HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-12-23, Page 38Page 38 . -..-1 r - r Tlmes-Advocate, December 23, 1992 SL&IRANTEED RESULTS 111171: OUR 11. CALL ANYTIME M1 IPi Private, Non- commercial ads only VISA MEM Super Ads must be pre -paid Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a SUPER AD with us. For only one low fee of $10.00 we'll run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPER AD. You can take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. if you do not get results by the hollowing weekend, call us on Monday and we'll gladly repeat the ad at no charge. And we'll keep running the ad as long as you want (Excluding real estate). TALK TO OUR AD -VISORS MON.-FRI. UNTIL 5 P.M. OR LEAVE DETAILS ON OUR ANSWERING MACHINE Plus Your Ad Will Reach 10,000 More Readers in The St. Marys Journal Argus At No Extra Char ---e' classifications 1 Lost, strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Properly for 'fent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business op- portunity or employment adver- tisements. Be certain you are dealing with a reputable compa- ny before releasing any credit card information. Remember... if any advertisement sounds too good to be true, it is. 1 Lost, Strayed MAN'S PURPLE Sierra Mountain Bike. Lan seen at Exeter Public School. Call with information 235-0448. (52•) LOST - black with white belly, female kitten, 9 months old, brown flea collar. orange friendship bracelet last seen behind Candian Tue. Phone 235-3674. (52c) 3 Situations Wanted Handyman Available For those jobs you've always wanted done. Willing to do anything. Phone 237-3410 4 Help Wanted CUSTOMER SERVICE PERSON to work in a new beer and wine, customer brew on premises facility in Exeter. Full and pan rime positions available. Must be =Monastic, honest and e., joy working with people. Training will be provided. Send your resume by December 31, 1992 to: Punts Unlimited, 190 Thames Road East, Exeter,Ontano NOM 1S3.(52•) 6 Services McKAY RESTORATION • Painting • Papering • Staining • Drywall • Plaster Repairs • Swirled Ceilings & Refinishing 235-0199 WEDDING, BABY AND FAMILY PORTRAITS. Jervis Photo Inc. Clinton and Exeter. Main St. across frau Scotia Bank. 235-1612. (13tfn) O'REiLLY ELECTRIC for all your residential. commercial and maintenance requirements 229-6909 FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936 Phone 519-655-2396. (30tfn) ANTIQUE WATCH and clock specialist now open for repairs. Buy and sell in Pon Franks. Open by chance or appointment. Call 243-1130. (3711n) JACK SCHENNING CONSTRUCTION 294-0286 • New Homes • Additions • Renovations • Siding • Trimming • Decks • Driveways • Sidewalks • Barns & Sheds B&K SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGHJNNG is now under new ownership. Think you. Kevin Wildfong 236-4581. (49-52c) MIKE DAVIS & SONS R.R. 1 Centralia Parts and Service for Harley Davidson Hours: Mon. - Fri. 4-10 p.m. Sat. 9 a,m. - 5 p.m. Area pickup end delivery available Phone 227-1369 6 Services LAWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS SNOWBLOWING • Hedge Trimming • Eavestrough Cleaning • Light Deliveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 7 Livestock TWO HORSE TRAILERS in good condition S 1500 firm. Call 284-3045. 8 Farm Machinery 180 BU. GRAVITY BIN. Phone 284-3045. 11 Cars, Trucks NEED A USED CAR, see us about lease to own, as Iow as $400 down, easy payments Coolman Auto Sales Inc., Hwy. 83 west Exeter235-3573. (Sltfn) 1991 FORD RANGER XLT Super Cab, V6, SSPD, fully loaded S12,900.00. Phone 234-6280.