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Times -Advocate September 30, 1992
Exeter Fall Fair "Focus on Honey" results
Ate are the results of the 1992 Exeter Fall Fair from the
various divisions of competition. Photos from the fair we on
pages 18 and 19. Comments on the fair's success from the
president appear on front page.
"Fan Event"
Open to all chaiubie and tarn -profit
organizations: Fust, 575., Sunshine
Nursery School, Pieta Kleinadtanidt;
Second, 550., New Ramie Sntaere,
Mark Gaskin; Third, 525., Exeter Pub-
lic School Patron Association, Deb Ho-
muth. All other entries received 510
each with 20 participants in all.
Draw prboe winners
First, 5100voucdin frau
A&H EMA Don Kerslake;
Second, 5100 grocery voucher frau
Seip's valu-mart, Donna Webster;
Third, 550 worth of turkey products
from Hayter's Turkeys, Angelo Fragis-
"People's Choke"
Winner of the Peoples Choice an-
tique tracators on display at the Royal
Bank was a tractor owned by Ken Eld-
School champions
Girls champion Kerry Brownlee,
Boys champion Eric Brownlee, Girls
runner-up Teresa Zwambag, Boys run-
ner-up David Zwambag.
Focus on Honey float Brownlee
Family, Best Organization float: Hen-
sall Spring Fan; Best Business float:
Ferguson Apiaries; Best Family float:
Cooper Family, Best Antique Vehicle:
Ken Elder,
Best Classic Vehicle: Ivan Reichert,
Best Focus on Honey Costume: Denise
Bedard, Best Elementary or Nursery
School: Sunshine Nursery School. Best
Costumed Character: Vanessa Laye,
Best Comical Carmine: Michael Seip,
Best Costumed horse and rider: Mea-
dowbridge Haflingers, Best Team of
Horses and Cart: Meadowbridge Ha -
flingers, Best Costumed Horse and Rid-
er (age 14 and under): Huron Hafling-
ers, Thiel.
Ambassador of the Fair
Winner: Michelle Moore sponsored
by Fashion Closet; First neer-up:
Tara Honking sponsored by A&H
EMA Foods; Second mm►a-tip: Laura
Cook sponsored by MacLeans.
Junior Champion: Peggy Brownlee;
Junior runner-up: Andrea French;
Youth Champion: Gail Brownlee;
Youth numer-up: Andrea Weigand;
Flower Champion: Pat Down; Flower
nuutrter-tip: Josie Ryckrnan; Baking
'Champion: Haul Corbett; Baking run-
ner-up: Dolores Shepton; Sewing
Champion: Joan Robinson; Sewing n.n-
ner-up: Betty Thomson; Craft & Hobby
Champion: Rhea Green; Craft and Hob-
by runner-up: Cathy Lease; Best Quilt:
Isabelle Aramis; Second Best Quilt:
Margaret Cole; Golden Age most
points: Phylis Deichert; Photography
Best Print Ruthann Dean.
Woeren'a Institute Display Compe-
tition "Foots onHoney"
Fust Hurundale W.I.; Second: Elim-
ville W.I.; Third: Crediton W.I.; Fourth
Grand Bend W.L.
Organization Display
Competition "Weekend with the
Golden Girls"
Fust Elimville U.C.W.
Cooking with Homey Demonstra-
Conducted by Deb Campbell of Cen-
tralia Collage, well attended, demon-
strated the versatility of honey. e.g.
honey punch. sweet and sour chicks'
wnrnga 4•H Calf Club
Junior Showmanship: first, Dosis
Gower; second, Greg Hendrick; third,
Ryan Fulton.
Senior Showmanship: fast. Andrea
Lyceue; second, Ted Hoffman; third.
Chris Weigand.
Conformation Steers: first. Ryan Ful-
ton; second, Randy Hoffman; third, An-
drea Lyoeu.
Conformation Heifers: first, Tim
Hoffman; second, Janie Hoffman;
third, Ted Hoffman.
Ho` Carcass Coopetition
Fest Carolyn Johns. weight 18.6.
b by Lesterosa Swine for
16.00 Ib.; Second: Linda Haccius,
weight 18.79, purchased by Heasall
Coop for 59.00 b.;
Third: Martin VanRaey, weight
19.89, purchased by Hamill Livestock
for 51230 lb.; Fourth Rob Paaunore,
weight 18:66, purchased by MTS Paan
.Supply for 513.30 lb.; Rfth: Tarty
Zwambag, weight 20.19, purchased by
Lorne and Marrsret Her% for 55.00 Ib.
