnie Kooy 235, Barb
lknunore 224, Sharon Redick 220.
Tuesday Y.U.C.
Kurt Juagens 183, 167, Marcus Ap
pelman 179. 174, Jamifer Heaguc 177,
131, Nathan Rollings 167. 141, David
. Miller 157, 140, lemic Cockwill 142,
_133, Brad Ankers 231, David Knit)
152, Nicky Andersch 143, Jeremy Lan-
geadyk 139. Ryle Nicholson 131,
Craig Layer 130.
Ted Scheruiera 234.625, Len Poole
218, Marilyn Smith 212. Peter Denouer
207, Myrtle Hastings 205. Loreua
Needham 203, Tom Needham 202,
Marg Schendera 197, Jean Poole 196,
Arnie Vandeweil 190, Alex Bosley
Senior Citizens
Jim Burt 260.614, Cathie Westman
214-584, Mac MacCormick 227-575,
Charlie Grieve 204-552, Pat Davis 203-
548, Myrtle Gusso 198-544, Peter Van-
denboomen 185-521, Len Smith 195-
510, Bessie Caldwell 188-503, Edie
Burt 183, Marion Thompson 182, Theo
Scnyens 181. Stan Roth 178. Marion
Noels 170.
Wednesday Y.B.C.
Shauna Townsend 113. 108, Lisa
Dokter 113. 103, Megan Anderson 135,
Kelly Wilson 123, Ayden Olivier 118,
Pamela Richards 114, Julie Cockwill
114, Tim Anderson 112, Haulier
Forbes 110. Tenni Holland 110, Mike
Dalgleish 110, Jenny Wonnacott 104.
Pat Morncau 301-713, Wayne. Wil -
,i�oon 251-699, Gary Melvin 235.620,
Glens Tripp 215-618, Larry Smith 253,
Patricia Jones 230. Pat Hodgins 222,
Barb Smith 211, John Carvell 204,
Connie. Webster 199, Bob Smith Jr.
Wednesday Mixed
.Karen Leger 239-622, Vicki Wanl
235. Doug Smith 228, Don Cunning-
ham 223. Larry'Mathers 204, Tom Do-
binson 200, Al Rollings 195. Mark
Frayne 18e, Tim Weber 179. Debbie
Hal 172, Scott Rummell 171.
Thursday Men
Bill Mathers 252, 314, 298-864, Bill
Makiaald 311-793, Gary Melvin 277-
781r.Don Wallis 287=774. Earl Allison
292710, ,Paul Smith 344-764, Bob
Smith -178=752, Don Wau 278-749,
Wayne Smith 268-749, Pete Smith 283-
739, Jack Fuller 260-720, George Lee
321-712, Ray Bunn 272-707, Tom Bul-
lock 285-704, Dan Heywood 239-694,
Fred Allison 239-694, Scott Smith 273-
693, Brian Ankers 270-685, Stave
Snider 291-681, Dorn Stoddart 308-
680, Dan Gwalchmai 247-676, Murray
Yeo 278.672.
Crest Centre
Bob Montag 260. 186, Conrad Zim-
merman 230, 130, Dave Gordon 215,
187, Rick Allison 206, 149, Mary Jane
Dyson 198, 144, Eddie Hastilow 164,
152, Doug Atkins 144, 143. Ron
Churchill 138, 130, Helen Moore 119,
Ed Charles 110, Henrietta Zwiers 109,
Gloria Miller 107.
Friday Mined
Lynn Smith 265-779, Heather Smith
280-755, Chris Smith 310-743, J.B.
Mason 303-717, Bob Smith 265-712,
Jim Burt 325-689, Larry Smith 249-
676, Scott Smith 258-649, Scott Carmi-
chael 261, Bob Smith Jr. 245, Roz Car-
midtaet 217, Ron Carroll 217.
-. J.adles
Ltawn 530.5 vs. Zurich 16.5. Joan
Finkbeiner 297-762. Marg Young 205,
Marg Elam 204.