(51:52c) 1985 BROWN RELIANT 2 door nms well - radio/tape, can no longer dnve, must sell. $ 1700. Phone Paul 228.6574. (51:52c) 12 Pets CIEL PET GROOMING • now located at Critter's Comer, 363 Main St. Exeter. Available Mon. Tues. and Wed. Phone 235-0251. (Sltfn) JACK RUSSEL TERRIERS, short -haired, seven weeks old, goodt. home -raised. Harry Nesbitt 271.67 PD GIVE AWAY - Female dog, medium size, spayed, year old. Phone 229-6952 (52•) 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR AND PIANO IRcSONS AVAILABLE. Beginner to advanced, all styles of music Brad's Music Studio 235-1263.(12tfn) 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your buisness. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member phone 235-1934.227-4562 or 345-25 (17tfn) 16 For Sole • PATONS YARNS • • Discount Pnces fzron's Health Centre, Henan. (1611n) SETTEE solid wood upholstered seat $375; portable r $25; old brass fie extinguisher S45; chaise lounge $50, Singer ruble sewing machine rase Old auadinents S75; Moen ssnle lever kitchen tap plus new cartridge S. Ewnig 8mm projectorS50. Phone 263-52W. CRYSTAL VASE - 8 wine glasses 24% lead aysW crystal sugar and cresta on a tray, 15" diameter aluminum tray. unique decanter and slaves in a telephone style container. antique brass candle hoiden. Pyrex casserole, aluminum holder with lid. Phase 263-5202. ARTIST SUPPLIES • Artboards • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • An Nibs • Sketch Pads • Calligraphy -EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE unnnnannnnnnnnnnH1I11111111 IIMHllllllllllll11111O111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111HlllllHlHllllllluluuuuuultluuu School Bus Drivers Required Lucan and Area Murphy BusLnfs lIi111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIII hijIIIIINHHIIII 16 For Sale FARMERS: used tarps for covering hay. machinery, bins, etc. up to 600 sq. ft. - tough but light weight, 100 sq. h. Call 284-3045. 3 SECTIONS heavy duty commercial scaffold with braces and planks; tow chain with hooks up to 30 ft., heavy and light, 1-1.2 ton chain fall, new condiuon. 284-3045. - OVERSIZE BATHTUB - like new - left or right 5'6" L, 3'6" W, 18" D; $150.00; super single waterbed - bookcase headboard, excellent shape, $100. Call 284-1637. ROCKWELL 9" table saw like new - all accessories. Great Christmas gift for the handyman. 284-3045. HAY SQUARE BALES, first and second cut - no rain - can be delivered. Call 284-3045. --- APPLES --- Spys, Macs, Empire, Ida Reds, Red and Golden Delicious, Apple Butter Apple Juice OPEN SATURDAYS F & M Sawyer Hwy. 4, Credlton Rd. FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickory, beech, ash, maple, delivered and pecked up. Phone Dignan Landscaping 235-1678. (43tfn) ELECTRIC FURNACE, high efficiency. 20 kilowatt, one year old. Hot air Plenum, 25 it. of 1-1/4 conduit electric able. 100 amp beaker switch. $600.00. Phone 1-238.5535. MATCHING 30" Electric range and 15 cu. ft. refrigerator almost brand new. Phone evenings 228-6566 Centralia. RABBITS AND DUCKS • Breeding stoic S4 to 810. Phone 229-6566 days or 229-6712. (46tfn) LOCAL OIL SEED Blade Sun Flowers (deluxe bud need) for sale. Save by buying direct from the grower at $16.50 for 53 lbs. (25 kg) bag or S11.03 for 33 lbs. (15 kg). bag. Will deliver. Call 229-6253. HEAVY DUTY construction scaffold - plant - braces wheels. 284-3045. WELDING ROD 1/8", 6011 excellent for farm use. Phone 284-3045. NINPENDO GAME SYSTEM 540.00, Genesis games 530.00; 2 pr. cross country kis 62" and 65" 818.00 each; cross country leather ski bops, youth's sine I. 87.00; women's leather figure skates size 8, S15.00; "Learning Window" child's computer 818.00; "Start Sman: child's computer $8.00. Call 284-2151. TWO GOODYEAR RICE TIRES 23.1 x 30 on 10 Bob Allis rims, 81800 oomplte. Consider trade for sale 23.1 x 26. Call John Spatting 349-2415. 