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Times Advocate, 1992-10-07, Page 22
29 Garage & Yard Sales MULTI -FAMILY YARD SALE 167 Elgin St. Centralia Sat. Oct. 10. - 8:30 a.m to 2:30 p.m. Rath or shine, (41c) YARD SALE Oct 9 Oct- 12 110 Queer St llensalt Many items. (41c) NEW LISTING: R.R.#1 Kirk - ton, 15 year old home on 200' x 219' lot, 3 bedroom, 4 pc. bath, 1-1/2 car attached gar- age, paved road frontage, asking $124,900.00. MLS #2-1459R. 26 Wellington St., South, St. Marys Phone 284-2381 Evenings 229-6676 classifieds Phone 235-1331 Rome Life/London Realty Inc. CREDITON - Double lot with mobile traler. CLANDEBOYE - 4 bedroom 2 storey home 1600 sq. ft. only 2 years oki on nice country bt. CENTRALIA - 25 acre parcel with house and shop. Could make a great hobby farm. Price down to $79,900. GRAND BEND - Quaint pub and deli located on Hwy. 21 - price $229,000 LUCAN - Back split, 4 level, on quiet street, large lot LUCAN - Several lower priced homes - trom $80,000 - $90,000. STEPHEN TWP. - 50 acres cash crop land Systematically drained with 11 acres bush Wa- ter at lot line EXETER - 3 bedroom ranch on large lot. with mature trees Fin- ished basement Ron O'Brien Sales Rep. 645-6445 anytime or 234-6281 Residence 1 WE DO LAMINATING Specializinq in Posters up to 30" in width Exeter Times -Advocate Exeter 235-1331 Page 22 1 I Imes -Advocate October /, 199:i" IT)oe t., (0I1 LARGE 3 BEDROOM operation', downtown Easter. Available Oct lar. $425.00 plus utilities Atter 4 pus. 284.3174. (40tfn) METER - 2 bedroom einem, laundry facilities and heat isnckrded. Pint and last month required. Call 235-3497. (36ifn) GROUND FLOOR DUPLEX 3 bedroom, Baster, downtown core, $645.00 monthly Plus utilities. Phone 235.3526. (371fn) FOR RENT - 2 bedroom house, with fridge and stove, woodstove, wadierldrier hookups. S50Ohnonttr plus utilities. Available Nov. 1. Reply Box l56P, -Exeter Times Advocate, Exeter NOM 1S6. (41:42') 20 Property For Rem MODERN ONt BEI)R(X)h1 apartment. Main Street Exeter. Available now. 235.2557. (4011n) ONE BEDROOM and bachelor apts., fridge, stove laundry and parting. Suitable for responsible adult. Phan5-1497. (40tfn) ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent m l.ucan Nov. 1. Stove, fridge included. Call 681-0005 or 227-1385. (40tfn) LOVELY 2 BEDROOM townhouse available immediately. Clone w all amenities. Also one bedmnrn handicapped unit, wheelchair accessible. Please contact i:xandarea Meadows office 235-3382. (41:42c) 3K GK GK GK GK GK GK OK GK GK GK GK GK Gi 1 11111111111, 284 Main S' and Insurance Inc Exeter, Ontario (519) 235-2420 Grand Bend. Ontario (519) 238-8484 RE At TOR EXCELLENT STARTER/RETIREMENT HOME 67 North Richmond St., Hansall - Three bedroom bride home in good condition. Hot water, heat, full basement. Listed at $109,900. Try your offer. Call Bill Gitfillan. FAMILY HOME Spaciou$ 3 bedroom 1 1/2 storey with main floor family room. Great 12 x 24 ft. sun drenched deck. 100 amp serviced garage work- "L.. shop. Asking $99,900 COUNTRY CHARMER Four bedroom bungalow approx. 2,850 sq. tt. with master bedroom bath, plus solid oak cabinets in farm size kitchen, on 100' x 165' ravine walkout lot. Only $149.900 and only in quiet Fullarton. PR a - FOR RENT HENSALL - 1 bedroom walk-in apt. Suitable for single person. Heat and hydro included. $330/month. Available October 1/92. Phone 235- 2420. COM ME R CI A UI N D U STRI A LA N V E STME NT CORNER LOT IN HENSALL - fully serviced bt, excellent location ,7:.ross from public school. Owner will reply to all offers. Call Bill Gilfilian. PRICE REDUCED - Large lot on Hwy. 83 suitable tor prestige home and business. 