Times Advocate, 1992-11-04, Page 1!hauler
Serving South Hurn
!mu rance
Two seek
page 2
OPP collecting
illegal firearms
page 2
Police villages
Stephen opposes
page 3
Photo store
Exeter business
page 5
A labour
of love
page 13
Field hockey
Panthers off
Second front
Moving to
second place
page 18
after grocery
store break-in
EXETER - After breaking into
Seylers Food Market in Zurich,
.thieves left empty handed.
The Exeter OPP report that the
grocery store was broken into
through a front window at about 3
a.m. Police believe the culprits
were searching for cigarettes, but
gave up and took nothing.
Seylers had been the victim of
break and enters for cigarette thefts
in the past. •
The OPP are also investigating a
hit and run accident in Hensall
which was reported list Wednes-
day. Police report that a vehicle re-
ceived damage to its rear left fender
from an unknown driver.
Anyone with information about
these crimes is being invited to call
Crime Stoppers at 1-800-265-1777.
You will not have to identify your-
self and could be eligible for a re-
ward up to $1,000.
Burnt hay
bale, eggs
tossed, but
mostly quiet
EXETER - Both the Exeter OPP
and Exeter Town Police report a
quiet italtowe'en in tlic area, at
least as far as mischief goes.
In town, police report that some
youths were out throwing eggs.
mostly at each other, but some
houses were hit.
"If that's the worst we get - some
eggs and pumpkins thrown around
- then that's not too bad," said act-
ing chief Brad Sadler.
The OPP also report some egg
throwing and one large bale of hay
set on fire on County Road 6 near
ElimvUle, which was quickly
doused by the Exeter and Area Fire
The Lown police are still investi-
gating an incident of mischief earli-
er in the week. Apparently, .last
Wednesday someone vandalized
the bathroom in Elliot Park (west of
the bridge), stuping the sink -off- the
wall aid damaging the walls.
Anyone with information is
asked to contact the EaWer•police.
Since 1873 Wednesday. Novembe 4 199?
Exeter Public School had many colorful displays to celebrate Hallowe'en lest week and -
the Grade 4 class was busy on Thursday morning carving pumpkins. This creation was
done by Nicole Alexander, left; Courtney Oke, Megan Darling and Ashley Nixon who tried to
hold up the big pumpkin. More Hallowe'en photo coverage on page 10.
Leaf disposal
Grand Bend residents still
not happy with new system
By Fred Groves
T -A staff
GRAND BEND It appears as though the Grand
Bend Ratepayers` Association won't take no for an an-
The citizens' group continues to hound council, de-
manding something be deme about leaf pickup.
Monday night, Al Skinner, a representative of the
GBRA, said his group is still not satisfied with paying
S2 per bag for garbage pickup. The tag -and -bag sys-
tem went into affect on Oct. 5 and one of the regula-
tions stipulated a maximum of five bags of leaves per
week. .
"We're hoping to find some other solution than what
was put into affect on Oct.. 5," said Skinner.
He added the GBRA has met and are offering its as-
sistance to the village to help the change the method in
which leaves are now being disposed of.
Currently, with the landfill now officially closed,
leaves and all other waste are being trucked to the
landfill in Watford. Village officials have tried to seek
the Ministry of the Environment's permission to burn
leaves at their old landfill site or even mulch and scat-
ter them but that's a no go.
Several suggestions came out of Monday's meeting
which was also attended by Grand Bend's Waste Man-
agement Committee Chairman Dave Best.
One of those being to set up a compound where resi-
dents can bring their leaves and then the village would
have to get rid of them. Another was to have private
contractors come into town.
"The main problem is no one wants to be in charge
of picking up the money," said Skinner of the OBRA
having a contractor dispose of their leaves.
Councillor Bill Uniac said about 50 percent of the
village's waste right now is leaves and he also suggest-
ed the idea of having a common area where residents
drop off their leaves.
But councillor Phil Maguire and deputy -mayor Cam
Ivey clearly pointed out, the village does not want to
be responsible for disposing of leaves.
"We have already stated we don't want to be in-
volved with leaves," said Maguire.
Best said one reason for the S2 charge on each bag
of garbage is to help decrease the amount of waste be-
ing generated by the village.
Uniac added he did a tour. of Grand Bend after Hal-
lowee'en to see if there was any damage done and not-
ed there were several big bags of leaves out, but few
had tags on them.
Maguire felt the residents have not given the new
system time to be effective.
"We have a plan in place and we should give it time
to work, it will work. We're out of the leaf business.
Were in the garbage business and hopefully we'll get
out of it."
The village and local residents are working on alter-
native ways to get rid of leaves such as having contrac-
tors collect them and fanners using them to spread
over the fields as compost.
Skinner said there should•be an organized method in
which to get the leaves to the farms or any other dispo-
sal site.
"Some residents are fig alienated and it's not be-
cause of garbage, it's the leaves," said Skinner. "They
feel hurt because two years ago they could burn
leaves. Wement from ono thing to another."
He agreed with council that the MOE topes were ri-
diculous and at the end of the meeting it was decided
Skinner would meet with Best and the waste manage-
ment committee to continue welkiag on alternative
methods in which to dispose of leaves.
Santa Claus to make special visit
• NORTH POLE - Jolly Elf, Min
liner of Cootrqunioatioms at the
North Pole morally announced that
Santa Claus will be waking a spc
citil visit 10 the Banter area in early
The annual Santa Claus parade
jointly sponsored by the Exeter Li
ons Club and Exeter WA will be
Lod - Saturday, December 5 and
mark the arrival of Saint Nicholas
to the area.
Members of the Exeter Lioness
will be collating caroted and non-
perishable goods during the parade,
which will begin at 1 p.m. on Hu
ron St. and eventually wind up at
the South Huron Recreation Cen
t e.
