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Times -Advocate,. October 14, 1992
Drew Robertson
"Definitely NO, there may be
good points in the accord but
endorsing it at this time is
like signing a blank cheque
that will be payable for years
and years to come. I strongly
disagree with the proposed
seat allocation in the House
of Commons and the fact
that in the proposed new
Senate certain senators effec-
tively will have two votes on
selected issues. Let's face it,
if all the doom and gloom the
YES politicians are threaten-
ing us with as a result of a no
vote were true, do you really
think they'd give us the vote
at all? I'm confident that the
. sun will shine -on Canada on
the 27th."
Bruce Brolley
"I'm not sure yet. We have
some information corning
from the 1-800 number but
it has not arrived yet. I don't
like the way it is set up with
only a yes or no.answer. It is
not a black and white issue
there is some grey. We can't
sacrifice one for the other."
Roy Hider
Grand Bend
"No. I disapprove of the ap-
proval of legislation section
which says bills that material-
ly affect French language or
French culture would require
approval by a majority of
Senators voting and by a ma-
jority of the Francophone
Senators voting. The House
of Commons would not be
able to override the defeat of
a bill in this category by the
Todd Desaulniers
Grand Bend
"Yes. For our country. To
keep Canada the best country
in the world and keep it to-
George Latta
Grand Bend
"Yes. I love Canada and I
want to keep it that way."
Lisa Tuckey
"1 don't know yet. We haven't
been given enough informa-
tion about the referendum to
Bob Mann
Grand Bend
"Yes. I'm voting for a better
Canada and against those
demagogues that are trying to
tear it apart.
Ron Helmrich
Exeter Paint and Paper
"We are going to gather any in-
formation we can and contact all
sources, sit down, read it, discuss
it and decide from there. We
have received lots of information
but only what that informant
wants to tell us."
Bill Harwood
Grand Bend
"Yes. We have to do something
and this is a start in the right
Thanksglving at Thames Road
By Rinds Rebde
Duncan welcomed everyone to the
Thanksgiving meeting of the
U.C:W. in the church basement of
the U.C.W. in the church basement
with 24 ladies present. Dorothy
gave the theme "Journey of Faith"
and a very impressive Call to Wor-
ship and Prayer.
The ladies sang "Count Your
Blessings". Nancy Hodgert read the
scripture Luke 8:1.4.
Dorothy presented a real informa-
tive skit "Stories of Journeys" of
the last 30 years when the U.C.W.,
became one organization with Mel-
onie Miller, Pat Ballantyne, Nancy
and Dorothy taking pan. The ladies
sang "Come Ye Thankful People
Pat and Melonie received the of-
fering and Nancy led in prayer.
Melonie read a poem on
"Thanksgiving". Nancy gave a hu-
morous reading one of Giselc Ire-
Dorothy gave a reading written
by the late Victor Jeffery, "The
Thames Road Church". Dorothy
closed the very impressive worship
service with prayer.
Our president Judith Parker
opened the business part of the
meeting with a poem "Another Per-
son We Should Say Thank You To,
Our Custodian".
The usual business was dealt
with. The roll call was answered
with bringing something to deco-
rate the church for Thanksgiving.
Our U.C.W. received an invitation
from Elimville U.C.W. to attend
their October meeting on Wednes-
day 28 at 8 p.m.
A Women's Retreat is to he held
at Mitchell United Church on Octo-
ber 24.
Anyone can go for a walk and sec
the coloured leaves at Bannockburn
on Sunday, October 18.
The ladies decided to cater to the
4-}1 banquet at Kirkton-Woodham
Community Centre on November
The meeting was closed with the
singing of "May the Good Lord
Bless and Keep You" and Judith
closed with prayer.
The ladies partook of muffins and
jams and beverage. The basement
was tastefully decorated with
rpumpkins, mums etc.
Church service
Rev. Jim Allsop was the leader
for the Thanksgiving church ser-
vice on Sunday morning. The con-
gregation read responsively.
The choir sang "Come Ye Thank-
ful People Come" accompanied by
the organist Jean Hodgert.
The congregation sang the chil-
dren's hymn "Count Your Bless-
ings" and Rev. Allsop told the chil-
dren's story "Saying thanks". Rev.
Allsop read the Scripture Lesson 2
Timothy 2:8-15 and Luke 17:11-
19. The title of his sermon was
"The Rarity of Gratitude."
The church was tastefully deco-
rated with vegetables, fruit, pump-
kin filled with mums, also baskets
of mums and jute bows and pieces
of wheat.
Coming events
Sunday, October 18, at 11 a.m. is
the Thames Road Church Anniver-
sary with special music by Graemc
Craig and Rev. Jim Allsop is the
There will be no services at
Thames Road Church on Sunday.
October 25 owing to Elimville An-
niversary at 10 a.m.
Sunday, November 1 at 7:30 p.m.
the Covenanting Service. A service
of celebration for the minister, Rev.
Jim Allsop and the congregations
of Thames Road and Elimvillc, in-
dicating the responsibilities of the
new minister to the charge, as well
as the responsibilities of the con-
gregations to the minister. Please
join with us at Elimville United
Church. Fellowship will follow.
Monday, November 9, Open
Meeting at Thames Road United
Church at 8 p.m. The Thames Road
Elimville Pastoral Charge have in-
vited neighbouring rural churches
to attend an "Open Meeting" for
sharing and discussion. The theme
of the meeting will be "Visioning
for the Church's Revitalization and
Growth". We encourage you to at-
Mrs. Donna Van Allen, Rachel,
Tyler and Sarah of the Kitchener
area spent Thanksgiving with the
former's parents Floyd and Marga-
ret Stewart.
Dave and Brenda Moran, Bren-
dan and Allyssa of Toronto, Wendy
Ballantyne of London spent
Thanksgiving with their parents
Lorne and Pat Ballantyne.
Rev. Jim Alisop spent Thanksgiv
ing with his parents Jim and Marga-
ret Allsop of Guelph.
Dave and Sharon Passmore, Tom
and Jon were Thanksgiving guests
with Gordon and Myrtle Pengelly
of Belgrave.
Dashwood hosts euchre
DASHWOOD - Ten tables were with men's high score won by An-
in action at the euchre party held thony Martens.
Wednesday, October 7 at Dash- Low lade position was won by
wood Community Centre. Madeline Dalton, Grand Bend, aro
At the close of play the winner of the low man position was won by
most lone hands for ladies was won Florence Martens, playing a man's
by Annie Finkbeiner, of Zurich. card.
The men's lone hands winner was The next euchre will be October
Harold Finkbeiner, Shipka. 21 at the Dashwood Community
High lady position was won by Centre. .
Norma Walper, Grand Bend area,
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