HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-10-28, Page 271 j Tlfees-AdVocete, October 28, 1992 Page 27 RUL*and Doe -tbrbb llbiginS - nd Kevin Klein "SAt., Nev.-7 Meanie WI. Exeter 9-1e.1n. Tickets $5.00 per person lunch provided MIMIIn nlnnmmM 5 St. Paul's Anglican Church Bazaar Kirkton Woodham Community Centre Sat., Nov. 7 2 p.m. Everyone welcome ullmmmmnn nMnmmmmnm wmm�nnn Buck ,& Doe for - Jeff Bond and Teresa Ready Sat., Nov. 7 Ailsa Craig Community Centre 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. Tickets $5.00, Available at door Holy Trinity Avner, Church,' l,ucatii Turkey Dinner Wed., Oct -2F 5-8 pmt. Adults $$.O0, children 5 -12 $3.0O presahooler:N free Halloween Party Sat., Oct. 31 The White House Grand Bend 238-2525 Most beautiful/sexist, original, frightful costumes win great prizes so come dance and howl the night away with us. nevateiwoussonaniontreataratilk reaens • Precious Blood Mission C.W.L. are holding their g sm Ir Annual g Christmas Penny Sale at the Exeter Legion Hall On 5 Wed., 06 Nov. 4G .m. $ to • at 7 P r il,4ts�ve,Sk$ S, Bringyour fancily and C - d friends and have e S1. per person • Children (12 and ardor) acrornpanied by +!s anad.h-FREE '•— . ksaiosioimmailusamag "Get out your Curling Boots & Brooms" Exeter Curling Club starts its curling season October 26,1992 New members welcome. For details contact Bill Brock 235-0323 i 1 i10111tDEN • Harold, Judy and trigs seer Am - her, welcome with leve, leratgloe •Htaold James. Brandon was born OoSteber 15,1992, weighing 8 lbs. and 201!!' Meg. Standen u the ascend Fold for Heid -sod Mine Bordeu end the fotIsendeltlld for Jim aid Thetina ltirottd jmat- lIdare Mrs. Sybil Marshal. Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Qairyiewell. Special thanks to Dr. Meredith, Mata end the 3rd floor nursing -staff of St. Joseph% and also to Gramma end 'F ppe Belies for tak- ing ears of Amber. 44c RENNING (HAIST) - It's a Boyl Alan and Demean em glad to announce the safe arrival of their first dmild. Eric Maurice war born October 19 at 9:58 a.m. weighing m at 3:940 kgs. ProudMipmaremts arc Maurice and Ruth Ann Hato . dhon, Tom and Noel - la Triebner d Exeter, Ron end Val Ruling a Guelph. Special thanks to D . Lan, Dr. Steed and Dr. Hay and Clinton nursing staff. 44* Golden Wedding Aenfveeeary The family of Hasid and Margaret Janes extend-wsnnwishesanla-axadan attar 50th Wedding Aativerwy. They will 'be oelebwang at their home Sieday, November 1 and invite friends to drop in. Best wishes only please. 43,44* BAKER • We would sincerely like to thank our families, friends, relatives and neigh- bours for the lovely nods, gifts and good wishes we received an the occasion of our recent wedding. A spacial thanks w those who helped w decorate and to those who helped in any way to make u a most wonder- ful day to celebrate and share with you, a day long to be remembered by those who cart. 44• Margaret and Kenneth STERLING - Thank you to all my friends and relatives for the lovely greeting cards and ben wishes, and for auanang my 100th birthday celebration, and making this day a happy and memorable occasion. 44c Olive B. COLCLOUGH • The family d the late Da- vid Colcloogh wish to convey our apprecia- tion to relatives, friends and neighbours for their many mons of sympathy in the accent loss of a beloved husband, father, grandfather and friend Your pounce. floral tributes, charitable donations, cards and acts of kindness were greatly Spe- cial thanks to Hopper -Hockey Funeral Home and to Rev. George Phillips for the comforting words used in the eulogy. Your kindneu and support will always be remanubered. 44 The Colcioagh Family CUDMORE - A warm and heartfelt thank you to my family, relatives, friends and neighbours. for the flowers, cards, phone calls ani the food brought in while I was in Victoria Hospital. and mice gemming home All 44* is day appreciated. Sincerely, Avis HERN • Our sincere Wanks for the many expressions of love arid • sympathy we re- ceived in the loss of a dear daughter-in-law, sister-in-law and aunt, Janet. Your visna, cards.. baking and acts of kindness are pear- ly appsenated and will always be num- bered. 