HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-11-25, Page 11mllllnnll►I�1111IpIIIIIIIIUgllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!IIIIItIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 11 1111 l llllllllllllllllttlllllllllll!IIIIIIfflltttlltllllll CanonfivinAgERaFER INSTANT COLOUR COPIES Enlarge family or team photos to8 1/2x 11 or- even 11 x 17 instantly with. outstanding results 'cleat f for (business presentation materials , even colour transparencies 1 424, Main Street for 236-1,3A1 Ilil��uuuluu�aluwt�uuuu�uu�au Tilltea-# voOate, 14ove11151er 26, ¶992 PDe11 B Wmppn!s InstIWie shares ideas GRAND BEND - The ladles of Ste Grand Bend Women's Institute 'Met Thursday with 15 mbntbers and four visitors present. -President, Donna Lovie, opened the meeting with the Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. Dor- islBestard Bead the minutes of the previous meeting. The roll call was answered by bringing an idea and article for a Christmas craft. Several items of business were dealt with. A "Thank you" letter was received from the Exeter Agri - Golden Age Club offers Sympathy GRAND BEND - Sympathy is expressed to the family of the late Mrs. Don (Ruth) Hendrick, who passed away November 15. Daugh- ters Audrey and Bob McKinley of Clinton and Alma and Robert Westlake, of Zurich, and their fami- lies, also to Ruth's sister, Mrs. Janet Desjardine. Following interment at Grand Bend Cemetery, the United Church ladies served lunch to about 90 relatives and friends. Grand Bend Golden Age club will be sponsoring another euchre party tonight, November 25, 7:30 p.m. at the Legion. All welcome. Saintsbury by H. Davis SAINTSBURY' - Communion service was held at 11:00 a.m. Sun- day . A time of fellowship followed in the parish hall. Mary Jefferies and Nadene Bedell were hostesses. Sunday, November 29, St. Pat - ricks will celebrate The Holy Com- munion Service Advent 1 at 8:30 a.m. Year A. The readings will be Isaiah 2:1-5, Romans 13:11-14, Re- sponsive Reading Psalm 122, The -Holy Gospel St. Matthew 24:36-44. Parish Bible study will be held -this week at the- home of Nadene -Bedell at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. The theme is "Seeking the Will of God". Personals Earl and Marguerite Greenlee en- tertained their family Friday eve- ning, as Leslie was celebrating a birthday. Ron and Nancy Cunningham, April, Tont, Charles and Kelsey, of Mar, Micheal and Marylou Run -de - ski of Mississauga, Robert and Lisa Tindall and Mary Davis of Lucan, Charles and Olive Tindall of Exeter visited with Bob and Alexia Tindall who were celebrating their wedding anniversary along with Hob's birth- day. cultural Society. A donation was fe- ted by the Children's Hospital. The Huron County dairy queen for 1992 is Amy Terpstra, RR 3, Bras- -Seth. A Guelph area Women's Institute made a challenge to Grand Bend W.I. to collect at least 125 loonies for F.W.I.O. headquarters. A min- ute of silence was observed in memory of recently departed mem- ber, Ruth Hendrick. The South District Annual will be held at Elimville on May 20,.1993. To honour the 90th anniversary of the South Huron District, a meeting featuring a speaker and entertain- ment will be held in Dashwood on 'enuaty 5. The December Meeting will be in the form of a pothiek luncheon. A draw will be made'on the quilted tablecloth and there will also be a cookie exchange. Nola Taylor and 'Karen Woods commented on the craft items. Ruth McIntosh won the draw on a stuffed goose. This time of year can be filled with many commitments and consuming tasks. Why not start shopping early and come see us to make this years gift giving a memorable experience. On Thursday, November 26, 1992 from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Selah Family Books along with The Exeter Christian School Society is offering you time out to come and explore a wonderful array of gifts for Christmas or that upcoming special occasion. 