HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-11-04, Page 26Plage 26 Theron -Advocate Nrwranhr'r s 199,' -Special appreciation p�r Child Find of Huron County honoured its volunteers Thursday evening at .the Exeter Lions Youth Centre. A special appreciation award went to Dave Moore Fuels for their placing pos- ters of missing children on their delivery trucks. From left are Barbara Snider, case adminis- trator of Child.Find Ontario, and Child Find Huron County chairperson Carol Darling.presenting the award to Dave. -Moore Queensway Nursing Home HENSALL - Polts were situated at Queensway Nursing Home" for the referendum vote Monday Oc- tober 26 and a few residents- ores. -eised their night to vote on this B- suc. Tuesday's church service was led by Rev. Wnght of Hensall United Church with Phyllis I)eajardine as pianist. Thursday evening at the Hal- lowe'en and birthday party, the ghosts and goblins were- outmrfutt -- force. Residents were happy le have residents of Biuewater Rest Home as guests along with their adjuvant Kathy Shantz. Mozart Geiinas and George Mathonia played beautifully and several peo- ple enjoyed dancing to their music. The tsirnout of costumes on staff, visitors. residents and [sillily --was great even though the identity of several is of yet unknown. There was a cowgirl, Hula girl, clowns and several animaLs. Lindsay Green gave a solo rendition of "Old . McDodakf's Farm" on the pi - MO. 11 wag most appropriate. Eve- ryone attending had a great eve- ning. Friday morning Queensway resi- dent council met and it was with mixed feelings Carol Gascho in- formed council of her decision to leave the position of activity co- ordinator and return to nursing du- ties. Gascho said she has enjoyed .her work in activities and has ben- efited from wonderful friendships .and supporl from volunteers, faami- hes. and community aid .cluarch groups. But, she said -.she felt it was lime for a change and was ' happy to have the opportunity :to contribute in a different area of Queensway. Mary Eflen Groves will be the new activity co- ordinator as of November 6 and your future contact. Caning events: on November 9 at 10 a.m. there will be a volunteer auxiliary meeting, on November 18 at 7 p.m. the Fellowship Sing- ers will be performing and Novem- ber 26 at 7 p.m. there will be a birth- day party with Sherry Moll's £lcwPtlancers. Dr. Bones gives some Hallowe'en trick or treat advice to Lu- anne Phair and Annsberth Wiliert at the Hensel! Municipal Of- fice. ffice. Adult drop in centre EXETER - The hector Adult Community Drop in is back in full swing! Meeung every .Monday from 9 12 soon at the Liars Youth Centre (ex - cept for holidays). This program is open to any adult! A few of the atcuvities-we: social and inforntation time, carpet bowling, physical fitness, craft tienxmstralions, games, table shuffle board, darts and more. October 26, carpet bowl results: Gau»c one score Brown 'Ream won over the Black team 14 to 6. he twine team won the second game 9 td8. You talk abuut,sweat and hard work! The nie<nbers of the winning team for the fust two games were: Ray SmiW, June Hodgson, Pat Wallace, and Mil- dred Thomson. Their oppoaeins were: Marshall Dearing. Ray Hodgson, Myrtle Gusso. and. Marion Dearing. The third game winners were: Marion Dearing, Len McNaughton and.Helen Hindle. They won with a scene of 9 to 6. Their opponents were: Ray Smith, Myrtle t;iusso, and Mildred Thomson. What an exciting day mixed with fun, fcUowathip, strategy, and a little competition. The group is hoping to hear (rum you, to help dyer future programing. You can speak with Tammy Antaya at Town and Country Homemakers Office, or call 235.0258 for more information. There will be sign up sheets for the varied prirgrruns at their °Merkin the next temple of weeks. Successful Hallowe'en dance at Stanley Centre By Joan Beierliag VARNA - The Hallowe'en Dance spotrawed by the Stanley Township Rec Committee last Saturday night was very successful with most peo ple out in costume. Costumes were judged in six different categories. Best Couple were Dwayne Fetes and Angie Murray as Hippies from the 60's, Scariest was Brian Kane dressed as an accident victim, Most Original was Michael Hayter as a flasher, Storybook of T.V. Charac- ter were Shelley Hayter and Liz Brandon as Chip and Dale, Fiction- al Character was Lisa Deputter as Scarlett O'Hara, and the Most Hal- loween like was Cheryl Stephen- son dressed as a pumpkin. The Rec Committee are now get- ting plans underway for a family fun night on Friday, November 20 with hot dogs to be served and la- dies to bring finger desserts. Thursday, November 5 Varna U.C.W. meet at 8 p.m. at the Varna Church. November 5 the Trends (age 10-13) will meet at Brucefield at 7 p.m. Sunday, November 8 Remem- brance Day Services will be held in both Varna and Goshen Churches. The Service at the Cenotaph in Var- na will be held about 10:45 a.m. On November 1 the Youth Group (Grades 9 andhip) met at Brucefield and went for a trip through the Clinton Funeral Home. Next meet- ing is November 15 which is Movie Night held at Kippen Church at 7 p.m. Please bring a snack to share. Tuesday, November 27 was the 4-1-1 Achievement night for the Var- na Club held in the Varna Church with parents invited. A picnic style meal was brought by each 4-H member. The Menu was devilled eggs. egg salad sandwiches, relish- es and dips, chicken wings. chicken fingers, garlic bread, pickles and cheese, peanut butter brownies. peanut butter cookies, pumpkin bread and