HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-12-16, Page 21wiry OUR $1O SWRADJ h limes Advocate, December 16 1992 Page 21 CALL ANYTIME ^+v° Private, Non- commercial ads only itti was Super Ads must be pre -paid Advertisers want one thing... RESULTS. And that's what we guarantee when you place a .PER AD with us. For only one low fee of $10.00 we'll run your ad in our newspaper until you get the results you want. All you do is call us by Friday and ask for SUPER AD. You can take up to 40 words and we recommend you use a price for whatever you are advertising. If you do not get results by the following weekend, call us on Monday and we'll gladly repeat the ad at no charge. And we'll keep running the ad as long as you want (Excluding real estate). TALK TO OUR AD -VISORS MON.-FRI. UNTIL 5 P.M. OR LEAVE DETAILS ON OUR ANSWERING MACHINE ! r Will a :Reader In The':= t. Marys ;Journal A us At NoExtra Charge classificationg 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 4 Heip Wanted SUPERINTENDENT mature couple needed for 2 apanmettt building to do manor repairs, collect rent, renting apartments. s Phare l.4396688.'(474fn) I' ServrCe O'REILLY ELECTRIC for all your residential, commercial and maintenance requirements 229-6909 Town and Country Homemakers rewires Part time Homo Support Workers In the Exeter oma Level 11 home support training is preferred. Reliable transportation is required. Available to work day, evening, night and weekend hours. Send resume by Dec. 31, 1992 to: Town and Country Homemakers Box 969, Waltham Ont. NOG 2W0 Anent: Helen Ruttan The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employ- • went advertisements. Ile certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card infor- mation. Remember... if any advertisement sounds too good to be true, it is. NursinglIcHanie Care !Services A highyskWsd group of health care tmoiessionala providing » a compfete.ranpe of in-home nursing, homemaking and occupational therapy services • sarvioes available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Call for a free nursing assessment. 21 East Goderich • I Para•med 524- 5346 .ad MEALiH SE(NIGES Ohildr.n's Aid Society -of Huron County Is inviting applications for a Fundraising Coordinator The Children's Aid Society of Huron County requires the servic- es of a person to coordinate fundraising activities within Huron County. The candidate must have fundraising experience, demonstrated administrative and organizational skills in financialfarols, must have a thorough knowledge of Huron County, and have superior written and verbal oemmunioation DNcilis. This is a contract position, approximate duration is one year, beginning early 1993. Please submit a.detailed resume by December 22, 1992 to the attention of: f uteouneLlirsolor ohNdr.A's Ald Sssisty.of Hum County ,ox 1125 2110 Huskies.linstr Elatterilhl ant. NTA $Y6 6 Services McKAY RESTORATION • Painting • Papering • Staining • Drywall • Plaster Repairs • Swirled Ceilings & Refinishing 235-0199 WEDDING, BABY AND FAMILY PORTRAITS. Jervis Photo Inc. Clinton and Exeter. Main Si. across from Scotia Bank 235-1612. (13tfn) LAWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS SNOWBLOWING • Hedge Trimming • Eavestrough Cleaning • Light Deliveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 B&K SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGHING is now under new ownership. Thank you Kevin Wildfong 236-4581. (49-52c) JACK SCHENNING CONSTRUCTION 294-0286 • New Homes • Additions • Renovations • Siding • Trimming •.):lucks •, Driveways • Sidewalks • Barns & Sheds FOR PRIME: POWER and stand-by e lectricity that works and says working, call Sornmers Motor Generator Sales Ltd Rebabilit, since 1936 Photic 519.655-2396.