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Sports shorts
Geiger brl►g home Cotgness Trophy
oHl - Andrew Geiger of Zu-
rich len 'tris horse -Final Cheque
wdn the Congress trophy at the Ail
America QuartEd1orse Congress
- -in s, Ohio •whist►-conolud-
ed on Sunday.
The two-week long event, saw
Andrew win the Novice Youth
Polebending division which lad 70
entries,,Brother Steve and his horse
Sizzle On Sue were fourth. An-
drew and Chequer were fourth in
Youth Polebending, in a class of 63
Steve hit a pole in youth pole -
bending which put him out of the
top eight spots. In youth barrel rac-
Monday Ladles
Lynn Smith 255-704, Lynne Farqu-
har 255-686, 'feather Smith 235-657,
Darlene Bourne 268-652, Pam Hodgins
233-632, Deb Pearce 231-615, Kit
Hearn 251-609, Louise Sutherland 237,
Shirley Rees 213. Diana Leddy 213.
Marj Green 209, Alice Hodgins 209.
Tuesday Y.B.C.
Brad Ankers 197, Marcus Appehnan
183, Tyler Graham 176. Jennie Cock -
will 160. Nathan Rollings 155, Kurt
Juergens 155, Larry Smith 150, David
Miller 147, Norma Culbert 142. Jamie
Tsantilas 136, David Knip 135, Chad
Rodgers 132, Greg Cunningham 128.
Senior Citizens
Ron Dann 227-625, Cathie Wesnnan
241, Harry Noels 239. Pat Davis 216.
Jim Bur: 214, Len Smith 211, Alvin
Faulder 204, Jean Dann 202, Charlie
Grieve 197. Peter Vandenboomen 192.
Bessie Caldwell 188, Lawrence Russell
Wednesday Y.B.C.
Tim Townsend 180, Shauna Town-
send 126. Ayden 011ivier 125. Robbie
Yeo 119. Kelly Wilson 113, Ashley
Smith 111. Vanessa Smith 110. Mike
Dalgleish 108. Carrie MacGregor 104,
Brooke Hocking 100.
Wayne Wilson 265. 336. 320.921,
Larry Smith 318-729, Gary Melvin
228-606. Lynna Smith 236-603. Pat
Hodgins 218, Barb Smith 212. Steven
Smith 204. Pat Masneau 201. John Car -
yell 200.
Wednesday Mixed
Larry Mashers 318-751. Doug -Smith
.229-620. Don Cunningham 215-617,
Scott Rummell 256, Al Railings 228,
Chris Borrie 226. Tim Weber 221. Dan
Gower 207. Karen Leger 193.
Thursday Men
Fred Allison 304.312-802, Bob Tay-
lor 385-802, Frank Palen 283-756. Bob
Smith 325-742. Don Watt 276-741. Jim
Smith 270-722. Rod Willert 248-712,
Don Wallis 270.699, Colin Brewer
259.699, Bi11 Mathers 275-697, Bob
Pipe 264-688, Brian Ankara 298-685,
Brad Taylor 248-657. Earl Allison 300-
648. John Kohut 263-647. Dan Rodgers
286. Kevin Lightfoot 283.
Friday Mixed
Bob Smith 314-766. Larry Smith
247+685. Pete Smith 245-675. Heather
Stith 239-658, Wayne Smith 252-648,
__Thm.Rodaers 229426, Rixon Smith 271-
623. Scott Smith 218409, Bob Smith
Jr. 248. Rob Fsastmat 236. Helen Rod
gas 220, Ron Carroll 213. Patty Bow-
erman 213
Men's 1•ter4swn
Lucan 31 -Clition 14; Doug Faro Jr.
