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Times -Advocate, December 9, 1992
Annual Farnily Dinner at VilIa
John and Joyce Morgan, volunteering as servers, help out at Sunday's annual family dinner at
Exeter Villa. Over 350 people were seated for dinner, which for the first time was aided by vol-
unteers from community organizations.
False fire alarm calls
Town wants some money back
EXETER - Town council hopes
to recoup some costs associated
with a recent false alarm at South
Huron District High School
On November 18, the Exeter and
Area Fire Department responded to
an alarm call at the school. only to
find that the alarm had been pulled
deliberately and falsely. Police lat-
er charged a 14 -year old youth with
setting the false alarm and two oth-
er young offenders were charged
with trespassing.
Councillor Ben Hoogenboom
asked at Monday evening's council
meeung what the costs were asso-
ciated with responding to the false
call and whether or not the town
could recoup that cost.
Reeve Bill Mickle noted ex-
plained there were few costs in-
volved because the firefighters
were already gathered fon pracusc.
otherwise a false alarm call can
cost between S30() and $400, but
Mickle said the department hoped
to recover some costs provided the
court awards damages.
"I resent the town picking up a
$500 bill when we could bill thc
parents or go after the court
agreed Hoogenboom
Five generations got to-
gether recently to mark
special family occasion.
Clockwise from front left
are grandmother Judy
Crown, father Jim Crown,
great-grandfather Wilmer
Desjardine, great -great-
grandmother Beulah Des
Jardine, who is holding
five-month old Dalton
James Crown.
Monday Ladles
Heather Smith 298-712, Marg Young
256-662, Lynn Smith 248423, Sharon
Redick 281-609, Pat Hodgins 232-608,
Janet Ankers 253-602, Mema Scott
258, Deb Pearce 243, Barb Smith 242,
Jan Vanderploeg 232, Alice Hodgins
229. Joan Scou 228, Bonnie Kooy 221,
Helen Swartz 215.
Tuesday Y.B.C.
Greg Cunningham 191, Marcus Ap-
pelman 190, Tyler Graham 185. Jamie
Tsantilas 182, Chad Rodgers 181.
Nicky Andersen 173, David Miller 166,
David Knip 152. Ryan Nicholson 150,
Jeremy Langendyk 150. Kurt Juergen
142, Jennifer Heague 129.
Arnie Vandeweil /77-653. Jean
Poole 247-613, Len Poole 228. Marg
Carmichael 209, Doreen Kernohan 197,
Ken Weir 194, Donna Jeffrey 177, Ted
Schendera 176, Marg Schendera 175,
Loretta Needham 175, Marion Barr
Senior Citizens
Lawrence Russell 210-600, Pat Davis
194-558, Peter VandeBoomen 214-542.
Mac MacCormack 219-531, Harry
Noels 220-514, Edie Bun 191-513,
Myrtle Gusso 196, Bessie Caldwell
188. Marion Thompson 186, Norah
Wissell 181, Mary Scott 177, Len
Smith 170, Marion Noels 160, Howard
Dolan 160.
Wednesday Y.B.C.
Mike Dalgleish 148, Vanessa Smith
31, Melissa Baker 130, Megan Ander-
son i 29, Shauna Townsend 124, Tim
Anderson 116. Jenny Wonnacott 113.
'Arnie MacGregor 106, Colin Haskett
105, Kelly Wilson 104, Joe McNaugh-
ton 100.
Gary Melvin 285-706, Wayne Wil
son 246-699. Lynna Smith 235-662.
Pat Hodgins 244-644, Bob Smith Jr.
237-644. Harold Smith 210-612, Pat
Momcau 244-607. Cathy Bauen 232.
Sandra Melvin 196. Patricia Jones 190.
Wednesday Mixed
Dot, Cunningham 305-674, Scott
Rummell 225-612. Larry Mathers 250.
Mark Frayne 211, Hank McGillivray
206. Toni Dobinson 197. Kim Cun-
ningham 195 Carol Frayne 190. Doug
smith 188. Al Rollings 185.
Thursday Men
Bill Mashers 248, 251, 368-867. Col-
in Brewer 295. 305, 259-859. Don Wan
257. 255. 330-846, Don Wallis 306.
231, 270-807. Kevin Lightfoot 334-
794, Jim smith 290-765,:Bnat.Ankau
'279.75,. Paul Smith 339-735 Bob
A revolutionary way lo easily remove
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Fiu time is
certainly here
STRATFORD - "We all know
the feeling, chills, fever. aches and
pains. It all spells thc flu. It is a
highly contagious disease that af-
fects the whole body. For healthy
adults and children the flu can be a
moderately severe illness keeping
the sufferer in bed for 5 to 10 days.
But fol those considered to be in
the high risk group the flu can be
life Threatening," said, Medical Dr.
D. Thompson, Medica( Advisor to
The Lung Association, Huron -
Perth Counties.
