HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-12-09, Page 31i i For Rent Wellington Place, Exeter New commercial unit approx 1000 sq. h. Suitable for legal, ac- counting real estate or secretariat pool office. Will assist on first start up. Ducharme Investments 236-4230 235-3511 HURON• COUNTY • BOARD OF EDUCATION invites tenders tor PHASE ONE AND TWO • ALTERATIONS to CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL Clinton, Ontario Sealed tenders addressed to The Huron County Board of Education will be received at the office of Kyles, Garratt d Marktevitz, 516 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario N5A 5T7, until 1:00 p m on Tuesday, December 22, 1992 Bid Bond in the amount of 645,000.00 is required to accompa- ny tender. Successful bidder will be required to provide 50% Performance Bond and 50% Labour and Material Payment Bond A limited number of tender docu- ments will be available December 9, 1992 to General Contractors only from the office of Kyles. Garratt & Maik evitz. upon deposit of certified cheque in the amount of $100.00. set LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED •Bea Dawson / e Chair B Allan Director. Price Adjustment on Mini -Sheds Due to more efficient as- sembly methods we are able tQ.cifferthe same High Quality, Low Main- tenance Garden Sheds at Lower Prices for '93 ' WE now have pre-cut kits that you can assemble Save even more! Christmas Special 10% off retail prices, plus we pay the' G.S.T. and free delivery on all units ordered by Dec. 31, 1992. Example 10'6 x 10'6 Hip roof • shed Was $1495.00 Now $1345.0.0. Pius PST 109.60 Delivered Price $1452.60 CONSTRUCTION " Ken McCann 234-6401 Deric McCann 235-3016 90 Prori rty Frf Rent ONE BEDROOM apartment in Lucan 5350.00 per month. Utilities included. Pthone23S-2965 or 227-4049. (41ttn) 2 BEDROOM HOUSE TRAILER Available Dec. 1, I mile north of Exetet. 235-2184 or 237.3641. (34Kn) B XETER - Two bedroom apartments, fridge and stove included. Extra options available. w & d, d/w, a/c. Call Elaut Haven Apts. 235-0349 or 262-2401. (4411n) HENSAU. • 1 bedroom walk-in rpt suitable for single person. Heat, hydro included. $330/month. Available immediately.Phone235-2420. (50tfn) 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW in Bayview Subdivision. Close to lake, electric heat, fridge and stove available. No pets 5445.00 r month plus utilities. Phone 236-4607. per GRAND BF.ND • 2 bedroom condo on River Rd 3 appliances, fireplace. fully furnished. Mature ran -smoking tenants 5700 plus utilities 1-519-542-9357 - 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.. (44tfn) I, 2. 3 BEDROOM apartments available tmmediate(y. One month free. Phone 235-0956or 235-0512. (45tfn) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, ground floor, downtown Hensall, carpeted, bright. paved perking. TV cable, special rate for seniors. "I3th Month Rent Free". Phone 262-2230. (45-50c) BACHELOR AND ONE BEDROOM APT No lease. Reasonable. Fridge and stove, parking and • laundry • Phone 235-1497, (46tfn) TW() BEDROOM. large livingroom, kitchen and bath. Campktely redecorated. S375.00 r. Main floor - Adults - liwy. 4 south of Exeter 235-0392. HENSAU. - 1 and 2 bedroom apartments tuning al 5288/month plus utilities. Includes stove, fridge, heat and hot water. Available immediately. Call 262-3146. (47tfn) HOME: FOR RENT - Rural setting on Huron St. East on paved road. 3 bedroom with attached garage. Available Feb. 1 Cal/ 235-0800. Ask for Clary-(47tfn) LUCAN - Newly renovated heated 2 bedroom aparanent, fridge and stove included. Phone 471-7773. (49tfn) 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, one month fttc. 5380/ month plus hydro, wr Clandeboye. 681-6569 or 227-1107 (49 50c) ONE. BEDROOM APARTMENT - Available immediately located in Exeter Contact National Trust 235-0530. (49nno ►'rope..Iy For RPT-' 8XI f'R - one bedroom, ground floor apartment available January 1. Referma., Nopets. Phone 235-3114. (690n) DELUXE 2 BEDROOM apartment includes fridge, stove. family morn with fireplace. new carpet throughout. 5573.00 per month. Available immediately. aL Jerry or Gary 2354)800 before 6 p.m (fin) SUBLET - large clean 2 bedroom apartment, fridge and stove included. $375.00 per month utilities extra. Available Jan. I. Plane 235-3741. (49•,50•) SMALL 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Exeter 5523.00 per month plus utilities Phone 235-3496. (50c) 4 BEDROOM • HOUSE, 2 bathrooms, downtown m Ailsa Craig, laundry hookup available. $590. Phone 349-2687. (50:S1c) SiDE BY SiDIi DUPLEX - 2 bedrooms and den. References. Phone 235.0138 (50tfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT suitable for single person. Stove and fridge suppled Heated Available immediately our seven days notice. 5304 per month. Phone 235-1354. (50tfn) LARGE ONE BEDROOM apartment in (Actin . Phone 246-1108. (50:51c) _ ONE: BEDROOM APARTMENT ut Exeter. Available Jan. 1/93. 