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Times -Advocate, December 23, 1992
Page 43
Catholic Women's League meets
By Roberta Walker
GRAND BEND - Nearly 30
members of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary's council of the Catholic
Women's League met on Decem-
ber 9 at the Alhambra Hall. CWL
president Cathy Vrolyk presided,
and thanked members for their
support in catering the Alhambra
Cash Draw Dance, held earlier in
November. She also thanked Rose
Van Brueene for representing the
CWL at the Christmas Ecumeni-
cal, December 1, with a beautiful
About S600 have been collected
from Loeb and Tenderspot Grocery
tapes, organized and tabulated by
Dina Kelders. A fund reserve invest -
cd in a G.I.C. will be cashed to pur-
chase the new stove and refrigerator
for the newly opened Parish Centre.
A sum of $50. was donated to
Lambton Right -To -Life. December
6 marked a special Respect -for -Life
Mass, celebrated with CWL mem-
bers at 11 am., and Pm -Life materi-
al and Christmas cards were distrib-
uted/ sold after Mass. Another
handmade afghan has been donated
by Mary Spindler as a CWL fund-
raiser, the time and ticket prices to
be decided later.
Father Beck announced that Philip
S. Robinson, husband of CWL
member Mary Robinson, will be re-
ceived into the Catholic Community
at a special mass on December 16 at
11 a.m. Robinson will receive the
sacraments of Baptism, Confirma-
A Christmas Prayer
May the holy light of the Christmas
Season shine on us and bring peace to
our hearts.
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tion and Communion, and all parish-
ioners are invited to attend thisspe-
cial celebration and story for toffee
and fellowship in the new parish
centre afterwards.
The meeting adjourned, and CWL
members joined their husbands for a
Christmas party, with a carol sing,
card games and refreshments. Then
a huge Dutch cake was brought out
and "Happy Birthday' sung for Fa-
ther Paul Beck, whose birthday is
December 13. He also received a
gilt from CWL president, Cathy
Vroyk, a beautiful painting of the
Provincial Flowers of Canada.
There will be no CWL mating in
January, so the next date will be ei-
ther February 15 or 16, to be decid-
ed later. The annual CWL Fun
Night will be held in February 9 in
Stratford, and several CWL local
councils are discussing hiring a bus
to transport everyone in safety.
Grand Bend WI meet
By Roberta Walker
dRAND BEND - The ladies of
'the Grand Bend Women's Institute
met, for their Christmas meeting
on Thursday December 17. Thir-
teen members and three visitors
enjoyed a potluck dinner together.
As extra treats, Bertie Keyes had
made fromarty, a traditional
Christmas Eve soup made form
boiled wheat and Catherine Junker
had made rosette cookies.
After the dinner, President Don-
na Lovie, opened the meeting with
the Institute Ode, the mary Stewart
Collect and the November min-
utes. For roll call, each member
told of a family Christmas tradi-
Lovie conducted several items of
business. A wall hanging is the
item to be made for the quilt show
in Milton in 1993. 5100 was given
to the church because the W.I.
used it for their meetings. $100
wa, also given to Survival
Through Friendship.
Lovie has tickets for the 90th
Anniversary Dinner to be held in
Dashwood on January 5. In draws,
Doris Besiad won a tablecloth,
Janet Desjardine and Ruth McIn-
tosh won Institute bags and Anne
Eekhoff won an Institute pin. A
carol sing was enjoyed by all.
Birthday party held
at Blue Water
ZURICH - Monday evening the
Zurich U.C.W. visited the Blue
Water Rest Home for the monthly
Birthday Party. Mary Jacobe,
U.C.W. president chaired the eve-
ning. Julie Geiger read a story and
Grace Martin accompanied the
choir in caroling.
"The Story that never grows old"
was read by Kelly Lansbergen and
pantomimed by Becky Kirk and
Andy Lansbergen as Mary and Jo-
seph, Brent and Ryan Morrison as
the shepherds and Julie Geiger and
Hilda Lansbergen as the angels.
Helen Consiu read a closing poem.
Birthday wishes and presents were
presented to Dorothy Bapty, Matil-
da Bassow, Violet Dunn, Noel La-
Porte and Alma Prance, and re-
freshments were served.
Wednesday, afternoon tea was
served by Verde Baechler to resi-
dents and guests. In the evening the
choir from Si Peter's Church, Si
Joseph visited the home and sere-
naded the residents to Christmas
music. Diane Miller played her gui-
tar and joined Harrieue Vander-
burght to sing a number of duets.
Michelle Miller recited a short
poem. After the choir had warmed
their voices to music, song and re-
freshments they continued in their
caroling across the highway for the
folk at the Maplewoods Apart-
ments. -
Thursday aftemoon Rev. Ed Lak-
smanis, Crediton United Church,
was in charge of Chapel Service.
Father Peter Hayes celebrated
Friday morning the home was
filled withr„the sounds of music of
young anxious voices (anxious for
the Christmas holiday to start). The
Zurich Public School Primary
Choir (grades one and two) under
the direction of Gayle Beuermann
and pianist Chris Eagleson sang
carols with the help of Frieda Met-
Grades two and three came as
trees, with Patti Britnell as leaders
and Eagleson as pianist. The Junior
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Choir, grades three and four, were
led by Janice Buist and helper Mar-
ianne Keller.
The Senior Choir, grades five to
eight, under the direction of Bob
Reddick and Bill Black sang out
their favourite tunes. Solos for the
morning entertainment were pro-
vided by Rachel Steele, Ashley
Erb, Jason Gingerich, Tina Erb and
Marcia Melik.
in the evening the Zurich Opti-
mists visited the home and enter-
tained the residents prior to bingo.
Sunday evening the Junior Choir
from Zion Lutheran Church, Dash-
wood, visited the home along with
the Hand Chime Choir.
Wedding Flowees
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