44tnc Olga and family RJ 'W L We -wsaddiilte -thank -tour . family; friends laud iced MOM* *into Wady 41111 a '�Speelatileides � it all Omaha invoke etwpMttrrwo i a - eI.*eeess. it-lbie M e seise -poi of tech • daaghtful family: We leve you all and the memories will stick With us for a long time. 44c Bev and Pat HODGSON • I would like to send a special "Thanks" *tithe Centralia Untied Church La- dies end'the ladies from the community of othetrahafortheishower held in my honour. The lovely gifts, entertainment and' warm wishes received are very much appreciated by both John and myself. Thank you.44* Kelly SWEITZER - i would like to thank my family, friends and ncighbours and my spe- cial friends and co-workers at Dashwood In- dustries for all the flowers, gifts, cords, phone calls and visits while 1 was a patient un Strathroy Hospital •and since ramming home. Special thanks to Marg Soon, Dody --and -Derek -for-al--their--help -and =spec al thanks to Dr. Thorpe, nurses and staff at Suathroy Hospital.43c Joan TAYLOR • The family of the late James David Taylor wish to express their sincere appreciation to friends, relatives and neigh- bours for floral tributes, charitable dona- tions, food brought to the liaise, cards and funeral visitations. Special thanks to Rev. Peebles for his words of comfort, Michael P. O'Connor, Jerry Rader, Betsy Orenier and JoAnne Basgcugh. A very heartfelt thanks to the brothers of the Henderson Lodge 388 of Merton and Huron Lodge 224 of Hensel', as well as the members of the Royal Canadi- an Legion Br. 468. Both services were ex- trtsmely moving and forever in our hearts. Thank you for your love and support, your kindness will always be remembered. 44c David, George, Bill and Marlene, Rob, Pam and Byron, John and Cathy WELLS - I would sincerely like to third( all my family and friends for all the flowers and cards 1 received while inalso the friendly visits since lemming hone. Special thanks to Dr. Ferguson and the 7th floor nursing staff at University Hospital. 44c Diane CARTER • In Loring memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Margaret, who was taken suddenly, October 21, 1987. May the wind of love blow softly. And whisper so you will hear, Thu we will always love and miss you, And wish you still were here. Lovingly sabered by Gladys and Al- lan, edema and Ron and famihcs. *Mc BRINTNELL • In toying memory of Mane Brannen. Time speeds on. aro years have pored, Since death its gloom. its shadow cast, Within our home where all maned bright, And took from us a shining light. We a ieeli at iight, cadaver will, Her vacant place dare's none to fill. Down hue we mourn, but not in vain, For aaQp n Heaven we will street again. Fiodty remembered by hrsbend John and children Rodger. Jane Ann. and Kathryn. 44nc CAVYtR•LLr'W1S - in kMeMeltetwtepy d 1nda ear ), Sari (1 )1nd /Mae tees has Bane widtsedtegteu, Tile Mendt we wIB never.1 L Seem:sewe laroarpittatta !few, alive have'are mentelia, And plumes to treesntedwriegle the years. With love, Edith, Doo, Jim and Larry. 44' DiE TRiCH - In loving memory of a epeeid husband, father and grandfather, Lome Die- trich, who passed away October 28, 1982. The days they slide by(prickly , The neemks tum into years, `We drinks1im i you often, But we hold M all the tears. it sums too long now, Since He lifted you from pain, And carried you to His garden, To never hurt again. It broke our harts to lose you, But you didn't go alone, Fora pan of vs went with you, The day God called you home. Sadly missed and dearly remembered by wife Mary and his family. 44' KRAFT - In loving memory of a dear hus- band, Ward, who passed away one year ago, 27, 1991. 