Times Advocate, 1992-11-04, Page 23HENSALL - 1 bedroom ewik-in IdeMik for single parson. Haat, hydro inebded. $330finewth. Ade I4eeetaber 1, 1092. Nsoiis235.26420. (4afn) STORAGE SPACE - Good dry. elan building. Plane 235-2366. (43.45•) SIIMINBE Book now to ensure spot for winter months 2 1/2 miles east of Exeter on paved road Building with cement floor cm: '2 4472 For Lease EXETER - Up to 10,000 sq. h. incl. office, Industrial unit for lease. Suitable for light or heavy industrial or warehousing, roll up and dock, Highway *83. CaII John at Allen Management & Consulting 235-1530, after 8:00 p.m. caf235.3521. EXETER - 1,380 sq. ft. office space for lease, Highway *83. Available November 1, 1992. Call John at Alien Management & Consulting 235-1530, after 6:00 p.m. call 235-3521. For Rent Townhouse, Slmcoe St. Exeter 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, rec room, newly decorated - New high efficiency gas furnace Discounts offered tor leases signed in Nov. /92 Wellington Place, Exeter - Large commerical unit - conference room, two offices, reception room. - $670. per month. Available Dec. 1/92 Maples Mensal! - 1 bedroom apt. $329. per month, heat included. Ducharme Investments 236-4230 235-3511 111111111111111111111 UPlBR LAME 2 animal traelthve i...& 4sd. Dowager L plea rdltdes. fhsme'216-4565 1236.4961. n) HENSALL - Upper 1 bedroom $288 plus amities per made 2 bedacons 1905 Wilkie. math. Wales Rev*,e, •eat and bot .serer. '$eeedloa ed. samba tor pals or els8dww. Pint mid Ina months sten. Available inatntllsn:y. 262-3146aher 6 p.m. (Mtn) ONE -'AND TWO BEDitOOM APARTMENTS, avieMbk inwntltasdy. Call Marlene M. Parvenu odes rep. 235-1904. Eutaw Realty Inc. 235-1621 EXETER - 2 bedroom sparrow, u, laundry facilities and heat included. Pira and hut month required. Call 235.3497. (36tfn) HENSALL - Two bedroom apartment in an tutrsctive, well maintained 8 snit building -with-controlled army and bmdry tadliies. 3460 per month. Available now. Call 262.2924.(37Un) GRAND BRN'D - 2 bedroom condo on River Rd. 3 appliances, fireplace, fully furnished. Mature non-smoking teaunu. f700plus utilities. 1-519.542-9357 -6 p.m. to 8 p.m.. (44t(n) MODERN ONE BEDROOM 1pamment. Main Street Exeter. Available now. 235-2557.00th)) ONE BEDROOM and bachelor ems., fridge, stove, laundry and parking. Suitable for responsible adult. Phone 235-1497. (4otfn) ONE -BEDROOM -APARTMENT'--for -sent in Lunn Nov. 1. Store, fridge included. Call 681.0005 or 227-1385. (4011n) BACHELOR APARTMENT. fridge and stove, just off Main SL Exeter. Phone 235-3380. (41tfn ) INSIDE • STORAGE for nsotortsomes, tau, travel trailers, gars, insulated weatherproof building. Phone 235-0392. (41tfn) LUCAN - Three bedroom t available umnediately located on n SL 3400.00 plus utilities. phone 235-2965 or 227-4049. (41tfn) ONE BEDROOM apamnent in Laren 3350.00 per month. Utilities included. Phone235-2965 or 227-4049. (41tfn) NEWLY RENOVATED 2 bedroom apartment. Boum level of elder house. Close to downtown. Fridge and stove utpplied. No pets. All utilities paid 1500.00 per month. Phone 235-0768 after 6 p.m (42tfn) COUNTRY SETTING - lige 2 bedroom main floor apartment, baoed1oaned, aced yard, garden plot, S375hmanth. References. Adak:. First and last, lease. Phone 235.0392. (441fnc) 11111111111111111111111111 8718'11111 - Larger este bedroom • g-esed floor apaaaaet, 16 Alm IL B. Nigh dllabacy w fwttt.ee,-wrgdry ttedrsps, bataweat wasp, Noe leak . Amiable heavy 1, n93 or nether. No pas. Refumwss 3114. (44ttn) 1tT11B' ER - Two iedroom aparaawas, fdye mrd stave iodated. Vim a�sitrbls• w & i/c. 04 1: Haven Apes. 23S-349 ori962 2401. (440ti) GRAND 1 - Pundebed 3 Sedum beam with flosplace. Abo 2 badman comic .Avallable to )arae 90. Call 2384674.94414P) HENSALL - 1 bedroom wags -i, stlsatue for desk parson. Haat, hydro iot4oded. $390/moaah. Available November 1, 1992. Pbana235-1420. (441fn) 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW in Bayview Subdivisim. Close to lake, electric (teat, fridge andstove available- No pole 3445.00 per math plus talkies. Phone 236-4607. r4. SPACIOUS 2 BEDROOM ground floor apartment, fridge and stove and heat included. Laundry facilities available. Available Dec. 1. 