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Timer -Advocate October 14, 1992 Page 3
Grand Bend residents debate oonstitutional referendum
Continued from front page
than by patronage as they will like-
ly run under the ..olours of the van-
ous parties?"
To this MP Cardiff replied. " Pat-
ronage will and, but my personal
preference would be for no Senate".
When asked by Ted Thruston of
Grand Bend about the mle of the
federal -government in Caigtda
Mortgage and Housing Corporation
if more power goes to the provinc-
es. Cardiff said, " It is already a
shared program and 1 can't see any
withdrawal of federal funds".
The audience was told a second
official language in the province of
New Brunswick is already covered
in the Charter of Rights
Roy Hider of Grand Cove Estates
was concerned that Quebec politi-
cians would he able to veto any-
thing in the House of Common:
and "push it down our throat~".Hc
was told these veto powers apple
only in Quebec
An audience member who said he
lived in Quebec tor 12 years felt
the immigration section on page 10
of the document was written for
Quebec. He added, " 1t looks as if
Quebec would get the pick and we
get what's left over".
Ralph Ferguson -replied that all
provinces would have a say in lay-
ing down the rules of immigration.
Ron Crown of Grand Bend feels
a referendum isn't necessary say-
ing, "It should be left to the politi-
cians to decide. With it going
ahead, we should be told what hap-
pens in either case of a yes or no
victory. With asteriks beside 26
clauses in the document it should
be known as the asterik referen-
Bob Mann, new resident of
Grand Bend asked Ferguson, "If we
vote yes, will the government go
through with it? Let's remove that
uncertainty "
Ferguson replied, `' If the vow
goes yes 1 will push for implemen-
tation. But, if the majority of my
constituents vow no, my vote
would. reflect their wishes".
C arditfagreed saying, " We have
all worked togelhes on this and we
would approve a yes vote. To this a
lady in the cmwd queried, " Why
have a referendum when it is not
Laurie Mandl of Grand Bend
was quick to offer, I don't think it
matters a damn which way the vote
goes. When are our politicians- go-
ing to get back to running the coun-
try? To hell with the constitution".
To this David Core commented,
"Why arc we talking constitution
when NAFTA is going to affect us
so much? I'm opposed to mind
games while the Americanization
of Canada in agriculture is going
Ferguson agreed with Menet! and
Core th. ,ititicians should get
back to truing to improve. the econ-
omy -
Murray Reid asked Ferguson for
the meaning of distinct society and
was told Quebec constitutes within
Canada a distinct society, which in-
cludes a French speaking majority,
a unique culture and a civil law tra-
CoLncil considers library upgrades
ZURICH - Reeve Bob Fisher pre -
sented . to Zurich village council
Thursday evening a report on Hu-
ron County's libraries, and while he
• 'said -the -branch is well -used -and
very much in demand by the pub -
he said (here are some criu-
cisms of which council should
make now
Th..Zurich library circulated
22.43+, volumes last year. one of
me highest m the county. The larg-
est circulation was the 105,755 vol-
umes circulated by Goderich, the
lowest 753 volumes at Bluevale, a
branch which was later closed.
However, Fisher said council
should consider that the Zurich
branch, located in the basement of
the village office, has its shortcom-
"You can sce the areas where we
fall down.," said Fisher, referring to
the report. "Access to handicapped
we don't have, book drop we don't
have," said Fisher. •
Fisher added the report indicated
the branch did not have enough
floorspace, considering the number
of users and the number of books
on the shelves.
"Too small and no room for ex -
pansion," summarized Fisher.
Otherwise. -Said -Fisher, -the villag-
ers should be pleased with their h-
brary and the service it offers.
Councillor Marg Dcichert agreed
that the library was a much -used
service in Zurich and she noted.lhe
concerns about the safety of the
stairs -and -hallway -lighting -should -
also be corrected.
Only one case heard
in Exeter court
EXETER - A Gadshill area man was found guilty of following too
closely in the only case before traffic court in Exeter last Tuesday.
The court heard that on August 23 at approximately 2:23 p.m., a
vehicie operated by Dennis M. Brodhagen of RR2 Gadshill, Ontario
ran into the back of a vehicle operated by Richard Gmgerich of Zu-
Damage to the Gmge-
rich vehicle was estimated
at S2,00() while the Brod-
hagen vehicle sustained
about S2,500 damage
Justice -of the Peace
Karen Sturdy fined Brod-
hagen $78.75 and gave
him 30 days to pay the fine.
dition. Ferguson added, " This soci-
etycannot he broadened".