349-1252. Don Watt 293-1201. Doug
Fenn Sr. 334-1166. Jim Burt 276-1108.
finsday Mbted
Don Morgan .249486. Fred Wells
269-635, Cheryl Smith 223-627, Rob
Riley 241602, Nina Knee 240, Jim
October 20
tr same winners
Hazel Mchwan
Alice Thiel
Dave Kyle
Thelma Thiel
Svelte winaers
Isabel Rogerson
Loyd Eagleson
Glen. Davidson
Jim Davis
Verna lbbitaon
Pearl McKnight
October 21
4game winners
011ie Ettwery 428
M. Marshall 364
Loyd Ballantync 307
Howard Joins 279
Joe Gosar 278
Sloane w iaaers
&lave.littipahak 514
Alien Johns 410
Pearl McKnight 381
Jim Davis 346
October 22
*game wiwaers
Pearl McKnight 381
Alien/terry 349
Joe:Gear 336
ugh McKay 323
Ktsystcbak 321
Notice: No shuffleboard No-
vember 4.
Mg, Andrew and Chequer were
seventh out of 102 while Steve and
Sue were 25th.
There were over 9,600 horses at
this- yew's -Congress which is the
largest horse chow in North Ameri-
ca and offers over 51,500,000 in
money and privies.
BOSTON - Brothers Murray and
Paul Wareing formerly -of Hensel],
recently competed in the Detroit
Free Press Marathon and did quite
Smith 238, Larry Gibson 228, John Hill
225, Clyde Kooy 222, Marie Jaques
217, John Jaques 208, Kathy Mason
208, Rob Valley 208. Mike Tuxford
Monday Plnevlew Park Group
Cora Stewart 415, Ron Allen 493,
Chris Morgan 353, Min Stewart 402.
H.S. - Ron Allen 202. H.S - Allen
Stewart 155.
Monday Grand Bend Seniors
Dora Rood 532, Jean Dann 515. Ron
Dann 497, Sien Smits 471, Tom Smits
466, Jan Vandervooren 409, Clayton
Lovie 368, Aileen Ravelle 328, Nola
Taylor 309.
Tuesday Arcangets
Joe Fahie 56, David Bressette 113.
Dan Grel*112, Gladwyn Dale 62, Da
vid Fox 53, Don Tiedeman 50, Penny
Casa 76, Oath Peters 82, Doug Needs
Friday Night Mixed
Toadally Mixed Up - Gail Reid 59(.
278,- Ramblers - Andy Miller 545-213,
Hot Shots - Jim Russell 620-263. The
Not's - Al Brown 680-257, Bad Aug
tudes - Brad Barnes 777-281, Bev Cre-
w, Hush Puppies. Sam Willert 565-
Wednesday Motn>ng Ladies
Cavell Brown 411, Ulla Larsen 451,
Anne Armstrong 509, Maida Baynham
413, Linda Webber 593, Wanda Re-
ynolds 462, Rosaleen Berends 448,
Dorothy Kipfez 400, H.S. - Linda Web-
ebber 217 H.$$- Anne Armstrong 187.nesda
Wedy Night Ladies
Repeaters - Betty Deters 700. Lucks
Strikes - Marge Roberts 573, The Shak -
ers - Judy Uniac 4570, Who's It's -
Joyce Hillman, Handi-Capps - Donna
Webster 564. Mimes Two - Janice
McCieamn 593. H. Single - Betty Da -
tars 306, H. Triple - Beggy Datars 702.
H. Average - Sheona Baker 211.
Thursday Grand Cove
Edith McCall 578. Bob McGall 576,
Al Hargreaves 567. Bob Simpson 542,
El Gowing-461, Frank:Allen446, H.S.
- Bob Simpson 223. H.S. - Edith
Monday Go den Age
Alfred Priest 239, Maude Weston
180. Rose Priest 172. LairdJacobe 271,
Ivan Reichert 199, Nora Heard 250,
Mary Jambe 221, Clarence Smillie
205, Jack Lillie 302, Hazel McEwen
311 Gerrie Fleischauer 198, Austin
Hartman. H.S. - Jack Lillie 172. H.S.
Hazel McEwen 169.
