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Cromarty Presbyterian Church
Service celebrates 140 years
By Roberta Templeman
STAFFA - Members, former
members and neighbouring church
families were in attendance at the
Cromarty Presbyterian Church on
Sunday when the founding of the
first congregation of Hibben Pres-
byterian Church, 140 years ago
was celebrated`
As the congregation and visitors
arrived, some in period dress, a
horse drawn buggy stood outside
• the door driven by Gordon Colqu-
Heaters at the front of the church
and coal -oil lamps placed in the
side windows, lit the church for the
`service of worship, which was led
by Rev. Lucie Milne.
The Beadle, Craig Kerslake en-
tered the church, carrying the pul-
pit Bible, followed by Rev. Milne.
The service proceeded as it
would have 140 year ago, with the
congregation standing for the
prayers and remaining seated for
the Psalms, which were led by the
presenter Beuy Lou Harris, begin-
ning each psalm with a pitch pipe.
Rev. Milne's service, was based
on a sermon preached in the 19th
century by Alexander MacLaren.
Following the worship service
everyone adjourned to the school
rooms in the basement, to view the
displays and pictures and partake
of.. refreshments.
Women's Institute
Esther Smale hosted the Citizen-
ship and Legislation meeting of the
Staffa Women's Institute at her
home last Wednesday afternoon.
Special guests at the meeting were
members of the Tweedsmuir Com-
mittee and reeve Walter McKenzie.
McKenzie said Hibbert Town-
ship would be 150 years in 2000
and that on January 3 at the com-
munity centre in Dublin, the coun-
cil of Hibbert would be hosting a
New Year's Levee, open to every-
one in the township.
The Branch Conveners Margaret
Daynard, Dons Miller, Esther
Smale and Helen Parsons were in
charge of the meeting.
Roberta Templeman answered
some questions on theWomen's In-
sutute at branch, district, area and
provincial level, and gave some "do
you knows".
Grace Kerslake asked that mem-
bers complete their farm histories
for the Tweedsmuir Book. Freda
read a poem and gave some handy
ups and tricks for everyday living.
Helen Parsons read a poem on
Christmas. The president Joyce
Miller presided for the meeting
opening with a welcome to all and
poem "Country Christmas". The
minutes and correspondence were
read by secretary Lillian Douglas
and included letters from Perth
County Children's Aid, Children's
Marathon, Foster Parents and the
Archives. Members decided to
leave all reque,rs for donations to
January 1993. Joyce Miller and
Kay Smale reported on the execu-
tive banquet and Templeman read
some info on rte litre of loonies.
Members decided to raise some
money with craft and talent sales.
A thank you was read and a letter
read challenging Staff Women's In-
stitute in regards to the litre of
Roll call was answered by sug-
gestions for celebrating our 90th
birthday in 1993, entertaining, tree
planting, history write up, and open
house some of the answers given.
A donation was made to the 4-H
Members were reminded of the
Christmas meeting on December 16
when we will be having lunch at
Doreen Skinner's "Bed and Break-
fast" . Everyone to contribute
something to the program.
Miller closed the meeting.
Cromarty Marion Ritchie
Joy Scott presided for the .No-
vember meeting of the Marian
Ritchie W.M.S., welcoming every-
one, and opening with a poem on
Peace. Betty Lou Norris accompa-
nied the hymns on the piano, and
Peggy Kerslake led the worship
service opening with a poem "A
Wish for Peace" and some thoughts
on Remembrance day. followed by
a Bible reading taken from Isaiah,
chapter I and prayer.
The offering was received and
dedicated by joy Scott, Jean Carey
read the minutes and correspon-
dence and Mary Elliott gave the
treasurer's report
Thirteen members answered the
roll call with a verse on Peace.
Edna Stoneman presided for the
business when Presbyterian calen-
dars were ordered, a Christmas
card signed by everyone for their
twin group. and a decision made to
bring articles of clothing and
canned goods to the Christmas
meeting for the children's aid and
the Mitchell Food Bank.
The annual meeting followed the
November meeung with Joy Scott
presiding and Jean Carey as Secre-
tary. Report were received from the
Associate members commiuec, the
cards and flower committee, and
social committee, the least coin,
fnenship and service and Glad Tid-
ings. These and the nominating
committees report was accepted
and the officers for the coming
year are
Past president Ruth Laing; presi-
dents Agnes Lamond and Edna
Stoneman; first vice pres. Peggy
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Merry Chnstmas
Kerslake; 2nd vice pies. Lillian
Douglas; secretary Jean Carey, as-
sistant Beuy Lou Norris; treasurer
Mary Elliott, assistant Alice Gar-
diner; pianist Betty Lou Norris, as-
sistant Jean Carey; associate mem-
bers Peggy Kerslake, Joy Scott and
Jean Carey. Cards and flowers Lil-
lian Douglas and Roberta Temple-
man; programs Agnes Lamond,
Edna Stoneman, Jean Carey and
Mary Elliott; Social committee Lil-
lian Douglas, Mary Elliott, Joy
Scott and Roberta Templeman. Au-
ditors Betty Lou Norris and Alice
Gardiner; Fellowship of east Coln
Helen Parsons. Friendship and Ser-
vice Peggy Kerslake; Glad Tidings
Roberta Templeman; Managers
Representative Jean Carey; nomi-
nating committee
Alice Gardiner, Edna Stoneman
and Peggy Kerslake
John and Roberta Templeman vis-
ited on Friday with Eldie and Gla-
dys McNicol, London.
Doris Miller Exeter, Ron Gretta,
Christine and Adam Miller, Cro-
marty were guests at the christening
of Rick and Lisa Jane Del Chiaro,
children of Dianne and Loranio Del
Chiaro of Stratford on Sunday at
Parkview United Chutta •
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