HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-09-30, Page 17• limes -Advocate September 30, 1992 Paget 7 issiteassit sod roue,: ten" Mow trews .Ot siehritias Dowd *fieri th {lh,, or the ws. pmutMtton ttv, tw+tilteq riverst; the t r- - r ,is host dpi# tower -1. sot Nbsie Vet fid:. re-woreltilitrtrtiridisitait Att.: AillNeallatta *Weft rtttwikt WInv.- rq Par rr41N salons n s erneeati'W d Harvest Thanksgiving at St. Patrick's By'H: Bovis SA!r41 URY - St. Patrick's held their Harvest 'Thanksgiving sere on Sunday. Rev .Stephen Finery eel- abrated the Holy Fuchari4t and Based his cltildrens focus and mes e on 'Sharing". Assisting with ride service were Rose Cunningham, Lisa and Julie Carroll Bather MacGillivray was soloist 41:tr the service, singing "Morning has Broken" and Allan Bmughum lave a violin solo accompanied by 'by his wife Dianne. Cheryl Carroll 'Meas organist for the service. There will be no service next week at Sar Patricks, Harvest Ser- vice at St. Pauls at 10 a.m. Mary Kooy has returned home from hospital. Get well wishes Mary from your friends at St. Patrick's. Harvest visitors Sunday were Art rand Marion Abbou with Earl and Marguerite Greenlee. Rev. Stephen Emery and Ben, Pe- ter and Joyce Sovereign with Hugh and Hazel Davis. Mary Davis, Mabel Needham and Astmetfightiaggrant has been received by the village of Lucan from Ontario Hydro. As partj Hetcn MacDonald called on Mary of a province-wlde Street Smart Lighting Program, Lucan Hydro has already completed conver- KooY on Sunday. sion of 110 lights in this energy efficient move. Above, Ron J. Falsetti of Ontario Hydro Cus- Ron and Nancy Cunningham and tomer Services presents a cheque in excess of $5,000 to Lucan Hydro general manager children of Mar were weekend visi- Randy l(raul and deputy reeve Harry Wraith. Kraut says about 60 percent of the program has tor` with Bob and Alexia Tindall -been completed. also visiting Grandmother Mary Da- vis on Saturday. Mary also attended Queensway reser enjoy play HENSALL - Monday turned out to be a busy day for Queensway residents and volunteers when bin- go was enjoyed by those at home and several travelled to the Grand :Bend Legion to enjoy Grand Cove Formes tremendous show "Any- thing Goes". Volunteer drivers were Doug Insley, Sue Wilson, and Elva Forrest. Rev. Vernon Dean of Exeter Pentecostal Church led Worship service Tuesday. All benefitted from his message as well as his nal - .ent at the keyboard. Last Wednesday. auxiliary vol- .unteers and activity staff travelled to Seaforth Manor for an excellent presentation on Pastoral Care by -Rev. Smart Schroeder, Regional Co-ordinator for Pastoral Services at Freeport Hospital in Kitchener. Everyone felt it was a very worth- while and productive day. Marie Flynn and The Huron afitnngs as well as some of Sherry iMcCatl Stepdancing students en- .tertained at the Sepee ober birthday party Thursday evening. Birthday (peelings to Dorothy Insley, Jack .Lowe, Cal Horton. Glenn McKnight, Bona 'Clark, Mildred Gingerich and Ernie Gross. Also residents wish a happyanniveraary to Glenn and Pearl McKnight. S .LtQ by Anni Morenz SHIPKA - Ken Baker -and Marg Lawson atrendedihe 5Oth-a uuver- sary try Saturday night for Jake and Elsie Roder at .the Stanley Complex near Varna, also a wed- ding supper at the- White-Caniatltttt - for Ken's niece Cynthia Scott and James Dejong. Also amending the anniversary -were Don. Sharon and Sheona Bak - -er. Ken and Carol Baker of Gode- rich, Sandra, Tony and Chris -Regi- o. of Mount Cleaans Michigan. A number of area folks here were out Saturday to enjoy the parade and festivities at Exeter Fair. Hugh's slater, Hazel Corbett, of Hensiall. won the Baking Queen crown for the second consecutive year. Btfthday wishes to Les Adams of Exeter, a former resident of this Area. News of Shtpka and area young people puratwng higher education: Jeff Sweatier. fort of Jim and Marg. is beghoning his first -year at Wilfrid Laurier Univaaity in Watadoo✓ Jeff graduated earlier this year from South Huron District High School: Clark Adams, son of Don and Elizabeth, is .working as assistant chef at the Church Restaurant to Stratford. He tCItttns .w cooking school dames in November through to March when he will be- , - comc a chef. Some of the more in- ,Aeresting folks he cooked food for this summer were Pierre E. 