16 For Sale GOALIE EQUIPMENT for Otristmas for the aspiring young goalie ages 8 to 13: top quality knee pads S35.00 helmet with goalie gauge wire mask and I -Tech throst protector $100.00 - $255.00 separately or $220.00 for all three naris. Assortment of teenage and adult equipment. Call 284-2950 after 7 p.m. MEN'S BLACK LEATHER JACKETS size 42 and 44, immaculate condition. Old MW Label 8175.00 each. Phone 229-6307. FREE - Cut, blown straw in myy bam. Just pick it up. Call Gary at 235-0800. (51:52c) QUEEN SIZE BOX SPRING, mattress and headboard, dishes, cutlery, end tables, misc. Phone235-3291. (51;52c) COMPUTER - Tandy Co. Co. 3 8350.00. includes , lots of Programs, games, disk dnve, mouse, joysuck and computer table; Organ - Lowry Magice, good Stereo condiuon 5400.00; -ectrohame cabinet style 8150.00; Exercise bends complete with lots of weights and bars S100.00. Mahogany slab doors, excellent condition 515.00 each. Phone 235-2168. 42" SNOW BLADE and tin chains for 20x10.00-8 tires. Will fit 100 series John Deere lawn mowers. 8160.00. Call 235-3524. OVEN READY ducks and geese. Phone 293-3414. (52c) COMMODORE PCIO, IBM compatible installed harddrive 5-1M" floppy dnve, 3-1R" floppy drive MS -DO and Word Perfect 5.2 included. 5499. Call 284-3372. STRAW FOR SALE - 3 kinds for interested • horse fanners a anyone else. Phone after 4 p.m. weekdays anytime co weekends 229-8939. VACUUM Kirby Heritage upright, excellent condition, extra bags 5100 or best offer. 284-4046 SINGLE BOX SPRING and mattress, wicker headboard, like new; Sklar Peppier blue sectional w/double bed and recliner, best offer. Phone 284-3547. NOW OPEN INDOOR FLEA MARKET 111 King St., Hensel) OPEN Fri., 12-6, Sat. 9-4 Sun., 9-4 ./ Antiques t/ Furniture ./ Wood Working Avon ./ Regal d Sports Cards r/ Crafts / Used baby ' Clothes, etc. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all friends and customers Fred Smith Trucking RR 2 Staffa, 229-6893 Price Adjustment on Mini -Sheds Due to more efficient as- sembly methods we are able to offer the same High Quality, Low Main- tenance Garden Sheds at Lower Prices for '93 WE now have pre-cut kits that you can assemble Save even morel Christmas Special 10% off retail prices, plus we pay the G.S.T. and free delivery on all units ordered by Dec. 31, 1992. Example 10'6 x 10'6 Hip roof shed Was $1495.00 Now $1345.00 Plus PST 109.60 Delivered Price $1452.60 it M CONSTRUCTION Ken McCann 234-6401 Devic McCann 235-3016 Car Care • C'fire Sales & Algoma Tire (Exeter) Ltd. Over 25 years experience Dunlop Tires SMeabalano(ng}4ruck & faun servioe 2354330 Exacter, 246 Win St. For your oonvenleitoe call 1.600.365-4247 iSuto Body Repairs Len's Quality Collision 'Professional Auto Boit/Repairs' • Insurance repairs • Fres estimates upon your request • W�� . • sion 2 wiles loath of Packwood sus. 237.1776, Fax 2374179 'Rob Dale Moto rs' 04 Hwy. - Centralia Road 22041110 Sales & Service ♦ queNty used vehicles ♦ safety checks A electronic diagnosis ♦ wheel alignments ♦ competitive labour rates `R.D.M. R.D,M, Corey Auto Wreckers Direct 'Hotline' to 45 major wreckers. Late model auto & heavy truck parts. We service and deliver throughout Huron County London no. chrg. 1-800-265-9250 1804 Gore Rd., London Huron Motor Products Ltd. Pontiac - Bttiolt-CadlUao adc Sales,edfiec m:Leasing 'Where n,e drake does ItiorTiffsionor. Naw cars • wad carp:lieneral repplrs. CompNM Moot Mpsrw.No ohrpa del 400-204347 640 Moto St., 8. Exeter 235-0363 Apple Auto Glass Upholstery, Seat Covers, Convertible and Boat Tops, Sunroofs, Vinyl Tops 211 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 1-800-567-1613 A att.n. elude. exetor -rettom Une Pricing No Haggling or Dickering 586 Main S., Exeter 236.0660 /, CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT SEMI -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $9.