5385.65 math. Phone 235-1047. (45c) 1, 2, 3 BEDROOM apartments available immediately. One month free. Prone 235.0956 or 235-0512. (45dn) FARM HOUSE - 3 miles south of Exeter on no. 4 Highway. Phone 229-6603. (45:46*) 4 BEDROOM -modem limn aostse-n -21 Hwy. Avaialbte Dec. 1. One badman apartment noon St. Eitexer 3269.00 monthly with fridge and stove. Pilate 235-1810. (45:46c) TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, ground floor, downtown Hassall, carpeted bright, paved parking. TV table, special rate for motion. `13th Meath Rent Free". Phone 262-2230. (45-50c) HOUSE FOR RENT - in Exeter 3 bedrooms, gas beat. Available Nov. 15 1600 per math plus utilities. Phone 237-3854. (45146') LARGE ONE BEDROOM in lateen. Phonefor information 246-1108. (45c) TWO BEDROOM HOUSE with avenue dining roan S595 pros utilities. Call Heather Rogers, Broker 235-1732, Eiwtc u Rhylnc. 235-621. (45tfn) LOOKING FOR A MOVE? Na satisfied with your present aparunent7 You should see this beautiful two-bedroom apounent with: fireplace- two new appliances, new carpeting and laundry facilities. Available immediately. Apply to Box 57P, Times -Advocate, Box 850 Exeter, NOM 1S6.(43tfn) WE DO LAM1 NATING Specializing in Posters up to 30" in widtr Exeter Times -Advocate Exete: 23f 13.x' CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE IT'S FAST - 1T'S EASY! ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES IT ALL. COMING EVENTS BRANTFORD WOOD SHOW, November 13, 14, 15 Brantford Civic Centre. Exhibits. equipment, crafts. seminars, prizes, carving competition Friday: 4-9 p.rr., Sunday: 10-5 p.m. Admission 35. Exhibitor into.. (519) 449- 2444. General Inquiries 1-800-563-6858. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GOVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES U.S. and Canadian low as 3100 BMWs, Cadiliacs, Chevs, Fords, Mercedes Porsches, trucks, vans. Amazing free 24 -hr recording reveals how 1-416-631-4666 BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programs (Federal & Provincial) for your new or existing small business Information (416) 596-7521 ext. 98 GREAT PERMANENT. HISTORICAL: record/resource. This newspaper and most o' Ontario's weekly newspapers reproduced regularly in microfiche form. Duplicate copies available by calling OCNA, (416) 844-0184 REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership or timeshare') We'II take it! America's largest resale clearinghouse. Gall Resort Sales International 1-800-423-5967 (24 hours). BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOME' Grow baitworms in your basement or garage Odorless operation Low investment Market guaranteed' Free information Early Bird Ecology, R.R.#1, Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643.4252. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY' Distributors tor high-volume household item. Small investment for stock. Info. write: Double D Enterprises. 1148 Queen St. Kincardine, Ontario N2Z 1G5 HELP WANTED COMMISSIONED EXPERIENCED sales- people for floor and window coverings. Also floor covering installers. Health and dental benefits available. Own transportation required. Fax resume to (604).287.3007. WANTED: 100 PEOPLE to try new concept in weight oontrol. 