130 ft. frontage x 46011. depth. Bill Gilfillan. * FAST FOOD OUTLET with living quarters. CaII Bill Gitfillan. * APPROVED CONDO DEVELOPMENT - +1- 30 acre agri-product condominium oroiect. Call Al Vasily/Bill Gilfillan. *TWO SERVICED LOTS each approx. 1 - 1 1/4 acres. Asking $72,900 per lot. Call Al Vasily/Bill Gitfillan ( Bill Gilfillan 235-0116, Ai Vastly 238-6399 • Murray Keys 235-2898 Bill Fuss 236-7755 MEMBER ROYAL LEPAGE _ - Associate Broker Network £/a4 £?ea4 mac• FIT] 235-1621 415 Main St. S.. Exeter NEW LISTINGS HORTICULTURAL DREAM - Old- er 1 1/2 storey brick home on a beautiful landscaped 1 acre lot. Work shop 24 1/2 x 27', partially in- sulated included. ©C�i^ FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE: Country living within village boundaries. 4 bedrooms, main floor farltiyroom with wood stove, main- tenance free exterior and new re- placement windows on well treed lot. BUILT IN EFFICIENCY! -- in this morning sun drenched kitchen will make you want to cook up a storm everyday. Features include 2 bed- rooms, attached garage, roar sun - room, familyroom, buiiin oven and surface cooker. IF YOU NEED A LARGER HONE This is it -- a Cooler from the street, so come in int Main floor laundry, Central vac, new deck and ,fenced yard ABATTOIR AMEAT MARKET r g Looal shop with approx. $40000 in equipment on over 1 woof kind. I tHAIIWt Flo :rr M.I Ghanyc• Marlena F'arscmc" ' Assouatn flrokar 235.1732 235-1077 235-1304 Murray Wood " 235.9927 Barry Menary" 662.3107 Clary Deiohort" 236-7222 " Sales representative '20 Property For Rent CENTURY STONE 1 -IR Mosey 4 bedroom farm house on pored woad near Brucefleld, tefeeenoes ',gybed. Call 565.2791.(40:41c) SOlrnICOTT PINES - 3 bedroom neck dining room, dishwasher, fnrnisiced or uirfureldtad. Close w and 'bopping. Phone 238-8892. (40tfn) 2 BEDROOM HOUSE - Newly renovated. central location, ample parking. Pridge and stove incl. Gas furnace. $600 plus u*ibuea. 103 Andrew St. 235-2689. (40-42') IIENSALL - Two bedroom *penmen in nn attractive, well maintained 8 unit building with controlled entry and laundry facilities. 5460. per month. Available now. Call 262.2924.(37thi) GRAND BEND • 2 bedroom fully furnished River Rd. Mature non -pocking tenants. Monthly y. Opius utilities. 1-519.542-9357UO ) BAYFTELD - Beautifully appointed Condo exclusive Harborlight development. All amenities and conveniences. Available immediately. S800 per month plus utilities. Call Mike 1-672-2210 days or at 1-473-4899 after S p.m. (40-42c) BACHELOR APARTMENT. fridge and stove, just off Main St Exeter Phone 235-3380. (41tfn) ONE BEDROOM APT. in Exeter. Available Nov. 1/92. 5270.00 monthly plus utilities. Stove and fridge included Phase 235-1810.(41:42c) NEAR ST. JOSEPH'S, 3 bedroom house with view of lake. Will famish. 6 month lease available at 55001month plus utilities. all 473-3511 after 7- m (41:42c) GRAND BEND - central 2 bedroom furnished, winterized cottage 5300 plus utilities/month from Oct. till April. Phone 432-2128. (41-43c) APARTMENT - 2 bedrooms, furnished/unfurnished, winterized, 44 Centre St. Grand Hend. Call between 5-9 p.m. 439-5327. (41:42c) HOUSE FOR RENT - Great Acres, Grand Bend. 2 bedrooms. Available Sept. 1. Phase 228-6800. (41:42c) HOUSE FOR RENT - minutes from Exeter on paved road. Available Nov. 1st. Phase 229-8841 after 6 p.m. (41:42*) ZURICH - Duplex, 2 bedrooms, laundry facilities no appliances, utilities extra. Ideal for seniors or mired people. Phase 236-0918. (41-43*) HOUSE FOR RENT IN EXETER bedrooms, gas heated with utility shut Available October 15th S490.00per month plus utilities. Contact 235.1647 with References and place of employment (41tfn) Announcement Ms. Unda Pauqette Mr. Mel Gaiser, President of G.K. Realty and Insurance, is pleased to announce the ap- pointment of Ms. Linda Pa- quette as a Residential