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.50 per insertion. $2.50 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as for serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prioes count as one word per set. Words pined by hyphens count as separate words. FIRST INSERTION - 20 words $9.00. 15¢ per� thereafter. �word SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No Dopy charges,20 words $6.00, 15R per word there after. BIRTHS - 30 words $10.00. 150 per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $10.00 each additional word 150. iN MEMORIAMS - $11.00 plus 25¢ r line of verse. COMING EVENTS - 30 words $10.00, each additional word 15¢. Three insertions for the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words $10,00, additional words 100 each. Deadline: for classified ads is 4:00 p. m. Mondays. .41-11 = ,,,.._ Phone 235-1331 1 Lost, Strayed MAN'S PURPLE Sierra Mountain Bike. Lan seen at Exeter Public School. Call with information 235-0448. (52•) LOST - black with white belly, female kitten, 9 months old, brown flea collar. orange friendship bracelet last seen behind Candian Tue. Phone 235-3674. (52c) 3 Situations Wanted Handyman Available For those jobs you've always wanted done. Willing to do anything. Phone 237-3410 4 Help Wanted CUSTOMER SERVICE PERSON to work in a new beer and wine, customer brew on premises facility in Exeter. Full and pan rime positions available. Must be =Monastic, honest and e., joy working with people. Training will be provided. Send your resume by December 31, 1992 to: Punts Unlimited, 190 Thames Road East, Exeter,Ontano NOM 1S3.(52•) 6 Services McKAY RESTORATION • Painting • Papering • Staining • Drywall • Plaster Repairs • Swirled Ceilings & Refinishing 235-0199 WEDDING, BABY AND FAMILY PORTRAITS. Jervis Photo Inc. Clinton and Exeter. Main St. across frau Scotia Bank. 235-1612. (13tfn) O'REiLLY ELECTRIC for all your residential. commercial and maintenance requirements 229-6909 FOR PRIME POWER and stand-by electricity that works and stays working, call Sommers Motor Generator Sales Ltd. Reliability since 1936 Phone 519-655-2396. (30tfn) ANTIQUE WATCH and clock specialist now open for repairs. Buy and sell in Pon Franks. Open by chance or appointment. Call 243-1130. (3711n) JACK SCHENNING CONSTRUCTION 294-0286 • New Homes • Additions • Renovations • Siding • Trimming • Decks • Driveways • Sidewalks • Barns & Sheds B&K SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGHJNNG is now under new ownership. Think you. Kevin Wildfong 236-4581. (49-52c) MIKE DAVIS & SONS R.R. 1 Centralia Parts and Service for Harley Davidson Hours: Mon. - Fri. 4-10 p.m. Sat. 9 a,m. - 5 p.m. Area pickup end delivery available Phone 227-1369 6 Services LAWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS SNOWBLOWING • Hedge Trimming • Eavestrough Cleaning • Light Deliveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 7 Livestock TWO HORSE TRAILERS in good condition S 1500 firm. Call 284-3045. 8 Farm Machinery 180 BU. GRAVITY BIN. Phone 284-3045. 11 Cars, Trucks NEED A USED CAR, see us about lease to own, as Iow as $400 down, easy payments Coolman Auto Sales Inc., Hwy. 83 west Exeter235-3573. (Sltfn) 1991 FORD RANGER XLT Super Cab, V6, SSPD, fully loaded S12,900.00. Phone 234-6280.