HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-10-07, Page 24Page 24 Tires -Advocate, October 7, 1992
Karl and Mary Rester ate pleased to an-
nounce the forthcoming managed their
daughter Shed' Mane, to Nichatas David,
son of Fled and tau Petrol of lbonihill, On
tano. The wedding will take place an Octo-
ber 17, 1992, at 2:30 p.m. at St. Banifacc
Church, Zurich, (Mum, 41c
cey are pleased to announce the safe arrival
of their first-born sat, Arron Janeu, on
Monday, September 21, 1992 at 6:56 p.m
weighing 9 lbs. 0 ora. Proud grandprenu
are Sharon and John Bullock and Barb and
Leroy Melodic. Special thanks to Dr. Hay
and the excellent nursing cuff ai Clinton
Public Hospital 41•
FiNKBEINER - Mike and Laura ar ;proud
to announce the birth of their daughter, Shu
fa Elamne Grace, bon September 28, 1992 at
St Joseph's Hospital Proud grandparents
are keg and Pauline Finkbeiner, Crediton,
Bob and Sylvia Logan, Rodney, Ouo and
Brenda Smalc, Winnipeg Great
grandmothers art Laura Finkbeuner, Credn
ton, Rut» Fitzsimons, Bayfidd and (trace
Sass. ked Deer, Alberta and great
grandfather Howard Smalc, Uansall 41
Parsons and Brenda Pander Parsons arty.
please] w announce the birth of their first
child, James Gerald Witham. Jamie amved
on September 21, 1992 and weighed 8 lbs..
9 ou. Grandparents are Marlene and Gena•
Parsons and Jim and Elaine Pinder of Exet •
er. A special thank you to family and fnends
for their enthunasuc support 4Inc
SMITH-WESTLAKE • Gerry and Shannon
of Godench . are pleued to announce the
birth of their sat, Zachary Floyd, 7 lbs., 4
ozs. at Sr. Josephs Hospital, London, an Fn -
day, September 25, 1992. Proud grandpar-
ents an: Floyd and Mary Westlake and Har
old and Joan Small, 41•
BILCKE • Thank you to my family, fnends
and relatives for the visas, flowers, phone
calls and cards sent to me while in hospital
and since renaming home. liverythmg was
very much appreciated. Thank you all
4i. Janet
BLAIR - 1 would like to thank my family,
relatives and friends for the visits, flowers,
treats, cards and phone calls while 1 was in
the hospital and since retunung home
Thanks to Dr. Tilbey and nurses at Alexan
ocr Menne Hospital, Godcrich. It was all
greatly appreciate.:
4!• Bob
CHARLTON - What a surprise! 1 watt to
say a big trunk you to my family, friends.
relatives and neighbours for the beautiful
gilts. cards, dinners and the surpnse party to
start off my 50s; also for the lovely picture
to the paper Words will never express my
feelings. 1 love you all
4L Sheila
COATES • My sincere thanks and apprura
Lion to all who remembered me while a pa-
uent in Aleaandra Menne Hospital, Gode-
nch and since returning home. Thanks to Dr
Ohnole, Dr. Pearce and nurses. Specnl
thanks to Dr. Gans
COATES • Our sincere and heartfelt thankh
to aur friends and relatives for the flosses
situ, cards and 'telephone calls we received
on our 65th Wedding Anniversary. Special
thanks to our family and The Osman,' for
the delicious dinner and to those who visited
with us
41 • Whitney and Viola
PREMLIN • 1 would lite to Mink the Cen-
tralia and area ladies, MoCudy staff, 'The
Milverton Suns, The 'Country Clan", the
former Qinton Raiders, and friends and vela
bye. for their various showers, lovely gifts,
entertainment and wamn wishes. Your
thoughtfulness is overwhehning and sincere
ly appreciated
41 • Sandi
LAMPORT • 1 would tike to thank my fan
ily and friends for the vias, flowers, cards
and phone calls while 1 was in St. Joseph i
Hospital and since returning home. It was all
greatly appreciated
41' Writ
LOVE: - We wish to thank each and even
one of you for helping make our 400 Wed
ding Anniversary such a Joyous occastai
The cards, phone calls, flowers and gifts
meant so much to us. We also thank the en
tertaners at our parry and also the chivare
gang We will remember and chensh this
41' Jim and Marg
McLELLAi - 1 would hkr tar thank the
Krppen UCW for the conimunny shower
held an my honour The beautiful gifts and
wane wishes received from fnends and
neighbours are very much appreciated bs
bah Dan and myself
41• Robyn
MILLER•TOORNSTRA - We wish to ea
press a "Big Thank You" to our wedding
party and families for pianntng such a great
Buck 'n' Doe. Thanks to everyone who carte
and celebrated with us.