1 remanber the day !met you, And the day God made you mine, I remember the day I lost you, And will till the end of time. In tears 1 saw you sinking, 1 saw you fade away, My hart was nearly broken, You fought so hard to pay. We made our vows together, "Till death do us pan", The memory of those happy years, When we were all together, The joys, the love, the fears, Will pay with me forever, In Wel loved you dearly, In death I love you pill. Dearly missed by wife Norma. 44c KRAFT • in loving memory d our dear fa- therandgrandfather, Ward Kraft He had a nature you could net help loving, And a heart that was purer than gold, And to those who knew him and loved him, His memory will never grow odd. Always loved and sadly missed by Arena - ne, Jade and Marg and grutddsildr n, Rob. Kimberly, Shelly, Tim, Cari, Ted and Jason. 44c LEWIS - grandpasenIn -g loving manory d our rs, Earl and Jame. Dad passed away 10 years ago on October 26, 1982; and Mother 1 year ago on October 30, 1991. Dear Cod: Phase take a message, To our patens up thew above, Tell than bow we mita than, And give than all our love. They've nevermore than a thought away, Quietly seenembe ed every day. No need for words except to say. Still loved and mi sed in every way. Sadly moved and loved by Allan and Gla- dys. Noonan and Linda. Don and Bdith. Cre- ak! and Helm and fa flies. 4,1* STANLAKE • In me>nory of a vveerry7r apeman madras and grandmother. Shirley.8taotfite, war wood awry ale yeaceL0. Nott m ti 2, lt,91. Byes though you're not, Hee with us today, The love and m®mes I hove with you, Will never go away. Loved and sadly mused by Randy. Karen and children 44c D-1-RELT�JIV BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East, Exeter Minister REV. HENRY VAN ESSEN Sunday,.14evember 1 10:00 a.m. Worship 11:10 am. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Service Nursery available Everybody welcome Goma and Washp with us • EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Main SL North Pasta Rev. Sheds Vander Meer . 235-1723 Worship Services November 1 10:00 a.m. Sunday School ages 3 -grade 4, dunng morning service 7:00 p.m Nursery Avoiheble, Everyone Welcome "On Air November 1' Sunday Rada CJCS 1240 0:30 a.m CKNX 920 10:30 a.m Daily T. V Faith 20 (Robot 6:30 earn -When She world wound you is crum- bling God is the rock on *each you fen Wend EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 990 am, Sunday School 10:30-1120 am, Fellowship Tame 1120 a.m. Family ebb How 720 p.m. Gemmssniettaarvioe Nursery Amirable g 820 p.m. • All emit/elan Laidat 94 Orstwd111111at, Seater fattapwts.MiMaoota „Le For lidenaelion Paelle1 TRIViTT MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH 21 et Sunday alter Panleoost Al Saints Day November 1, 1992 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist Sunday School Nursery Available Everyone Welcome • EXETER UNITED CHURCH Coroner 01 James and Andrew St Ministry Rev. John- C. Hilborn Rev. Gambit Parsons Music Dirtrelor A Ranh Tapp November 1, 1992 - 1120 a.m. Pentecost XXI Social Hater lelowirtgServioe. Vence Adult Giese 920 am Church School 1120 am Courtesy car: Sob Dinney 236994 Nursery provided Al services taped Everyone Welcome MON LUTHERAN_ atiURCH PASTOR .LL YA TOJKOVtC Hekei abe 1,11992 990 a.m. - 11G�ijdy�ion 20 am. • liev ice Suaqsaushikkame EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 187 Hixon St W. Exeter Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge 23S-2661 ultdSYr-1iseem er 1 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11)30 a.m.Moming Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Felowsh ip Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night Everyone Weirome CAVB PRPJBYTERIAN CHURCH 88 Main Skeet South 235-2784 Monster: Rev. /Ark B. Gaskin Clark of Session - 4&. James Douga II Organist- Aid Carotin Love Sunday. November 1 9A5 a.m, Warship SerNoe and Sunday School Nursery AwiliWe November 8 - Worship Time 9:30 am Everyone Wabane EXETERPENTEcOSTAL TAIIRMAGLE 