(51:52c) 1985 BROWN RELIANT 2 door nms well - radio/tape, can no longer dnve, must sell. $ 1700. Phone Paul 228.6574. (51:52c) 12 Pets CIEL PET GROOMING • now located at Critter's Comer, 363 Main St. Exeter. Available Mon. Tues. and Wed. Phone 235-0251. (Sltfn) JACK RUSSEL TERRIERS, short -haired, seven weeks old, goodt. home -raised. Harry Nesbitt 271.67 PD GIVE AWAY - Female dog, medium size, spayed, year old. Phone 229-6952 (52•) 13 Musical Instruments GUITAR AND PIANO IRcSONS AVAILABLE. Beginner to advanced, all styles of music Brad's Music Studio 235-1263.(12tfn) 15 Personal IF YOU WANT to drink that's your buisness. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member phone 235-1934.227-4562 or 345-25 (17tfn) 16 For Sole • PATONS YARNS • • Discount Pnces fzron's Health Centre, Henan. (1611n) SETTEE solid wood upholstered seat $375; portable r $25; old brass fie extinguisher S45; chaise lounge $50, Singer ruble sewing machine rase Old auadinents S75; Moen ssnle lever kitchen tap plus new cartridge S. Ewnig 8mm projectorS50. Phone 263-52W. CRYSTAL VASE - 8 wine glasses 24% lead aysW crystal sugar and cresta on a tray, 15" diameter aluminum tray. unique decanter and slaves in a telephone style container. antique brass candle hoiden. Pyrex casserole, aluminum holder with lid. Phase 263-5202. ARTIST SUPPLIES • Artboards • Brushes, • Acrylic Paints • Charcoal Pencils • An Nibs • Sketch Pads • Calligraphy -EXETER TIMES ADVOCATE unnnnannnnnnnnnnH1I11111111 IIMHllllllllllll11111O111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111HlllllHlHllllllluluuuuuultluuu School Bus Drivers Required Lucan and Area Murphy BusLnfs lIi111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIII hijIIIIINHHIIII 16 For Sale FARMERS: used tarps for covering hay. machinery, bins, etc. up to 600 sq. ft. - tough but light weight, 100 sq. h. Call 284-3045. 3 SECTIONS heavy duty commercial scaffold with braces and planks; tow chain with hooks up to 30 ft., heavy and light, 1-1.2 ton chain fall, new condiuon. 284-3045. - OVERSIZE BATHTUB - like new - left or right 5'6" L, 3'6" W, 18" D; $150.00; super single waterbed - bookcase headboard, excellent shape, $100. Call 284-1637. ROCKWELL 9" table saw like new - all accessories. Great Christmas gift for the handyman. 284-3045. HAY SQUARE BALES, first and second cut - no rain - can be delivered. Call 284-3045. --- APPLES --- Spys, Macs, Empire, Ida Reds, Red and Golden Delicious, Apple Butter Apple Juice OPEN SATURDAYS F & M Sawyer Hwy. 4, Credlton Rd. FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickory, beech, ash, maple, delivered and pecked up. Phone Dignan Landscaping 235-1678. (43tfn) ELECTRIC FURNACE, high efficiency. 20 kilowatt, one year old. Hot air Plenum, 25 it. of 1-1/4 conduit electric able. 100 amp beaker switch. $600.00. Phone 1-238.5535. MATCHING 30" Electric range and 15 cu. ft. refrigerator almost brand new. Phone evenings 228-6566 Centralia. RABBITS AND DUCKS • Breeding stoic S4 to 810. Phone 229-6566 days or 229-6712. (46tfn) LOCAL OIL SEED Blade Sun Flowers (deluxe bud need) for sale. Save by buying direct from the grower at $16.50 for 53 lbs. (25 kg) bag or S11.03 for 33 lbs. (15 kg). bag. Will deliver. Call 229-6253. HEAVY DUTY construction scaffold - plant - braces wheels. 284-3045. WELDING ROD 1/8", 6011 excellent for farm use. Phone 284-3045. NINPENDO GAME SYSTEM 540.00, Genesis games 530.00; 2 pr. cross country kis 62" and 65" 818.00 each; cross country leather ski bops, youth's sine I. 87.00; women's leather figure skates size 8, S15.00; "Learning Window" child's computer 818.00; "Start Sman: child's computer $8.00. Call 284-2151. TWO GOODYEAR RICE TIRES 23.1 x 30 on 10 Bob Allis rims, 81800 oomplte. Consider trade for sale 23.1 x 26. Call John Spatting 349-2415. 