Vaccinauon is the single most
effective means of preventing or
minimizing influenza. "This is par-
ticularly important for the high
risk group which includes: every-
one over the age or 65. anyone
with Tung diseases such as asthma,
emphysema. chrtn►ic bronchitis,
cystic fibrosis, heat or kidney dis-
ease, or metabolic disorders such
as diabetes. Over 5 million Canadi-
ans are considered to be part of this
group," he added. -However, only
about 30 percent of these individu
als receive vaccine annually. it is es-
timated That 5,000 Canadians die
each year from influenza and pneu-
monia complications.
"Vaccination should also be con-
sidered by health care providers and
other individuals who are in contact
with the high risk group," said Dr.
Thompson. "Ask your doctor wheth-
er or not you should he vaccinated."
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'Olds Fashioned
Smith 293=724. Jack Puller 296-722,
George Robbins 271-714, Barry Hei-
man 333-705, Berl Allison 251-704,
Bob Moore.266-703, Brad Taylor 236-
700, Prank Palen 255-698, Dan Hey-
wood 268-690 Ray McRoben 25) -
680: John Kohut 239-676. Doug Lee
257-674, Dave Smith'233-668.
Rick Allison 266, 195, Dave Gordon
218, 189, Bob Montage 168. Conrao
Zimmemtan 167, Ed Hastilow 162.
Mary lane Dyson 155, Ed Charles 153,
Ron Churchill 141, Nelson Bender 110.
Friday Mixed
Bob Smith 282-788, Pete Smith 291-
729, Heather Smith 253-689, Jeanette
Smith 253-675, Harold Smith 269-670,
Edie Burt 259-651. Dan Rodgers 233-
602, Barb Smith 222-601. Brenda Rob-
inson 228. Stan Roth 223, Rhdnda East-
man 211, Len Carter 211.
Ladies Inter -town
Lucan 13 vs. Zurich 14; Joan Fink-
beiner 275-674, Pat Davis 250-613.
Marg Young 225-609.
Men's Inter -town
Lucan 30 vs. Goderich 15; Doug
Fenn Sr. 305-1296, Scott Berger 308-
1251, Doug Fenn Jr 309-1126.
Ltican 22 vs Fleetway 81 - 21; Mur-
ray Bennewies 294 i261. Neil Beuer-
man 294-1237. Glen Gagen 255-1118.
Sunday Mixed
Don Morgan 265-742, Rob Riley
321-727, Jim Smith 309-715, Peter
Gibson 248-710, Tina Riley 283-675,
Butch Riley 305-660. Dorn Stoddart
232-651, Lloyd Rimnier 229-632. Pat
Rimmer 242-631, Marie Jaques 236-
628, Larry Gibson 234-627, Bruce
McKichan 238-625. Paul Smith 218-
616, Garry Gibson 212-602,
Zurich Town &
Country Lanes
Friday Night Mixed League
Bad Attitudes - Bev Cregan 584,
Hush Puppies - Don Durand 621-236,
Hot Shots - Brian Sanders 798-312,
Ramblers - Arnold Martin 529-218,
Phyliss Miller 218. Toadally Mixed up
- Ken Schroeder 529-215. The Nots -
Larry Smith 658, Tom Arthur 269.
Thursday Night Mixed League
Hits and Misses - Scott Parsons 644,
Pin Crushers - Tom Smits 649,
G.M.D.'s - Leroy Meloche 653. Pin
Pickers - Val Ford 631. Nickel Nuts -
Brian Rader 619, The Living Legends -
Darrell Ramey 529, H.S. - Henry Van-
derSpek 291, H.T. - Henry Larsen 766.
H.A. - Henry VanderSpek 206, H.S. -
Val Ford and Cheryl Smith 275. H.T. -
Val Ford 684, H.A. - Val Ford 180.
Thursday Grand Cove Seniors
Kay Allen 654, Ted Poplar 582. Do-
reen Reid 587, Dan Dresscl 573. Ken
Reid 572, Ole Dickson 549. H.S. - Kay
Allen 239, H.S. - John Wintle 230.
Thursday Golden Age Seniors - 2
. Hazel McEwen 328. Clarence Smil-
lie 169. Elizabeth Grainger 272. Alfred
Priest 223, Ivan Reichert 296 Mona
Garner 293. Laird ,acobe .:.j3. Jacs ..:e
tit, 295, Rose Priest 263. Nor f -t ar
349, Harvey Nohncr
chauer 28(1. Mar} iat,„>- '_' •t., .f.,
Martin 2'
Wednesday Ladies •
Cavell Brown 510, Barb Trieb tstr
458, Louise Wein 492, Peggy Petjttaot►
485. Linda Webber 579, Amy Davy
455, Maxine Sereda 538, Wanda Re-
ynolds 488, Theresa McCann 524, Mai-
ds Geiser 456, lime Campbell 512, Hel-
en Wasn a 481, H.S. - Ulla Larsen
278, H.S. -Linda Webber 224.