100% natural. Guaranteed fat burner. PfT, FtT inoome opportunity (804) 290- 9123. POETRY POETRY CONTEST $12,000 in prizes. Possible .publication. Sand one original po.m 20 lines or less to: National Library Of -Poetry, Box 704 NC Owings Mitis, Md 21117. FOR SALE NEW CATALOGUE' UncommonsB.C. products - many handcrafted. Gifts, goods, leweliery, crafts, toys, art, cards, more! $3 ($5 orf order) Sergeant's, Box 2188, Vancouver, BC, V68 3V7. BARN REMOVAL BARN REMOVAL. Everything from lowering old barns to ground level. to complete site clean-up. Some lobs free to exchange for salvage. Dan (416) 957-1015, Gene (416) 957- 0417 CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTiONEERtNG -et the Southwestern School of Aucltoneering. Next Class Nov. 21-27. Information, contact Southwestern Ontario School of Aucltoneering. R.R. 115, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2.115 FREE CAREER GUIDE- to home -study correspondence Diploma courses. Accounting. Au conditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosrneloiogy. Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary. Psychology, Travel. Granton rcn1- 263 Adelaide West. Toronto 1-800-95'' TRUCK UHIVER TRAINING AZ and courser.. Alr+o air brake, dangerous goods, deleni►ve driving, log book and border crU$hUng. 4odyers School. Ontario's oldest Gall 14900.b64-0031 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTJJNITIES SINCE 1986, WL HAVE BEEN G�NADA'S 411 display merctiundtsing co. Our. busiasl season is the next 2 months. (1 you need to make 31,000, then cell us today! 1.416.398.0919, 1- 416.398-0924 STEEL BUIL.pINQS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel 8trailwall Type - not quonset • 32x64 $7,344, 40x72 310,276; 50x90 $15,882; 8,0x126 $22,972 - other saes available - Final summer clearance - Paragon • 24 Hours 1.800.263.8499 STEEL BUILDINGS • Future Steel Buildings winter special. Keep the factory busy during the winter months and take delivery in the Spring. Save up to 26%. Call loll -tree 1.800- 668.8653. MEN'S 4$ AI,.'�H MALE POTENCY PRUBLBM8? -- Free product information on sale, ,drug-free, non- invasive strategy. Guaraote,.d .suooses. Wri.teloall: Performance M.dioal, P,O. Bpx 1273, Brandon, MB., R7A 6K4, lolWree 1.800- 663-0121. Your ad couid tpsar in ooawnwnity newspapers in Ontario, or Agit esireu Crenel a. er4iny,irljivillual*amines. Space is .Limited, so Gall Tide Nativepatef,Tdii>kYI • . i 2 11801tebM HOUSE /NAM Available Dec.'1 1 tall, math of Bawer. 235-21114 or�m7:3641. (34dh) ONB =BROOM ~VENT els male wont io lleaalr. f1375 pr meth fYtolsde. . AvidisblsNov. 1.1bewe235.1331. THE'+OID'1Oth►NHALV auditorium for tassels, indsdlog weddings meetings, banquet "clan, beams, ablishions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available. Phone 235.0318.(17rht) STORAGE SPACE eveilebk - cars and beau. Phone 236-4038. (44-47c) 1r I NOTICE TO CREDITORS All person having claims against the estates of ELSBETH AlSENPREIS ant RICHARD ADOLF AtSENPREIS late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, both of when died on or about the 16th day of October, 1989, are re- quired to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 2nd day of December 1992, thereafter die assets of the estate will be distributed having regard only to the cairns than fled. e% Dyer, Brown Barristers & Solicitors 495 Richmond Street London, Ontario N6A 4Z3 29 Garage & Yard Safe - INDOOR GARAGE SALE - Sat. Nov. 7 and Sun. Nov. 8. 8 am. to 3 p.m. Hwy. 4 between Hassall and Kippur on wen side. Lovell residence. 