(30ttn) ANTIQUE WATCH and clock specialist now open for repairs. Buy and sell in Port Franks. Open by chance or appointment Call 243-1130. (37t1n) MiKE DAVIS & SONS R.R. 1 Centralia Parts and Service for Harley Davidson Hours: Mon. - Fn. 4-10 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m Area pickup and delivery available Phone 227-1369 Livestou IWO 1101(SE: TRAILERS in good conduwn $ 1500 firm. Call 284-3045 HORSES BOARDED Uranisci area, datl, turnout, full tore, reasonable rates. Phone 225.2189.(49-51c) 8 Farm Machinery 18013U. GRAVITY BIN. Pbune 284-3045 0 . 370 GRAIN DRYER, weeds repay 5450 or best offer. McKee 80" double auger blower 5850 or best offer. Phone 2294107 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 12 Pets IACK RUSSET. TF.RRIERS, short -haired, seven weeks old, good temperment, nose -raised. Harry Nesbitt 271-6742. ti ORPHANED COLLIE Cross Puppies iltl each. Phone 263-3117. (51c) 13 Musical instruments GUITAR AND PIANO LESSONS AVAIIABLI:. Beginner to advanced. all styles of music. Brad's Music Studio 235-1263. (12tfn) APARTMENT SIZE PIANO perfect condition. Call 235-1205. 15 Persona, I1 YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934,227-4562 or345-2536. (17tfn) 16 For Saie • PATONS YARNS • - Discount Prices. Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. (16tfn) FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickory, beech, ash, maple. delivered and picked up. Phone Dignan Landscaping 235-1678. (43tfn) SETTEE solid wood upholstered seat 5375; portable typewriter 525; old brass fire extinguisher S45; chaise lounge 550; Singer portable sewing machine ase and atuchmeau S75; Moen single lever khafsen up plus new cartridge S20; Eunug 8mm projeaor550. Photic 263-5202. CRYSTAL. VASE - 8 wine glasses 24% lead crystal, crystal sugar and cream on a tray, 15' diameter aluminum tray, unique decanter and glasses in a telephone style container antique brass candle hollers Pyres casserole, alurnuium holder with lid Pbone263-5202 FARMERS. used tarps for covering hay. machinery. buss, etc. up to 600 sq. ft. sough but .light weight. lOe sq. ft. Call 284-3045 3 SECTIONS heavy duty Commercial scaffold with braces and planks; tow coin with hooks up to 30 ft., heavy and light, 1-1.2 text chairs fall, new coxtdiuon 284-3045. 16 Fot Sale OVERSIZF. BATHTUB - like new - left or sight 5'6" L, 3'6" W, 18" D; 3150.00; super single waterbed - bookcase headboard, excellent shape, 5100. CalI 284-1637. ROCKWELL 9" table saw like new - all accessories. Great Christmas gift for the handyman. 284-3045. HAY SQUARE BALES, first and second cut - no rain - can be delivered. Call 284-3045 ELECTRIC FURNACE, high efficiency, 20 kilowatt, one year old. Hot air Plenum, 2.5 ft. of 1-1/4 conduit electric cable. 100 amp breaker switch. 5600.00. Phone 1-238-5535. MATCHING 30" Electric range and 15 cu ft. refngerator almost brand new. Phone evenings 228-6566 Centralia. RABBITS AND DUCKS - Breeding stock S4 to 510 Phone 229-6566 days or 229-6712. (46t(n) LOCAL 011. SEEI) Black Sun Flowers (deluxe bird seed) for sale. Save by buying direct trom the grower u 316.50 for 53 lbs. (25 kg) bag or 511.00 for 33 lbs. (l5 kg). bag. Will deliver. Call 229.6253. HEAVY DUTY construction scaffold - plant - braces wheels. 284-3045. WELDING ROD 1B", 6011 excellent for farm use. Phone 284-3045. NINTENDO GAME SYSTEM 540.00, Genesis games 530.00. 