HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-10-07, Page 3AP Times -Advocate, October 7, 1992 Page 3 Mason uncovers time cap- sule ST. MARYS - A stone mason at Holy Name Church in St. Marys uncovered the past re- cently while removing the church cornerstone. According to the St. Marys Journal Argus, Carlos Boscarato was removing the stone to see if a ume capsule could be placed inside when he discovered a cap- sule already there. Once opened, the capsule divulged four coins, a letter written in Latin and tour newspapers, m - eluding a Journal Argus dated September 8, 1892. The only record of the corner- stone being laid came from a copy of the Catholic Record, tound inside the capsule. It gave a brief story of it being laid dur- ing the opening of the church. Other papers included the Catholic News and Catholic Weekly Review. Coins included an 1874 quarter, a large penny from 1882, an 1891 nickel and a dime tram 1892. Man falls from grain bin AILSA CRAIG! - A Parkhill area man underwent rune and a half hours of surgery at Hamil- ton General Hospital after he fell from a grain bin last Thursday at The Great Canadian Bean Com- pany southeast of Ailsa Craig. As reported in the Parkhill Ga- zelle, John Vander Kant, 20, was helping take measurements in preparation for installation of a new elevating device when he slipped while jumping from one bin to an adjacent bin which was slightly higher Vander Kant fell 25-30 feet onto concrete. Ailsa Craig and Area firefight- ers were called in with ropes and ladders to assist North Middles- ex Ambulance attendants in re- moving the man from the space between bins. Vander Kant suffered a frac- tured pelvis, broken ankle, brok- en wnst and bruises to his head. At last word, he was reported in intensive care under heavy seda- tion following pelvic restoration. Traffic accident .claims youngster GODERI - A traffic acci- dent has claimed the life of a nine-year-old Goderich boy. According to the Goderich Signal -Star, Jonathan Wraith died Friday in Victoria Hospital in London after an accident Thursday. Wraith was riding his bicycle around 5:35 p.m. when he failed to stop for a slop sigq at the intersection of Raglan an McDonald Streets. He was struck by a northbound vehicle on McDonald SL No charges will be laid against the driver, a 33 -year-old Dun- gannon man. Mitchell hunter found alive GODERICH - A 68 -year-old Mitchell man is safe after being lost for four days in the Pickle Lake arca. about 240 km north of Thunder Bay. As reported in the Goderich Signal -Star, Ernest Bayer trav- elled to the area to do some moose hunting. He became lost September 18 when he went to search for moose tracks. Police were called out to search for the man using track- ing dogs and helicopters, and several volunteers also look part. Bayer managed to make his way to a road on September 22 where he was picked up by res- cuers. In Grand Bend Bag and tag collection underway By Fred Groves T -A staff GRAND BEND - So far so good. Monday' morning at 7 a.m. the garbage trucks rolled through Grand Bend but MacDonald Sani- tation which was picking up the trash were making certain residents were using the new tag and bag method. Last month, village council an- nounced a user pay system in which residents bought a tag for $2 and put it on their .garbage bags; Those not tagged were not picked up. . There were still some signs of residents not disposing of their gar- bage properly, but on a brief tour of the village, the Times -Advocate saw no signs of trash being dumped where it's not supposed to. "Our concept is to work with people but Grand Bend people are responsible," said mayor Tom Lawson. Grand Bend continues to have a large budget for waste manage- ment, especially with the closure of its landfill and believe the revenue raised from the tags will help offset the costs to transport garbage to Watford. There are an estimated 700 hun- dred residences in Grand Bend, but many of those are seasonal couages and at Monday night's council meeting it was announced there were well over 600 tags sold. "Some people will take their gar- bage back home with them if it's ties because of the many anal com- munities which, like Zurich have their own methods of garbage col- lection. "At the present time, they'll (Lambton municipalities] sit back, watch Grand Bend and see how it works," said Bilton. Grand Bend recently sent out an information brochure to residences, stating' the waste management prob- lems in village and introducing the new bag and tag system. In that, there was not only some helpful hints about recycling but also, alternate disposal contractors for those who want to get rid 01 their trash on their own. Smoking bylaw on way EXETER - A bylaw "to protect the residents of Exeter from sec- ' and -hand smoke" is in the works and tray be passed sometime