Bat bird of show: W andeue Pullet
shown by Michel Becker, Champion
Standard: Michael Becker, Wyandotte
Pullet; Reserve Standard: Clifford Pep-
per, Asiatics Han; Champion Bantam:
Michael Becker, CochinHen;
Reserve Bantam: Michael Becker,
Black Cochin Hat; Champion Water-
fowl: Michael Becker, Calls Pullet; Re-
serve Waterfowl: Michael Becker,
Calls Cockerel; Champion Pigeon: A.
Fulker, Homer Female; Reserve Pi-
geon: Michael Becker, Solid Rollers
Grab's and Seeds
Most points: Robert Down; Runner-
up: Alan Han; Most points from Ste-
phen Twp.: Cliff Hicks.
Fruits and Vegetables
Collection of fruit: Les Cudmore;
Display of vegetables: Wayne Shepton,
Frances Anderson, Gladys Cudmorc;
Most points in Garden Products:
Wayne Shapton; Most points in vegeta-
bks: Wayne Shapton.
Goat show
Best Udder Doe: Atlas Stokes; Bes•
Dam and Daughter: Eileen Martin; Bat
Doe in Show: Harold Bouck; Best
Dairy Herd: Eileen Martin; Senior
showmanship: Richard Martin; Junior
showmanship: Robert Stokes; Toggen-
burg Champion Doe: Eileen Martin;
Toggenburg Reserve Champion Doe:
Eileen Martin; French Alpine Champi-
on Doe: Allan Stokes; French Alpine
Reserve Champion Doe: Allan Stokes;
Recorded Grade Champion Doe: Allan
Stokes; Recorded Grade Reserve
Champion Doe: Allan Stokes; All oth-
en Champion Doe: Harold Bouck; All
Others Reserve Champion Doe: Allan
Sheep show
Grand Champion Ram: Barb
Benedict; Grand Champion Ewe: J. Ed-
ward Jackson; Grand Champion Flock:
Barbara Benedict; Reserve Champion
Flock: J. Edward Jackson; Dorset Horn
Champion Ram: Adrian DeBruyn; Dor-
set Horn Champion Ewe: Adrian De-
Bruyn; Oxford Downs Champion Ram:
Barbara Benedict Oxford Downs
Champion Ewe: Donald Dearing; Suf-
folk Champion Ram: Adrian DeBruyn;
Suffolk Champion Ewe: Adrian De -
B Inmx his, Cotswold, Leicesters
Champion Ram: Donald Dearing; Lin -
coins, Cotswold. Leiceaters Champion
Ewe: Donald Dearing; Any other
Champion Ram: J. Edward Jackson
Any other Champion Ewe: J. Edward
Draft Horse show
Single Hitch: W. Stephens; Best
Heavy Team: W. Stephens.
Haflinger Horse show
Youth Showmanship: Ron Moore,
Paul Thiel. Dana Thiel; Champion
Marc: Meadowbmidge Haflingers;
Champion Stallion: George Smallma';
Champion Haflinger Exhibitor: Huron
Open 1.*ht Horse show
41 entries. Jwiior A Champion:
Dana Eaton, London Reserve: Jennifer
Weigand; Junior B Champion: Kelly
Walsh, Denfield; Reserve: Nicole Well -
Arabian show
Good showing with 41 horses partici-
pating in a large number of events.
Leadline: Amada DeBoer, Brent
Darling, Toni Darling, Brett Kelly.
Kami Fevery, Caitlin Rowberry;
Walk/Jog: Katie Arbagast, Justin
Weston Pleasure, Purebred Arabian
of 1 a'Yrvr';; Uv you Nl'YT't' 1pr➢I1Jile J
Wit) r]'(',{'v this anniversary
tf ill showering you-wi>t,il] {ilitidll0]lfi7
�• i': CO i#J iii f) t?'
Whether it's your int, a)tla, 10t
or any anniversary in Let weer,
t it is year, tell her you'll marry stair all over agai n.
421 Main St., S. Easter 235-2720
Ustawel, 135 Wallace Am.14. N4W 11(4120142•0
Win gham, 201 Josephine St. NO0 2tW0 357.1911
1\ amnion(' IN lore•vel.