41 • With love,
Shelly and Sam
MOTLEY - The immediate family and
close retaoves of the late A. Grace Moles
formerly of Crediton and Exeter, wish to
convey sincere appreciation for the many es -
prcastons of love, support and sympathy
shown to than during the loss of a dear
mother, grandmother and sister. We are
deeply grateful to Rev. Ed Laksmams of
Zion United Chum.. Crediton for his
prayers and words of comfort. to the ladies
who provided the lovely lunch and to R.0
Dines Funeral Servers. Your thoughtful-
ness will always be remembered
4L Joyce and Jack Church, Burlington
Nancy and Verne Armstrong, Kitchener.
Jack and Wanda Elliott, Kanas
Ruth Skinner, Credner
RATZ - We world sincerely like to thank
our family, fnends and relauves for the love
Iv cards and gilts we received on the coxa
non of our 50th Wedding Anmversary. A
very special thank you. to our family for all
the planting, decorating and all the pleasant
surprises they had for us during the day,
making our Golden Annsversary a very ape
cal occasion. one we will always remember
41 • Ervin and Nola
REDER • We would like to take this oppor-
tunity to thank our fnends and relauves who
came to our Open House and for all the
beautiful cards and gifts and to our families
who did so much to make our day special.
Also to our grandchildren and especially
Margery Hayter for all her help
4k Jake and Elsie 1
160th Hk*da)
Open House. Mrs. Olive Melting will be
celebrating her 100th Birthday, October 18
from 2.4 p.m. at the bon's Club Youth Cen-
tre. John St. W., Exeter. Bent wishes only.
Wedding reception
Open wedding reception for Arad Skinner
and Sandi Prentltn, October 9, 1992. Huron
Park Recreation (',entre, 9 p.m -1 am Hope
`fnends will he able to help as celebrate 41
f iNIFlSiVl "1
BiEBER • In loving memory of Gordon,
who passed away October 8, 1991
There will always be a heartache.
And often a silent tear.
Hut always precious memones.
Of days when you were here
Always remembered and sadly massed b)
his wife Evelyn and famih 41
HROCK - In loving memory of a dear
mother, Myrtle Brock, who passed away a
year ago, ()etcher 8, 1991, and our dear to
ther, Noonan Hrock, who passed awes Au
gust 30, 1985
There will always he a heartache.
And many a silent tear,
But always the precious memory
Of the days when'you were herr
We hold you close within our hearts,
And there you will remaur,
lo walk with us throughout our lives
Until we meet ague
Remembering you is earl ,
We do it every day,
But missing -you isa heanache.
That never goes awas •
There,comes a time for all of us
When we must say goodbye.
Hut memories of those we love,
Lave on -and never die.
So those who have a mother.
Love her while you may ,
For we wish with all our hearts,
That we had ours today
Always remembered by family, Manors,
Burton, Dons, Bill, Doreen, Bill. Margaret,
Bob, Bill, Jamce and families 4 t:
CANN - In loving memory of our dear
mother, Betty (inn, who passed away 25
years ago, October 8.
You will be in our hearts forever
41c Mary Anne, Cathy and Hanes
DAVEY - In loving memory of my mouser
who passed away October 5, 1990
She had a nature you could not help love,,
And a heart that was purer than gold,
T o those who knew her and loved her,
Her memory will never grow cold
Aiways love] by daughter Leona, Reg and
Tamils 4r•
DINNER - In loving memory of my dear
husband Don, who passed away seven years
ago, October 11, 1985
Someone remembers, someone cares.
Your name is whispered m my prayers,
A uncle, a tear, a thought sincere.
How often I wish that you were here
Sadly massed by Mane 41
DiNNEY • In loving memory of our father
Donald, who passed away October 11, 1985
We are thankful for the tunes we abated.
They realty were the best,
Within our hearts we truly feel,
That we have been nchly fiiessed,
We will cherish all our memones.
They are full of love and care,
They remind us that we had a dad.
Who was the best beyond compare
Remembered always be Gary and Hamm:.
Dale and Carol, 1 alhy.and Bill, Bran at.