5290.00 plus hydro. Ground level. 235-1547 prior to 8:30 p.m. (50tfn) LUCAN - 3 bedroom apartment. Close to downtown. Available now. 5400 plus utilities. Fridge and stove supplied. Phone 227-4352.(50:51c) EXETER - 3 bedroom townhouse. Simcoe St. 236-4230 or 235-3511. (50tfn) 21 For Ren; THE "OLD TOWN HALL auditonum fur rentals, including weddings, meetings, banquet roan, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc Kitchen facilities available Phone 235-0318. (1711n) EXETER MINI STORAGE has various spaces to tent from 25 to 1500 sq. ft. Some heated Phone 215 0336 anytime (50-52c) classifieds Phone 235-1331 Get ready for winter storms What would you do if your car gets stuck on the road in the cold of winter? How are you going to keep warm? How could you have avoided getting stuck in the first place? , If you know the answers to these questions, then you're probably quite well prepared for winter driv- ing. but if you don't know the an- swers. then you should read this advice from Emergency Prepared- ness Canada -the fe4ezal.organiza- tion responsible for advancing civ- il preparedness for emergencies of all typcs. You might consider membership in the Canadian Automobile Asso- ciation. If you do a lot of winter driving in isolated regions, you might also consider having a Citi- zen's Band radio or a cellular phone. Heed the warnings Turn on the radio and listen to the local weather forecasL If you hear warnings of winter weather conditions for blizzards, heavy snow, freezing rain or drizzle, cold waves and winds, then maybe you shouldn't venture out on the high- way. Know the hazards • Blizzards - a combination of falling, blowing, drifting snow, high winds, low visibility, cold temperatures (less than -10 de- greesC); durauon - six hours or more. • Heavy snow. 15 cm. or more in 12 hours. • Freezing rain. An icc storm coating roads, trees, overhead wires, etc. with icc. • Winds. The cause of blizzard conditions, drifting, reduced visi- bility and wind chill effects. Weather offices issue warnings when a wind chill (rate of cooling) RE/MAX BLUEWATER REALTY INC. a • ' •,softs Sales Representative Doug Pedlar Broker/Owner of RE/MAX Biuewater Realty Inc. is pleased to announce that Marlene Parsons has joined the RE/MAX Bluewater team. Marlene is a highly successful and respected real estate sales representative with over 5 years experience in real es- tate sales. On behalf of Marlene, we would like to welcome all of her clients, friends and associates to call her anytime at 235- 3777 or drop in at our new Exeter office. RE/MAX Bluewater Realty Inc. 396 Main Street South, Exeter, Ontario of 2.000 watts per square metre is expected. This is cold enough to freeze a person's face in less than a minute.(Equivalcnt to -40 dc- greesC). Winter travel kit checklist For country driving put a winter storm kit in the trunk of your car. Even for city driving you should have some of these items with you: Shovel, we scraper and brush, sand (or kiuy liner, which is lighter .and.doesn'Irfreeze), tow chant -flash -- light, warning light or road flares, extra winter clothing and footwear, emergency food and water pack. booster cables, compass, road maps, first-aid kit, matches in a waterproof container. knife, candle in deep can (to warm hands, heat a drink or to use as an emergency light(, methyl hydrate (for fuel line and windshield de-icing), axe or.ltatchet, fur extin- guisher, pliers, blankets or rugs -- space blankets take up little room. When you travel • Drive with caution. Measure your speed to conditions. Be defen- sive. Don't press on. If -the going gets tough, turn back or seek refuge. Try to keep to main toads. Make sure you have ample gasoline. Don't be foolhardy. Keep your radio tuned to a local station for weather advice. If you get trapped Don't panic. Avoid over-exertion and exposure. Shovelling and biller cold can kill. Stay in your car. You won't get lost and you'll have shel- ter. Keep fresh air in your car. Open a window on the side sheltered from the wind. Run your motor sparingly. Beware of exhaust fumes; ensure the exhaust pipe is not blocked by snow. (Remember - you can't smell carbon monoxide fumes!) You can run the car engine about 10 minutes ever half how' -- as long as your ex- haust system is working well. Set out warning lights or flares. Put on the dome light. Overuse of head- lights niay run down your battery. Exercise your limbs, hands and feet vigorously. Keep moving and don't 'fall asleep. Keep watch for traffic or searchers. Dressing for the cold Put on a hat as well as extra socks and mittens. Without a hat, you can lose up to 60 percent of your body heat. Add extra outer wear, or a pair of coveralls as the extras layers of clothing will trap warm air near the body, acting as insulation. (Cau- tion: do not drink alcohol in bitter cold as it lowers the body tempera- ture.) 26 Lego) Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of GEORGE HARVEY GODSOLT Deceased AU deans against the Estate of George Har- vey Godbolt, late c4 the Village of Centralia, Township of Stephat and County of Huron and Province of Ontario, who died on or shout the 25th of October 1992, must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 29th day of January, 1993. After that date, the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undengiend shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have no - rale DA77il) at Goderich, Ontario, this 3rd day of December. 