- A.O.T.R.: Adriaan Brand, Joanne
Moyes Oldham, Sylvia Loye ns, Cathy
Purebred Western Pleasure Champi-
onship: Cern Darting, Adriaan Brand,
Cathy Rowb.rerry.
s.W.O.A.CC. Canadian Approved
Apeloosa show
Grand Champion Stallion wider
Judge A Mi Im Impressive owned by
Bill, Bonnie, and Molter McNuu of
Crediton Shown by Bill McNutt.
Orad Champion Stallion under
JCttdae B Chrome 'n' Straw owned by
Ontario. Shown by White of
Grand Champion Mare Chick Co C-1
owned by Peter Ryan, Walton. Shown
by Doug Riley, Seaforth.
Champion Gelding Reining Pride
owned and shown by Carolyn Johnston,
Amateur Stallion owned by Bill,
Bonnie and Jennifer McNun of Crediton.
Shown by Bill McNutt.
Amateur Mares Lil White Lie owned
by Bill, Bonnie McNutt of Crediton.
Shown by Bill McNutt.
Amateur Geldings Reining Pride
owned and shown by Carolyn Johnston
of Melbourne.
Most colourful at Halter Mi Im Im-
pressive owned by Bill, Bonnie, Jenifer
McNutt of Crediton and shown by Bill
High point youth 13 and under: Shan-
non Gielen of Crediton showing Po Co
Monte; Reserve Phillip Leckie of Lon-
don showing Pepper Reika
High point youth 14-18: lender
McNutt of Crediton showing Lil White
Lie and Poco Monte; Reserve Johna-
than Cober of Branchton showing Br's
High point Non Pro Jo -Anne Lewylle
of Grand Bend showing Call Me CJ;
Reserve Carol Lindsay of Parkhill
showing 2M Gypsie Eyes.
High point Junior Horse Reining
Pride owned and shown by Carolyn
Johnston of Melbourne; Reserve Junior
Home Mi Im Impressive owned and
shown by Bill McNutt of Crediton.
High point Senior Horse Call Me CJ
owned and shown by Jo -Anne Lewylle
of Grand Bend. Reserve 2M Oypsie
Eyes owned and shown by Carol Lind-
say of Parkhill.
School Divhdon Cattle show
Beef calf bon before January 1,
1992, Dennis Gower (U) Bryon Eller-
ington (11), Ryan Fulton (0), Ores Hen-
drick (S); Beef calf born after January
1, 1992: Jamie Hoffman (S), Jamie
Becker (S), Jason Becker (S), Josh
Becker (S);
Dairy calf bon before January 1,
1992: Steven Hem (U); Dairy calf bon
after January 1, 1992: Beth Ann Hem
(U), Steven Hem (U);
Halter -broken Beef Calf: Dennis
Gower (U), Ryan Fulton (U), Oreg
Hendrick (S). Jason Becker (S), Josh
Becker (S), Jamie Becker (S), Bryon
Ellerington (U), Jamie Hoffman (S);
Halter -broken Dairy Calf: Steven
Hem (U), Beth Ann Hem (U).
Poultry and Pigeons, Rabbits
Pani Colour Standard under 1 year:
Joe Guerts (MC), Gary Geurts (MC);
Solid Colour Bantam: Megan Skinner
(U), Laura Skinner (U), Trevor Skinner
(U); Pati Colour Bantam: Laura Skin-
ner (U), Trevor Skinner (U), Megan
Skinner (U);
Solid Colour Bantam: Megan Skin-
ner (U), Trevor Skinner (U), Laura
Skinner (U); Pati Colour Bantam: Tre-
vor Skinner (U), Laura Skinner (U),
Megan Skinner (U); Any other Single
Fowl: Megan Skinner (U), Richard
Kinsman (S), Laura Skinner (U);
Female Pigeons: Flying Homer - Tre-
vor Skinner (U), Latera Skinner (U),
Megan Skinner (U); Fantail - Megan
Skinner (U), Laura Skinner (U), Trevor
Skinner (U); Roller - Latera Skinner
(U), Trevor Skinner (U), Richard Kins-
man (S), Megan Skinner;
Tumbler - Megan Skinner (U). Tre-
vor Skinner (U), Laura Skinner; Any
other - Laura Skinner (U), Megan Skin-
ner (U), Trevor Skinner (U);
Male Pigeons: Flying Homer - Tre-
vor Skinner (U). Megan Skinner (U),
Laura Skinner (U); Fan Tail - Laura
Skinner (U), Megan Skinner (U); Roll-
er - Laura Skinner (U), Megan Skinner
(U), Richard Kinsman (S), Trevor Skin-
ner (U); Tumbler - Megan Skimier (U),
Laura Skinner (U), Trevor Skinner (U);
Repairs and sales of all major brands available.