Real Es- tate representative to our Grand Bend office. Ms. Paquette's background has been in graphic design and advertising and holds her Honours Commercial Interior Design Papers. She has been actively involved in this field in the Grand Bend area and is also an active member in the Rotary Club of Grand Bend. Un - da extends an invitation to her friends and colleagues to stop in to see her and looks forward to providing her expertise to our customers. REAL ESTATE LTD MLS REALTOR .NEW LISTING! -60' x 12' Northlander mobile home. 2 bedrooms, eat -in kitchen, laun- dry, insulated front entry. In- cludes: stove, fridge, washer,' dryer and air conditioner. Ask-. ing $35,900. Calf Dwayne. NEW USTING - Clinton - im pressive, Completely renovated 2 storey, vinyl sided frame home, high efficiency gas heat;' skylight in kitchen, main floor laundry, new single detached garage. List $109,000. GaII Dwayne! BAYFiELD AREA - New 3 bedroom ranch style home on large lot just a short walk from beatiful sandy beach. 1 1/2 baths, main floor laundry, oak kitchen, 2 skylights, attached garage. Listed at $139,900. Call Dwayne) LAKE FRONT! Year round, 3 112 year old Rideau III Viceroy home with a panoramic view of . Lake Huron. Open concept kitchen dinette and fivingroom with cathedral ceilings. 1 1/2 baths, jacuzzi tub, central vac, near goll course. $189,000. Call Dwayne. I HAVE CASH BUYERS FOR GOOD, CLEAN, WELL PRICED PROPERTIES. CALL ME ANYTIME FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION. • Dwayne THlosy RaprassIMative Res.: 2384166 Clinton office 482-3400 Fax: 482.3477 7t) Property i or Rent We SQ. Pr. ocnsisting of 2 adjoining t iXs maned eosnmereial industrial 10' hashed block - 1800 sq ft isedased steel anadnad aooaaabie. 550-3 phase powe, Union a, dry water. low sans) for all or pan 1y available. Wattling, or Mosyc. 23511391. (41tfn) INSIDE STORAGE for mwafimnta, boats, travel traikn, dn, insulated weatherproof building Phone 235-0392 (41tfu) 3 BEDROOM .mommy home, dose to Kbkton, recently renovated, no pets. 5650 phis utilities Phone Kirkton 329-8254 41c) LUCAN - Three bedroom aparm en available immediately located emaM in St $400.00 plus utilities Phone 235-2965 or 227-4049. (41tfn) ONE BEDROOM apartment in Lucan $350.00 per month. Utilities included Phone 235-2965 or 227-4049. (411fn) 2 Fry Rent THE 'OLD TOWN HALL- auditonum for rentals, including weddings, meetings. banquet moan, lectures, exhibitions, films, etc. Kitchen facilities available- Phone 235-0318. (17tfn) STORAGE SPACE. for large or small items. Bosu, matorhames, furniture, etc to 5 bay garage. 40' in depth. Call 237-3677 or 237-3510. (40:41c) 2 5 Wanted To Rent FARM HOUSE - 3 or 4 bedrooms in Lateen -London area_ Phone 1.681-2754. (41-43') 25 Notice 'MiCKIE'S USED BOOKS will be dosing Nov. 7, 1992. Thanks to all castanets for yourpatronage the put three years. (41c) 28 Auction Sales BILYEA CONSIGNMENT HORSE AUCTION at Woodstock Fairgrounds Friday, October 16 - 7:00 p.m. Tacit 10 pm. 20 head of horses. Sat. October 17 - 10 am. tack and trailers, 12 noon hones. For information 225-2130. (41:42c) y It is with great pride that we congratulate Pat O'Rourke on attaining the prestigious Can- ada Trust Realty Leader Club status. It is Pat's dedication to exceeding his customers expectations that keeps him in the forefront of award win- ning service. AGAIN. CON- GRATULATIONS PAT! Canada Trust Realty Inc./Realtor 235-1449 • NTARIQ GOVERNMENT TENDER Please note that the following has a specific date and time for site visit to view the work. It is MANDATORY that contractors at- tend the site visit. There Is One only site visit. Contractors to meet at ODC Administration Office, Huron Park. Roofing Contractors TENDER HIP92/38 SITE VISIT - Tuesday. October 13. 