HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-10-28, Page 22Teacher Janice Bulst talks to Chris Littlechild and son Matthew at Thursday's open house at
Zurich Public School. In the background are Jaclyn and Justin Rader.
Walk dedicated at Blue Water
ZURICH - Friday. afternoon lo-
cal dagnnanes visited Blue Water
Rest Hone for the dedication of
the Gordon ErbWalkway, the new
sidewalk recesuly installed be-
tween the Village of Zurich and
B.W.R.H. Combined in the cere-
mony was the planting of a 'tree
and the donation from *Hay Mtmtal
Insurance Co. for the cost of the
trees being planted abng the sirie-
The family of the late Dation
Erb were in attendance in.addition
to Paul Klapp, MPP; Hugh
McGuigan from the Ministry of
Transportation -Ontario of Strat-
ford, Murray Keys, Deputy -Reeve,
Township of Hay,- .Bob Fisher,
Reeve, Village of 7nrich; Mary
Riomanrszyn, resident, B.W.R.H.
.erhrthur •Bemreu, Chairman,
Board -of Directors. B.W.R.H.
opened the ceremonies: Rev. Ste-
phen Alles, SL Peter Lutheran
Church. Zurich provided :the lno-
-cation; Josef Risi, Administ>aamr,
B.W.R.H. spoke about the back-
ground and financing of the pro-
ject and representatives of the Erb
family performed the laying of the
. scene marker for the walkway in
memory of their father
Stefan Pertschy, Chairman and
Representauve ot the Hay Mutual
Insurance Co. presented a cheque
for the purchase of Noway maples
from Ausable-Bayfield Conserva-
tion and Mountain Ash trees from
Cobble Stone Inc.
The closing comments were pro-
vided by Iienneu.and refreshments
were saved by the home Auxil-
iary members Mary Gingerich aid
Donna Merner and a thank you
given to Ian McAllister, unaamrer,
B. of D. B.W.R.H. for a well orga-
nized celebration.
A special thank you goes out to
Loftus iiawmme, a resident who
almost .daily provides bis aervlccs
in sweeping the sidewalk between
the home and the village. Rest
denss appreciate this gesture as it
helps at -the various .dnveways
where there is a stone build up ano
prevents the possibility of over
=fled ankles.
Thtusday everting members of the
U.C.W. of Bayfield United Church
hosted a birthday party for:the resi-
dents. Six residents celebrated their
birthday this month: Aaron Gunge -
rich, Fern Love, Edwin Marlene,
Mary Martin, Sophia Mischke and
Laura Stewart_ .
Elaine Dunn, president of the
UCW was chairperson for the eve-
ning. Hillary Beard and Nikki Lind-
say .stung a duet accompanied by
Molly Cox on the -piano. John
Campbell and Cliff Anderson
played the mouth organ with Cons
:aooarupauime t. Kendra Beard
' played a piano solo. With the help
of Eleanor Riley and Marilee Ay-
ouc, cookies, muflms, tea and cof-
fee completed the evening.
Father Peter Hayes. Se .Boniface
Catholic Chinch, Zurich celebrated
Mass on Thtuaday morning. In the
afternoon Rev. Colin Stover. Grand
.Bend United Church was in charge
of chapel service.
Singsong, fun and fatness and
newspaper reading supplied morn-
ing entertainment. In the evening.
games and bingo, and Wednesda--
aftcrnoon tea is a favourite of every
Mary Martin was happy to receive
144 of her family in the auditorium
on Sunday afternoon to celebrate
her birthday. Her daughter lrla came
from California for the special occa-
sion.and after socializing with ber
children, grandchildren, great grand-
children, cousins. nephews and niec-
es with refreshments. Martin joined
her family at her daughter Rita and
Peter Steckie's home for a pot luck
supper. Martin is teased by her
daughter Irla for the proliferation ot
the family; just recently Martin had
Centralia by Mary Kooy
CENTRALIA - A large crowd at-
tended the 116th anniversary of
Centralia United Church on Sun-
day. Rev. Geddes.ehose.as his topic
'The Challenge of Change". The
choir sang the anthem "Jesus, Hold
My Hand". A lunch was served fol-
lowing the service.
The Centralia United Church is
hosting a turkey supper on Satur-
day, November 14 at 6 p.m. in the
chinch basement_ Tickets available
this week by ,exiling Rob Essay
2284992, Akan .Caslick 228-6702
or Bob:B.lair at 235-3748.
Symnpaahy is extended to leleen
Puliolan:;and family following the
desth-o t cr friend Harvey GaWoli
of G ntsalia, who passed away at
University Hospital on Sunday
morning in his 83rd year; also to
Elizabeth Conlin :,and family fol-
lowing the ctesth of her nephew,
Paul Dietrich of Grand Bend
A Hallowe'en party will be held
at the wnuuunity centre on Satur-
day everting at 8 p.nt. sponsored by
the town fathers, with prizes and re-
Prize wailers , at the Heywood
restaurant were Edith Eaton, Rhea
Beason, Helen MacDuatld. Ho
ward Dolan. Alfred mss. Mur
ray Cotter. Next euchre will be held
November 2 at 2:30.
Senior diners
By Gertie Hleischleuer
ZURICH - Zurich Senior Diner,
met Wednesday at the Community
Centre with a good attendance.,..
Genie Fleischauer welcomed
everyone including visitors Margie
Johnston, Zurich and Jean Glad
ding, Exeter Horne -making super
visor, fining in for Tammy Antaya.