fruit salad. After everyone was full a mad lib was put on and read by Kim Tay- lor. A game of win, lose or draw with phrases having to do with chicken or eggs was put on by Mar- ianne Hayter and Leanne Keys. A scrambled quiz game having to do with an omelette was played. The members played pin the bead on the chicken while everyone was cleaning up and socializing. The girls will receive theirawards at a later date. There were 15 members and two leaders in all. Stan Lee Club are reminded of _the luncheon at Huronview on No- vember 10. If you are unable 1.0 at- tend please leave your food for the luncheon at Ruth Johnson or Aetna Keyes. Watch next week's news for details on the trip to the Stratford Theatre. Take Heart Huron Take Heart Huron is a comtnunity based heart heath program aimed at redacting risk associated with heart disease. -Our -massage is to be active, be smoke-free, eat heelthy food and cope with stress. Ask Take Heart Huron is a community questions and answer column that will address practical ways to keep your heart healthy. Questions in this column will be answered by local heart ex- perts. Please dell or send your questions about+4 ow you can Bove a heart healthy life- style to: Ask Take Heart Hence Hurst Cnnnty Health Unit Box 1120 Clinton, Ontario NOM ILO 0 Phone: 482-3416 or 1-800-265-5184 Fax: (519) 482-7820 Question: Lately, I've been hearing a lot on nicotine patches. Can you tell me what they are? Answer: Nicotine patches can be prescribed by your doctor to help you quit smoking. It is a skin patch that releases nicotine through the skin into the bloodstream while you are wearing 11 There are three graduated doses of nicotine patches. The patches will address the phys- ical craving one develops using tobacco, however, you still need to work on the psychologies') aspects of the addition. It could cost be- tween S60.00-$70.00 for -a two week supply. If you haves dnig-benefit plan, check to see if it covers the cost. The treatment usually does not exceed 12 weeks. You should not smoke while using the patches as it is possible to get too much nicotine into your body. Never use patches if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Remember to keep this and other drugs out of the reach of children and pets, and to dispose used nico- tine patches in a safe way. Question: I'm thinking of quitting smoking. What other alternatives do 1 have to help me? Answer: Good for you! Being motivated to quit smoking is the first step towards a healthier you. You can choose from a number of meth- ods; opting to go 'go it alone, to join a support group, or to contact your family doctor. Are you able to quit 'cold turkey' or would you feel more comfortable quitting little by little? Many people quit on their own and remain smoke free. If you decide on a formal cessation pro- gram, the Huron -Perth Lung Association offers a "Countdown" pro- gram that is available by calling 271-7500. For some people it takes several attempts to be successful. Don't give up, keep trying and find the method that works best for you. Active November planned by Legion By Dave Kayne P.R.O. EXETER - The R.E. Pooley Le- gion Branch is preparing for an ac- tive November, with Remembrance Services being of Major impor- tance. There will be a Cenotaph and Church Service this Sunday, Nov. 8. Legion members are requested to be at the Branch by 10:00 a.m. to farm a parade to the Cenotaph. At the Cenotaph there will be a wreath laying ceremony along with a Re- membrance Service. All citizens of Exeter and area are invited to at- tend. From the Cenotaph, the parade will march to the Exeter United Church and take part in the service there. After the service, there will be coffee and fellowship at the Branch. On November 11, Remembrance Day, there will be school visits. starting with the High School at 9:00 a.m. and continuing to all schools in the area, Exeter Public, Usbetne Central, I.A.D. McCurdy and Stephen Central. Please check with oech school for time of ser- vice, if you would like to take part in these services. There will be a Remembrance Day Banquet at the Branch, open to all members and veterans beginning with a social hour between 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and supper to follow. Tickets are available at the Branch, Stan Frayne's, Dimey. Finaitune and fnxn Executive members. The -tick- ets are S6 and you arc encouraged to pick these up before November 10. The Ladies Auxiliary will be holding Bingos on November 12 and 25. Zone darts, singles and dou- bles, will beheld at the branch on Saturday, November 14 and there will be a zone bus trip to Parkwood Hospital on November 28. The Early Bird Campaign for memberships continues until No- vember 30 and all the "Snowbirds" are reminded to pay before going south. The meat draws are held each Saturday afternoons between 4 to 6 p.m. and last week's winners were: Marilyn Kennedy. Scott Burton, Jun Foster, Gary Heywood, Joan Fisher and Tony Moore. riot oill1lIIIInNIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIullllllllllllllllllllogomIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIII ppoomt41►IIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVIIIII1oolllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllll 1 canon F., CIJLL7RLASEB DIPIEB INSTANT COLOUR COPIES J Enlarge family or team photos to81/2x11 or even 11 x 17 instantly with outstanding results Ideal for business presentation materials , -even caiour transparencies imam op. 0 in Street Exeter 4014,131 r.� A