30 years of treasures. Ram or shine. (45c) CIBSsift Phone • 235-1331 Exeter Dining for Seniors EXETER - At the first October meeting for Exeter Dining for Sen- iors Jeanne Gladding welcomed all to a Thanksgiving dinner, with all the trimmings. A Thanksgiving Poem was posted on the upcoming event board. Jean Hodgert presid- ed at keyboard. Pastor Vernon Dean delivered an excellent message. Jack Simmons, Wilson, Walter ,Knowles, Rau and Ralph Smith pro- vided a musical prograrn - playing old familiar tunes; enjoyed by all. Draw prizes were won by Blanche Johns and Mary Ke nick. On October 13, Florence Fink- beiner provided music on the -key- board. Draw prizes were won by Rev. Charles Henderson and Joe Carter. Pat and Giant led the sing- ing from our song bcc*s. Games were enjoyed after each program. On October 20, Josie Ryckman played our keyboard. Jean Rook was welcomed and talked on idea of day tours for Seniors. Last Tuesday, Maxine Sereda presided at keyboard. Following a Mona, a contest was conducted by Jeanne. The person with the -most wards starting with `CAT was OeorginwEngier with 35 words. Four birthdays and one anniver- sary was celebrated with pumpkin tnuf[ans and ice cream. Draw prize was won by Ans,je Kogxnans. Pat Skinner had a table display of Wgrld War Two pictures and me- motabilia, which attracted quite a bit/of attention. Games followed to Ills north hall. Adak Drop in Buster Adult Drop In aimed .Ovary Monday (ems Holidays) from 9 - 12 at the Liwls Youth Csttbtre. They aro reposed to go into the afternoon, if people are wanting to do games etc. If you are interested in cribbage, crafts, etc. please contact Tammy Aataya at 23$0258. eHuron County ,BOetrd of Education requests lenders for SNOW SLOWING Of 0R1488ELS PUBLIC SCHOOL . Plebly aagY.dsasmad undoes writ he iasehard ,at the Huron County 0f1ard of *4usalhen, 103 Albert t. Bunton, Oetarlo, AipM 11,0 prier .to 12:00 noon An iri4sy. NRvgpibar 13, 1O02 ler snow b1Dwteg ,et sry►ssols Paftlhc Isfdsas MOM k. seb.alited on /be Ofilelei leader form whloh he {Able Al the Heron County fd of then ,and ,at Aj4v-TBNDER TED NOT sob.Auen Times -Advocate, November 4, 1992 Case Is tad cflteck aghaig BEST SELLER NOVELS 424 Mato St. Rxeter (519)235-1331 Rage 23 LOBS ATJC1 ON °Al(.fI1MAR CLINTON 482-98/8 W. ars aoosptlhg eonsIgn- ments for our up coming auc- tions. uo-tions. Turn your Nems Into cash. Cali now 482-7808 • Hensel! Livestock Sales Ltd. Order buyer for fats, feeders and stockers 1. Stockers and Westem Cattle arriving daily. Sorting cattle for Himself Livestock and TelbotvIlle Livestock Sale Saturdays at 9:90 a.m. at Herman Also picking up craws and veal Saturday Mornings Restaurs tt open daffy 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Ontario Pork Pardus:ers AbrketIny Yard Open weekly Tuaildsy 7 a.m. - 12 noon For more Information contact: Barry Millar, Owner Manager Office 262-2831, Exeter 235-2717, Truck 1-661-8956 • • • • 1 L DENFIELD LiVESTOCK SALES LTD. Annual Local Calf Sale will be held Thurs., Nov. 5 - at 7:00 p.m. 700 calves on offer For information call the office 666-1140 Brett Coulter Bruce Coulter 2946164 294-0585 - - ESTATE HOUSEHOLD AUCTION 4 W.dnsaday, evening November 4 at 6 p.m. to the Zurich Arena tor Ma tate Miss. Agnes Harhnan ANTIQUES AND FURNISHINGS: Btus coal oil lamp,gramophone with many master, Victorian records and binders, wood esk filing cabinet with chair, cabinet Singer sawing machine with stool, cabinet tube ra- dio, tern stands, cane basket ami chair, platform and wood rocking chairs, desk sewing cabinet stand, night table, 1925 ukulele in original case complete with music book and stand, bookcase and many books, pictures and frames, blue glass washboard, many wood cigar boxes, crafts, pallor and end tables, antique dressers, chest, wardrobe, hall tree, dining room table with 4 chairs, china cabinet, color TV, dresser with mirror, lamps. CHINA Limoges Rosalie, Sovereign Canada Breath of Spring 22 k. gold 4 place setting, Royal Albert, Victorian, Johnston Bros., Dominion. J. Browne, Barker Bros, Aynsley Eng. pieces of china, tea pots, tea cups, dishes, platters, silverware, small kit. appliances, sewing materi- als, linens, quilts, pillows, comforters, 