HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-12-16, Page 20Page 20 Times -Advocate, December 16, 1992
AQUILINA - I wish a Merry
Christmas, Happy New Year to
alt my neighbours, members of
the Legion, our hospital staff,
our hydro workers and our po-
lice officers -and all my friends
50' Sam Ailina
BAKER - We wish to extend to
our relatives, friends and neigh-
bours, a very Merry Christmas
and sincere wishes for happi-
ness and prosperity in the New
51; Kenneth and Margaret
BALLANTYNE - We- would like
to extend a very Merry Christ-
mas and a Happy New Year to
all our neighbours, friends and
Ross and Alma
BATTEN - May your holiday
season be filled with good
health, good times and treas-
ured memories Merry Christ-
mas and Happy New Year to
our family friends, old and new
Ralph, Cathy
Jason and Jeremy
BECKER - 1 would like to wish a
Merry Christmas and a prosper-
ous new year to family, friends,
neighbours and relatives both
near and tar, peace be with you.
51' Annie
CREECH - Wishing our rela-
tives, friends and neighbours a
joyous Christmas and , health
and happiness throughout the
coming year.
51:52* Jean, Ann and Tom
DENAMME - To all my loyal
frienos and family, for cards,
treats and most of all your
prayers and visits. I hope you
have a very Merry Christmas
and a happy. healthy new year.
51C Wayne
DEVINE - Season greetings to
our neighbours, friends and rela-
tives and a blessed New Year
51' Lome and Loreen
DEVLIN - To all our neighbours,
relatives and friends, a very
Merry Christmas and a happy
new year
51' Jenny
DEVRIES - Wishing all our
friends a very Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year
51:52x Harry and Margaret
DICKEY - We wish all our
neighbours friends and rela-
tives a very Merry Christmas
and a happy and prosperous
new year
51:52' Bill and Joyce
.BECKETT - Best wishes to our
-friends and neighbours for the
holiday season and the coming
Barb, Jim and boys
BERENDS - We wish a happy
Christmas to all our friends and
neighbours and a prosperous
new year. God Bless You Alf!
Bill and Rosaleen
BERENDS - Merry Christmas -
and a Happy New Year
51:52' l eurns
BROWN - 1 would like to wish
frienas relatives and neigh-
bours. a Merry .Christmas -and
happy new year
51:52' Russell
COLE - To one and all, a Merry
Christmas and a Happy '93
51:52' Milton and Joan
CONSiTT - Season's greetings
to all our relatives, friends and
neighbours during this festive
season and sincere wishes for
peace and joy in the coming
51:52x i om Barb and Paul
would like to wish a very Merry
Christmas and happy new year
to all our- valued customers,
friends and f etatives.
51:52c Gerry Glavin and family
GLAVIN - May this season be a
time of peace, love, and happi-
ness for everyone. Merry Christ-
masand Happy New Year
51:52c Jack, Deb, Tina,
Matt and Ben
GREENLEE - Earl and Marguer-
ite would like to wish their neigh-
bours, friends and relatives a
Very Merry Christmas and Hap-
py New Year 51'
HANSEN - We would like to
wish all our friends, neighbours
and relatives a very Merry
Christmas and a happy new
51:52' Andy and Helen
HARNESS - I would like to wish
all my relatives, neighbours and
friends Merry Christmas and
Happy and Healthy New Year
51:52' Irene
HAUGH - May you be delighted
with Christmas; From the time
that it starts till it ends; And find
that it brings you good fortune,
Good Health, and good times
and good friends!
51:52x Ross and Irene
KINGMA - Merry Christmas and
a prosperous New Year and
wishes for good health to my
family, friends and neighbours in
1993 and God's love and grace.
51:52' John,
KOOY - May the Spirit of Christ-
mas be with you all through
1993 Merry Christmas.
51'52' Mary and family
LORD - May the spirit o1 Christ-
mas bless you and yours and
bring you all the joys of the sea-
son! We want to send our love
and best wishes lo all our
friends, relatives, neighbours
and hockey team players during
this holiday season and into
51:52x Dick, Debbie
Brayden and Amber
MATHERS - A very merry sate
Christmas and a happy new
year to all our neighbours,
friends and relatives.
51' Ross, Marlene and family
McDONALD - To all our neigh-
bours, friends and relatives, we
wish you a very Merry Christ-
mas and a Happy New Year.
51c Reg and Gladys
McLEOD - May the Joy and
peace of Christmas be with all
my relatives, neighbours and
friends throughout the coming
51:52' Marguerite
NEIL - To our neighbours, rela-
tives and friends wb see thmuQtt
the year but especially remem-
ber at Christmas, may 1993 be
good to you all.
-51:52c Earl and Jean
PENHALE - To all my friends,
relatives and neighbours, a very
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year.
51:52' Grace
PEPPER - Cecil and Joyce Pep-
per extend best wishes to one
and all for a happy holiday sea-
son and a prosperous and hap-
py new year.
51:52' Cecil
PEPPER - We would like to
wish all our friends, relatives
and neighbours a very Merry
Christmas and a happy and
prosperous New Year.
51:52' Roy and Robina
PFAFF - To one and all, 'family,
friends and relatives, we wish a
very Merry Christmas and a
healthy, happy new year.
51' Allen and Doris
ROHDE - A very Merry Christ-
mas to all my friends, neigh-
bours and relatives and all the
best tor the New Year.
$1'EWART - May the. blessings
'611d Joys •of the Christmas sea-
son Abide within your beads,
and Inay 1993 bring good health
and prosperity to each one of
51'52' John and Rosomary
TAYLOR - To all my friends,
neighbours and relatives, I wish
everyone a Very Merry Christ-
mas and a Happy New Year.