2 pr. cross country kis 62" and 65" 518.00 each; cross oounsry leather ski boon, youth's nzc 1. 57.00 women's leather figure skates size 8. 515.00, "Learning Window" child's computer 318.00; '[Stan Smart: .child's computer $8.00. CaI1284-2151. TWO GOODYEAR RICE TIRES 23.1 x 30 on 10 Bolt Allis rims. 31800 ct npke. Consider trade for sale 23.1 x 26. Call John Sparbt,g 349-2415 --- APPLES --- Spys, Macs, Empire, Ida Reds, Red and Golden Delicious, Apple Butter Apple Juice OPEN SATURDAYS F & M Sawyer Hwy. 4, Credlton Rd. ortable awmi l l Cut ten �d lot trouto OT Wird Morley Snyder RR 2, Granton, Ontario 519-225-2878 Logs to 4 feet x 24.5 feet 16 For Sale GOALIE EQUIPMENT for Christmas for the aspiring young g'elie ages 8 to 13: top quality knee pads 335.00; helmet with goalie.gauge wire m sk and I -Tech throat protector 5100.00 - 255.00 separately or 5220.00 for all three items. Assortment of teenage and adult equipment. CaII 284-2950 after? p.m. QUEEN SIZE WATERBED Sealey. Evolution 11, waveless, heated, 3150.00 Phone235-1969 Remember Our Boxing Day Sale Starts Dec. 28 • all yarns • Christmas Cards, Wrapping Paper, etc. • Extra low prices Ron's Health Centre Hensail 262-2019 to :Motors Now Available OIL SKIN i Oil Spray Dripless and Environmentally Safe Complete Protection for your car From $6.9.95 up Also regular oil spray from $44.95 Phone 228-8810 Hwy. 4, Centralia .1986 CHBVE'TE as is. Homemade ult uailer. Call Fred 235.2410 after 12 Num (5051c) SNOWMOBILES Two 1979 Kawasaki Drifters. 340 and 440. Two Yamaha 250 ET, the pars. Also 2 led snowmobile trailer. Best offer. Phone 262.3528. (51c) 1111111211111111111 1991 NISSAN GENERA, good condition, low mileage, take over paymenu and it is yours. Phone 284-3280 NEED A USED CAR, see w about lease u, own, as low as 5400 down, easy Pa u Cooknan Auto Sala Inc., Hwy. 83 west Easter 235-3573. (Slain) 1983 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS loaded including loather 3100. Phone 229.8957. 1991 FORD RANGER XLT Super lib. V6, SSPD, fully loaded. 312,9004)0. Phone 2344280. (51:52c) 1965 BROWN RELIANT 2 door runs wen • caw sio le ager drive, must sell. 31700. Paid 2224574.(51152c) CIEL PET GROOMING - now located at Critter's Corner. 363 Main St. Gaster Available Mon. Tues. and Wed. clwne 235.0251. (NMI) LUST 1N TIME POR CHRISTMAS - One female kiuen with aliou - rt+altls grey. GIl 135-0105 anytime. (51e) Algoma Tire (Exeter) Ltd. Over 25 years experience Dunlop Tires & farm somas 231.0160 Qatar, 246 Win 8t. For your oonvenienoe sell \ ,jdlof��stidgl7 J ttitrs .lin': Quality Collision larsaiaaloral Auto Body Repairs' • Insurance repairs • Foss estimates upon your raquast • Unibody *one stral{htarrrtg • Collision repairs 2 miles earth of Deekweed BOIL $374f76r Fax 2374179 *Iuron Motor Auto Reps Blob Dale Moloy. 14 Hwy. - Centralia Road 2284610 Sales & Service A quality used whicies A safety checks A electronic diagnosis A wheel alignments ♦ competitive labour rates R.D.M. R.D.M Corey Auto Wreckers Direct "Hotline' to 45 major wreckers. Late model - auto & heavy truck parts. We service and deliver throughout Huron County London no. chrg. 1800.266-9250 1904 Gore Rd., loon Apple Auto 01 u Upholstery, Seat Covers, Convertible and float Tops, Sunroofs, Vinyl Tops 211-lialdlsllad., 411WriOh 14190497-1413 $ottom Une Pricing No HWing or Dickering SOSIn S., Exeter 5.08e0 CLASSIFIED RATES WORD COUNT i SEM -DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION - $9.00 per column inch SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $8.00 per column inch. (minimum size in this category 1 inch. Accepted in multiples of half inch.)) BOX NUMBERS to this office $2.60 per insertion. 