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Students in Donna Miller's class at Stephen Central had a
treat Wednesday afternoon when they welcome their guest,
Ian McCrae. The class was in the midst of a unit of study on
Scotland, and McCrae obliged by piping for the enthusiastic
crowd. Here he leads the group around the gym.
by Joan Beierling
VARNA - Thirty-nine members
and former members of the Varna
U.C.W. and their guests enjoyed a
delicious pot luck supper at Varna
Church on December 3. Shirley
Hill played carols before supper
and for the carol singing.
Four young ladies - Heather and
Valerie Laurie, Meggin Bartlitt-
Reid and Heather Beierling formed
a band and played two carols, An-
gels We Have Heard on High and
We Three Kings.
Margaret Hayter, Bernice Reid,
Joan Beierling and Doris Wilson
were on the committee to plan the
evening. They led in worship. Ber-
nice read the story of a nine-year
old girl's Christmas at her grand-
mother's home in Colorado that
had a life-long effect on her.
A highlight of the evening was
their performance of a thought-
provoking skit The Road to Bethle-
hem. A wealthy, greedy, inconsid-
erate workaholic man's attitude to
Christmas and to people with prob-
lems exasperates his wife. A night-
marish dream changes his attitude
towards one couple he was evicted
from his apartment complex and
leads him towards becoming a
Christian. Their acting made the
skit funny and entertaining.
Next Sunday, December 13, both
Churches will hold their Christmas
Concert after the church service.
There will be a light lunch first be-
fore the Concert. Please bring sand-
wiches and or cookies to share.
Sunday, December 20 there will
be services in both Churches at the
regular time. In the evening there
will be a Candlelight Service at
7:30 p.m. in Goshen Church. This
is for all who wish to come and cel-
ebrate with the Christmas story in
Scripture, song and candlelight.
Many in the area attended the
Christmas Party held at the com-
plex last Saturday evening. Groups
included Hill and Hill, Bel! Tele-
phone, Varna Feed Mill .and Stan-
ley Township. Everyone enjoyed a
delicious hot turkey supper fol-
lowed by a social night of dancing.
White Gift service at Thames Road
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - The Sunday
4c,hookaternbers,, ld.teachers weip
in charge of the White Gift Service
on Sunday morning at Thames
Road United Church.
Erin Parker welcomed everyone
and was the leader in the Call to
Worship. Vanessa , Bray spoke
about the fust candle that is lit in
the Advent Wreath for hope. Rob-
ert Bray and Kristy Bray spoke
about the second candle for peace.
Rev. Jim Alisop led in prayer.
Amanda Hodgen read the first
Scripture Lesson Isaiah 11:1-6.
The Sunday School members
sang an anthem accompanied by
the pianist Marilyn Vandenbussche.
Jackie Morgan, Rebecca Miller
and Amy Hodgen all had different
.readings for the Mission and Ser-
vice Fund stories. Derek Ethering-
ton read the second Scripture Les-
son Matthew 3:1-6.
Vanessa Biy..Robin Etherington
and Laura Miller put on a skit "The
Treasure Hunt". During the offer-
ing and the White Gift offerings
Agnes Bray and Rebecca Miller
played several Christmas Carols in
duet form which was well done.
Rev. Allsop pronounced the Ben-
ediction which brought a marvel-
lous service to a close.
The Intermediate S.S. Class
looked after the coffee and fellow-
ship hour after church.
Wednesday, December 9 at 7:00
p.m. the Messengers will meet at
Thames Road. Don't forget your
On Monday, December 21, there
will be the Elimville .Sunday
School Christmas Concert at 7:00
Tuesday, December 22 Thames
Road ..Sunday School Christmas,.
Concert at 7:00 p.ni.
Bible Study on Philippians will
start in January. Watch the bulletin
for further details.
Barbara Miller of Toronto spent
the weekend at her home here.
Lon Lynn Lauzon, Katrina and
Kerrington are spending December
with the former's parents Jack and
Ferne Stewart.
Rachel and Tyler Van Allen of
near Kitchener are visiting with
their grandparents Floyd and Mar-
garet Stewart.
The Usborne Guild played for the
carol singing at the Community
Living -South Huron Annual Christ-
mas Banquet at South Huron Rcc
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Times -Advocate . December 9, 1992
Page 13
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