HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-09-30, Page 23• • Shoreline management plan 8ttten next phase F,XFTER - Atter five public open houses boated by the Ali ahIe Hayfield Conservation • Authontt • this summer, the proposed Short. COnsigramentilele : of f-umrture, antiques, tools. dishes, etc. at Coulter Auctions Corbett, Ontario on 81 Highway between Parkhill and Grand Bend on Sat., October 10 at 11 .an. To consign can Bruce Coulter 294-0585, Brett Coulter 294-6164 COUNTY OF HURON • HIGHWAYS DEPT 1992 TENDER SEALED TENDER- v. received .>. tr. tt,.• Count,: Engineer u:.:,. iz o'clock noon. Tuesday. October 6tt:. 19t.2' k'orms arra envelno.•s art- ava, able trout the of!i: e c.! tn. unn.• signed 1'ne lowest nr are. 'tenni r not necessartry accent.... TENDER 11C -92 -Sr! Rent ':f 20.13W) K . : t Cnass; Ir Sandtnt: operation: Aubur• Pair + 1992/93 seas. TENDER 1l('-92-50' sat ttauun: lend, Patrt Yarc,- 1., Wrosett Auburn and Lurtc: Denis R. Merrill. P. k.nt: Huron (-ounty Engineer (;our(Hous. Goderich. ontari N7,1 1M line Management Plan is now en tering its next phase. "We'd like to thank everyone who attended our information fres Tsnden. for Site and -Landscape Maintenance and janitorial services at the North Crest Apartments, 80 Queen St., Hensalt. Sealed tenders will be re ceived until 4:30 p.m. on Oc- tober 9, 1992. Tender docu ments may be obtained from: Mrs. E.A. Oke Treasurer Hensel, Senior Citizens Homes Inc. P.O. Box 129 122 King St. Village Walk Mainsail, Ontario NOM 1X0 262-2924 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. LAND FOR RENT (By Tender) The Village of Lucan has a 66 acre parcel of land locat- ed at. Lot 25 Con 4 in Bid- duton Twp. available for rent to' twc yea' term corn- mencing November 1, 1992, The fano is presently in corn and soybean production. In- terestea persons should sub- mit tenders to me°Village Of- fice tfice 161 Marl St. Lucan on or before 5 p.rn. October 9, 199: Ronald J. fteymer A.M.C.T Cierk & Tax Collecto. Village of Lucar (519) 227-4252 14 Gregus Court New home in Exeter, featuring spacious living room, 3 large bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, ensuite with iucuzui, spacious eat to kitcner:. main floor laundry, central va high efficiency gas furnace. Deck, brick drive ana sodded sawn. Contac' Gregus Construction 235-1647. EXETER STONEYRIDGE ESTATES New Home for Sak . 2205 sq. tt. ' 4 bedrooms, 21/2 baths ' Cathedral hvingroom • Oak cupboards ' Double garage ' Gas fireplace • Interlocking back driveway • Open oak stalrcasr ' Sodded and landscaped PRIVATEAALE CONTACT Stoneyridge;Developments Inc. lack Taylor 235-3293 ESTATE.AUCTION-BALE Fine antique furniture, prints, antique glassware, sterling flatware, silver pietas to be held at Lobb Auction Building in Clinton for the Estate of Marron Williams of Goderich i+ulatri.DAlafoer 3 at 10 abhor. Wardrobe with mirror door and drawer, lege Victorian armour, corner wardrobe, side board with carved pulls and epplied.caned hurt, ornate •high bac( bed with curved loot beard, server .with caning ori ..duurs, walnut oval dining table with spooiesetegs alrtd 2 leaves, ornate .vandy dresser with beveled walnut drawer'fronts, 5 drawer chest, 4 drawer chest, tenntionation bookcase and desk, 2 dresser top awing mir- rors, 2 antique settees, ornate oval parlour table, antique lamp tables. pedestal tilt top table with inlaid pearl top, antique hall seat with mirror ornate desk, spooled lee,tabia-with 2 drawers, old oolleotable books, 2 ann wells in fancy brass' wider, 314 poster style bed, ladies choir. gamy wooden chairs, 2 •wicker arm chairs, modern chesterfield and chaira • fridge and stove, 1882 steeple dock, 39%00441e point bench, le ,point stools, Granberry bantling halliamp, Granberry11803 Mary o- ry worlds fair glass, by Hammerless hand gun patented 1832-1 8 sterling flatware, sleet' bowl, many silver pieces, some eweUery, OkJ Ilitslges end buttons, suss .candle stick holders, milk bottles .wit games, 3 minseWra r ints, water colour „signed by Paul Ziegler ((16 94), 1016,o' rtt, water ogkhur.by C.E. Smith or al u �• �pwo gamier, Qso fey S. A.L. Simpson Ltd. di" 200, 11•) Editon 91 or 120 by Gustave Bauman, plus otters. rass live place fender and .wood bucket, ppery glasses, dishes and glassware include set of Rosenthal Etenor ,pattern dishes, cups ands sewers, Port, Limoges, Ansiey. itioyal Crown Derby, cut glass and;anlique pieces