870 Main SL S. Pasta 11imor1 Dean MsisAant Pastor Kevin D. f.uyvr Sunday, hbwrnber 1 890 am. warship Servo:, 10100 am Sunday School 1120 a.m. WasNp>Serttice 11 00 am. -.Laotian tier ico ktrtrNrn 720 p.m. balatic=Plaisersanrae 720 p m. Family Night Programs lor:aYasea Nurg«y attalsbla brdtl tdaea %edam b meet God and a friend' .4- COLCLOUGH - At his iesidenoe in Huron Perk, Ontario, on We6telday. October 21, 1992, David E. C610161111 of Heron mak. Ontario, in his 63rd yyeeaarr. Beloved balloted of Laverne (Ives) Cdeleugh of Huron Park. Dear father of Ken Colc.Meglt of VsnaLLar- ry and his wife Peggy of Pori McMdway, Alberta, Brenda Humana of Varna, Hstleet Keys and her husband Ervin of RR 1, Wttma, Ruth Kuipery and her hulbmd Ed of RR 5, Rockwood , Stephen Coleloegh of Halifax and Jeffrey end Kellie Ceteleagh of Oode- rich. Mr. ColcIough wet predeceased -by his son Paul in 1957 and u'survived "by 11 grandchildren. Rested at the Hoppr-Heekey Pmeral Home, William Street, Dieser, for visitation on Thursday evening -from 7-9 p.m where the funeral service was held on Friday, October 23 at 2 p.m. with George Phillips officiating. Cremation with interment of ether in Clinton Cemetery. 44c COURTNEY - At South Huron ilhal Exeter, on Thursday, October 22, 19911, Martin David Ce mtey. of RR 1, Dash- wood, in his 71st year.Beloved herbed of Edith (Vincent) t7ousuiey. Dear father of Kelly Watford and randfather of Sbunot Dear brasher of Pu C)oan - ney of Alberta; Oedls Meal of -Mary y #tartish--d-i irdnrow-and Louise Roots of Middgast. Reseed at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Funeral Home, Dashwood, where vbkslon was held Friday afternoon and evering and Parish payers weri held at 9 p.m. FormalMass at Our lady of Mount Carmel Ronan Catholic Church, Mount Cantel, on Saturday, Octo- ber 24, 1992. Father Joseph Baga m, Cele-. brant. Interment in St Joseph's R.C. Ceme- tery, King ge. If desired, manorial ns donatioto theemmanorial Cancer Society or charity of choice would be appreciated 44c DiETRICH - At Si. Boniface Hospital, Wimipeg Manitoba on Sunday, OGxdber 25, 1992, Paul Joseph Dietrich of RR 2, Ound Bed and formerly d Mount Camel, in his 55th year. Dear brother of Ms. Ann Patter- son of Winnipeg. Loved uncle of Catherine (Mrs. Kelly F'orz1ey) of Winnipeg: Suzanne Patteson of Vancouver and Jill Patterson of Winnipeg. Also loved by his -aunts, uncles and cousins. Beloved son of the lane lomeph and Pearl (Regan) Dietricu h. Rested the Harry Hoffman & Sons Paseo] Home, Dashwood. Parish and family ppanyers were held at the funeral home Tlsesday at 9 part.. followed by Knights of Columbus, J.M. Fo- garty Branch 08480 service at 9:30 p.m. Fu - neral Mass at Immaculate ulate Ham of Mary Ro- man Catholic Church, Grand Bend, on Wednesday, October 28, 1992 at 11 am. Fa- ther Paul J. Beck, Celebrant. Interment in Our Lady d Mount Carmel Cemetery. If de- sired, manorial donations to Immaculate Heart d Mary Building Fund would be ap- preciated. 44c GODBOLT - At University Hospital, Lon- don, on Sunday, October 25, 1992, George Harvey Godbolt of Centralia; in his 83rd year. Densest friend of leleen Pulman. Dear father d Maxine and Isok Stone of Atwood, Lenore and Glen Gibson of Oodeich Pre- deceased by his wife Jessie (Baker) and one brother Geald. Loved by several grandchil- dren and groat-grmdchildren. Reined at the R.C. Dimey Faecal Home. Main Street, Exeter, where the funeral and committal ser- vice was held on Tuesday, October 27 at 2 p.m. with Rev. Clare Geddes of Centralia Unucd Church a rigg.. Intesmett in St James Camay, e. Donations may be made to the charity of your choice - 44c -iCITIZKERT" Ai Sesth Htmoei W6014 16( - eter, on Thursday, October 22. 