Mess later -town
Lucas 15 vs. Mitchell 30. Scou Ber-
ger 303.1362. Doug Fenn Jr. 326-1293,
Don Watt 311-1137.
Lucan 2b vs. Bowls/tuna 42 17. Neil
Bsissman 338-1513, Murray Bennew-
ies 329-1375. Don Watt 281-1278.
Suaday Mined
Bruce McKichan 276, 232, 310.818,
Peter Gibson 248, 276. 283-807, Paul
Smith 336-733, Don Morgan 276-696,
Jim Smith 252-684. John Hill 250.676,
Dianne Revington 247-632, Lany Gib-
son 251.630, Butch Riley 273, Rob
Varley 267,4Iggega Magee 242. John
lateues2.3 1 .
Friday Night Mixed
Bad Attitudes - Sandra
257. Hush Puppies - Dan Durand 559-
232. Hot Shots - Pae McFall! 601-213,
Ramblers - Dennis Eiseaschink $60-
202, Toadally Minas -Up - Janice Hut-
son 596.210, The Noes - pus Lautlippe
571-265. High Single - Gus LauSpie
265, -High Triple - Sandra Dickert 160.
High Average • Dan Durand 266.
Thursday Niglit Milted Lowe
Hits and Worm - ,Shirley Bedard
575, Pin Coal/ars • Laurie Stanlake
567. G.M.D: s - Howie Green 606. Pin
Pickers - Val Ford 634, Nickel Nuts -
Jim Smith 697, The Living Legends -
Pete Lttbireche 508, N.S.Cony Thiel.
H.T...Hnry Linen. H.S. -awry Van -
181 over
By Ron Dann
ZURICH - Mike Cregan and Sue
Wilder scored 181 pins over their
team average to win the Zurich 5
Pin Bowlers' Association zone roll -
offs of the Hiram Walker Special
Old High -Low Doubles tourna-
ment Sunday at Town and Country
Cregan set a hot pace for the Spe-
cial Old champions from the -Fri-
day mixed league with games of
257, 201 and 254 for a 712 total
pinfall, a whopping 157 pins over
his own 185 average. Wilder also
bowled well as her 483 triple added
another 24 pins over her 153 aver -
The Wednesday night ladies
;steam of Sheena Baker and Audrey
•Tlackwood took second place, just
.10 pins behind, with 171 pins over
their team average. Baker's 764
!triple pinfall was 101 pins over her
221 average while Blackwood's
367 triple beat her 99 average by
70 pins.
Cregan and -Wilder will now rep -
'resent the Zurich Association and
the Bluewater 5 Pin Association in
the Special Old Provincial Champi-
bnships February 27 at Hamilton's
Sherwood Centre.
The Special Old Ontario champi-
on team members will each win an
expense -paid trip for two to Florida
and will advance to the Special Old
!National Championships April 24
:at Ottawa.
O.F.P.B.A. Youth Challenge
The Bluewater Association is
ghosting the Ontario Five Pin Bowl-
rters' Association (O.F.PB.A.) b-
akes, men's and mixed team region -
Youth Challenge, six game,
match play championships Sunday,
30 a.m. at Goderich Little Bowl.
TEhe top team from the three divi-
1 ions will advance to the
IDB.PB.A. Provincial Champion-
ships March 11 to 14 at the Ontario
Winter Games.
Black Tower team tourney
The Black .Tower Team tourna-
ment league qualifying round starts
this week in Bluewater Centres.
The teams that beat their average
over the January 11 to February 14
five week period will go on to the
Black Tower house round February
28 to March 14.
Continued on page 15
derSpek 201, H.S. - Marilyn Bengough
328, H.T. - Val Ford 684, H.A. - Val
Ford 182.
Thursday Grated Cove Senior:,
Bob Simpson 633, Vic Dunbar 591,
Norm Wilde 532, Kay Allen 529,
Wynne Burgess 528, Mollie Worum
520, H.S. - Vic Dunbar 232, H.S. -
Mollie Wonon 209.