etc. Teams:.cash or cheque with proper 11) AMotloneer Richard Lobb 482-7808 Clinton, Sat. ;Qc t. 10. at 10 a.m. Trees. and shrubs, furniture, apptiarlces, etc. at the Lobb Auction Building in Clinton cines or sent in wren comments about the"Plan," says Patrick l' on- nelty, planning supervisor with the ARCA. •We'd also like to encour- age anyone who missed our Sep- tember IS deadline to mail in or de- liver their c(lmments as soon as possible " The steering committee for the Plan will meet in early October to review the public's comments and concerns about the preliminary draft Initiated by the ABCA, the Plan sets out a strategy to protect and preserve the lake Huron shore- line within the conservation author- ity's iurisdlctihn while recognizing the relationship of individual prop- ene.: to the shoreline ecosystem Th, document considers storm damage prevention natural env! ronment preservation, economic de- velopment planning and an en- hanced quality of life for future generations "Some of the drainage and bluff erosion emblems identified in the Plan occurred this summer because of the amount of rainfall we've had." says Donnelly. "That certain- ly puts into perspective the necesst- tv tor this 'strategy .' As a result of public opinion ex- pressed at the open house forums. the steering committee will focus parucular attention on four points in the Plan that caused confusion or concern "First, a definition of altsinrafli- arids' will fie given in the second draft. We'discevered that this terns - which we intended to signify such events as flooding oremaion wasn't •clear to everyone. Similarly , the terminology used to describe Iiakeshm a development trestrictinn, will he reviewed and clarified "in addition, the steering commit- tee will re --examine the risk' and 'caution' zones designated in the Ptah, as well as.apply new informa tion provided by cottage -owners this past summer." Connelly contin- ue.. "In preparing the -first draft, we were as site-specific as we could without visiting each individual property Now it will he possible to present a more detailed description, thanks to everyone's input.' Members of the steering commit- tc_ will also consider a -request from cottage -owners to provide a second draft of the Plan next sum- mer. when those who reside outside 01 the region will have returned and can participate, once again, in a re view of the document "The Shoreline Management Plan is intended to he a consensus plan and. tor that reason. a redraft would fulfill that requirement," says Don- nclit "We're pleased with the thoughtful and thorough response we've received trom many couage owners and cottage associations Lett( r to Edito. Post office replies Dear Editor. Cynthia Patterson, self-styled defender of the rural lifestyle. ha: climbed once again onto her soap box. this time to challenge the re MKS of two recent surveys that clears'. indicate Canadians ap- prove of the changes Canada Post is making u, its retail services across the country. I would like to respond to the accusations she made in her letter which you re- cently published The surveys. conducted in May by Anderson Strategic Research on behalf of Canada Post Corpora- uon, sought the opinions of postal customers who had experienced the changeoverof .counter services from the uaditiaoai postoffice to local business. Ninety-four percent of customers in rural Canada said they were satisfied with the neck postai services offered. 76 percent of whoni said they were "very sat- isfied". In urban centres that have had their retail services offered in a neighbourhood business, cus- tomers reported a 98 permit over - -all-satistactitbit.rate . Ms. Pauerson is obviously not sausfied with these results because they contradict her premise that die new service is wlpopular tinct generally inadequate. fust, she -lays the surveys are the only defense the Corporation has for the postal changes it ample meats: Canada Pest-hrdly-tee& a defence for trying to meet MC needs of Canadian C011SUmers wit more convenient a cess to poste products and services. Being abae to buy suunps ur register a lever a the tame time as you are doing olli er slopping - often in the evenwit or un weekends when the "had yonal" post office would ere ckhiiek: - is a formula that works welt fir customers. for the business Uta' hosts the service, and for Caned:. Post. Second, Ms. Pauerson says Wal in about 240 instances the