4 quitts not completed, garden and shop tools and much more. This household was well kept with many items from years ago. Terms: Cash. Lunch booth. Auctioneer John Finlay 236.4814 r Auctioneers Bob Heywood 235-0874 Burt Lobb 482-9377 Thur.day.venlnfl Novsrttb.r 5 at 6 On. at soutthlturon"Rsc Bantu, -rust r We will be dispersing a large offering of household effects. antiques and collectibles from a- Zurich home along with additions .from the homes of Stan Scott and Dave inchiey. HOUSEHOLD AND ANTIQUES: An immaculate 9 pc. walnut dining suite incl. china cabinet, sideboard, ext. table and 6 chairs, solid oak single pedestal table with 4 matching chairs, maple dinette table with four chairs, 3 pc. bedroom suite with box and mattress, coffee and end tables, chesterfield and chair, auto dishwasher. dressers, lamp -tables, cane -seat rocking chair, commode, desk, woodstove, trunks, small ap- pliances, propane ;berbeuce, chest freezer, 30' G.E. sett cleaning range with smoked glass door, lamps, humidifier, several upholstered chairs, kitchen table and 6 chairs. TV and stand, metal shelving units, Sharpe photo copier, disphghy counter, Amax supplies incl. paints, pictures, workme china a glass incl. several cups and saucers, Noritake, Depression, Occ. Japan, quilting material, kitchenware, and hundreds of useful and collectible items. tg�fi REMIND R-_ f rl. jalgy. 15fill g,m at South Huron Rec re. Dispersing Ibe household of Mr. Hank Greene who has moved to a retirement home. Incl. furnishings, tools, antiques, violins and oth- er musical instruments. MT,• NQVEAUJSR 21 AT 1Q AM. at South Huron Rec Centre - dis- pe sing the wall kept estate of the kale Mr. Jack Dickens of Exeter incl household effects and an excellent estate car and truck. i AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, APPLIANCES, ANTIQUES, GAR, 9 81 CYCLES, GAS ENGINES TOOLS AND MISC. ITEMS Thur.day livening November 12 at 6 p.m. sharp to be held 0 Booth Huron Recreation Centre, Easter For Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson an d Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hicks, Ex- eterip(usunt s from Exeter, Grand Bend and MoBridges HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: Doherty piano, single bed chesterfield, davenport, wood rocker, arm chair, walnut finish buffet and china oabi- nef awNel radio, wall entertainment centra, bookcase, end tablas, lama, rung and hanging lamps, 2 x. 8 x 17 oriantal rugs, 2 sats of W4.S and 4 coheirs, small drop lad table and 2 chairs, Omes tags, .ohool desk, 4 pc. bedroom suite, 3-4 drawer dressers, one with mirror. 4 drawer chest of drawers, wall shall, rsoord gablrwt, 4'4' pad- ded bench, 2 metal storage chests on (*Mors, dhoti chair, 2 staoking OWN, Wipe living room minor, other mkrors, pictures and frames, oval *turas .with Iwbbb• glass, fireplace sat, large cabbage cutter, ps and pans and more. ES: Moffat rang. with ceramic lop Moffat portable dish- y, (like new), 2 door refrigerator, 10 cu. It. leap (rO.z., sutomat- tttrRlteher, clothes dryer, large and small miorow$bfe ovens, wrktgpr washher, 2 microwave tables, Kirby vacuum (fit. naw), hu tier, Viking electric sewing machine ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: , ' tr : • chair, wooden chairs, table, bookcases with 1 eland, , kat - tie, bag trucks, 1913 book - Famous P i , wa3dng otnes, 2 quih- ing frames - 1 with legs, oil lamps, peach •, piano monk and much ttme AMC.Ct okInote board, electric heater, • , coat racks, � steamer trunk, largo 2 door �e� , n typprojector stand, camera, tripod and Uf Off , ewriter, bird Cage, trailer hitch, copper , exercise bice 10 gal. uarium, sew' form. 1961 VOLVO WAGON: approx. 160,080Jim, Mt 0 41pir. Ulaholin snow tires, Not °eied . O BiCYOLE$rtd : adults and TEAMS: (,itsh or