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Times -Advocate, December 23, 1992
Christmas Troll
By Jenna Rader
Exeter D.S. Grade 3
'Mom", said Alicia. "Can I have
this troll?" "Put it on your Christ-
mas list," said Alicia's morn. "But
mom," said Alicia, "1 don't have a
Christmas list." "Then make one,"
said Alicia's mom. "Oh alright. But
the you can't tell me to write a
Christmas list again, because this is
your 17th time saying it," said Ali-
cia. "1 still have a lot of Christmas
shopping to do. So, if you could
please hurry up!" said the mom.
"What should 1 get for a mom that
has two kids and one husband?"
said Alicia's mom. "Well," said Ali-
cia, "You could get her a...
Wall light at House of Brass
Dutch candies
Music books
Bubble bath
She'll probably want other stuff,
but that's all I can think of," said
Alicia. "Thanks!" said Alicia's
mom. "Let's go get the presents."
"Okay," said Alicia.
(Christmas Eve)
"Good night"! said Alicia's mom.
"1 can't wait until tomorrow," said
(Christmas morning)
."Good morning!" said Alicia's
mom. "Good morning," Alicia said
as she went downstairs. "Oh good",
said Alicia. "I got what I wanted!"
"What?" asked Alicia's mon. "That
troll 1 saw in that store," said Ali-
cia. "Oh yes," said Alicia's mom.
"Thank you Santa!" said Alicia.
(Dedicated to my mom, (Shirley).
Sony if that's not what you wanted!
just what I wanted, a remote con-
trol car. 1 asked my mom if 1 could
stay up all night to sec Santa. She
said "No, because you will be tired
and grumpy tomorrow." That night
1 stayed up until 1 a.m., then 2 a.m.,
and I fell asleep at 2:30 a.m. Then
at 3 a.m. I heard a noise It sounded
like a gust of wind. Then a couple
of brown hairs flew through the
window. I wondered. "Could it be
Then I heard a noise. Someone
was saying "ho! ho! ho!" It was
Santa! Those hairs would probably
be reindeer hairs. Then something
came down the chimney. It was
Santa Claus. He said, "Have you
been a good boy?" I said, "Yes."
Then I gave him some cookies and
some milk. He said "Thanks!". I
asked him if I could take a quick
picture if him. 1 still have that pic-
ture. No one's seen it yet!
The Accident
By Christopher Roelands
Edited by Jonathan Hardy
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Dear old Saint Nick,
As you can sec,
Flew too low,
And crashed into a tree,
He lost his temper,
And got hot in the head,
1 can see why,
He was stuck in his sled.
He was so jammed,
1 could hardly get him out,
But finally I did,
There he stood jolly and stout.
He thanked me and thanked me,
Then rode off with such glee,
Since then he's flown higher,
And hit nota tree.
We looked up in the sky
Then my weird friend Bob said
"Oh me oh my!"
(repeat chorus)
We looked up in the sky
His name is Santa Clause
As he went by
He stopped and looked at us
Our bad luck seemed to change
And right before our eyes
He dropped a porch
And it took us by surprise!
Thank you
To all the different organizations in the surrounding area for
your many donations and acts of kindness.
• to the groups of carol singers
• for fruit baskets
• for gifts and money donations, etc., etc.
We appreciate your kindness very much and wish a Merry Christmas
and Haopy New Year to all.
Residents and Staff at
Braemor Manor
Exeter, Ontario
Leslie's Christmas
By Leslie Burke
Exeter PS. Grade 2
It was Christmas Eve. But Leslie
could not get to sleep. Suddenly
she heard a bump! She ran to the
living room to see what was the
matter. She peaked in and saw
Santa Claus. She went into the liv-
ingroom and said "Hi," Santa said
"Hi. You should've been in bed
sleeping." "I was but I heard a
bump and I came to see what was
the matter," she said and she went
back to bed. In the morning Leslie
and her sisters, Megan and Dana,
ran down the stairs to open their
presents. Dana got Baby Roller
Blade. Megan got a Diary and Les-
lie got a puppy. She named it Spot-
ty. It was the best Christmas ever.
