Times Advocate, 1992-11-04, Page 8Page 8 Times -Advocate, November 4, 1992 FAMILY History of the Patrons of Industry, a Canadian political party In the late 1800's was outlined at Thursday's annual meeting of the Huron Historical Society held at the Brucefield United Church. From the left are vice president Paul Cairo!!, guest speaker Steve Thoming of McMas- ter University, president Margaret McClure and executive member Ron Latham. Historical Society speaker outlines origin of an early political party BRUCEFIELD - What goes around, comes around. That was the opinion of many of those attending Thursday's annual meeting of the Huron Historical So- ciety at the Brucefield United Church. Steven Thoming. a professor at the University of McMaster in Hamilton spoke about the history of a former Canadian political party which very few present residents of this area remember. Thoming has had several books published including Hayseed Capi- talism and the Canadian Banking System. The Patrons of Industry party was pan of the Ontario and Canadian political scene for about 20 years prior to 1900. In referring to the first paragraph Thoming said, "The problems of that time are quite similar to those of today. Their concerns included the economy, Senate reform, finan- cial farming problems, the need for alternative crops, tax reform and Free trade". The hotbed of Patriots of Industry interest occurred in the counties of Huron, Bruce, Grey and Wellington along with small pockets in the Sar- nia area and north of Belleville. Following the demise of the Grange party which had more strength in the United States than Canada, because of economic prob- lems organization of the Patriots of Industry party was easy. The Grange party trying to introduce new crops following crop failures, floods and imported American wheat met with hostility. Farmers were not willing to change meth- ods. In the 1870's joining organiza- tions like the Grange had helped make some farmers class con- scious, but unpolitical. Now the Grange was supplemented by the militant Patrons of Industry, an American based organization which soon had thousands of mem- bers in Ontario and Western Cana- da. They denounced tariffs, monop- olies and the corruptive traditional politics. At this time in the 1880's with poor economic conditions and so- cial discontent forced a large farm drop-out with many running away from mortgages and fleeing to Manitoba. Farm prices declined from 1870 to 1895 by about 50 percent and with new equipment on the market only efficient farm operators were able to keep pace. Many foreclosures took place in the 1890's as changing conditions affected farmers. In a couple of in- stances the sheriff intending to foreclose was held off by guns. In the 1880's every hamlet with a railway station became a market and those without railway access declined with the loss of merchants and tradesmen. In the 1896 election, the Patrons of Industry, rustic pioneers for the third parties of the future elected only three members from Ontario while Laurier's Liberals had 118 ( seats and the Conservatives headed by Tupper claimed 88 seats. The Patrons of Industry collapsed after the 1896 election in a wreck- age of mismanaged co-operators and political sell-outs. Only the grievances survived such as the tar- iff, a weak bargaining position, ru- ral depopulation amid jarring re- minders of a disgraceful respect for the nation's primary producers. Ca- nadian farmers grew quite sensitive to "Hey rube" jokes and taunts. The current president of the Hu- ron Historical Society is Margaret McClure of RR 1 Crediton and the vice president is Paul Carroll of Seaforth. Exeter businesses want you to know how important you are as a customer. That's why we're offering a shopping spree at each of our grocery stores over the next three months. All you have to do is complete the handy ballot you'll find at most busi- nesses. It's our way of saying thankyou. The draw will be made on the last business day of Nov, October's winner of the $500 Shopping Spree is Laurie Prout of Exeter. Her shoppinmg spree is at Exeter EMA Fri. Nov. 13. IIulmunUul1111I!tirImt TIIT 111 November Shopping, Spree Darlings Three Lucky People will win 0 yi.ucKs19.1 env In DM: Eni a Yn DM: 992 d��mps d "M� Cash in on the benefits of shopping locally! You'll save time -wise and energy -wise... what could be smarter than that? What you probably don't know is that every dollar you spend locally is a dollar towards your town in the form of taxes and donations to hometown organizations! 1 Friendly Service Money you spend at home stays at home ! ! 1- Great Selection Plenty of Free Parking ! Special Prices Top Brands Helpful Staff We'reglad you asked! HOW CAN 1 RECOGNIZE SUICIDE -PRONE PEOPLE? Studies have shown that most people who atempt to take their own lives give some waming of their plan beforehand, either in' words or in actions. By recognizing these signs, family and friends can help avert a suicide by helping the person to work through his or her problems. First and foremost is a threat to commit suicide. This should always be taken seriously. The danger becomes greater when such a threat is combined with other "situa- tional signs" of a potential suicide: family problems, money or health problems, divorce or the death of a loved one. Emotional signs, such as a personality change, severe de- pression, or neglecting one's personal appearancealso can be signs of impending trouble. Psychologists tell us the best way to help such a person is to help him or her talk about the problems and perhaps help work out a solution to some of them. Professional help is also suggested. 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