Work has already begun on a day
of fun -filled activities to promote
that Chrisupas spirit.
'The Exeter Lions Club will kick
things off in the morning by hold-
ing their annual pancake and sat
sage breakfast front 8:30 11:30
ani. at the Exeter Lions Youth
Tour bands are on tap for the ac-
tual . while activities arc to
foto at the Rec Centre including
a skating party, free treats and the
reception of Santa himself.
Prizes will be offered for floats in
various categories, and more floats
arc needed. Anyone interested in
participating in the annual event
can contact Don Haines or Glen
Kel Is.
Actually on "fast track"
OPP costing for
Exeter coming
sooner than
thought `4'
EXETER - Despite earlier reports that the town's hope to receive a con-
tract estimate on the cost of policing Exeter with the OW was on hold due
to contract problems with employees, council learned Monday evening
that may not be so. in fact, council were told that information from the
Ministry of the Solicitor General suggests Exeter may be on a "fast track"
to receive an OPP costing estimate.
Council, concerned with escalating policing costs, had asked the minis-
try for an estimate of what it would cost to replace the town force with a
contract from the OPP.
Town administrator Rick Hundey presented council with a memo of In-
formation he teamed from the ministry in past weeks.
Town council and and the police services board had been concerned that
the OPP costing procedure was either on hold, or being fled ftp in bureau-
cracy and consultations.
Hundey said the ministry has just been busy.
"They have had a.lot of work on OPP coetin^s and that's why we haven't
heard much," Hundey told council, and also said a ministry employee has
been made responsible for Exeter's request for costing and that a meeting,
likely public, can`,e expected to be scheduled soon.
Hundey said he was also told the Commissioner of the OPP has indicat-
ed that he would like to "fast-track" Exeter's request, but Hundey said no
reason was given for such treatment.
While an OPP costing will not be conducted if contracts with policing
staff are under negotiation, Exeter's request was already in before the
present issue of the chiefs and police secretary's contracts came under
scrutiny in past weeks, explained Hundey.
The chiefs and police secretary's contracts are under review because, al-
though signed by the police services board in the spring, a Civilian Com-
mission on Police Services determined that both had been overpaid. The
chiefs suspension as of September 7 further complicates the issue.
"What would be the format, what would be the way [the OPP] would de-
cide the costing to the town?" asked councillor Ben Hoogenboom.
Hundey said the town would be looked at as a whole, to get an under-
standing of its needs, discuss it with council and board, review police ac-
tivity files, and to decide expectations and needs of the community.
'That's an idea of some of the general things they would do," said Hun-
"Would they combine the forces all in one building or would they be
looking at another store front in town?" queried Hoogenboom.
"With the detachment right in town I can't see them putting up a store
front," commented councillor Robert Drummond, although Hoogenboom
addhe.hadltsard infortnation so the contrary.
"There are going to be lots of rumours, said councillor Dave Urlin.
Town staff to get two
percent pay hike,
overall budget again
aims for zero increase
EXETER - Town employees
will be receiving a two -percent
salary increase for --1993, accord- -
ing to a report adopted by comicil
Monday evening.
Councillor Robert Drummond
told council the wage review
committee agreed unanimously
that all wage grids for the town
staff would be indexed by two
percent in January, wider the as-
sumption that inflation is running
at two percent, "or a little less",
and that provincial grants to the
town have been capped at the
same amount.
"This is the only wage increase
of any kind that is being applied
for," Drummond told council.
Reeve Bill Mickle raised the
possibility that the province, fac-
ing worse shortages of finances
than expected, may not even be
able to deliver a two percent in-
crease in transfers.
"I thiak we've got to be very
flexible in what we're doing, be-
cause I think our budget's going to
be very tight for next yew, said
Mackie. "We've got to Wirt look-
ing at zero increase for nest year."
The reeve said many Lown busi-
nesses will be lucky to break even
this year. and senior citizens rely-
ing on investment income are suf-
fering from low interest piles. He
aid a bikoset must be "sympathet-
k" to those interests.
"We've got good employees,
but they conic into the whole mix
when we consider our budget,"
said Mickle, suggesting council
may have to consider adjustments
in salaries or staffing. •
Councillor Ben Hoogenboom
said it was good to sec a recom-
mendation on wages this early in
the budgeting process.
"But 1 have to agree with the
comments Bill made. Perhaps it
is premature to make this deci-
sion...adings are _ tough out
there...There are people out there
on feed incomes," said Hoogen-
boom, who suggested council
wait before fixing in a two per-
cent salary hike.
"When do you think this deci-
sion should be made? Sometime
next June Wee it was Last year," re-
torted Drummond, who pointed
out the whole puputse of the wage
review committee was to improve
relations between council and
town staff. Relations which have
deteriorated due to strained nego-
tiations over wage negotiations.
Works superintendent Glen
Keys noted the purpose of an ear-
ly wage settlement was to help
town departments quickly set
their budgets.
Mayor Bruce Shaw noted the
two percent increase meant an ad-
ditiooal 511,000 on the overall
town wage package. Councilor
Tom Humphreys said that worked
out to an average of 23 cents an
hope for Ulna pnployees.
Councillor Dave Urtin said be
beard a report the private sector in
Catlnda is rtwnipg an average of
three -and -a -half percent wage in -
cm can.
Council agreed to approve the
wary Maw. Shaw commend-
ed Drnmnmand's committee for
bringing in a "timely" recommen-
Mickle then made a motion to
target next year's town budget as
having no increase over 1992.
The motion was passed unani
"Tee budget will have to reticx:t
these [salary) increases, so conte
thing else will have to be cut," ob-
served Shaw.