The Birth of Christ
By Erika Moore
McCurdy Public School Grade 8
When Christ was born on Christ
mas day,
They laid Him in some yellow
People standing all around,
With a mantle of snow on the
The wisemen came and gave him
All the angles made a wish
That when he dies
The wish still hes.
The baby's name was Jesus Christ
Mary and Joseph were very nice.
The shepherd came with all his
When baby Christ was fast asleep.
The three Kings came,
With camels tame.
With myrrh and gold,
In the bitter cold.
The boy was born in a cattle shed,
The cloth he was wrapped in was
beaming red.
With the wisernen, kings and ani-
mals around,
With a mantle of snow still on the
Now, at the end they came to sing
"Glory to our New Born King".
The Funniest
Christmas Ever
By Dawn Corbett
Hensall P.S. Grade 6
Well my Mom's side of the fami-
ly who was my Uncle Allen,
Grandma and Grandpa Hendrick
and Grandma Corbeu as well as
my family were all at my Grandma
and Grandpa's place.
My relatives and I had opened
our gifts and had supper. Then we
were saying thanks to everybody
for the gifts and then we were
ready to go and my parents said,
"Jason and Dawn, go ride home
with your Grandma".
My brother would not go home
with my grandma because he
though that she would get run over
by a reindeer. My Mom and Dad
said that we won't get run over by
a reindeer. So I just went home
with my Grandma.
The Real "Real Jingle
++ By Matt Foran and Brent Glavin
tl Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Patting down the road
In a'65 Ford
Through the slush we. go
Praying to the Lord
Slush came through the door
Misfortune our lot
Because on route 69
The car wheezed to a stop
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
What a junkyards Ford
Here we are sitting in it
And praying to the Lord.
A prayer or two goes by
Our bad luck didn't step
We were sitting there
And all our tires went pop!
We heard a "Hol Ho! Ho!"
Neve a N CIwIet-
By Joy Laueglato
Exeter P.S. Grade 2
Andy couldn't wait until Christ-
mas. He kept on bugging, "When is
Christmas?" "In 24 days," his mom
said. "1'm going to open my ,.
present," said Andy. "No," said his
mom, "Or you might not get ' a
present,"•Andy was 7 years old. He
was like his friend James. James
was Andy's best friend. "I will play
with you outside in the snow to-
morrow," said Andy. "So, we are
going to play outside tomorrow,"
said James. "Bye", said James.
When they were outside they saw
someone up in the sky. "1 think it is
Santa Claus", said James. So Andy
went to his mom and said, "It is
Christmas", "Merry Christmas",
said Andy's mom. "Merry Christ-
mas mom, " said Andy.
We truly hope �t
your stocking,
will be filled to the
top with gifts of
kr, , hope and love/
Our thanks.
244 Wellington St. W., Exeter
One of the joys of Christmas
is remembering. It's always
nice for us to recall the pleas-
ant association we have with
our customers. Many thanks.
Thank you for your patronage
and we look forward to
serving you in the New Year
Farm Equipment Ltd.
519-229-8975 RR 1 Mitchell
May your Christmas be filled with the music of
laughter, love and good friends. Happy holidays.
,Pe".1 aa====LW,111.
Open 24 hours, 7 days a week
190 Main St. N. 99 Main St.
Exeter Luoan
235-0453 227-4834
M yout*d yew losidiresyoy► the Univ. season,
phase aooset tt Wu) for the gilt of your
waren blealtdobip ala Loyal patronage
Tins kyou for your patronage in 1992
and we look forward to serving you in 1993
TIae Mi hent and staff
Farm Equipment Ltd.
'Hensall 262.2605, Rannoch 229.67'00