HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-09-30, Page 24r235-0855, 345-2592
Jim Cottle &
Colleen Oliver
Sat., Oct. 10
Music by DJ. For information
Page 24
Times -Advocate, September 30 1992
fhSkh Anniversary
50th Anniversary for Jack an* Kay 'Nair
Their family Trish to invite friends. neigh-
bours and tetathaes to a dance at the Arneth
Henan Rec. Cents.., P,lday, October 9 from
9:00-100 p.m Music by the Pierce Family
Music Ca test wishes only place 4(k
Open Rfor Rich letter and Ira
cey Fisher, t) eeber 3, .1992. Herat Park
Recreation (entre, 8 p.m. -1 a.m. 4tk
On ffou►c. Mn. Olive Bferhng will he
odg her 100th Birthday, October 18
from 2-4 p.m. at the lion. Club Youth Ccn
Ire, John St W.. Elmer. Bea wishes only
Winners at Playhouse. The ladies Guild
raffles were won by Audrey Washed of
London. ticket 9706 (Doll and Wardrobe)
and Anna J. Sheen of Sarnia, tddrd 9395
(quill). the Hoard -of Director raffle of a
trip for two to Lar Vegas and 1200 (Clain)
courtesy of Key Toes in conjunction with
Wham Thsvel tad. of Loreto was won by
Paul Nun of Parkhill, ticket 9590 40c
LAWRENCE - Paul and Darlene (Uyl) are
pleased to announce the safe arrival of their
son Brent Hilliard, born on September 13,
1992 at M Joseph s Hospital Landon,
weiglung 7 Ito.. 5 ops. A lisle Mother for
Jessica. Second grandchild for tarry and
Bea Uvl of Henall and seventh grandchild
for Wanda Lawrence of Hensall and the Iatc
Hilliard lawvena 41k
NESBiTI - Bug sisters Mandy and Kelly
are happy w announce the tblessed arrival of
their little brother, Mark William, bom Sep
tember 10, 1992, weighting 7 lbs., 15 ozs.
Proud ptuernu are Larry and Debbie. Grand-
parents are Bob and Ruth Galloway, Stns
ford and Bill and Joyce Nesbitt, SQ mgfield.
(heat-grandpazents am Vola Chalk of
Avhner. Alwenna Galloway, Sis and Jos -
McCann and great-Rreat-grandparent Marga
ret CLrke. all of Creditor 40•
OESCH • Triplets! Ken and Beverley (nee
Barlow) are thrilled to announce the arrival
of their children Justin. Andrew and Ahaa
on September 24, 1992. New brothers and
sister for David. Proud grandpaersis are
Frank and Maureen Barlow and Elmer
(leach. Special thanks w Dr. Fellows and all
the delivery morn and 3rd floor shaft at St
Joseph's Health (*Mr 40:
ACHESON - At St. Joseph's Health Centre.
Lindon, on Wednesday, Septemner 23,
1992, Asia (Ann! Acheson (liossmberry/
of London and formerly of hatter, in her
86th year. Hdoved wile of the late Qiarks
Acheson (1971i and dear mother of Mrs
Sally Woods of London. Dear grandmother
of Tracy and Stephen Putherbough and lam
my Woods and Mark Johnson all of Landon
Dear sister of Margaret Sills of Ottawa,
Acne Garvin of London: dear atter-in-law
of Amens Acheson of Landon. Friends
called at the Hopper -Hockey Funeral Thiene,
Wiliam Street. /meter for visnattas ori
Thursday 2-4 and 7-9 where the fnmeral ser
vice was bold on Friday. September 25 at 2
p.m. The Ravened Canon A.N. Skirvmg of -
hawed. intetsuent m haver Cemetery.. Do-
nate= to the Diabetes Assatnatton or to the
chanty of your atone would be imprecated
by the family 44k
'CHARRt'.TI P - At the Bluewater Reif
Herne, 7uridh on Thursday, Semepber 22,
1992, formerly of RR 1, Dashwood, Mr
Noma' August Clarrette, in his 87th year
Beloved hoshand of the late Rva Jeffrey
(1974). Dear father .,f -George and his wife
Leena, Blas and his wife Broom both of
tat Vegas, Nelson and his wife Janke o/ St
Clair Shores, Middgan, Dorene and herhus-
hand Joe Derromme of RR 1, 7urich, Do-
lores and her husband Pat C,orriveau of
Brantford, Manors and her husband Isadore
• Bedard of Barrie and Rvdyn end her hus-
band Begone Crews et RR 1, Dashwood
Dear brother of Dennis Chanute of Amick
Mrs. Eleanor Meek of St. Clair Shales,
Michigan and Sister Maraca d Chaise.