One of inc last remarks came
?tarn 1 ucy Sage of Grand Cove Es-
tates. " I feel sad for Canada. I've
heard lot, o! negative remarks.
We're all Canadians. tin sad for
Canada. We're kicking it span.
We're not giving, but taking"
Todd Desaulniers of Grand Bend,
a member of the panel and the in-
formation committee for Lembton
Middlesex said, " I thought it was a
good meeting. There was some hos-
tility at die beginning, but when
they got some answers about the
Quebec situation they settled
Letters to the editoi
Hospital critical to survival
Dear Sir
Thiletter is in response to the
artist ' in the Times Advocate of
Octotx'r 7 i992 "Hospital in Top
300 hilt Reeve questions emergen-
cy moue, service In order that
your reading public may be made
aware of misinformation and erro-
ncoi, information contained in
this article, I am compelled to
write this letter for publication in
your paper
First. 1 would like to address
comments accredited to Mr. Wild-
er. Five ambulances amved al the
hospital with minimal advance no-
tice of their arrival. My informa-
tion ,s that there were eleven peo-
ple who amved at this time. Ven
important is that the doctor was in
the emergency room at the time of
amv:,,, all of the patients who ar-
rive,' were assessed immediately
and x-rays were taken within one
how A second local doctor and
additional nursing staff were
called in to -help -with this situa-
With regard to comments about
doctors not looking atter patients
in the emergen-
cy room, the fol-
lowing should
clarify this situa-
tion. Every doctor
looks after their
own phdents in the
.. emergency room. In addition to this
coverage a master schedule is pro
duced to look after the overall cov-
erage of the emergency mom. Re-
lief from participation in this
schedule is granted to any doctor
who reaches a certain age; to opt in
or out is the doctor's decision. Doc-
tors who do opt out of this schedule
look after their patients and re-
spond to the hospital when the need
arises. There is no hesitation by any
doctor to respond to emergency sit-
We anticipate continuance of the
use of fully trained physicians (in-
terns are not licenced and not used
at South Huron Hospital) for many,
years into the future. The issue of
bypass is being studied -across the
province to light of a project in Es-
sex County. Not all doctors support
this potential chank.
Finally, I would like to make a
comment on the tone of this article
as felt by all people involved with
this hospital. It is unfortunate that
your paper chose to connect a pri-
vate -citizen's complaint (unsub-
stantiated) with a good news article
about the ranking of your hospital
it appears that the Times Advocate
is more interested in praising the
Clinton Hospital than their own
and more interested in discrediting
this hospital.
in today's environment support
for your local hospital could he
very.critical to their very survival.
I believe that is it imperative that
we have the support of our local
paper. To this end, over the next
few weeks we can engage in a pro-
gramme that will impart informa-
tion to you regarding South Huron
Hospital. Armed with this knowl-
edge 1 am confident that you and
the citizens of Exeter and area will
be able to address any rumours and
inuendo about their/your-hospital.
Donald S. Currell
Demonstrate a willingness to change
Homeowners, Merchants, Busi-
Please note that we have just run
out of time in dealing with our
waste, and Council may be forced
to take stem measures in the im-
mediate future.
Over the last few years we have
debated the value of the blue box
program. We reluctantly adopted
the project because other alterna-
tives didn't seem to be effective,
and we believed that people must
be given the visablc impression
that they are helping. in tact, how-,
evc:. the cost of this programme
may outstrip our ability to pay for
it, but more importantly, it is not
the most effec-
tive of all our
strategies m
eliminating waste
and reducing the
load in our landfill. i
All of as »ucsr
stop using products that are inap-
propriately packaged for the 1990's
whether we're shoppers or grocery
store owners or manufacturers. We
may reach a point by the end of this
year that we will refuse to take cer-
tain products, such as cardboard
and charge for 'excess' garbage
placed by the roadside.
Composting should be a way .of
life. Searching for consumer prod-
that produce minimum waste
should be a prerequisite of pur-
chasing. Bottles, some boxes and
some containers should be re -used.
Through purchasing power. we
have the ability to make changes:
let's exercise it
Please demonstrate a willingness
to make these changes before
Council is forced to legislate re-
strictions and levies. . Please cal!
the municipal office for more in-
B.F. Shaw
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