Times Advocate, 1992-11-25, Page 12VICO' Y2 T1t it e;' idv atiS, 1;392 Children of Toddlers Inn nursery school got a tour of New Orleans Pizza from Marg Gilbert i Wednesday morning, and even had a hand in preparing snacks for themselves. Here Nicholas Brand helps Gilbert with a pizza. ,Euchre party in Shi. By Annie Morenz SHIPK1 - Eight tables were in play at the progressive euchre par- ty, held last Wednesday night at Shipka Community Centre. At the close of play, high lady score was won by Jean Fleming, of Mt. Car- mel: low lady score - Velma Rus- sell, of Dashwood; men's high score - Earl Dietrich; men's low score won by Evelyn Pickering playing a mans card; most lone hands for ladies won by Winnie Ea- gleson, of Parkhill; men's lone hands winner was Joe Kaak. There will be another euchre here in two weeks, December 2, 8 p.m. Personals Madeline Sweitzcr attended the wedding of her nephew, Scott Brintnell, to Susan McMaster, on Saturday, November 14, at Old Windham United Church. in Sim- coc. Noon dinner guests last Thursday with Melvin and Genie Stade, were Les and Marione Adams, of Exet- er, Oscar Miller, Dashwood, and Hugh and Annie Morenz. The occa- sion was to celebrate Oscar's 87th birthday. In the afternoon social time games of rocking chair euchre, and solo were played. prepares for Chrlstmas 11Sy CAM Birelitsey ZURICH - The town Christmas party dinner and dance will be field at the Zurich CoMmunity Centre on Saturday, December 5 with Richard Erb catering and music provided by Mozart's Melody Mak- ers. If interested in going, contact Maureen as soon as possible at the Municipal Office at 236-4974. Tickets are now on sale at $16 per person. 'St. Honiface CWL The St. Boniface CWL held their monthly meeting last Tuesday. Guest speaker was Linda Hendrick who spoke on how to become a foster parent. President Audrey Smith was in charge of the meet- ing. The minutes were read by Brenda Regier and treasurer's re- port given by Charmaine Keller. A spiritual reading was delivered by Mary Regier followed by convener repdrts given by Jane Bedard and Brenda Koehler. Nine from the parish recently at- tended the Right to Life dinner and meeting in Stratford. Some more new Baptismal Stoles were ma by Josie Denomme and Jane 13 ard. There will be a bake sa sponsored by the Sunday Sc ool on Sunday, December 6 after the two masses. Smith gave a re on the regional meeting held in Woodstock. A motion was made to btry a new ;stove for the parish hal I . Julie Beeper's renew group will be in charge of Christmas baskets for the Shut-ins. There is a box at the back of the Church for donation of non-perishable goods. The Christmas meeting will be on Tuesday, December 8 and eve- ryone is asked to bring either their teenage (or older) daughter or a buddy to this meeting. Milted volleyball Anyone interested in joining a mixed volleyball tournament that will be held in Zurich December 11-13 should call Mouse Masse at 2364680. Mothers time The Mother's Time group will be drawing Christmas crafts at their next gathering at St. Peter's Luther- an Church on Wednesday, Decem- ber 2 beginning at 9 a.m. There will be treats on hand and a social for the babysitters. Christmas program The ladies auxiliary will be hold- ing their Christmas program for the • residents and meeting On "'-'-it December 1 be hating at 7 p.m.in the auditorium. The Blue Water Rest Home will be having their residents' family Christmas dinner Sunday, Novem- -- her 29, beginning at 4 p.m. Bus trip Ina Neeb, Verda Baechler tied Donna Smith took a bus trip'to Ni- agara Falls, New York last week- end, watching the Festival of Lights and two shows at the Civic Convention Centre featuring Victor Borge and The Stetter Brothers. Harmony Kings The Seaforth Harmony Kings barbershop quartet will be holding their annual show at the high school in Seaforth Saturday, De- cember 5 with two performances. for more information, phone Bill Gibson in Hensail at 262-2102. Personals Michelle and David Smith of Goderich welcomed the arrival of their third child, Laura Dawn. Ratepayers Township of McGillivray 4th (Final) Instalment of 1992 taxes Due on or before Nov. 30,1992 Shirley Scott Clerk -Treasurer GoiNq OUT of BUSINESS SAEE CONTINUES