51'52' Richard and Peart
TRIEBNER - To all our friends,
relatives and neighbours, greet-
ings of the season and best
wishes for the new year
51c Doug and Eva
TRIEBNER - To my friends,
family, old and new neighbours;
I would like to wish you all a
Merry Christmas and Happiness
throughout the new year
51:52' Marg
WEIGAND - May the old, but
ever new Miracle of Christmas
be yours, filled with Happiness,
Family and Friends. Seasons
Greetings and Best Wishes for
51:52' Bill, Ddris,
Mark and Andrea
WELLS - Season's Greetings to
all our friends, neighbours and
Greetings to at
-DOBBS - During this•Chnstmas
season, George, Lee, and
Georgina hope you will take
time to Think deeply; Speak
gently; Laugh often; Work hard:
Give freely; Pray earnestly; Be
kind, Forgive an enemy and
Love 51c
DYCK - To all our neighbours,
relatives and friends a very Mer-
ry Christmas and a happy new
51' Henry and Irene
FINKBEINER - At Chnstmas
and throughout the New Year
may every happiness be yours,
to our friends, neighbours and
51:52x Eric, l,relma,
Jeremy and Dwayne
GARDINER - Wishing my rela-
tives and friends the joys and
blessings of the Christmas sea-
son and health and happiness
throughout the new year
51' Mary
HAYTER - We would like to ex-
tend to our relatives, neigh-
bours, friends and customers a
warm Merry Christmas and a
Happy Healthy Blessed New
John Hayter Painting
John, Kathy, Mathew,
Melissa and Miranda
HUMPHREYS - We wish all our
neighbours, friends and rela-
tives a Blessed Chnstmas and a
and prosperous new
Councillor Tom
Phyllis and family
HUNTER-DUVAR - Have a Mer-
ry Christmas and Happy Pros;.
perous New Year is our wish for
51:52' Peg and family
JONES - With warm wishes for
a wondertul holiday and happi-
ness for you in all seasons. To
all our relatives, neighbours and
friends a very Merry Christmas
a Prosperous- New Year.
51:52' Larry, Lois and Douglas
JORY - We wish all our friends.
neighbours and relatives a Very
Merry Christmas and a Happy
Prosperous New Year.
51:52' Ray and Helen
MILLER - We would like to wish
our customers, neighbours, rela-
tives and friends a very safe and
Merry Christmas and a happy,
healthy new year.
51:52c Miller's Welding
and Machine
Marvin, Earl, Steven,
Vicky and Fred
MORENZ - Our wish for friends,
neighbours and area relatives is
that you may enjoy the happy
spirit that is Christmas, and a
peaceful joyous -New Year.
51:52x Hugh and Annie
MUNN - With Best Wishes for a
Merry Christmas and a happy
new year to all our relatives,
fnends and neighbours
51:52' Gordon and Jean
NEGRIJN - Merry Christmas to
friends, neighbours and rela-
tives. May all the blessings of
the season be with you this
Christmas and peace, health
and prosperity in the New Year.
51:52x Fred, Ruthanne
David and Bryan
NEGRIJN - Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year to all my
Mends and neighbours.
51:52c Wilma
Mrs. Helen Wells
and family
ROHDE - Never a Christmas
moming, Never the old year
ends, But someone thinks of
someone, Old days, old times,
old friends. Wishing everyone, -a
Very Me., Christmas and a
Happy New Year. "�.
51:52x Bill and Rhoda
RYAN - I wish all my relatives,
neighbours and friends a Merry
Christmas and a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
51:52' Ed
SKINNER - To all our relatives
and friends, we wish you a Very
Merry Christmas and a Happy
and Healthy New Year
51' Sam, Aldeen and Dianne
SMITH - We wish our family,
friends and neighbours a happy
Christmas, Joy, peace and con-
tentment. Jesus is the reason
for the season. Blessings to all.
51:52' Alf and Note
SMITH - We would like 10 wish
relatives, neighbours and
friends a Merry Christmas and a
happy new year.
51:52' Len and Doreen
SMITS - We wish all our family,
friends and neighbours a Merry
Christmas and a Happy Now
51:52c Mary and Bill
WELLS - Merry Christmas and
Happy New Year to our rela-
tives, friends and neighbours.
51' Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wells
WILDER - IfestsbreS''Y reettegs
to family, friends and neigh-
bours. A Happy Healthy and
Prosperous New Year.
51c Lionel, Rebecca and family
WILLIS - I wish everyone a Mer-
ry Christmas and a Happy New
Year to all my friends, relatives
and family, and everyone at Ex-
eter Villa, the staff, nurses arld
51:52' Carrie
YELLOW - I wish all my friends,
neighbours and relatives a Very
Merry Christmas and a Happy
Prosperous New Year
51:52' Tom
g Jack & Marg's 1
207 Main St., Exeter
Will be closed for Christmas
Holidays from
Dec. 18/92 -Jan. 3/93
Reopening Jan. 4/93 at 7
a.m. Our new hours will be 7
- 6 starting Dec. 14
lmMMalwaros ava wit a4�
V, -hut does Christinas mean to me?
• • •
Shannon Fox
Lucan Nursery school
"Jesus was born on
Christmas Day end we
celebrate his birthday."
Katerir a.Ryan
Liman' Nursery School
"We give presents to
people and put up
Dhrit tmaLlights."
Dylan Pryee
Lucan,Niwaory SohpfoI
"Santa Claus comes and
he brings Christmas
Chad Uiloy
Luoan Mowry School
"We get presents and I
would like a hockey
game this year"
Nioholas NIcFaUs
Wean arliiriiory School
"We leave cake for San-
ta and have turkey for