Predeceased by F son Roger, 2 brothers Zit -
fie and Rxias and by 3 sisters Mn. Badyn
Millen of Toronto, Mn. lane Jeffrey of De-
troit and Mrs. Marie Brinker Also surviving
are 26 grandchildren, 32 great-grandchildren
and 2 great -great-grandchildren Vitiation
to Use lunch Chapel of the Michael 1'
O'Connor Mineral Homes, on Thursday until
Friday, September 25 thence to St. Boniface
Roman Catholic Church for Celebration of
the Funeral Mass with Father Peter Hayes
Cele/want Intermesh in St. Peter's Roman
Catholic Canetcry•, St. Joseph Parish
prayers were conducted in the funeral borne
CM 'flvaeuday evening at 8 p.m At expres
siom of npaathy donations to the Hears
and Stroke } ow4ition or St. Boniface
Building Fund would he appreciatcd 4U
HOGAN - At 9/Ingham and District Hospl
W on Tuesday, September 22, 1992, Mary.
Rliaahah Hogan of Pesecrest Manor, Luck -
now, in her 93rd year. Beloved wife of the
late William Hogan. Survived by sitter -m-
aw, Bertha Kelly, Roseville, Midugan.
t4wmg aunt of Vivian Hogan, ludrnov.,
Kerry and Diane Hogan and sons, Glencoe,
May and Kat Tdfer, St. Marys and several
other nieces and nephews. Predeceased by
asters Martha Ryan, Margaret Kelly, Sister
Angeline, brothers, Jerry, Michael, Joseph
and Rev. I.C. Kelly. She was ■ member of
CWI. for 72 years. Mass held at St. Marys
kernan Catholic Church, Ludknow on Fn
day with Father Harry Renal officiating. bl -
temae t in Kmgsbridge Cemetery. MacKen
ne and Ma:teeth humeral Home in charge
of arrangements 411;
BOYLE - 1 would like to thank ail my
trends and mlatrves who remembered me
with cards and visits while 1 was a patient us
South Huron Hospital and mice rsmimmg
home. Special thanks to Dr. Steauk and
nunmg staff for their special arc
40, Dern
CAMPBELL - Your love, support and
beautiful tributes to Philip have helped sus
tam our iarnily. We wish to thank each of
you who contibined m any way. Specie!
thanks to Drs. Linda Steele and Michaele
Fleming, nurses and staff of South Hereon
Hospual, the medical ram and nursing staff
on the 5th floor at limvarsuy Houtzhal, Hop-
per -Hockey Funeral Home, lima Legion
and Ladies Auxiliary, Kntghu of Cohwnbus,
Fr. Bagatta and Precious Blood Char. For
your prayers. canis. flower,. masses, dorsa
uons to Canadian Cancer Soaety and Pre
mous Blood Building Fund, and to the many
who brought food to the house. we thank
you. God hies all of you
40• Pat and amity
DUJNCAN - I would like to thane my family
and friends for cards. gifts, flower. vino,
phone calls etc. while to South Huhn and
St. Joseph's Hospital. Thanks to De. (sans,
1)r. Inwood and the nurses for their care
40• !earl
DAWSON - ! would like Io thank my farm
ly, relatives, neighbour, and Mends for
their cards, vieu, fbwers, gifts, food
brought to the home, phone Balls, and help,
dutin; my vett operation at Urtivetaity
Hospital and since returning home. inks
afro to DTh
Dr (hint, all the nurses, and espe
cially Dr. Lamb for her concern and expedi
tious *Mention. i have 1,een truly Marked
with numerous get well wishes Yew
thougfttfuhtess was certainly appreciated by
Mornay and 1
411• Beatrice (Bea)
HARNESS - 1 would like to thank my fart
ly for having open house for my tl(Rh birth
day and also for taking me out to dinner 1
would hke to thank all the people for corn
ing out to eelehnte my birthday and to thank
them for gifts, cards, telephone calk it was
very much appreciated inks agate
40• Irate
HERS • thank you to my family, friends
and relaives for the visits, Bowen and cards
sent to me while in the hospital and sine*. re
turning home
40• Ph1!