Sheila, Steve and Diane, Scan and Sue. Der
ck and Karst;
October 11, 1992
9:30 a re - Chnsban Education
11:"0 a.m - Worship Service
Everyone Welcome
Corner of James and Andrew St
Flay. John C. Hdborn
Rev. Cordell Parsons
Music Director
Ralph Topp
• October 11, 1992 - 11:00 ern
Young Adutt Class 9:30 a.m
Church School 11:00 a m
Courtesy car. Peter Snell
Nursery provided
At services taped
Everyone Welcome
68 Main Street South
Minister: Rev. Mark B. Gaskin
Clerk of Session • Mr. James Dougall
Organist Alias Carolyn Love
Sunday, October 11
9:45 a.m. Worship Service
Thanksgiving Service
and Sunday school
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Main St. North
Pastor Rev. Sleds Vander Meer
Worship Services
October 11
10:00 a.rn
Sunday School ages 3 -grade 4
during morning SO PACO
7:160 p.m
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m
Daily T.V
Faith 20 Global 5:30 a.m
'Wu either leave our marls on the world
or trio world leaves Its mark on us -
Huron Street East, Exeter
Sunday, October 11
10:00 a.m. Worship
11:10 a.m. Sunday School
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship Senna,
Nursery available
Everybody welcome
Come and Worahtp with us
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor Rev. Kevin Rutledge
Sunday, October 11
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m.Moming Worship
7:00 p.m. Evening Fallowlihip
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyone Welcome
264 Main Street
Exeter, Ontano
,The Rev. Fay M
18th Sunday atter Pentecost
October 11, 1992
t t -15 a.m. Holy Euchanst
and Confirmation
Thanksgiving Sunday
Sunday School
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30-11:00 a.m. Fellowship Time
11:00 a.m. Family Bible Hour
7:00 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
Tuesday evenings
8:00 p.m. - Bible Study
All services are heldet
94 Orchard Street
Everyone Welcome
For more inlonnadon please
call 22941181
670 Main St. S
Pastor Vernon Dean
Assistant Pastor Kevin D. Rogers
Sunday. October 11
8:30 a.m. Worship Service
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
11A30 a.m. Worship Service
7:00 p.m. Family Night
Programs for au sages
Nursery available for dap services
'A place to meet God and a friend"
DINNEY - In loving memory of our (ham
pa Donald. who passed awas October 11.
Dear Grampa
You are the wand beneath our wing►
lovingly remembered by Christopher,
Amanda, B.1.. Tahitha and new grandchil
dren Donald, Rebekah and Richard. Dayna
and David and Melissa 41'
HAUCH • 1n loving memory of a dear caster
and sister-tn-faw, i)ebbie who passed awas
suddenly 19 years ago, October 6, 1971
As time unfolds another year
Silent memories keep vets near
No longer to our lives to shart
Hut in our hearts you arr always then
To some you may he forpottet;
To others a part of the pas.
But to those who hosed and lost You,
Your memory will ever last
l,ovmgly remembered and sadly missed hs
Jacqui and Charlie 41..
Rt!ND1.I 1n loving memory of a dear
grandpa and father-in-law, William Rundle.
who passed awas 15 years ago. Ocdoter 12.
Nothing can ever take awns
The love a heart holds dean,
Fond memones linger even else
Remembrance• keeps him neat
lovingly remembered try Gerald Tem and
Serie 41,
BECKER - At Queensway Nursing Home,
Hensel!, an Sunday. October 4, 1992, Henry
Jacob Becker, formerly of Zurich and RR 1.
Dashwood, in his 94th year Beloved hus-
band of Annie (Brandt) Hecker Loved fa -
thee and father-in-law of Lorne and luhel
Becker of Rle : Dashwood: Martha and
Wilmer Pfaff of RR 3, Dashwood; Shirley
and Donald Glanville of Huron Park- Cher
fished by 13 grandchildren and 19 great-
grandchildren. Dear brother of Mrs. Barbara
7enhydt of Kitchener. Rudolph of Dash-
wood, Albers of Tavistock. Vernon of Exeter
and Mrs Gerald (Elfreida h Pastorious of
London. Predeceased by his son, Allan (July
1991); brother William, Valentine, Ed-
mund, Lawrence, Otto. sisters Qhrisme
Brandt and Martha l ckstean Rested al the
T. Harry Hoffman R Sons Funeral Home,
Dashwood where the funeral service was
held an Tuesday, October 6, 1992 at 2 pm.
Pastors Stephen Alles and Larry Stojkovic
officiated. Interment m St Peter's Lutheran
Cemetery, Zurich. Memorial donauans to St.