12.50 DISCOUNT OFF OF RATES LISTED BELOW FOR PREPAYMENT Charges are based on the num- ber of words. Sets of numerals as tor serial numbers, street numbers, phone numbers or prices count as one word per set. Words joined by hyphens .count as s ate words. 'FIRST INS - 20 words $9.00. 15¢ per word thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes,20 words $6.00, 15¢ per word there after. 'BIRTHS - 30 words $10.00. 15¢ per word thereafter. MARRIAGES - Engagements, Death Notices - 20 words $10.00 each additional word 15c. IN MEMO111AIMB-.• 511.00 plus per�iine of -wise _ NG EVENTS - 30 words '110.00, each additional word 15c. Three insertions tor the price of two. CARDS OF THANKS - 30 words 110.00, additional words 100 each. .Deadline: tor is classified ads 4:00 p. m. Mondays. 1114+17-1H-- ' , A Phone 235-1331 classificationg 1 Lost, Strayed 2 Found 3 Situations Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Sports Equipment, Veh 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 24 Property Wanted 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 4 Heip Wanted SUPERINTENDENT mature couple needed for 2 apanmettt building to do manor repairs, collect rent, renting apartments. s Phare l.4396688.'(474fn) I' ServrCe O'REILLY ELECTRIC for all your residential, commercial and maintenance requirements 229-6909 Town and Country Homemakers rewires Part time Homo Support Workers In the Exeter oma Level 11 home support training is preferred. Reliable transportation is required. Available to work day, evening, night and weekend hours. Send resume by Dec. 31, 1992 to: Town and Country Homemakers Box 969, Waltham Ont. NOG 2W0 Anent: Helen Ruttan The Times -Advocate urges our readers to use caution when sending money for business opportunity or employ- • went advertisements. Ile certain you are dealing with a reputable company before releasing any credit card infor- mation. Remember... if any advertisement sounds too good to be true, it is. NursinglIcHanie Care !Services A highyskWsd group of health care tmoiessionala providing » a compfete.ranpe of in-home nursing, homemaking and occupational therapy services • sarvioes available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Call for a free nursing assessment. 21 East Goderich • I Para•med 524- 5346 .ad MEALiH SE(NIGES Ohildr.n's Aid Society -of Huron County Is inviting applications for a Fundraising Coordinator The Children's Aid Society of Huron County requires the servic- es of a person to coordinate fundraising activities within Huron County. The candidate must have fundraising experience, demonstrated administrative and organizational skills in financialfarols, must have a thorough knowledge of Huron County, and have superior written and verbal oemmunioation DNcilis. This is a contract position, approximate duration is one year, beginning early 1993. Please submit a.detailed resume by December 22, 1992 to the attention of: f uteouneLlirsolor ohNdr.A's Ald Sssisty.of Hum County ,ox 1125 2110 Huskies.linstr Elatterilhl ant. NTA $Y6 6 Services McKAY RESTORATION • Painting • Papering • Staining • Drywall • Plaster Repairs • Swirled Ceilings & Refinishing 235-0199 WEDDING, BABY AND FAMILY PORTRAITS. Jervis Photo Inc. Clinton and Exeter. Main Si. across from Scotia Bank 235-1612. (13tfn) LAWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS SNOWBLOWING • Hedge Trimming • Eavestrough Cleaning • Light Deliveries Laverne McCarter 235-1062 B&K SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGHING is now under new ownership. Thank you Kevin Wildfong 236-4581. (49-52c) JACK SCHENNING CONSTRUCTION 294-0286 • New Homes • Additions • Renovations • Siding • Trimming •.):lucks •, Driveways • Sidewalks • Barns & Sheds FOR PRIME: POWER and stand-by e lectricity that works and says working, call Sornmers Motor Generator Sales Ltd Rebabilit, since 1936 Photic 519.655-2396.