this month. Town council have been working on the bylaw that would define no - smoking areas of public places in Exeter for several months. Council gave first and second reading to thc bylaw Monday evening, but reeve Bill Mickle said since a copy of thc bylaw was not available to council, the final vote should be tabled until the next meeting. Council agreed to the delay and mayor Bruce Shaw promised a "vigorous discussion" once the by- law is presented. "You'd better not schedule much else for that night," commented Grand Bend's garbage police on duty? convienent," said Lawson. Among those who were on hand to witness the new program Mon- day was Zurich reeve and Huron County warden Bob Fisher who said his municipality is also think- ing about a user pay situation simi- lar to bag and tag. "We talked about it two years ago but when you share a landfill with Youth receives fine after auto mishap EXETER - A Hensall youth pleaded guilty to an amended charge last Tuesday in the only case heard in Exeter Court. Kevin W. Bender of Hensall entered a guilty plea to a charge of leaving the road not in safety in connection with an incident July 18. The court heard Bender was driving under a beginners permit with a licensed driver m the car. After coming to a stop at a stop sign, Bender attempted to turn west onto Thames Road in Ex- eter. The accused acceler- ated too fast, lost control and drove onto a lawn where the vehicle struck a hedge. Jusuce of the Peace Karen Sturdy fined Bender $78.75 giving him three months to pay. Two assault cases result in charges EXETER - Two men have been charged by the Exeter Police in the past week in unrelated _assault cas- es. Police say on Thursday an Exeter woman had just entered her garage on her way to work when she was grabbed from behind by a man who used to be a friend of hers. When the woman screamed, the man fled. The man was arrested a short time later by the police and has been charged with break, enter, and assault_ On Friday, the director of the WOTCH Community' Club on Thames Road W. reported to police a physical assault onhim by one of the workplace's employees. Police arrested the man a short time later and say charges are pending. On Friday morning, police inves ligated a complaint from an Exeter man who found his vehicle erten sively vandalized. The vehicle hail been damaged with a pipc and a brick, say police. The investigation in ongoing, but police say charge', are pending against several per sons. HOLIDAY ADVERTISING DEADLINE for next week's newspaper Because of the holiday Monday, all advertising must be in our office by Friday afternoon in order for us to maintainfour publishing schedule. someone (Hay Township], it's diffi- cult." said Fisher. Zurich has a somewhat unique situation where residents of that vil- lage arc responsible for their own garbage pickup. "In Zurich we don't charge tor pickup. It's a private contractor who charges the individuals. The chap driving the truck doesn't care what [amount] goes in the landfill." Fisher said that the village and Hay Township are going to be meeting again to discuss their waste management situation and noted a user pay system, initiated by the municipality could help pay tor the upkeep of the landfill. He said that in 10 or 12 years the landfill they share will have no re- maining capacity. Bill Bilton, warden of Lambton County was on hand to see how the new program in Grand Bend works and he said although it is a good idea for the village it could be tough to have m other municipali- THE MUTUAL TRUST SAVINGS BOND ■ fully guaranteed ■ Lump sum redeemable any time ■ No fees ■ Installment purchase option NOW ON SALE FOR A LIMITED TIME 'Thar 199793 Canada Savind5 Bona Contact: George Godbolt CLU 496 Main St. Exeter 235-2740 THE MUTUAL TRUST COMPANY A mPmbr'r of tr,e Canada trecxx! ins,na•u •- (.or�ratic• A member of =J The Mutual Group t Icensed wcm Mutua: toe o' LanadaMutua' tnvestco 1. two cnmoa",.... C. J-[asfett and Son fFurniture aosing In 1882 when Charles Haskett bought this business it made good sense that the person who made a cabinet would be the same individual called upon to make a cas- ket. After 110 years of operating as a family business in the same tradition conYbining the furniture store and funer- al home, it has become increasingly difficult to balance the time commitment necessary to maintain the level of ser- vice we would like to provide in both areas of our opera- tion. The decision to close the furniture store has been a very difficult one. Our customers have allowed us to continue in the retail business community through four generations. We have appreciated your business, your loyal support and your friendship. CLOSING OUT SALE STARTS Wednesday, October 14 Monday to Friday 9 - 9 Saturday 9 - 5 188 Main Street Lucan, Ontario NOM 2J0 (519) 227-4088 4 1