Thursday Night Mixed League
Hits and Misses - Tony Bedard 606,
Pin Pickers - Val Ford 513. Pin Crush-
ers - Henry VatderSpek 577. The Liv -
A. ward w1 n n e,',C.
Paul was a star runner with the
South Huron District High School
Panthers in the 1970's and placed.
very high at OFSAA while there.
Pupsstart up
HURON PARK - The Stephen
Township Pacer Pups girls hockey
team started their hockey season
last week and although beaten in
games by Parkhill and Clearwater,
are looking forward to their season.
They will.play a 20 -game regular
season schedule, followed by
ing Legends Rick Mood' 515,
G.M.D.'s - Leroy Meloche 589, Nickel
Nuts - Jim Smith 660.
Saturday Y.B.C.
Bantams - 3 games - Shaun Du
charme 379. Jason Hardy 358, Jenny
Hardy 337, Jonathan Hardy 336, Becks
Meidinger :329, Steven Munn 327,
Ryan Parsons 320, Sara Rooseboom
317, Matthew Laporte 307, Stacey But
son 298, Derek 1)ucharme 292,
Leeanne Shanks 268, Michael-Klassen
266, Craig Schroeder 266, Laura
Shanks 286, Melissa Meidinger 259,
Janne Bengough 250, Meagan Swee
ney 247. Shawn Recker 239. Aaron
Datars 190, Chris O'Brien 125. Pee
wees and Smurfs - 2 games - Joey
Rader 148, Julia Hardy 137, Bevan
Butson 130.
Sunday Y.B.C.
People in the House - Scott Gould
689. Nata_s - Greg Cregan 603. Wild
Things - Stacey Wilding 584, Strike
Force 1 - Chad Wildinr 760, Blue Jays
- Jim Denomme 496, !Zurich Strikers
Kent Beirting 567.
Compo tournament team winners.
Girls: Bantam - Jenny Hardy, Junior
Alicia Schroeder. Senior - Stacey Wild
ing. Boys Bantam - Jason Hardy, Jun
for - Jonathan Hardti, Senior - Soot.
Monday Ladles League
Gutter Gang - Dianne Becker 621,
Red Devils - Sandra Dickcrt 637, Aller
Cats - Sheona Baker 663, Town S:
Country - Hilda Vanderhoek 641, Hai'
py Gang - Sherrie Edwards 541, Aller
()ops - Anita Fater 631, Packers
Mona Kraft 479, Silly Six - Connie
Finlayson 495, Pmpoppers - Theresa
Stark 441, Odds 'n' Ends - Karen
Campbell 839. Jolly Six - Nell
McCann 518. Frisky Five - Barb
Reschke 463. High Single - Anita Fa-
ber 327, Karen Campbell 298. High
Triple - Trudy Rooseboom 754, Karen
Campbell 839. Hit$h Average - Brenda
Dayman 225.3.
Tuesday Mens League
Hensel' Boomers - Mike Lebold 547.
Hookers - Jason Schilbe 674, Roh
Vanderhoek 303, Family Affair - Jerry.
Thiel 669. Market - 011ie Edwards 754,
La-Cryatal Balls - Terry Sweiger 578,
e - Torn Smits 623, Highml-
iers - aul Rood 583. Big Daddy Shin-
dig - Darrel Rattray 528, Rockets -
Gatry Huston 666, High Single - Jim
Bedard 307, High Triple - Frank
Homer 768. High Average - Gary Hu
mon 234.
Saturday Ladies Inter -town
Zurich II 3 pts. vs. Seaforth 24 pts.
Donna Webster 553, Joyce Hillman
549. Zurich 19 pts. vs. Molesworth.
Pat Palen 670. Sherrie Edwards 595.
Saturday Men's Etter -town
Molesworth I 35 pts. vs. Zurich 10
pts. Gay Huston 1086. Frank Palen
Tho _Exeter Centennial Senior Soccer Club held their annual wrap-up banquet on Saturday
night and handed out wellldeserved-iropl'i es. -Wining -the -sportsmanship and dedication trop-
phv was left, Peter Hakvoort, MVP trophy recipient Pat Donnelly and the Hustle Award -winner
George Mcfwan.