HODG1NS - We would like to thank our
many friends, neighbours and relatives for
Miring our happiness on our 50dt wedding
anniversary, for all the cards, Bowen, gifts
and phase calls. Special thanks to Sue Hat
ken's group for the delicious hatch served at
the 1'a and Nancy Van (heel's group for a
super denser served in the evening. Thanks
formaking Our Day one to remember
40• Hamilton and Auden
HOFFMAN-BROWN - We would like to
thank Donnie, Randy, Floyd, Ray. Vmmc,
carol, Donna and everyone else that made
our move so much easier and fun
40c Jeff and Rohn
KiNGMA - 1 would like to thank family
and fnends who attended my 50th aurlrnse
birthday pany, for all the gifts and cards
Mso thanks to TWa and staff at the Berkley
restaurant and Dunne and Tun at the le
goon. Special thanks to my wife Sharon wh.,
put it all together
41k . Haan
KOOY - I would tike to thank relatives and
fnends for flowers, vises, cards and phone
calls while I was a patient in St. Joseph s
Hospital. London and since returning home.
thanks to Helen for her glen call; to
Qayto and Alice tor rushing me to hospi
al: to all who brought food to the house; to
Linda. Carol and Clayton for keeping my
house clean and Jean for aumng lawn; also
to my grandchildren, Bonnie and Clyde for
their hospital vasts. Thank you all
40n( Man
McDOWELI" • thanks 10 all my mendt
and neighbours for thinking of me while in
hospital and amce returning home. Special
thanks to Dr. Jadd, Dr. Duff and !)r. Peden
and thenursing staff of 8th floor Urnversny
Hospital. Your kindness was greatly appre-
4t? Janie
ASSOCIATION - For making our Meet the
leacher Night a great success we would hke
to thank those businesses who so grammes
donated gifts: Huron 1 moor (Exeter), T re
loom Deere Tractor won by Kevin and Rio
Lewis; hxeter Decorating Centre, Figura.
won by Jun and Donna boron; Exeter )lig `.
Drug Store, Cosmetics wort by Joe and Dern
bie Thomson. Lu's Country Meas (Anse
Craig). gift certificate wet by horn and Mark
Laker. (name he's Pica (Parkhill), Gil'
Certificate wan by David and Bonnie Jane
McLndiey. Thanks agate
40• Joanne shun
Membership Qin r
October 4, 1992
!Rasa m.•. Chrtsoan E,Uuoaaatn.
11:00 a.m - Worship Servrai
Everyone Welcome
Main St. Corti
Pastor Rev. Sleds Vander Muer,
Worship Senesces
October 4
10:00 a.rm
Sunda.; `-;•loot ages 3 -grade r,
during morning aaresee
7:00 p.m
Nursery Amiable
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m
CKNX 920 10:30 em
Daily T.V
Faith 20 Glvbel 6:30 a.rn
WO eaher leave Baur mark an Ow wane
Of Mie WOW reeves hti mark on us •
Huron Street East, UMW
Sunday, Q 404 er 4
10:00 a.m. Worship
t 1:10 a.m. Sunday ScttooI
1:30 p.m. Evening Worship Service
Nursery available
Everybody wafcone
Gane end Worship with us
68 Main ih
Minister. Rev. Mark 8. faaakin
Gierk of Session - Mr. James Dowel
Organist: Miss Carolyn Love
stMlefey: t�mtrrber'a .._.