Peters Lutheran Qsurch, 'Lunde Zion Lu-
theran Church, Dashwood or charity' of
twice would be appreciated. Mr. and Mrs
Becker celebrated their 67th Wedding Annt -
versary to January 41:
ERB - At the Blur Water Rest Home, Zu
nch, on Saturday. October 3, 1992, Mrs
Matue (Kennel) Erb: m her 89th year. Be-
loved wife of the late Edmund Erb (19891.
Dear mother and mother -tat -law of Roy of
RR 3, Zurich, Margaret and Cleve Gingench
of RR 1, Grand Band: Grace and Irvin Mar-
tin and Mary Lou Erb, all of Zurich: Pearl
Ann, Mahlon Mann of RR 3. Hayfield. Pre-
deceased by 1 son Clifford (1928) a daugh-
ter -m -law Doreen (Mrs. Roy Erb) (1992,, 2
brothers, Jake and Michael Kennel and by 7
sisters Mary Matson, Katie Boahan, Emma
Gmgentdh, Clara and Nancy Koehler, Elda
Smith and Ada Boshan and by two grand-
children. Also survived by 17 grandchildren
and 16 great-grandchildren. Rested in the
Zunch Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor Fu-
neral Homes, 49 Goshen Street North, on
Monday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m., thaice w
Zurich Mennonite Church where the funeral
service was conducted on Tuesday, October
6. at 2 p.m. with Pastors Wtnstan Munn and
Ephraim Gingench offsaaung. kite -mem in
B e Mennonite Cemetery. As expressions
of sympathy doniauons w Zunch Mennonite
Church Building Fund or the chanty of
twice would be appreaared 41..
HEYWOOD • At Victoria Hospital, West
manner Carpus on Saturday, October 3.
1992, Alice (Robichaud) Heywuod of Las
don, formerly of Exeter, in her 74th year
Beloved wile of the late Raymond Heywood
(1983). Dear mother of Sandra and Willian,
Struyke of London. Dear grandmother of Al
tan and Lisa. Dear sister of Rotande, Juan,
Theresa and Claudeuc, all of Montreal, Ro
land of Quebec City and Phil of ler unin
Predeceased by sisters Marga and Ray
monde and brother Gerald. Resting at the
liupper-Iiockey Funeral Hume, 370 William
Street, Exeter . The Funeral Mass will be
cerebrated at Tnvin Mcnional Clutch, Pic
c:taus Blood Mission, Mahn Sued Jixeter un
Wdineaday, October 7 at 11 a.m. with Fa
Met Dentis Wilhelm officsawhg. Intervent
Fattier Cemetery.- Donations to the Canadian
Cancer Society or the Cerebral Palsy hewn
dation would bc appreciated by the family
Prayers will bc said in the funeral home
uesday evading at 7 p.m 4k
PRYDE • At Vacutra Hospital, Latin at
Huntley, October 5, 1992, lotus B. -lack-
Prydc of Exec, in tun 78th year. Beloved
husband of hazel (Wuudall) Prydc. Dear fa
titer of John D. Pryde and Marilyn of Exeter,
Peggy and Richard Von Drank of Bernie
Peter J. and Pat Pryde of Hensall. Loving
gtandfafher of Kristine Nicole Pryde. Broth-
er of J. Duuglaa of Oakville, Ruben B. of
London and the late Ray Prydc. Resting at
the R. C. Dinhey Funeral Hume, Janes
Street, Lister where the funeral service will
be held on Wednesday. October 7, at 2 pm
with Rev. Mark Gaskin of liven Presbyter)
an Church dficiaun Cremation. Interment
to follow in attarry. 41..
kC;Ilill1CJ��l -
Wed. Oct. 7
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Stephen Township Communii
Centre - Crediton
50th Altutiversary
for Grace iSr Clarence Falmer
Their family wish to invite
friends, neighbours and rela-
tives to a dance at the
Exeter LefflOn on
Saturday, October 17
from 9 pm. to 1 a.m.
Best wishes only please
&e,1 aira"foe
Kelly Hodgson &
John Rooney
Sat, Oct. 10
8 p.n.
Huron Park Rec Centrk:
Hwy 25th Ar ivivt-rs.auy
Rtrrlutvtvt & FRsd Nsreijn
Oci 7. 1992
FROM yotat ]AMI
HAppy 2 5i1f Mom ANd Dad
Oc,. 7, 1992
Happy 75th Birthday Violet
Jean Schwartzentruber
The most kind generous loving
Mother anyone could ask tor.
(She would not allow her picture
to be published)
Sat. Oct 10
For details phone 234-6481
From her loving children
TRAVEL SHOW - You're invited
Tues., Nov. 17 - South Huron Rec Centre
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