High -low qualifying rounds begin
By Ron Dann
The Hiram Walker Special Old
High -low Doubles Championship
league qualifying round begins
On, week in Bluewater 5 Pin
Howler'• Association zone bowl-
ing centres from Mount Forest to
the Zurich 5 Pin Association Town
and Country Lancs.
The individual highest and low-
est league howlers will be matched
as a two bowler team, then the sec-
ond highest and second lowest etc.
These teams will compete for five
weeks in the pins over average for-
mat in their own Special Old
Ieaugc round.
Special Old league qualifying
Creams will then go on to the Special
Old Bluewater Association zone fi-
nials from where die winning games
will advance to the Special Old On -
Town honours top
athletes with
annual awards
EXETER - Town council last
week honoured Exeter's top athletes
with awards presentations in the
council chambers.
Recipients of the awards all dis
anguished themselves at the pro
vincial championship level.
Joe Fulop received a plaque m
recognition of becoming the 1992
A11 -Ontario Crokinole Champion.
Derwyn Hodgins -received a
Plaque for his part as pitcher for the
'Shedden Pests in the Eastern Cana-
dian Intermediate Men's Fastball
Championships in New Brunswick
in September.
Shawn and Allan McFalLs were
recognized for their gold medal in
lawn bowling pairs at the Ontario
Summer Games. Jacklyn Wright
and Laura Pearson also won a gold
-medal in lawn bowling pairs at the
same event
Andrea Weigand received her
plaque for her gold medal in girls
singles lawn bowling at the Games.
Wright, Pearson. and Weigand
also formed a girls triples lawn
bowling team and won a bronze
medal at the Games.
Lawn bowling coaches. Peter and
Gltxia McFalls received plaques
for their part in coaching Ibe.teaalns
to the provincial finals.
All members of the Exeter Roy-
als received plaques for their Ban-
tam Boys "C" final win at the 1992
Ontario Amateur Softball Associa-
tion championships.
Also, council will be presenting
all members of the 1991-92 Exeter
Mohawks with plaques for being
the Ontario Hockey Association
Senior AA champions.
tario Championships February 27 in
a Ontario Five Pin Bowlers' Assoti-
ation (O.F.P.B.A.) designated iota -
tion under Canadian Five Pin Bowl-
ers' Association (C.F.P.B.A.) rules.
1A/hal 's Her.,
Stephen Township
Men's Hockey League
Thurs. Oct. 29
CHD vs. JMR, 7 p.m.
Sun. Nov. J
Mt. Carmel vs. Shogun, 4:30 p.m.
Gaiser Kneale vs. CHD, 6 p.m.
Grand Bend vs. HABS, 7:30 p.m.
JMR vs. Marauders, 9 p.m.
Mon. Nov. 2
Mt. Carmel vs. Maruaders, 8 pm.
all gamer at Stephen Twsp. Arena)
Exeter Men's
Hockey League
Thurs. Oct. 29
Big 0 vs. Whalers, 9:30 p.tn.
(at South Huron Arena)
Met Life vs. Indians, 8:30 p.m.
Outlaws vs. Haugh Tire, 9:45 p.m.
(both games at Stephen Twsp. Are-
OHA Senior A
Wed. Oct. 28
Exeter at Strathroy, 8:15 p.m
Fri. Oct. 30
Exeter at Dorchcstc: 8:30 p.m.
Sten. Nov. 1
Ingersoll at Exeter, 7:30 p.m.
OHA Junior Development
Wed. Oct. 28
Parkhill at Lucy,, 8:15 p.m
Fri. Oct. 30
Seaforth at Exeter. 8:30 pm.
Northmiddlesex at Mitchell,
8:30 pm.
Sat. Oct. 3/
Lucan at Mt. Brydges, 8:30 pm.
Nortiuniddlesex at Belmont,
7:30 ..m
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