1992 lelean Pullman and Thomas Troyan by their solicitors, Messrs. Troyan 6 Fincher 44 North Street, P.O. Box 97 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y5 Board ponders modified school year CLINTON - The Huron County Board of Education (HCBE), is currently reviewing the possibility of a modified school year. after re- ceiving information from the Min- isUy 0: Education regarding .the school year calendar. Information was received by the Education Committee who present- ed their report during the regular meeting of flit HCBE Monday af- ternoon u► Clinton. The committee also received the results of a survey completed for the Huron -Perth Roman Catholic Separate School Board. ( onsruerauon is being given tt• the development of a school year which would include a two-week March Break, already being con- sidered by the Catholic board. A modified school year would have many effects on areas such as contracts, PD days, administration, job sharing, float staff and student umc in school. It was felt by the committee, at this time, that the school system should be•moving to- wards an increase in the number of instructional days. The committee will receive pro- posals from administration at the January meeting. These proposal, wilt include consideration of a one- week versus a two-week break, as well as the impact on transportation COSts Festival shows figures STRATFORD - General Manag- er Gary Thomas announced Friday the final revenue figures for inc Stratford Fesuval's 40th Season. The six-month season, which en- compassed a total of 565 -perfor- mances of 13 productions in three theatres. earned gross box office revenue of 515,080,883. Despite the poor economic climate that has persisted throughout 1992, this fig- ure represents a marginal decline of only 3 percent in comparison to gross box office receipts from the previous season. Total attendance for -this past season's productions totalled 443,50, a 7 percent de- crease from 1991 admissions. In analyzing the end -of -season insults, Thomas noted that 60 per- cent of the 35,000 decrease in at- tendance can be attributed to lower participation by schools and groups. In comparison to the 1991 season, 15 percent fewer schools and groups attended Fesu(al pro- ductions throughout 1992. Thomas observed that, "this decrease rc- IICCLS tighter economic times for scbool boards and the continuing impact of the recession in Canada and the United States on tour oper- ators." The 1992 box office results also offered several reasons for celebra- tion, with many of the 40th season productions exceeding expecte tions. The productions of Romeo and Juliet at the Festival Theatre and Gilbert and Sullivan's H.M.S. Pinafore at the Avon Theatre both, for example, surpassed the 100,000 attendance (nark and earned a combined total of S8.2 million in ticket sales. Three pro- ductions - Uncle Vanya, Shirley Valentine and Bonjour, la, Bon- jour - staged at the Tom Patterrain 'Iiheatre (the smallest of the Festi- val's three venues) also garnered better than expected audiences. WE i.J) LAMINATING Specializing in Posters up to 24" in width Exeter Times -Advocate Exeter 235-133 Times -Advocate, December 91'1992 ('ome le and cheek out our BEST SELLER NOVELS ..2111111111111111111111 -- 424 Mein St. Fleeter (5191235-1331 • Page 31 For Lease EXETER - Up to 10,000 eq ft. Incl. office, Industrial unit for lease. Suitable -for tight or heavy industrial or warehousing, roll up and dock, Highway *83. Call John at Allen Management & Consulting 235-1630, after 6'00 p.m. call 235-3521. EXETER - 1,380 sq. ft office space for lease, Highway 083 Available November 1, 1992. Call John at Allen Management & Consulting 235-1530, after 6:00 p.m. call 235-3521. Auctioneers Bob Heywood 235-0874 Burt Lobb 482-9377 Tliureday December 10 at fr p.m. at South Huron Roc Centre, Exefer Dispersing contents from' Parkhill and Auburn homes along with con- signments from several local homes and estates. This is our final sale before Christmas. PARTIAL LISTING: Queen Anne style dining table, china cabinet, buf- fet, washstand, 3 pc. bedroom suite with boxspring and mattress, sin- gle bed, single waterbed, auto washer and dryer, 2 - 30" elec. ranges, sofa bed, love seat, old jam cupboard, 4 hoop back chairs, set of