'fru- . Beau, Megan Follows and C7ttisto- ,.phcr Plummer: Michelle Vincent, daughter of ,Harold and Lucille, is in her third ,,year of classes at the University of Windsor. majoring in Spanish: Connie Russell, daughter of Doug and Ann, is attending her sec- ond year at Lakehead University in ,Thunder Bay: Angie 'Lerman, daughter of An- nie and the late Dick Zielnian. is at- tending Centralia College this year. ;Sire is studying for a career as a 1400tiatitian. Resident council met Friday morning and was well attended by residents, who discussed upcom- ing events. It is hoped that family and people from the community support the coming October Out t and Bake Sale. it promises to be a great afternoon and planning for it wilt continue. Friday afternoon euchre volun- teer Audrey Christie was wel- comed by rest home' 'residents. Coming events: October 14 Geri Fashions, 21st 2 p.m. Craft and bake sale. 29th - 7 p.m. Birthday pany and dance. entertainment Mozart Gelinas and George Ma- thoma. Euchre in Dashwood -DASHWOOD - Dashwood Women's Institute will be sponsoring two euchres in Oc- tober on the 7th and 21st in Dashwood Community Cen- tra, sorting time 8 p.m. the Open House honouring Hamil- ton and Audrey Hodgins on their SOai Wending Anniversary heti al Hoiv Trinnv, 1 mean Michael and Suzanne Davis, Crys tal, Haney, Travis and Stan were guests at a surprise birthday party for Dorothy Dietrich on Sunday t l� veil( rs tttpo 1 herr` WAN rr sera( beri-14I eel sour receptt on, �(n1l1gh�., 1 rrr'11 • r1 preen( yr.(' lr) ,"our 1AAna" MI DIAMOND ANNIVERSARi' BAND ,,, s 0:11 nor,•• r -,i ANSTfiT JEWELLERS LIMITED - Specialists Since 1950 - b Converuent locations to serve vo,. CLINTON. EXEiTR. GODERICI-i. KINCARDINE' SEAFORTH and ST MARYS «Yl 1Ilamohn. hr torr e•t WITIMT1111111111 THE IIIGHUGHTS Over me past two yeaL. teoera,. orov,ncial and Aoorlulnal leade'S nav' consurteo with thousands of Canaoians ana special interest droups from coast t, coal! 1nese consultations rricruoed Royal Commissions. participatory conte: ences. parliamentary nearings, and Hearings in the provinces and territories heir' by provrnciai and terrltona+ legislature i-eaera provincial, territorial and Aboriginal waters nave agreed unanrmousiy on a package -of constftr•- tionai proposals that recognizes the eoualit all Canadians anti represent; air of Our interest. The agreement is now Douro Canadian: The agreement proposes that Ire rrec- Constitutrort would corita, :: statement c' key economic ana social objectives snared oy all ot Hie governments in lir' feaeration ine objectives include contprenensive, unversk:, portabie. acces: tare anci,publrely.a(nruuuSlereadea111Lcare, aUeuuate.seCi a SetviCeS.anr; aenehts tugn quality primary ana secondary education aria reasonable acces. to cost -secondary education, corrective oargaining wits dna a commrtnien' to protecting Inc environment The ecorionw policy objectives to oeentrenched would b.. aimed at strengthening the Canadian ecunumr ufiror3: the tree movement of person_. good:. services, aria capital, ensuring full eniproymen' and a reasonable stanaari ot riving tot a Canadians, ensuring sustainable aria equitable Ueveropmenl __ "Exclusive Amorous, Iurisdictton wool tie recogiarea in the.areas of forestry. rmmy. tourism. (Dousing. (ecreabo, ntunicepa: affairs. cultural matter. within the province, and labour market Development duel training. hl additior to ensure the two revels of government work in ndnnui,,, lite government of Canada commits to negotiate agreements wltl Me provinces ter areas Sir as ImmlgraUur regional uevelopmen: dims terecornmunication! Federal-pruvinuai dgreenientt, on any subjec' could be protected oy U + .,orisfrtutIun hoe unilateral charlgf As was tire case: r the Meech Lake agreement. the neva Canadian Constitution 1: Soclaf and Economic Union Avoiding Overlap and Duplication Distinc Society would recognize the distinct nature of Quebec. based on its f -tench language urnuue culture ana civil raw tradition m -the reformed Parliament the Senate would reflect the equality Of the provinces while the House of Commons would be oased more on the principle of representation by population. As we! Quebec wouto oe assured a minimum 25% of the seats in the House of Common:, The proposed Senate wudlo be made up of six elected senators from earn province and one from eacn territory. Additional seats wawa provioe representation tor Aboriginal people:. The reform Senates powers, srioura srgnilica[xtty increase the role of the elected Senaturs in Ute punt y process i tie firupusars recognize that Aborrglnar peoples have an inherent uUr * to se ' government ands#fiat the ConstituTonthoufa enable them to Ueveiur, se + government arrangements and to take their place in the Canadian ieuerailu truuusals recognize Aboriginal cove, r+ ,,,. tine of fire three constitutionally rewu a :, n' yuvernrnent in Canada auuiin int- Lnuposals provioe for a iluuuihiitor, process uetween Aboriginal leaders dpi wuvincia, arra Iedera+ governments to teeth 14 11., trim; into ettec' Itre recognition of the nwererr r ret' t wow() not create any new rights : inn tow mat Canada s federal. provincta . territorial and Aboriginal leaders ndvc: redctded d consensus, it is the right of alt Canadians to understand the new thruuusao, Cao the torr free number below to receive an easy -lo -read uuuaiet un lire new u,nslitutional agreement or a complete text 0 s your !grit to Knuw what the constitutional proposals say, before vonntr u!' uctoue' 2f, 1.trhttlmenta!'t keirorm Aboriginal Self - Government FOR INFORMATION C.: 1-800-561-1188 1