Wednesday Night Ladies
Minus Two - Sheona Baker 676. The
Shakers - Mary MacDonald 571, Who's
it - Louise Vandenberk 664, Handi-
capps - Laurie Stanlake 699. Lucky
Strikes - Karen Hunner 502. Repeaters
Betty Dears 547. High Single - Laurie
Stanlake 304. High Triple Laurie
Stanlake 699. High Average - Sheona -
Baker 221.
Monday Ladles
Friskey Five - Barb Reschke 471,
Gutter Gang - Nancy Radar 578. Red
Devils - Glena Tripp 831. Alley Cats -
Marlene Bedard 696-324. Town and
Country - Verlyn Huston 644. Happy
Gang - Pal Palen 591, Alley Oops -
Anita Faber 600. Packets - Leona Re
ichert 565, Silly Six - Pauline Johns
561, Pinpoppers - Carmel Sweeney
517, Odds 'n' Ends - Trudy Rooseboom
686, Jolly Six - Nell McCann 657.
High Single - Anita Faber 327, High
Triple - Karen Campbell 839, High )%'.
erage - Sandra Dickers 220.9.
Tuesday Men's League
Big Daddy Shindig - Mike Labreche
501, Hensel! Boomers - Mike Lebold
569, Family Affair - Tony Bedard 633.
Market - 011ie Edwards 853-316, La
Crystal Balls - Tim Wilcox 779-315.
Kiondyke - Tom Vlemmix 574, High
rollers - Paul Rood 632, The Hookers
Andy McIntyre 623, Rockets - Gary
Huston 639, High Single - Gary Huston
322. High Triple - Tony Bedard 779,
High Average - 011ie Edwards 230.
Saturday Men's Inter -town
Molesworth Il 27 vs. Zurich 18. Rog
er Ward 1(180, Luke Mommcrstecl;
1071. Gary Huston, 1057.
Saturday Y.B.C.
Bantams 3 games. Jason Hardy 494
(191), Shaun Ducharmc 454. Jenm
Hardy 432, Jonathan Hardy 389. Derck
Ducharme 359, Laura Shanks 34S. Six
ven Munn 345 Matthew Laporte 34,
Becky Meidinget 337, Craig Schroedt r
335. Ryan Parsons 325, Stacey Butso..
308. Michael Klassen 285, Sara Roost
boom 284, Leanne Shanks 276, Meliss..
Mcndinger 251, Shawn Becker 244. As•
ron Deters 219, Jamie Bengough 217.
Peewees and Smurfs - 2 games: Tasha
Green 221. Julia Hardy 185, Bevan
Butson 153, Joey Rader 144.
Monday Pinevlew Park Group
Milt Robbins 481, Matreer, Healy
444, Ron Allen 507, Winifred Kamen
464, George Black 531. Elena Black
117, John Kamen 404, Allin Stewart
311. Cora Stewart 432, H.S. George
Black 202, H.S. - Milt Robbin 181.
Monday Grand Bend Seniors
Ron Dann 578, Jean Dann 566. Toni
Smits 543, Dorothy Cutting 486. Sian
Smits 457. Clayton Lovic 431. Nola
Taylor 419, Phil Robinson 418. Clan
encs Smillie 396. Aileen Ravelle 356
H.S Tom Snots 229.
1 uesday Arc Angels
Dan Grer l i = David Bresseut :39.
Robert Fox too, tit t -1,,
.o, i'iedcmar 86: Janice ,[}r hN'Q7
:;;1wvu Dale 17.
tit tit
A well prepared resume will help you
get the job you are looking for!
A resume detailing an applicant's work history and
education is extremely helpful to an employer who
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Your personal resume should accompany
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Here are some guidelines to follow in preparing your resume.
J Make it clear, concise and easy to read - and no longer
than two pages
J The resume should be typed on 8 1/2' x 11" white paper
with enough white space to prevent a cluttered took
J Start with your name, address and phone number
'J Next under a sub -heading "Work History" detatt the -
previous jobs you've held - in reverse date order
- that is, last job first.
J Use a separate paragraph for each position and
precede it with the dates you held that position
J State the job title, a brief description of the
responsibilities - and the results you achieved.
J The next section of your resume should come under the
sub -heading of "Education". Start with the highest
degree obtained or grade completed, followed by tht
name of the institution at which you studied Follow
this with previous education attainments. At the enc,
list any specific instructional courses you have
attended in conjunction with your work.
J Under the sub -heading "Affiliations", list memberships
and/or offices held in professional or industry
U Under the sub -heading "Personal interests" list any
activities which you feel will be of interest to the
employer - such as volunteer work, etc.
Your letter of application and your resume will be the
factors that make the employer decide whether to short
list you for an Interview. So make It as Impressive
as you can - but stick to the facts.
We can help you get an impressive and
professional -looking resume
Call Debbie Lord at