1992 at 10:30 a.m To replace roof, approx. 325 sq. ft. at Bldg #62, Control Tower Huron Industrial Park. Individual Sealed tenders tor the above contracts will be re- ceived until 12:00 noon LOCAL TIME ON Tuesday, October 20th, 1992. Tender documents may be obtained from the Ontario Devleop- ment Corporation, Huron Industrial Park, Huron Park, NOM 1Y0. For further information regarding these tenders please contact the Huron Park Office at the above address or telephone (519) 228-6657. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY AC- CEPTABLE Ontario MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY, TRADE AND TECHNOLOGY' Canada Trust Real. _. Realty Inc 'Realtor Canada Trust ea y Exeter's Horne Team 147 Main St. Exeter, Ont. Dirk Coolman _235-1950 • 237-3762 lilt-. I� Pat O'Rourke 235-1449 1k* 235-1055 Ron Cottrell 235-2473 4 236-4712 Jerry Zehr EXETER - NEW USTING - Excel- lent five bedroom raised ranch. A spotless home with many, many extras included. High efficiency gas, central air, huge family room with natural gas fireplace. Beauti- ful oak kitchen. two bathrooms, jacuzzi, lawn sprinkler system, attached garage, paved drive and the list goes oh. Just 2 years old, asking $182,900. CT 163. 1' ZURICH - NEW LISTING - $139,000 - Beautiful large home on a huge 3.09 acre lot with bush lot at rear. Hardwood floors and excellent wood trim, living room, fireplace, 2 bedroom apartment at rear of house or could easily be converted to a 5 bedroom single family home. Your own private park in your balk yard. CT 124. EXETER - JUST LISTED - Excel- lent three bedroom starter home situated on a lovely treed lot, on a very quiet street. Asking $73,900. CT 163. DASHWOOD - $89,900 - Recent- ly renovated 3 bedroom home. 2 bathrooms. Huge country kitchen leading 10 large rear deck. Beauti- ful and bright inside. Large shed and workshop at rear of the prop- erty. A pleasure to show. CT 124. EXETER - $69,900 - ARE YOU TIRED OF RENTING? This cute bungalow could be the answer to your dreams. New bathroom in 1992. Beautiful lot with mature trees. Attached garage. Rear deck. Full basement. Paved drive. CT 124. $109,000 - Exclusive country property just minutes from Exet- er. 4 bedroom brick home, large workshop with hydro, and all of this situated on a well landscaped 3 acres. CT 26. 2 STOREY EXECUTIVE - This gorgeous 4 bedroom home otters the ultimate in oonvenienoe and enjoyment with all the moot want- ed features: sunken family room wf ireplace, 2 1/2 baths, 2 car gar- age w/openers, brick drive, under- ground sprinkler system, central air and vac, master ensuite with whirlpool bath and shower, ce- ramic foyer with french doors, and a host of other features found in homes of this distinction. This property is professionally land- scaped and awaits your personal inspection. You will not be disap- pointed with the house or the price. CT 26. EXETER - *166,600 - Compare the quality and design of this cus- tom built 3 bedroom brick home with attached double garage. Va- cant and awaiting your inspection. This home carries a 7 year war- ranty. CT 26. OTHER FINE PROPLHTIi_5-.; ZURICH - RESIDENTIAL BUILDING LOT - 60' x 106' excellent area of new homes. Fully serviced and ready for your dream home. $23,900. CT 124. MT. CARMEL -121 ACRES - Good clay loam - great Investment or ideal pprrooppeerrttyy to_bu�ild on. CT 124. _ _ DA $F1IAIOOD -9138,900 IICLUDNG GST. - New 3 bedroom bathrooms, high on both levels with over 2.000 sq. ft. living.area. 2 efficiency gas. Skylights, attached garage. CT 124. INOOME 13 units located near downtown, {moonily gross- ing over $65,000. snowily. Prbed at $399,000. Let us oafculate your ta- tum with a modest down payment. CT 26.