(30ttn) ANTIQUE WATCH and clock specialist now open for repairs. Buy and sell in Port Franks. Open by chance or appointment Call 243-1130. (37t1n) MiKE DAVIS & SONS R.R. 1 Centralia Parts and Service for Harley Davidson Hours: Mon. - Fn. 4-10 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m Area pickup and delivery available Phone 227-1369 Livestou IWO 1101(SE: TRAILERS in good conduwn $ 1500 firm. Call 284-3045 HORSES BOARDED Uranisci area, datl, turnout, full tore, reasonable rates. Phone 225.2189.(49-51c) 8 Farm Machinery 18013U. GRAVITY BIN. Pbune 284-3045 0 . 370 GRAIN DRYER, weeds repay 5450 or best offer. McKee 80" double auger blower 5850 or best offer. Phone 2294107 9 Sports Equipment,Vehicles 12 Pets IACK RUSSET. TF.RRIERS, short -haired, seven weeks old, good temperment, nose -raised. Harry Nesbitt 271-6742. ti ORPHANED COLLIE Cross Puppies iltl each. Phone 263-3117. (51c) 13 Musical instruments GUITAR AND PIANO LESSONS AVAIIABLI:. Beginner to advanced. all styles of music. Brad's Music Studio 235-1263. (12tfn) APARTMENT SIZE PIANO perfect condition. Call 235-1205. 15 Persona, I1 YOU WANT to drink that's your business. If you want to quit that's ours. To speak with an AA member please phone 235-1934,227-4562 or345-2536. (17tfn) 16 For Saie • PATONS YARNS • - Discount Prices. Ron's Health Centre, Hensall. (16tfn) FIREWOOD - seasoned hardwood hickory, beech, ash, maple. delivered and picked up. Phone Dignan Landscaping 235-1678. (43tfn) SETTEE solid wood upholstered seat 5375; portable typewriter 525; old brass fire extinguisher S45; chaise lounge 550; Singer portable sewing machine ase and atuchmeau S75; Moen single lever khafsen up plus new cartridge S20; Eunug 8mm projeaor550. Photic 263-5202. CRYSTAL. VASE - 8 wine glasses 24% lead crystal, crystal sugar and cream on a tray, 15' diameter aluminum tray, unique decanter and glasses in a telephone style container antique brass candle hollers Pyres casserole, alurnuium holder with lid Pbone263-5202 FARMERS. used tarps for covering hay. machinery. buss, etc. up to 600 sq. ft. sough but .light weight. lOe sq. ft. Call 284-3045 3 SECTIONS heavy duty Commercial scaffold with braces and planks; tow coin with hooks up to 30 ft., heavy and light, 1-1.2 text chairs fall, new coxtdiuon 284-3045. 16 Fot Sale OVERSIZF. BATHTUB - like new - left or sight 5'6" L, 3'6" W, 18" D; 3150.00; super single waterbed - bookcase headboard, excellent shape, 5100. CalI 284-1637. ROCKWELL 9" table saw like new - all accessories. Great Christmas gift for the handyman. 284-3045. HAY SQUARE BALES, first and second cut - no rain - can be delivered. Call 284-3045 ELECTRIC FURNACE, high efficiency, 20 kilowatt, one year old. Hot air Plenum, 2.5 ft. of 1-1/4 conduit electric cable. 100 amp breaker switch. 5600.00. Phone 1-238-5535. MATCHING 30" Electric range and 15 cu ft. refngerator almost brand new. Phone evenings 228-6566 Centralia. RABBITS AND DUCKS - Breeding stock S4 to 510 Phone 229-6566 days or 229-6712. (46t(n) LOCAL 011. SEEI) Black Sun Flowers (deluxe bird seed) for sale. Save by buying direct trom the grower u 316.50 for 53 lbs. (25 kg) bag or 511.00 for 33 lbs. (l5 kg). bag. Will deliver. Call 229.6253. HEAVY DUTY construction scaffold - plant - braces wheels. 