plank seat kitchen chairs (Refinished), chesterfields, nice lamp and plant ta- bles, vanity, upholstered chairs, sideboard, Electrolux rug shampooer, chest freezer, sewing table, coffee table, down draft woodstove with 2 glass doors, lawn furniture, oil lamps, cast iron items, kitchenware. small appiiernces, china and glass, decoys, console coloured TV. sever- al lots of toys and collectible items, sheet music, 3 drawer ash chest students desk, 4 pc. bedroom suite and hundreds of lots of brie brac and misc. items. NOTE: Book your 1993 house and farm auctions now. Severer goou dates left. Western Ontario Region Pony Club Announce. An auction and consignment sale of horse iiia pony equipment - both new and used. Date and Time: April 18th (Sunday) 9 a.m. doors open; 10 a.m. auction starts. Consignments accepted on Sat. April 17th 10 a n . 4 p.m. (or if before this date contact Dale Pack for arrange ments to be made - 519-833-2068). Location: St. Johns Kilmarnock School near Maryhill (1/2 mite north of Hwy. 7 on regional rd. 30. Watch for Petrocan statiuc. tar tween Kitchener and Guelph). Signs will be poste° Articles involved (new and used): Horse trailers, riding clothing, tack of all sorts, grooming equipment, blankets, pony carts. books on horses, feeo and supplies. All horse related items are open for consideration by our committee. - Donations of products or articles very welcome. This is guaranteed to be a huge assortment of new and used horse and pony equipment of all kinds. Cash or -certified cheque only please. Food booth available. For more information on this auction call 519-833-2068 wale Pack). LARGE AUCTION SALE Mig welder, tools, antiques, furniture. horse drawn cutter, appliances, etc. to be held at Lobb's Auction Budding in Clinton for local consignors. Saturday, December 12 - 10 a,m. TOOLS - EFAB compact 200 ECF mig welder used approx 101) hrs , table saw and 4" planer on stand, new Craftsman router, router bits 2 cordless screw drivers, screw gun, electric impact, belt sander nearly new, electric sanders, hand tools, 2 sump pumps, antique buggy lantern etc. V type 3 PTH snow thrower. FURNITURE, ANTIQUES ETC. 2 NEW CHESTERFIELDS AND CHAIRS, 2- NEW WING CHAIRS, NEW RECLINERS, horse. drawn cutter. new hockey net, curio cabinet, china cabinet, modern pine hutch china cabinet, 2 portable colour TVs, 2 combination childs desks and book shelves, like new, corner china cabinet, 9 piece dining suite. matching dresser and bed with double box spring and mattress, 3/4 size bed and mattress, single box spring and mattress, chesterfield with pull out bed like new, Older chester bed, French Provincial chesterfield and chair, 6 yrs. old, like new, davenport, 2 antique settees. and side chairs. 2 washstands. treadle sewing machine, 2 wicker rockers. small spinning wheel, childs press back rocker, antique press.pattern shelf etock, mod- ern maple desk, apt. size chest freezer. cedar chests, antique dresser. floor lamps, school desks, bedding. dishes, small appliances, plus marry items too numerous to`mention. A nice clean °tiering. TERMS: Cash AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482-7898 Clinton Turn our items into cash -sell by auction, 5000 sq. ft. auction build- ing, sales held all year round, 25 yrs. experience. Call Richard Lobb, the Auctioneer now - 482-7898 serinIsmonseas .IFF'S SALES OF LANDS UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Seizure and Sale issued out of the Ontario Court (General Division), wherein 53.1438 ONTARIO LIMITED is the plaintiff and 598107 ONTARIO LIMIT ED arid PETER OUD are the Defendants and to me directed against the real and personal property of PETER GERARD OUD, I have seized and taken in execution all the • rgo? .rti(, and interest of the said PETER GERARD OUD h . a, uC, ft t. to .01 lowing described property Part of Lot 19 and Lot 20, Plan 4, designated as Part 3 or, Reference Plan 25R-3096, in the village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton. Being the lands described in Instrument Number 58812 i rn the Lambton Land Registry Office No. 25, on the 3rd day of December, 1986, known municipally as 72 Lakeside Circle, Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 110. I will offer for sale by public duction at my office it, the Court House, 700 N. Christina Street, Sarnia, Ontario, on Wedries day, December pith, 1992, at 11. a.m. TERMS: Cash or certified cheque Deposit 10% of bid price at time of sale Ten days to arrange financing -Delivery only on payment in full No employees of the Ministry of the Attomey General may pur- chase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed by a Sheriff for sale under legal process,.either directly or indi- rectly. ihis sale is subject to cancellation up to the time of sale with- out any further notice. Dated at Sarnia, Ontario this 22nd,ty,pf October, 1892. Gord,Button Court Services Manager