HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-10-07, Page 7Graduate - Clayton and Mary
Brock of Elora are pleased to
announce the graduation of
their son Dennis from the Fu-
neral Service program at
Humber college Etobicoke.
He is presently employed at
Murphy's Funeral Home in
Delhi. He is the grandson of
Laura Dickey, Exeter.
Graduate - Ross and Marilyn
Faber of Kippen are pleased
to announce the graduation
of their daughter Lori from
The D'arcy Lane institute,
London, Ontario. Lori recently
passed her registration ex-
ams by the Board of Direc-
tors of Masseurs in Toronto.
GRAND BEND - It just keeps
getting better and better at Huron
Country Playhouse. Figures re-
cently released indicate that the
1992 season has surpassed thc suc-
cessful 1991 season. A total of
60,000 people passed through the
Playhouse this summer - 5,.0(X)
more than last year.
The biggest hit of thc season waft
Agatha Chnstie's The Mousetrap
playing to 99.2 percent capacity. A •
close second was the opening mu-
sical The Sound of Music with 97
percent followed by Don't Dress
for Dinner 92 percent, Camelot 89
percent and Juters 71 percent.
On the concert scene The Leg-
end of Rock N' Roll played to 97
percent capacity and thc All That
Jazz concert series played to 89
"We must be doing something
right" states John McHenry, public
relations director. "While other
theatres are feeling the recession
we just keep packing them in. And
we owe it all to our late artistic di-
rector Tony Lloyd, he knew what
his audience wanted and he gave it
to them.... entertainment. No deep
meanings, no political statements,
no answers to life, just pure enter-
tainment, and for the most part
aimed at the whole family" com-
mented McHenry.
An' if pre -season sales are any
indication, 1993 is going to be an-
other successful year. To date, 80
percent of last years total subscrip-
tions sold have already been pur-
chased by subscribers. Tony Lloyd
chose the 1993 playbill before his
death and it includes the all-time
favourite musital Oliver! by Lio-
nel Bart, Colleen Curran's Canadi-
an comedy Cake -Wolk; Frederick
Knou's masterfully constructed
thriller Wait wail Dark; Neil Si-
mon's rib -tickling comedy Bare.
foot in die Park; and the perfect
family show Meet Me in St, Loads,
Songs by Hugh Martin and Ralph
Blanc, book by Hugh Wheeler.
The sewn will than from Jute 15
to September 4.
Senior diners
enjoy meal
By Gertie Fleiscbauer
ZURICH - Fifty diners en-
joyed a delicious beef dinner
Wednesday at the Community
Tammy Antaya welcomed all
diners and visitors. Happy birth-
day was sung for seniors having
birthdays in September.
A poem Autumn Song" was
given by Ina Neeb.
A fashion show by Tops in
Trends followed. Models were
Laura Gascho, Jerry Kane, Verda
Bacchler, Marion Becker, Vera
Haberer, Thersea Stark, Dolly
Jeffrey and Gertie Flesichauer.
TIrnes-Advocate, October 7, 1992
- Pape 7
Shipka news
Anniversary service planned in Greenway
By Adek Mores:
SHIPKA - Lenore and Jim Orr,
attended a birthday party Septem-
ber 26, for Lenore's mother, Jessie
Watz in Kitchener, who was cele-
brating her 97th birthday. The par-
ty was held at one of Walz' daugh-
ter's, June Carter.
Five other daughters attended,
Eva Nancarrow, of Southcott
Pines, Grand Bend, Dorothea
Knights, Windsor, Blanche Wal-
pole, Waterloo, Mary Van Holla,
Round Lake, and Faye Brock of
Katrine Station.
Walz resides in a nursing home
in Kitchener, enjoys fairly good
health and was able to go out to
her party in a wheelchair. She had
22 grandchildren, 46 great grand-
children and 7 great grandchildren.
Greenway United Church 117th
Anniversary service will be held
October 18 at I 1 am. with special
speaker Rev. Charles Scott and
special music by the Ross family.
A family gathering was held
September 20 at Ferman and Leota
Snyder's to celebrate Ferman's
birthday and take three generations
pictures. Attending were Suzanne
and Otto Plain, Chris and Melissa,
of Elmira, Esther and Ric Storey,
Scott and Steven, London, Jim and
Judy Snyder, Nicholas and Lisa
this area, Keith and Nancy Snyder,
Greenway, Edwin and Gail Snyd-
er, Corey and Colin, of Mt. Brydg-
Elizabeth Norris, of Sarnia, visit-
ed an afternoon last week with
Hugh and Annie Morenz. Drop in
visitors last Saturday evening,
were Velma Russell, Dashwood,
Roanne Russell with Jackie, Jen-
hy, Michael and Matthew, of Cot -
tam. The Russells from Cottam
were up to join other family mem-
bers in this area for an early
Thanksgiving dinner, held at Cliff
and Velma's home in Dashwood,
last Sunday.
Sythpathy is expressed to Mrs.
Henry Becker, her family and
grandchildren, with Henry's death
last Sunday. Funeral service was
held Tuesday October 6, from T.
Harry Hoffman Funeral Horne. The
Beckers farmed most of their lives
north of Shipka on the 16th Conces-
sion, before moving to Zurich sever-
al years ago when they retired.
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