HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-12-02, Page 81 Paye t� 1 inres-Advocate, 1)ecombel :' 1941;: Lioness craft auction Graduate - Anne Mousseau, RR2 Hensel! graduated from the Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering No- vember 27, 1992. Anne would be pleased to assist with your charity fundraising events. Good luck in your Auctioneering Endeavours. Love and congratulations Brad, Matthew and Greg. Lioness members Laurie Dykstra (left) and Cathy Cade get into the part as auctioneers at the annual Lioness Christmas Craft Auction held last Wednesday evening. Rules for the auction include that all items on the block are made by Lioness members. Attendance this year was down somewhat, as were the resulting bids. However, the Lioness still hope to donate $500 to the Christmas Bureau, as well as the proceeds from the doll raffle, which incidentally was won by Dykstra. Thames Road United Church First Sunday. of Advent service By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD - Rev. Jim All- sop was in charge of the First Sun- day of Advent church service on Sunday morning. The family of Anne, Lisa and Lori Kernick lit the first purple can- dle in the Advent wreath which was for Hope. The congregation read Psalm 45 responsively. The choir sang "The King Shall Come in" accompanied by the or- ganist Erin Kraftcheck. The congregation sang the chil- dren's hymn "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and Rev. Allsop told the children an interesting story. The Scripture Lesson was read from Isaiah 2:1-5 and the Gospel of Matthew 24:36-44. Rev. Allsop's sermon was entitled "Christ's Com- ing„ The flowers in the church on Sunday were placed there in memo- ry of the late Harold Rowe by his family. Coming events White Gift Services will be held on Sunday, December 6 at both churches. The Sunday School chil- dren arc asked to bring non- perishable food items, wrapped in white paper for the Christmas Bu- reau. Following the church service there will be a shoe congregational meeting. Monday, December 7 at 8 p.m. the U.C.W. will hold a meeting. Planning the program arc Karen Etherington, Kay Cunnington, Janis Richardson. Roll Call: A Christmas Verse. Remember a gift (new or used) for the Christmas Bureau and Secret Pal Gift - (approximately $5.00). Lunch Group C. Tuesday, December 22, Thames Road Sunday School Concert at 7 p.m. Personals Lorne and Dorothy Elford, Bill and Rhoda Rohde visited with Cliff and.L-eona Jaques on Tuesday eve- ning. Many people from this communi- ty called at the R.C. Dinney Funer- al Home, Exeter en Thursday after- noon and evening to pay their respect to the late Harold Rowe and also attended his funeral on Friday. Sympathy is extended to his wife Belva and family. Several people from this commu- nity called at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home, Exeter on Sunday to Christmas activities set at Crediton United Church CREDITON - A full schedule of Christmas events has been lined up by officials of Zion United Church and Sunday School in Crediton. Under the direction of superinten- dent Harry Schroeder and Lois Brownlee, the Sunday School stu- dents will present their annual Christmas concert on Sunday morn- ing December 13 at 10. a.m. Following the program, all in at- tendance are welcome to stay for lunch. Members of the UCW will provide sandwiches and those stay- ing for lunch are asked to bring squares and cookies for dessert. On Sunday evening, December 20 at 7 p.ni., the C.G.LT. group di- rected by Georgina Grotentraast will present a Christmas Vesper Service. Following the service, car- ollers will hop on a haywagon and spread Christmas joy by song throughout the village. Then, it's back to the church for hot choco- late. This year, the annual Christmas Eve Communion and Candlelight service will be held at 8.30 p.m., to allow those families who have Christmas dinners that evening enough time to attend the church activities. Tonight, Wednesday, the senior choir will practice and next Sunday morning following worship service, board of stewards chair Doug Lightfoot will present the proposed budget for 1993. Town and Country Homemakers are still looking for someone from the Crediton area to drive shutins to dinner in Exeter each Tuesday morning at 11.30 a.m. Anyone in- terested in volunteering should con- tact Rev. Ed Laksmanis at 234- 6748. NOT ALL FAMILIES GET GIFTS AT CHRISTMAS That's why your support of the Huron County Christmas Bureau (a part of the Huron County Childrens Aid Social Servic- es program) is so very important again this year. DROP OFF A NEW TOY or other non perishable items at Huron Motor Products Ltd. Main St. S. Exeter We're accepting donations until Sat., Dec. 12 for distribution by Huron County Christmas:Bumeu. Your Generosity is AppreClafeid This advertisement sponf d by — ,...... Northlander Huron Motor Products Ltd. Exeter Honda 4 i pay their respect to the late Jear. Madge and also attended her funer- al on Monday. 'Sill and Rhoda Rohde visited on Saturday evening with Lloyd and Dorothy Knight, Exeter. ViSSCHER FARMS COUNTRY MARKET Open Mon. - Sat. 9 - 5 Closed S ntlays • Broccoli • Cabbage for Sauerkra • Potatoes • Kale • Apples (all varieties) • Fresh apple cider 3 miles west of Exeter on Hwy. 83 237-3442 .t ...11111116, SaintsburyIH. Davis SAINTSBURY - There will be a Board of Management meeting Thursday evening, December 3 at the Davis's, 7:00 p.m. December A.C.W. will be held at the home of Hazel Davis, Decem- ber 8 at 8:00 p.m. Everyone re- member their contribution for the Christmas program and their items for "Daily Bread" so they can be delivered early. Board memb. from St. Patrick's attended a Parish meeting at the rectory on Wednesday evening. Sunday, December 6, St. Ptttriicks will celebrate Morning Prayer at 8:30 a.m. Advent 2. The readings will be Isaiah 11:1-10, Romans 15:4-13, Responsive reading Psalm 72: 1-8, The Holy Gospel Matthew 3:1-12. Repairs and sales of all.major brands available. Financial assistance available Location: Exeter, Big V Date: Thurs., December 3 Time: 1 p:m. to 3 p.m. Fair's Hearing Aid Service 240 Ontario St., Stratford Registered vendors for Ontario Ministry of Health assistive devices program BILL HASKETT We're glad you asked! BOB FLETCHER /IOW CAN 1 CHEER UP A TERMINALLY ILL PERSON? The first thing to do is give up the idea that "cheering up" is what a terminally III person needs or wants. Take him seri- ously; the stages of grief through which the terminally ill person travels are sometimes rocky. Take time to care about what he says to you. Listen care- fully, and don't be afraid to respond with your own thoughts. Be honest; it's all right to express your sorrow, or your own fears for the person. Get to know the ,terminauy ill person as a person, and ap- preciate him as a person. Talk about things that interest both 01 you. Don't cut him off from the outside world just be- cause he may be in the hospital. And don't be afraid to talk about death. The terminally ill person may be aching for someone to talk to about his fears. Don't shy away from that. But let the laughter come when it does, too. Everyone's life will be the richer for it. ONTARIO FUNERAL SERVICE ASSOCIATION (Incorporated) FUNERAL HOME LTD. PHONE 235-1220.f r JOIN US FOR *A PARTY! DATE: Dec. 3rd/'92 TIME: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. • SAVE UP TO AN EXTRA 30% WITH PICK YOUR DISCOUNT! • ENTER TO WIN A 4 FOOT CHRISTMAS STOCKING! • Free Giftwrapping by Exeter Ringette • Christmas Treats! • Alarm Clock Draws • Pictures with Santa 6:30-9 p.m. William Mason, Photographer SAAN titin tow' 193 Main St. Enter, Ont. 23¢2662 A (.,EAI IS COMPANY 1