Thursday Golden Age Seniors
Hazel Mc .wen 282, Gertie Fleis-
chauer 232. Austin Hartman 274, John
Lillie 268. Harvey Martin 259, Mary
Jacobe 340, H.S. Mary Jacobe 190.
H.S. Austin Hartman 155.
Wednesday Night Ladies
Minus Two - Janice McClennan 501,
The Shakers - Kay Darling 502. Who's
It - Louise Vandenberk 692, Handi-
capps - Laurie Stanlake 610, Lucky
Strikes - Marge Roberts 500, Repeaters
- Jean Dann 659, High Single - Louise
Vandenberk259. High Triple - Louie
Vandenberk 692, High Average - Sho
na Baker 220.
Saturday Ladies Inter -town
Mike's Stratford 19 vs. Zurich 14
pts. Marilyn Bengough 650-253, Sine
dra Dickers 634-258, Bev Cregan 390-
Saturday Mans Iadar-town
Wingham 30 vs. Zurich 15. Carl
.Zimmer 1170, Mike Cregan 1133, Ron
Darn 1118.
Monday Ladies •
Friskcy Five - Barb Reschke 655,
Guuer Gang - Diane Becker 564, Red
Devils - Sandra Dickert 761, Alley
Cats - Marlene Bedard 636, Town &
Country - Eleine Dawn 375, Happy
Gang - Pat Palen 673, Alley Oops -
Anita Faber 569, Packers - Elaine Wei -
do 493, Silly Six - Judy Stever 610.
P' - Carmel Sweeney 519,
Od ds - Trudy Rooaeboom 628.
Jolly Six - Edna Mielke 545.
Tuesday Mens League
Big Daddy Shindig - Jay Augustine
545, Hensel Boomers - Mike Lebon
579, Family Affair - Tony Bedard 749.
Market - 011ie Edwards 835.333, Leo
Hoffman 696, La Crystal Balls - Tim
Wilcox 689, ; Kiondykc - Tom Smits
606, Hjghrot{ers - Pete Smeekens 652,
The Hookers - Bill Pok 571. Rockets •
Gary Huston 762, High S agk - Rob
Vandexboek 318. High Triple - Gary
Hwion-826, High Average - 011ie Ed-
•Mwgay eiaeaLw Park Group
Milt Robbins 547. John Kaman 521,
-Maureen Healey 483, Cora Stewart
455, ,Ron Allen 434. H.S. - John Ka-
man 248, H.S. - Milt Robbins 210.
Monday Grand Bead Sealers
Tom Smits 755, Jean Dann 580, Ron
Dann 570, Clayton�Lovie 442. Aileen
Revelle 423, Leland Deejardine 392.
Dorothy Cubing 391, Sion Smits 377,
Nola Taylor 327, H.S. - Tom Smits
330, H.S. - Jean Dann 209.
Musa' lthltecate, January 13, 1993
Pape 13'
This past year, the Ministry of
Health took a long, hard look
at our health care system to
find ways of taking the heat off
an already overburdened plan.
It discovered that taxpayers
were incorrectly paying for as
much as $20 million for third -
party services.
Third -party services are those
not required :by a patient for
treatment n illness or health
promotion, but are requested
by someone else.
These services include physical
examinations for insurance forms,
school and carap registrations,
driver and pilot eertificati a ane
medical notes to give employees
time -off work:, his ?tctr. '
Physicians are beim reminded
not to bill OHIP for bird -party
services. Instead, they will request
direct payment for these -services.
Services required to receive
health or social assistance
benefitsremain insured. For
example, medical certificates
for wheelchairs or other medical
devices provided through the
Assistive Devices Prognam.will
be covered: There will be no
charge for certificates :for Northern
Health Travel Grants or access to
nursing homes.
Nothing that affecro sic
principles of medic as changed.
You will xtot be ;asked to pay for
direct medical care and some of the
beat will be taken off OH1P
For further information on how
this may affect you call the Ministry y, .
of Health toll-free
IN TORONTO 314-5518
TDD 1-800-387-5559