284-3045. WELDING ROD 1B", 6011 excellent for farm use. Phone 284-3045. NINTENDO GAME SYSTEM 540.00, Genesis games 530.00. 2 pr. cross country kis 62" and 65" 518.00 each; cross oounsry leather ski boon, youth's nzc 1. 57.00 women's leather figure skates size 8. 515.00, "Learning Window" child's computer 318.00; '[Stan Smart: .child's computer $8.00. CaI1284-2151. TWO GOODYEAR RICE TIRES 23.1 x 30 on 10 Bolt Allis rims. 31800 ct npke. Consider trade for sale 23.1 x 26. Call John Sparbt,g 349-2415 --- APPLES --- Spys, Macs, Empire, Ida Reds, Red and Golden Delicious, Apple Butter Apple Juice OPEN SATURDAYS F & M Sawyer Hwy. 4, Credlton Rd. ortable awmi l l Cut ten �d lot trouto OT Wird Morley Snyder RR 2, Granton, Ontario 519-225-2878 Logs to 4 feet x 24.5 feet 16 For Sale GOALIE EQUIPMENT for Christmas for the aspiring young g'elie ages 8 to 13: top quality knee pads 335.00; helmet with goalie.gauge wire m sk and I -Tech throat protector 5100.00 - 255.00 separately or 5220.00 for all three items. Assortment of teenage and adult equipment. CaII 284-2950 after? p.m. QUEEN SIZE WATERBED Sealey. Evolution 11, waveless, heated, 3150.00 Phone235-1969 Remember Our Boxing Day Sale Starts Dec. 28 • all yarns • Christmas Cards, Wrapping Paper, etc. • Extra low prices Ron's Health Centre Hensail 262-2019 to :Motors Now Available OIL SKIN i Oil Spray Dripless and Environmentally Safe Complete Protection for your car From $6.9.95 up Also regular oil spray from $44.95 Phone 228-8810 Hwy. 4, Centralia .1986 CHBVE'TE as is. Homemade ult uailer. Call Fred 235.2410 after 12 Num (5051c) SNOWMOBILES Two 1979 Kawasaki Drifters. 340 and 440. Two Yamaha 250 ET, the pars. Also 2 led snowmobile trailer. Best offer. Phone 262.3528. (51c) 1111111211111111111 1991 NISSAN GENERA, good condition, low mileage, take over paymenu and it is yours. Phone 284-3280 NEED A USED CAR, see w about lease u, own, as low as 5400 down, easy Pa u Cooknan Auto Sala Inc., Hwy. 83 west Easter 235-3573. (Slain) 1983 MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS loaded including loather 3100. Phone 229.8957. 1991 FORD RANGER XLT Super lib. V6, SSPD, fully loaded. 312,9004)0. Phone 2344280. (51:52c) 1965 BROWN RELIANT 2 door runs wen • caw sio le ager drive, must sell. 31700. Paid 2224574.(51152c) CIEL PET GROOMING - now located at Critter's Corner. 363 Main St. Gaster Available Mon. Tues. and Wed. clwne 235.0251. (NMI) LUST 1N TIME POR CHRISTMAS - One female kiuen with aliou - rt+altls grey. GIl 135-0105 anytime. (51e) Algoma Tire (Exeter) Ltd. Over 25 years experience Dunlop Tires & farm somas 231.0160 Qatar, 246 Win 8t. For your oonvenienoe sell \ ,jdlof��stidgl7 J ttitrs .lin': Quality Collision larsaiaaloral Auto Body Repairs' • Insurance repairs • Foss estimates upon your raquast • Unibody *one stral{htarrrtg • Collision repairs 2 miles earth of Deekweed BOIL $374f76r Fax 2374179 *Iuron Motor Auto Reps Blob Dale Moloy. 14 Hwy. - Centralia Road 2284610 Sales & Service A quality used whicies A safety checks A electronic diagnosis A wheel alignments ♦ competitive labour rates R.D.M. R.D.M Corey Auto Wreckers Direct "Hotline' to 45 major wreckers. Late model - auto & heavy truck parts. We service and deliver throughout Huron County London no. chrg. 1800.266-9250 1904 Gore Rd., loon Apple Auto 01 u Upholstery, Seat Covers, Convertible and float Tops, Sunroofs, Vinyl Tops 211-lialdlsllad., 411WriOh 14190497-1413 $ottom Une Pricing No HWing or Dickering SOSIn S., Exeter 5.08e0