rural post office was closed. but that tit busuiess wok over. This is actually hue where the community is so tiny that there isn't any focal busi- ness left in town. In these few caaes, rest - ;deals we already going to a neigl+ bowing ng town to do their ltartkmg. to buy breed and milk to gas ut> their cat, and so on. 01 the over 1.20(+ communities whose postal services have changed over the past tew vears, however, 80 percent arc now serviced through a local bust nee... Thin:. M_.. Pauerson claims that most rural residents were ahead\ 100 percent satisfied with their tre- druonai post office. Did she do a survey to find this out'' No doubt marry residents did like the conunu- u y of dealing with the same office for years: we often find the same sense of loyalty to a retail postal outlet that has been operating in a ousrness for years. People nauualiy oppose change, but when the great majority .are now saying that once they actually-experrencethe change they are very satisfied, that's the opuuon Canada Post relies on to know it is moving; in the nght d+ recuol. Founts Ms. Pattersor use. u make the point that the gradual de - cline in the number of posunaster aerOSS the country translate.. Ilio thousands of Jobs lust to Uie Tura. economy. In response, let me sav that Canada Post is only malsar,• changes atter die posunaster s pos. uun is vacant. And doesn t it uia►c•. sense to strengthen the bushes, base of a community by Openiirg a postal outlet in a itx:al busu,es-- After all, a strung business erase ,' the heart of any wnh,unii, When -Ms -- Pattersor' declare - that the post otiose e s leder, symbol within the community sir•. Ignores the basil -last that Cauau.: Post Corporation is a bushes.., art not a symbol. It has a u►andate a • provide postai serntxs tie a reit., ble and financially sell-suslauuirt. basis. It has Uie setspuasibilaa it provide universal access it, alt C., radians w. limber Ute % it v,. t Whitehorse or in Wlorupe): or r; Mount Pearl, Newluundiaann Perhaps Ms. Patterson liar Geta singing the San; twit; sO lung ant, SO kindly that sane wee rural residents are real, \ say Litt: they are uverwhelmulgf, sausfiee with the changes Canada Post '- taakuhg a clear llIagutIty believe ur, Corporation is moving 111 Wk, tip: duecticm . • Ida kiwis Manager, National Medi.; ftelauun• StaUuu 4tS. Conledeiatiun Itcighi Ottawa (eN KIA OHI Agri -Food to IwJd open house CLINTON - The Ministry of Ag riculturc and Food office in Clinton will.bc holding an Oen House On Wednesday, October 7, between 1:00 pm-aptd 4:00 pap. This is ahs midaho tiny of (Mw rio's Agri -Food .W#. Tbis.aiamual event recognizes the Ggpltibttien male to Ontario's economy by fund producers, processors and dis- tributors. The 1991 censusof agriculture indicated that Huron County was the provincial leader in .terms of Awnber of-farptcrs (3,260) and in gins farm receipts ($437 million). There are 68,633 *MS in Ontario with mai farm'wow of $6.67 billion On April 29, 1992 Ifhc Clinton fiield office anoved to a new fuca tipaal•409pon Street. The Open House invitation is Cx- teiided to all residents in .HYron County interested in knowing more abseil the agri-laud induatty• 1 a • • •• • • • • • Tunes=Ativocalte -Septemte r 30 1992 "t a l', 41. Hensall Livestock les Ltd. Order buyer for tats. feeders end stockers 0 Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily Sorting caste for Mansell Livestock end Telbotvlfe Livestock Sale 0 Saturdays at 9:90 stn. et $0116811 g Also picking up cows and veal Saturday Montle's Special StoekerSele en Bet. October Sett pin. Consisting of S00 Wool Delves, 250 yeai1ings 1 Consignments welcome i Restaurant epee-diinft 13n. alile. Ontario Pork Producers Mariileeig bite Open weekly Tuesday 7 a.m. -112 neon • • • For more information contact Sorry Mier, Owner t)Mana er 0 Office 262-2831, Exeter 235-2717, Trude 1-661-8956 ta ►iirrr►r/rlrrll//I/r DENFiELD LIVESTOCK SALES LTD. Stocker Sale 'Thursday, Evening Oct. 1 at 7:00 p.m. 100 Hereford steers 950 lbs. off grass. 