Fleischauer introduced Johnston
who spoke on behalf of her grand-
daughter Kathy Merrier, who is in
Alpaso, Texas at the present time,
telling of her rip to China with the
ice capades recently. Souvenirs
and Chinese attire were displayed
Birdie Finkbeuler road a poem
"Indian Summer". Euchre and solo
were enjoyed.
same day
Our condolence to the family of
the-iate Edward Blake Turnbull who
passed away at B.WR.H. Thursday
three great grandchildren all on the
morning. Turnbull was a former
resident of Dashwood and Spruce
Villa of Zurich before coming to
the home approximately one year
Missing: Cathy Shantz, home ad-
juvant is missing her blue "Sing
Out" old time song book which she
loans to various groups and used
for words and music to play to the
residents. If your group is.involved
with the rest home, please check
your piano benches or organ stools
to see if you may have u.
mounted house ready la &wick
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - The youth group of
St. 'Boniface Parish are busy- get-
ting 'ready for Hallowe'en 'building
their haunted house which will -be
held downstairs in the hall. EMer
by the back door of the, beside the
`the house will be open Sunday,
Novetriber 1 from 5-6:30 p:m. for
:the younger children with admis-
sion set at $1. The older crowd can
visit 7-9 p.m. at a cost of $2.
Optimist dance
The Optimist Club is having a
Hilleviden dance Rrlday, October
'30 'frim 7-10 p.m. at the Zurich
Community Centre. Admission is ,
S3 and those wearing •a costume
will 'receive free pop and chips.
Bomar dates
Saturday, November 7 the Bean
Sprout nursery school will hold
their Christmas bazaar and bake
sale at Zurich Public School from
10-2 p.m.
St. Boniface t'WL will hold their
bazaar, penny and bake sale with
hot dogs, refreshments and -mer-
ctian - -
bcr 7 from 10 a.m. - 3 pan. at the
church. -
On Saturday, November 14 the
ladies auxiliary of the Blue Water
Rest Home will be having their
Christmas bazaar. Residents are
busy making crafts to sell that day
from 2-3:30 pm. Visitors can en-
joy a coffee or tea with swots in
the dining room after visiting the
auditorium for the penny tale, bake
goods and other events and treats.
Hallowe'en pardes
The children of both Zurich
schools will be having Hallowe'en
parties on Friday. Saturday eve-
ning when the children have fin-
ished trick or treating, parents arc
invited to the Dominion Tavern for
a Hallowe'en parry. There will be a
Karnoke machine and prizes for the
best costumes
Harvest deuce
The Knights of Columbus Har-
vest Dance will be held Saturday,
November 7 .at :the Zurich Arena
from 9-1 a.m. Tickets are available
from members or at the door. Mu-
sic is by'Partie Tune Tickets are
S6 and included a lunch and all
proceeds go towards the new side
walk at the Rest Home.
Ladies Auxiliary
The next ladies auxiliary meeting
will he held Tuesday, November 3
at 7 p.ni. in the auditorium
Mother's time
The next Mother's Time gtbup
ineeting will be Wednesday, No-
vetnber 4 at St. %tee's Lutheran
Church hall frone9-11'1 S p.m. Ra-
bysiititig isrovided.
CWt, tweeting
The Se Boniface CWL rneetivg
was chaired by president Audrey
Smith last Tuesday in the parish
-hall after the Living Rosary Mess
The minutes were road be Bren-
da Regier and titarinaine Keller
gave the treasurer's report. Mary
Regier explained the Rosary and
read a letter from the "Save a Fami-
ly Plan" which we are sponsoring.
Brenda Koehler gave an Interesting
report on the Life Chain held in
Stratfeiid recently with 25 from the
area attending
The Right To Life dinner will be
*held in Stratford Thursday, No-
vember 12, phone Brenda at 262-
2917 for information. A motion
was made to send $100 each to the
Right to Life-endCampaign-Lafc.
Four ladies from Si Boniface
along with SL Peter's CWL went to
the Diocesan meeting in Wood-
stock Wednesday.
The- league is invited to the Pre-
cious- Blood penny sale in Exeter
November 4.
lite.inintlYbf Ruby Netdbheiped
tle1SbititePr 80th bitt 4Iy'Sunday
'with adWMerat S. Peter's Lutheran
Our en.
The family ot Tony and Adeline
Denomme got together Sunday to
attend Muss at. St. Rosi nice which
was 'said for their intefltibha, fbl-
lowed by a bntnch at Erb's Cettriey
Levi Joseph Wayne Nbtthover,
-son of Larry and Becky was bap -
tired Sunday at St. Bonifaee.
Stance and Vera Bedard spent the
week visiting his sister, Rose olid
Lee Regier and relatives in the
area. Another sister, Theresa Stark,
returned with them to Windsor for
a vacation.
Marion Becker has returned after
visiting her mother in Chalk River,
sister in North Bay, sister in Whit-
by and her son and family in' Polity
Sharon Silverstein visited last
week with her parents Marie and
Mozart ()dines Sr.
Jerry and Ruth 7.ehr and family
spent a few days visiting relatives
in Leamington.
Birthday wishes to Debbie De-
nommc, Ashley Rau and Jeff Kel-
Sumnne and Dave Bell spent a
few days visiting her parents An-
drew and Alida Rau. Alida re-
turned to Windsor with them for a
At Zurich Public School's open house Wednesday night, Ste-
ven Guenther shows some of his worl, to his mother Jean
while principal Bill Black looks on.
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