Financial assistance available
Location: Exeter, Big V
Date: Thurs., October 1
Time: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Fair's Hearn$ Aid Service
240 Ontario St, Stratford
Registered vendors tor Ontario Ministry of Health
assistive devices program
Any other - Laura Skinner N)� Trevor
Skinner (U), Mean Skinner (1.1).
Female Rabbits: Heavy - ichard
Kinsman (S), Julie Hearn (S), Jenna
Becker (S); Light - Jamie Becker (S),
Julie Hearn (S),
Heavy - lama Becker (S). Richard
Kinsman (S), Julie Hearn (S); Light -
Jenna Becker (S), Julie Hearn (S), Ja-
mie Becker (S), Kris Hearn (S), Josh
Becker (S), Richard Kinsman (S); 27 -
Jema Becker, Joshua Becker, Kris
Hearn, Richard Kinsman.
Any breed Kitten, pair: Lisie Getats
(MC), Carrie Prout (U). Margaret
Geeta (MC); Cat with Longest Whisk-
ers: Leanne Snow (E). Kristina Cowell
(E), Meagher' Straw (E), Gerry Guerts
(MC); Ca with Most Stripes in Tail:
Gerry Guerts (MC), Melissa Prout •U);
Any Small Pet in Cage: Kelly FArwell
(E), Kristina Cowell (E), Crystalyn
Cowell (E), JaNuie Guerts (MC);
.Pet Rabbit Richard Kinsman (S),
Crystalyn Cowell (E); Dog Performing
Best Trick: Amelia Kleinschmidt (PB),
Kara Farwell (E);
Dog with Longest Earl: Peter Van-
derle' (E). Most Colourful Guinea Pig:
Kristina Cowell (E), Crystalyn Cowell
(E). Meghan O'Rourke (E); Best
Dressed Pet Crystalyn Cowell (E),
Kara Farwell (E) Amelia Kelinschmidt
(PB), Kristina Cowell (E).
Special Story of P t Leanne Snow
(E), Melissa Prout (U), Kelly Farwell
Pioneers at Work or Play
Grades 1-5 Native Studies: Leanne
and Darn Snow (E), Teresa Zwambag
(MC), Kyle Farwell, John Koriantis,
Derek Deelstra (E).
Grades 6-8 Pioneer Studies. Amiette
Zwambatr (MC), Meehan Pearson (E),
Becky Harrison (PB).
Roots sad VIIstaMes
Table Beets dark recd up to 8 an:
Marilou Hern (U), MMellissa sPrrooru►t (U),
Derrin �e (E),w 5 Kerry Brownlee
Pic Beets 3-5 tarn:
(S), Enc Brownlee (S), Nathan Elford
(U), Danny Shapton (H). Red Cabbage:
Peggy Brownlee (S), Danny Shapton
(H), Amy Shepton (H), Eric Brownlee
Cabbage, late: Eric Brownlee (S),
Peery Brownlee (S), Amy Shapton
(H), ]Melissa Prout (U); Carrots,' long
over 15 on: Beth Ann Hern (U), Danny
Shapton (H), Leanne Snow (E);
Carrots short 8-15 cm: Beth Arms
Hem (i.1), Cecile Msec (PB), Carie
Prout (U), Rebekah Prout (U); Cucum-
bers, pickling: Andrew Weston (U),
Kerry Brownlee (S); Spanish onions:
Kerry Brownlee (S), Peggy Brownlee
(S), Eric Brownlee (S), Nathan Elford
(U); Onions, cooking: Darren Snow
(E), Leanne Snow (E), Michelle Snow
(E), Kerry Brownlee (S);
Squash, 2 varieties, 1 of each, not
pepper Beth Ann Hem (U), Kerry
Brownlee (S), Eric Brownlee (S), Peg-
gy Brownlee (S); Pepper Squash:
gy Brownlee (S), Andrew Weston (1),
Eric Brownlee (S), Kerry Brownlee (S);
Pie pumpkin: Beth Ann Hem (U), Eric
Brownlee (S), Kerry Brownie (S), Peg-
gy Brownlee (S);
,Potatoes: Cecile Maes (PB), Christo-
pher Hear (U), Manion Hem (U), Jen-
nifer Hem (U); Sweet Peppers: Peggy
Brownlee (S). Eric Brownlee (S), Kerry
Brownlee (S);
llnl'(• Fair ('(i1'('IYI;,,r
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