1992, Mr. Arend "Art" Kikkert of RR 2, Zurich. in his 60th year. Beloved husband and devoted fa- ther d Hmtje "Ann" Uyl and Michael Al- bers, Peter Jacob. Andrea Alison and Ahem Erin. W at home. Dear boxier of Jacob and Thys, lake, Aakje, ALbettje, and Margie all it Holland. Also surviving are cousins. Wa- s es and nephews. Resmd in the Zurich Chapel d Michael P. O'Connor Faecal Homes, 49 ;Goshen St. N., Zurich until Saturday. Oao- t bet "."4. thea to Exeter Christian Reformed for hsnnal service at 2 p.m. with Pastor .,adds Van der Meer officiating. Inter - nam m Bloke Mdmmute Cemetery. As ea- . , pressures of sympathy dc.anons to the Chil - dren's Hospital ovoid be apprenatcd 43c KLIMKOfZ • At Lave city Howptcal. Lon- don. on Satasday. October 24. 1992, after a battle with ieukenia, Theresa M. Z. Of Exeter in her 44th year. There - u is wmvsved by her family m Guelph: many friends in Exeter and area and special (rinds. Dave and Jennie. At the request of • the deceased; her body hu been donated for Research at the University of Wesiem Ooia- rio, Dearman of Antony. A Manorial Service was held at the Royal Canadian Le- gion. Brandt No. 167, Easter, on Satoday, October 31, 1992 at 11 am. If desired, me- morial donations to Commonly Liviog- South Heron (ARC lndusuies, Dashwood) or charity of choice would be appreciated (f. luny Hoffman a Sons Funeral Home. Daahwaod, eotussed with amngeaaas, 237-3532). 44c gFE1NMANN • Peacefully at her bane in Dashwood, aurwtmded by her family, on Monday, October 26, 1992, Marilyn (Joar- bae petro) Ssstiamame in bier 45th year. Doweled wife sad hest friend d Bevin W. Stuart." Levey macer et Jason. Jemmy and Holly, .11 at beams. Marilyn was dearly loved and will be aily missed by her arab - er, Mn. Icksaisrsei d W*1Ieakey and by her bathers. Wayne and his wife, Joyce Jena. Myron and his wife, Joyce Jantri and their families. all d Wellesley. She u fondly re - gamboled by die satin etaderded Steinmann family And her many friends at the Exeter Bible iitlbwahipmad National Trust, Easter. Piedesessed by lir nether. Samuel J. Jaunt/ in 1984. Pathps at the T. Harry Hoffman & Sons Hmaral Herne, Dashwood, for vitata- lice eig=i11$ Taut* swains at 7 em- end W Ills et our (wads at theg. Due b Naaraaaas tats* ribs (taasal will be held is .." , lwy,.N84navast fZu 29, 192osmnnu ireatride, un be mode aiV b know that myy desmar Hag Fend or Re - r Program, Huron 44c TURNBULL • Peatmfally subs Blue Winer Rest home, Zurich, on Tbtspdax October 22, 1992, Edward Blake Turnbull. iaa nsdy ef Ilay Township, in hit 88th year. Beloved �rtbarx1 of the late Edith (Bun) Turnbull xl97(). Umar brother of Mn. Moron Stucky of RR 1, Dashwood. Also loved k,y hi. niece, Helen and Jerry Drysdale of IIIcnsalI, Anne and Patrick Rake of Vatwuver, and nephews. Ilugh and Eleanor Hendrick of K.ippen• Elgin and Pat Hendrick a Grand Bend; John and Ruth liendnck of Mt. Por esi, Ilnil and Pat Hendrick of Later, and John and Diane Turnbull r,( Vantwuvcr Predeceased by his sister, Mr. Floreace Hendrick (1991) and his brother, Dr. Wil Ired Turnbull (1991). Rested at the T. Harry Hoffman A Sons Funeral Horne, Daahwuod. Visitation was co Friday afteraxxni and eve- ning and the funeral service was held on Sst - way, October 24, 1992 as 2 p.m. Rev. Col- in Stover officiated. Jnteauent in Grand Bend Cemetery. If desired, momma dams nuns to the Cancer Society word l,c apprr Giblet' 44 Sunday, November 1 5th annual Christmas Craft Show Exeter Legion Hall 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Over 35 tables Woodworking, stained glass, pottery, folk art, etc. Adults $1.00 Everyone welcome PRYDE MONUMENTS 1992 FALL SALE 810 VICTORIA St., Centralia, Ont. NOM 1K0 Our 1992 cemetery work season is quickly drawing to a close: therefore this late season special will save you 5% on any monument ordered from Oct. 21, 1992 to Nov. 28, 1.992 During this time period only we will also include a new memorial etching for no further cost. Note some restrictions and requirements will apply. Please -cell rfor-me•informa ' or to set up an ap pointment et 228'6439 or 1800-265-3477. We thank you in,advance for your patronage Thefiergussyns