9:45 a.m. Worship Sawa)
with Sacrament of Communion
and Sunday School
Everyone Welcome
Corner of James and Andrew
Rev. John C. Hatuexr
Rev. Cordell Parsee,
Music tlarector
• Ralph Topp
October 4, 1992 ' 11:00 am
Pentecost XVI i
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
MedrWhon' TheC r m Grattsrnarl
Social Hou faaYowerg the Service
Young Adult Gloss 9:30 a.m
Church School 1100 a.m
Courtesy ,ow: Peter Snail
Nursery provided
Ali services laped
Evr►ryuere Wtvlwntn
187 Huron St. W. Exeter
Pastor. Rev. Kevin Rutledge
iaidey, Golober 4
9A5 a.m. Sunday School
1100 a.m.Moming Worship
The Lards Table
7:00 p.m. Evening Fellowship
Wednesday, 7 p.m. Family Night
Everyonie Welaone
264 Main Street
Exeter, Ontario
The Rev. Fay M
Y 1' PaUersoe
Sevuoluenth Sunday of Pentecost
October 4, 1992
11:15 a.m. Holy Eucfwnst
Sunday School
Nursery Available
Everyone Welcome
670 Man SCS
Pastor ye non Dean
Assistant Pastor Kevin D. Rogws
Sunday, October 4
8:30 a.m. Worship $ertnoe
1900 a.m. Sunday School
1100 a.m. Worsbip Samoa
700 p.m. Feletsa4ion and Praise Service
700 p.m. Family Night
Programs for allies
Nursery availabia forelt.services
it pilaw fin timet God,and a /nand'
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30-1140 a.m. Fel1owah ip Timm
1100 a.m. Family Bible Hour
700 p.m. Communion Service
Nursery Available
TJwaday eyenfngs
B:OO.p.m. - Bible Study
All services are held At
94 Orchard Street
Everyone Welcome
For mere nk�ie64/0/1mda�eiteioe) please .
VANNP•4TP-RO OTH • Thank you
one for all the many lovely and useful u
Mike di e? r given for me in August. A ape -
Bial dunk you to those who did the mini?
ing. Dan and I greatly appreciate everything
40nc Ann Vareheste-Rooth
BULLOCK • In levers memory d sur dear'
tardier rad mete Rimer, sumo
away October 1, 1 4.
Msythe winds oflove Alma softly,
AndMiisper so you hear,
Well always love and miss you,
And wlnh you toll were her.
Isselagly ternenhe.ed by doers Nita and
Clam rad families 40•
FLYNN - In loving memory of our dear
Dad, Oerald, who passed away 1 year ago,
October 1, 1991
We watched you suffer, we watched you
But all we could do was just stand by,
When the time came we suffered too,
Por you never deserved ether you went
(hod took your hand and we had to pan,
He eased your pain, and broke our haps.
You fell nleep-without goodbye.
But memories of you will never die
Dear Lord, please take this message
To Dad up above,
Tell him how much we miss hint,
And give him all our love.
Sadly mined and a)ways ,rmernhered by
us both, Lori and Susan 40
FLYNN - In loving manory of a dear sot,.
Mother and uncle, Gerald Flynn, who passed
away October 1, 7991.
May the winds of love blow softly
And whisper so you'll hes,
That we will always love and miss you,
And wish that yew were here.
Sadly missed by morn and sisters, Shirle.
Avery and Joyce O'Brien and their famine,
FLYNN - Jerry, who passed away one year
ago, October 1, 1991
You are always on my min.)
Somebody did care 41),
MAVER - In loving memory of a dear hut
band, father, grandfather and grew
grandfather, Both Mayer, who passed awa-.
October 1, 199 i
Deep in our hearts you are fondly remme
Sweet, happy memoncs ting 'sound your
True hearts that loved you with deepest ai
Always will love you in death the same
Always remembered and aadly missed in
hit wife Jean and fammi\ 4(k
OVERHOL1 - In loving memory of our
dear son and brother Garry J. Overholt, who
away ten years ago, October 2, 1982
est a memory fond and true
1 o show we still remember you,
Though ten years have passed away
We still love and muss you day by day
(neatly missed and loved always by Mom;
(Von), brothers, sisters and their families
RESI'EMAYEK • In lovmg memory of m}
rdear husband Leotard, who was taken from
ane suddenly September 28, 1983.
.Mme yeah have passed. my heart still aches.
-And gentle tan still floe .
,For what imam to lase you Leman:.
-deo one dill'ever know
Sadly mused by Greta . 4t' •
SIM • In loving memory of a dear wile and
Mom, haus. who passed away ()etcher 3,
A golden heart stopped beareig,
i wo working hands now rest.
God broke our hearts to prove to us
He only takes the beat
Life goes on, we know that s teuc
But tis rust not the same wnbout you
Always loved and remembered by her bus
rand Davie and family. David and Maggie,
Ran and Evelyn. Norm and 'Elaine. Cathie
and Koss and grandchildren 4(k
SPRUY1TE • In looting messy d a near
another, lulraine. January 10, 1984 and a
dear father, Masatce. October 1, 1989
ou re still dearly mussed -
Lovingly re membered by son leery and
tamuy 40•
Friends and neighbours
are Invited to a
65th Birthday Party
for Joe Miler
at Dashwood
Community Centre.