16 For Sale GOALIE EQUIPMENT for Otristmas for the aspiring young goalie ages 8 to 13: top quality knee pads S35.00 helmet with goalie gauge wire mask and I -Tech throst protector $100.00 - $255.00 separately or $220.00 for all three naris. Assortment of teenage and adult equipment. Call 284-2950 after 7 p.m. MEN'S BLACK LEATHER JACKETS size 42 and 44, immaculate condition. Old MW Label 8175.00 each. Phone 229-6307. FREE - Cut, blown straw in myy bam. Just pick it up. Call Gary at 235-0800. (51:52c) QUEEN SIZE BOX SPRING, mattress and headboard, dishes, cutlery, end tables, misc. Phone235-3291. (51;52c) COMPUTER - Tandy Co. Co. 3 8350.00. includes , lots of Programs, games, disk dnve, mouse, joysuck and computer table; Organ - Lowry Magice, good Stereo condiuon 5400.00; -ectrohame cabinet style 8150.00; Exercise bends complete with lots of weights and bars S100.00. Mahogany slab doors, excellent condition 515.00 each. Phone 235-2168. 42" SNOW BLADE and tin chains for 20x10.00-8 tires. Will fit 100 series John Deere lawn mowers. 8160.00. Call 235-3524. OVEN READY ducks and geese. Phone 293-3414. (52c) COMMODORE PCIO, IBM compatible installed harddrive 5-1M" floppy dnve, 3-1R" floppy drive MS -DO and Word Perfect 5.2 included. 5499. Call 284-3372. STRAW FOR SALE - 3 kinds for interested • horse fanners a anyone else. Phone after 4 p.m. weekdays anytime co weekends 229-8939. VACUUM Kirby Heritage upright, excellent condition, extra bags 5100 or best offer. 284-4046 SINGLE BOX SPRING and mattress, wicker headboard, like new; Sklar Peppier blue sectional w/double bed and recliner, best offer. Phone 284-3547. NOW OPEN INDOOR FLEA MARKET 111 King St., Hensel) OPEN Fri., 12-6, Sat. 9-4 Sun., 9-4 ./ Antiques t/ Furniture ./ Wood Working Avon ./ Regal d Sports Cards r/ Crafts / Used baby ' Clothes, etc. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all friends and customers Fred Smith Trucking RR 2 Staffa, 229-6893 Price Adjustment on Mini -Sheds Due to more efficient as- sembly methods we are able to offer the same High Quality, Low Main- tenance Garden Sheds at Lower Prices for '93 WE now have pre-cut kits that you can assemble Save even morel Christmas Special 10% off retail prices, plus we pay the G.S.T. and free delivery on all units ordered by Dec. 31, 1992. Example 10'6 x 10'6 Hip roof shed Was $1495.00 Now $1345.00 Plus PST 109.60 Delivered Price $1452.60 it M CONSTRUCTION Ken McCann 234-6401 Devic McCann 235-3016 Car Care • C'fire Sales & Algoma Tire (Exeter) Ltd. Over 25 years experience Dunlop Tires SMeabalano(ng}4ruck & faun servioe 2354330 Exacter, 246 Win St. For your oonvenleitoe call 1.600.365-4247 iSuto Body Repairs Len's Quality Collision 'Professional Auto Boit/Repairs' • Insurance repairs • Fres estimates upon your request • W�� . • sion 2 wiles loath of Packwood sus. 237.1776, Fax 2374179 'Rob Dale Moto rs' 04 Hwy. - Centralia Road 22041110 Sales & Service ♦ queNty used vehicles ♦ safety checks A electronic diagnosis ♦ wheel alignments ♦ competitive labour rates `R.D.M. R.D,M, Corey Auto Wreckers Direct 'Hotline' to 45 major wreckers. Late model auto & heavy truck parts. We service and deliver throughout Huron County London no. chrg. 1-800-265-9250 1804 Gore Rd., London Huron Motor Products Ltd. Pontiac - Bttiolt-CadlUao adc Sales,edfiec m:Leasing 'Where n,e drake does ItiorTiffsionor. Naw cars • wad carp:lieneral repplrs. CompNM Moot Mpsrw.No ohrpa del 400-204347 640 Moto St., 8. Exeter 235-0363 Apple Auto Glass Upholstery, Seat Covers, Convertible and Boat Tops, Sunroofs, Vinyl Tops 211 Bayfield Rd., Goderich 1-800-567-1613 A att.n. elude. exetor -rettom Une Pricing No Haggling or Dickering 586 Main S., Exeter 236.0660 /,