1O% of the evenings proceeds will be donated to The Exeter Christian School Society J_tc..7rI FAMILY BOOKS 291 MAIN St EXETER 235-0571 1t eio Annual Christmas Open House Te Steckfe Family invites everyone to come and enjoy the cofourfutr splendor Greenhouses furl Poinsettias Cyclamen, Azalea, Gloxinias, Christmas Peppers Fri. and Sat. Nov. 27 and 28, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sun., Nov. 29 -1:30 - 5 p.m. Refreshments COME ANd CEIEbRATE IIIE SEASON WITIi US! 4-1P HURON RIDGE ir' ACRES Inc. R.R. 2 Zurich, 565-2122 Cf.? 1' shortie CS Student Council Members:of the llebome Central School council are well into new exciting events for their school mates. Shown here are, Szabo (left), rep Janette MacDonald, president Shawna Rowe, secretary Jayne Ballantyne. Front row: rep Scott Skinner (!eft), urer Lori Richardson and rep Jason Dykstra. Grarrtan residents enjoy "1949" play GRANTON- Many Granton residents enjoyed the St. Marys Com- munity Players presentation of "1949" by David French at the town ha') last Wednesday evening. The Anglican Parish Bible study group met on Wednesday atter- noon at the home of Mary Jefferies and studied the Song of Solomon. At the Si Thomas' Anglican Church on Sunday, Rev. Stephen Emeryu's message was about how Paqul caome to know Jesus Christ through Devine Intervention. Robert Parkinson read the lesson and led the prayers of the people. At the Granton United Church on Sunday. Pastor Normalie Voakes' sermon wsa entitlekjd "the Once and Future King". The choir sang the anthem "The Lord shall reign forever.' Granton WI Margaret Oakley hosted the Granton Women's lnsitute last Tuesday fternoonwhen ihe.program topic was Citizensh and Legislation and the nalfaialf-wale.aaswered-by--a.c ustofmzn.another enirnrr alert gits for the Children's Hospital of Western Ontario. 'The mono was "Not everyone can do dgrea things, but everyone can do small things in a great way." The guest speaker was Biddulph councillor Paul Wallis who talked about water, roads, libraries, etc. and answered questions. Olive P. Hodgins read a poem "Two kinds of people" and an article about a good Canadian. Margaret Oakely concluded with three read- ings Three Good Things and Thankful for What, also God is Good. Muriel Lewis opened the meeting and read about Autumn. During the usual business a donation was made to the Granton 4-H club #1. Ciel Pet Grooming in association -with Critters Corner is pleased to announce the opening of its pet grooming salon. Mon., Tues., Wed. by appointment only 235.0251 their new year planning many back row: classroom rep Sara vice-president Jenn Cass and rep Jonathon Donkeman, treas- Zurich Senior Diners meet ZURICH - The Zurich W.I. held their monthly meeting last Monday, with 14 present including two new members. After the opening, the Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect, president Bridget Groot and secretary Donna Moore presided for the business. What areas of waste in today's so- ciety concern you most? - the roll call, were interestingly replied to. Next meeting, the Christmas meet- ing will be on Tuesday, December 1 at the Dominion Hotel at 11:45 a.m. Members are asked to please bring gifts for the Children's Aid. In keeping with Remembrance Day. iviauie Smith read a .poem ."I stand alone a soldier proud", fol- lowed by two minutes of silence. The topic for the evening was 'Cul- tural Activities: Ina Neeb on the committee Intro- duced the guest speaker, Carmen Klaus Ives, Reflexologist, stressed the necessities for good health. by eating, fruits and vegetables and to drink water daily. Zurich WI By Gertie Fleischauer ZURICH - A good attendance of seniors met last Wednesday. Tam- my Antaya welcomed all diners. es- pecially first time diners and also -informed _everyone_ -of _upcoming events. A poem (Smiles) was give by Tammy Antaya. A very successful penny salt followed. Euchre and solo games were enjoyed. ALL SATELLITE DISH OWNERS sw lost your sound? or Can't get rode numbers? or Want to know what's really ilappening with the Satellite Industry? S1gbb. ...Tint 9K NRS 111111111M! Clip the ticket at the right & call 11116411180 to schedule an appointment 1 I 1 1 1zee ow 1 1 21 1 1 I < ,ANINFORMAL 1 '$ NG OF 8AMLITE T.V. 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