Best wishes only
Buck e3 Doe
Shelly Miller
Sat., Oct. 3
Lxeter Ag. Building
if• tor�
at the Rec Centre
Annex, Huron Park
Wed., Oct. 7
1:30 - 2:30 p.m. for 8 weeks
For children egie 3-5 years.
Reg stratiion:
Karen 228-6236,
Anne 227-4549
Sponsored by the Exeter
Christian Reformed Church
Precious bleed 11110len
CtRh CNItiAar Wit/NM
'Week °Meet. 20/92
2000854 - Jan Cook, St. T elmnea
550. 21411997 -'Miry-Morley, Ailsa
Craig $50. 22 02716 - Do std Perry,
Exeter 550.23 00368 - Jodi Cbanyi,
Exeter 550. 24 01799 - Cloth, Maria
Vogels, Dublin 550. 02293 - Mor-
ley, Maureen Thompson, Crediton
550. 26 01353 Herbie Versteegh,
Mama $100.
gat3t aJrc/Pee
Kelly Hodgson &
John Rooney
Sat., Oct. 10
8 p.m. - l a.m.
Huron Park Rec Centre
On the 30th
R irthda t
fah! '
Stephen Towns/up Communsty
Centre - Crediton, Ontano
Wed. Oct. 7
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Adults 18.0(
Children (under 12) $4.0(
Children (preschool).... _ Frea>
Family Piar, 120.00
H*ppy 7S1fi Meat Arid tlnd
Ira Arid M • KneirinA
I not KFvin,, Sip, lulu, Csaaollse
H4ppy 25t11 IP/Fridley Arrnivreseiti
Demo Q Barry wtyirt
Srptrahrs JO, 1992
Intl f)ra, lulu IMN{111 , DARRvt
z11Jitt sliir•Xt _ ��••��pp
a- -
s I -- OI//« 9 e
September 24-25-26
12-6 pm
Starling Oc: 13
Call Now too Details
Flegtstratton Limited
50t4 I41 &irk 4-eark,
Jack and Kay Cockwill
On the happy occasion of
their 50th anniversary. their
family extends ar Invitation
to al, relatives. friends and
neighbours to attend an
open dance on October 3
from 9 p.m- to 12 at
Dashwood Community
(,entre. B-st wishes oni
// Surprise 25th Nt'edding Anniversary Dancr'
din//I/NArIiurardwarra IIII�/�I�/II�IIII//Ir/Aid
Bev & Pat (Clarke)
at Lucan
Community Centre
Sat., Oct. 10
9 p.m. - T a.nt.
More information
please call
234-6444 or 649-6623
Oct. 1967 Ort. 1992
Active Parenting of Teens
The teen years. They can be the best tines or the worst of times. It
all depends on how well you're prepared for them
In just six weeks you can gain the knowledge, develop the skills and
adequately prepare for the problems and situations that are bound to
arise in any home with teenagers
"The differences in my family relationships we amazing! it's been ter
nfic. I've learned that sometimes by changing my behavior icon
change my kids."
Pnscilla McQuire, Clearwater, Fl.
1 have learned that the sound of my quiet voice speaks louder than
my yelling -
Derry Fogle, Los Angeles. CA.
Thurs. Nis. (7:30 - 10:00) - Oct. 15 to Nov. 19
115.00/person 525,00/couple
brochures available iron church office (235.0860)
register with Judy Dougall (235-1461)
1 al
Goderich Twp. community contre
Hoknesvipe. Onlato (Just oil Hwy. 8 tuelween tayderich b Glnlun)
Display and Sale of Crafts
• Jp lery • GJnnr PastRey • Llct.ed t,lasS • yryaNG knead '000 Piutltutlp
•, (J( • KnItI g • Wreelhs • Wooden Toys • /tome yenned goods • Produce
• irnd much, much more
L1yrrr Lunt s". A 1 ()day. QUotor ; 10 d.n 9 pin
flatrosbntents Avatirbk' $alrday. Ch.(trjier 'r, 10 a.m spin
Door rotes Sunday. ()etcher 4 10 a m• 4 p),in