100 short keep steers and heifers, 40 limo heifers off grass, a good offering of grass cattle. Spada;11eature: herd dispersal of 13 Black cows (3 with calves at side) re - bred to Simmental Angus X Bull, 9 yearlings. For Information or to consign call 666-1140 Brett Coulter Bruce Coulter 294-6164 294-0585 Future sales Thursday evening October 15th, Thursday evening November 5th, Local calf sale plus yearlings. STOCKER SALE 500 Local Calves (30() blonde & blonde cross) & (200 exotic calves) PLUS 250 Heiter and stee' yearlings or. Sa:.. October 3, 1992 at 1 p -m. at Hensal! Livestock Sales Ltd. Consignments wetcom For more intormatiort call Barry Miller - 5.19-235-2717 7 ruck - 519-661-8956 Office - 519-262-2833 Auctioneer: Larry Gardiner r tasacaa'4< K„► 1. v F �►.a ra* * CLEARING FARM AUCTION 10 01 Limousin cattle, farm machinery, etc For Mr. Frani, Falconer. * miles S.E. of Clinton, Turn oft Hwy. 4 or e8 at Vanastra Re t Monday October 12 - 11 a.m. + it M•. Falconer is retiring trom farming and has Instructed us to sell trier .r toitowing witnout reserve For further Information regarding the sate* - t. (519) 233-9128 CATTiE7 Whlch wilt be sold el approximalay 2 p.m. 20 percentage: Luno cows with calves. 10 mixed beet cows with calves. 6 percentage. * Limo bred heifers, 5 Luno-crossbeef heifers open. Cows will be rebred.* x ACH Wonder Boy - black Limo bull, 2 yr. ofd Limo bull Maple Key Zorro,* Snonhorn show prospect steer, other steers, working donkey A good* * working herd is offered and Mr. Falconer has used good bulls for breed -0 * m Catalogues available saley �r TRACTORS: M.F. 245 diesel with Allied loader, McCormack W4 gas.ar '0 tractor weights * 11. FARM MACHINERY ETC. M.F 3 iur. 3 pt r 17 plow. J.U. 4 tut 14 * semi mounted plow, Dion forage harvester with 1 row corn head, Dion* * forage blower with -piper; feeeker-forage--.acr<(on heavy.duty n..2$ 'o N 1. single axle manure spreaders, 2 fiat races and wagons. 2 McCor-* macx grain dnlls, drag doubke disc, 5' Global disc with 2' discs, Case 3: *pet . mower, chain harrows, gravity bin on heavy truck- wagon. tender* rack on wagon, scrap icor *c MISC. Steel posts and lancing supplies, cuivens 20' x 20'. holds e crate for calves, bean scales, pig feeders, troughs. heat lamps, HD* wheel narrow, Ford pickup tail gate.. forks. shovels, latooing outfit, bu-fir * drzzors,.c,eam cans, steel wheels (all sizes), bikes, rabbit cage. much,: much mole of a lifetime collection .r GRAiN. 10 tun mixed grain $ LAWNMOWER: Ford LGT 125 hyorostat« riding iawnmuwer * TERMS: Gash sate day. 4 J's lunch booth * AUCTIONEERS - * Hugh Filson Tom Robson * 666-0833 666-1967 Ray Filson Fax 666-0833 * 4 a► * * 4 • • ******fir********************************rt. taliAgt, Auctioneers Bob Heywood 236-0874 Burt Lobb 482-9377 A r 3 t Oi30 a.m. a n ,inter We we be dispersing an excellent Anne St. properly .along with con- tents uncs antiques, appliances, furnishings. china, glass and misc. items for Mrs. Jean Mayer. along with additions from a Zurich home PROPEATY: According to Plan 376, lot 432 and pt. lot 433 of the Town of Exeter, consisting of 68.05' frontage. known as 86 Anne Sr., on which is located a well kept 1 12 stotey.ft a home .with 3 bpdropms, large dining and living rooms, nice kitchen, family room and k with, detached garage on a desirable lot. Prgperty to sell sharp at 10:30 on, k eation. Terms 10% down and balance in 30 days. Su 'ect 10 a rea- sonable reserve. Contact b eywood fpr viulrring. HOUSEHOLD .ANO- S: (at the arena) 4c. „walnut dining suite with 6 chairs, tact. , e, china p�aa bemit andboard, rola bed and matching chair ,chesterfield and °Kair,1i1c3.arst-freo itigo (3 months old), McLary 30' *lac. range (1 yr. old), GE. auto washer, $ot- tact lilac. dryer, chesi hosier, sun table, lamp tables, folding rocker,; recliner, 3,pc. bedroom suite with double bed, dressing table and chest of drawers, dressers, beds, chests, 2 maple love seats with cushions and matching table, oval full length mirror in brass frame, .Wing back chair, 2 single mattresses in excellent condition, patio lablo acrd faint lure, Singer sewing machine, 15 HP Johnson out�d motor, wit ppd toilet table, blanket •bpx, 3 Paul Peot prints - "After the Bath', 'The Shy; Model', "Toronto Lakeshore", Persian mat. 12 place Wilms of yjaie ofduanetiwqwear,cpahinnatryantooMslas(tso, bekitcsoelnwaar t e10:3bu0dhsingrpt,opws, qDl e n. be - cue, bench grinder, misc. tools, collectible smalls, and hundreds of woeful and collectible items. Sale to be held in the Agriculture 6klq be- hind thaane a. A.IIOWWQN.t MNDER Sat. Oct. 10 at Souttl Huron Rec centre. Uis- persing.an excellent offering of antiques - incl. furnishings,dining suite,, antique lamps, cocks, toys, china, glass and nostalgia. One of this years finest auctions. Watch next weeks paper for a (Wringing