HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimes Advocate, 1992-09-23, Page 24- Page 24 Tines -Advocate, September 23, 1992 • AUCTIONEERS Bob Heywood 2.350874 Burt Lobb 482-9377 of 8otrtF-Nuron firoM1111 We will be dispersing an excellent Exetermoqty along with complete contents for Mrs. Joan Mayer who has moved to an apartment. PROPERTY: According to Plan 376, Lot 432 and pt. lot 433 of the Town of Exeter, consisting of 68.05' frontage, known as 85 Anne St., on which is located a well kepi 1-1R storey frame home with 3 bedrooms, large dining and living rooms, nice kitchen, family room and deck with detached garage on a desirable lot. Property to sell sharp at 10:30 on location. Terms 10% down and balanoe In 30 days. • STOCKER SALE 500 Local Calves (300 blonde & blonde cross) & (200 exotic calves) PLUS 250 Heifer and steer yearlings on Sat., October 3, 1992 at 1 p.m. at Hensel! Livestock Sales Ltd. Consignments welcome For more information call Barry Miiier - 519-235-2717 Truck - 519461.8956 Office - 519-262.2831 Auctioneer: Larry Gardiner For Sale 14 Gregus Court New home in Exeter; featuring spacious living room, 3 Targe bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, ensuite with jucuzzi, spacious eat in kitchen, main floor laundry, central vac, high efficiency gas fumace. Deck, brick drive and sodded lawn. Contact Gregus Construction 235-1647. Form 9 Sale of Land By Public Auction Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984 The Corporation of the County of Huron Take Notice that the land(s) described below will be offered for sale by public auction at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 6th day of October, 1992 at Huron County Court House, 1 Court House Square, Goderich, Ontario N7A 1M2 Description of Land(s) Minimum Bid $ (Set out the cancellation price as of the first day of advertising) 1. Lot 18; Plan 326 Village of Zurich, Country of Huron Province of Ontario as in Instrument Numbers 262925;244482;154423 2. Lot 12; Plan 582 Township of Ashfield. County of Huron Province of Ontano as in Instrument Number 151493 3. Part Lot 40; Bayfield Concession Lying to the South of the High Water Mark of the Bayfield River SAVE AND EXCEPT the Easterly 4 rods or 66 feet of the hereinbefore described strip of land. and, SAVE AND EXCEPT those lands conveyed to the Township of Goderich by Instrument Number 127894. as in instrument Number 144543 Township of Goderich, County of Huron Province of Ontario 4. East Half of Lot 18; Concession 2 Township of Hullett, County of Huron Province of Ontario 5. Wast Halt of Lot 18; Concession 2 Township of Hullett; County of Huron Province of Ontario 8. North Part o( Lot 19; Concession 2 as in instrument Number 128038 Township of Hallett, County of Huron Province of Ontario 7. Southerly 44 feet of Lot 145; Plan 276 in even width thereof as in Instrument number 244221 Township of Howick, County of Huron Province of Ontario 8. Part of Lot 32, Part of Lot 33, Concession 3 Township of Stanley, County of Huron Province 01 Ontario $2,144.58 $7,487.56 $2.313.25 $7,568.38 $13,269.40 $10,439.76 $13,434.28 $6,577.81 AN amounts payable by the successful purchaser shall be payable in full at the time of the sale by Dash or money order or by a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank, trust company of Province of Ontario Savings Oflice. The municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters rotating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rest with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Tax Sales Act, 1984, and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules. The successful purchaser will be re- quired to pay the amount bid plus accumulated taxes and relevant land transfer tax. For further information regarding this sale, contact: TREASURER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF HURON 1 Court House Square, 6oderich, Ontw o N7A 1M2 1992 Lucan Bridget well within limits LUCAN - As the result of a 1992 budget review presented to council on September 15 by treasurer Ruth Moasaros, a couple of projects which had been on hold have been approved. Clerk Ron Reymer said some fa- vourable situations in the water and sewer accounts would allow for the original expenditures to be made. The contract to repair the munici- pal office roof was let to Smith Peat Roofing of Exeter for a quoted price of $5,311. The work which will carry a 10 year guarantee is ex- pected to begin this fall. The suc- cessful bid of Smith Peat was one of three considered. The second project which also was in the original budget and then stalled is the purchase of a tax com- puter from Auto Administrator at a cost of $9,500 plus taxes. At the August 4 meeting of coun- cil, clerk Ron Reymer recommend- ed the tax computer system be pur- chased. Deputy reeve Harry Wraith was in favour of immediate pur- chase, but the balance of council felt it should be deferred until the budget was reviewed. Payment of the system with a down payment of $2,500 will be spread over a couple of years. Reymer told council, "Whether the village buys the computer now or next year, the financial impact on the taxpayer will be the same, but the two and a half year payback pe- riod starts earlier." Exeter police investigate disturbances and accidents EXETER - The Exeter Police in- vestigated several occurrences th t ti week, including a pair of dome disputes. On Saturday, members of the Ex- eter detachment were called to in- vestigate a disturbance at Murphy's Pub and Eatery. A minor alterca- tion took place between a male and female. Charges are pending. ********************* * faizaz 4 4 4 $LZ4 * 4 4 4 4 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 AUCTION SALE DATES Claimed by Filson & Robson 4 4 * Sent- 24 Swine Production - Lesterosa Swine - Forest - 7:30 p.m. 4 aSeuL 24 Consignment of -. Household, Nursery 4 Stock, Gun collection I' etc. Ilderton Curling 4 Club - 5:30 p.m. §sioL26 Property, Antiques, i R.R. Nostalgia, etc - Est. E.J. Suter - Lot 6. Conc. 7, Caradoc 4 Twp. - 11:00 a.m. 4 Qgt,1 Vehicles & Misc. - Min- * istry of Transportation - 707 Exeter Rd., Lon- don, Ont. - 10:00 a.m Qat...2 Steers at Ilderton Fair- grounds - 6:00 p.m. Announcing Ilderton Fair Lasts§ Household & Antiques t - Reg Kirkby - St. Mar- # ys arena, St. Marys - 5:30 Q21,11 Excellent household - Mrs. Campbell - 22 sr London St.. Mt. * Brydges - 12:00 Oct.10 Heavy Machinery etc. • - Komoka * Qg1,12 Clearing Farm Machin -3 ery and Limo Cattle - F. Falconer - Clinton - * 11:00 4 12s1.15 2 Lots - Dept. of 4 Transportation - Mid- 4, way between Ailsa 4 Craig and Parkhill on * Hwy. 7 - 1:00 p.m. 4 Household, Antiques, 4 Farm Machinery - R. # Darling - St. Marys * arena * Household, etc. - J. * Fitton - S.W. of . * Watford * Nov. 13&29 Royal Winter Fair * Livestock Sales * AUCTIONEERS Hugh Filson 666.0833 * Tom Robson 666.1967 * Ray Filson Fax 668.0833 * Book your Fall Sale Now - Lots * of Good Dates Still Available. 41r******************* * s 4 • Also on Saturday, Exeter Police responded to a break and enter the home of Cornelis Van Belle of 51 Anne Street. Persons with any in- formation are asked to contact po- lice. On Friday, Exeter Police investi- gated a window broken at the Car- ling Street apartments by an adult malt. Charges are pending domes- tic trouble. A male adult was arrested Friday night in front of the Centre Mall in Exeter and charged with causing a disturbance. Also on Friday, vehicles driven by Maureen Thompson of RR3 Crediton and Karen Guggisberg of Pt. Edward collided at the intersec- tion of Main and Thames Road. Thursday, Margaret Dayman of RR3 Kippen and Gail Stevens of Fullerton were involved m a motor vehicle accident at the intersecuon of Main and Gidley Streets. Last Tuesday the Exeter Police investigated the theft of approxi- mately 12 tires from Haugh Tires on Thames Road. The detachment also assisted the Exeter Fire Department with a gas leak. Quick work by the Fire De- partment and gas company resulted m only a minor disruption. Also during the course of the week, two more radar detectors were seized with the help of the ra- dar detector detector. RICHARD�/ LOBB AUCTION CALENDAR CLINTON 482-7898 Sat,. Sept 26 at 10 a.m. - Trac- tors, farm machinery, piano, an- tiques, furniture to be held for John H. McEwing, 1 corner south of Blyth, then 5 miles east. Phone 523-9390. See last weeks paper tor lull fisting. Sat., Oct 3 at 10 a.m. Fine quality antique furniture, paint- ings, collectibles and glassware for the estate of Marion Williams of Goderich. This is our best auction this year being held at the Lobb Auction Building Clin- ton. THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION IN CUSTODIAN CONTRACT TENDER Plainly marked sealed tenders .ill be receivelii by the under signed prior to I 2:(X) noon Friday. October 2. 1992 for con tractirng custodial services at Hawick Central Public Schkxrl. K.R. 41. Gorse, Ontario effect' Ye immediately All tenders must be submitteu on the official tender forms which are available at Howick ( entral Public School The lowest or any tender not necssanly accepted Shelley King, Personnel Departinenl Huron County Board of Education 103 Albers Street. Clinton, °mai i, NUM I LU Huron Public Causation Opening Up tutWorld RI Bea Dawson � C:harr Bob Allan Directoi DENFIELU LIVESTOCK SALES LTG'. Stocker Sale Thursday, Evenings Oct. at 7:00 p.m. 100 short keep steers and heifers, 100 Hereford steers off grass. A good offering of crossbred steers and heifers off grass. To consign call the yards at 886.114 Butt Coulter Brute Coulter 2944164 2945 Next sale Thursday October 15 at 7 p.m. Stooif�l's every Tuesday at 3 p.m. IV IL_ TENDER REERRIERATORS You are invited to submit a "Sealed Tender" stat- ing the total cost to ship and install 10 and/or 20 refrigerators. Tenders to be in the hand of the Ad- ministrator of Blue Water Rest Home on or before 4 p.m.. October 13. 1992. For more detailed information phone 236-4372 rr.�ii�iiiriia►i.►ii.�,iiii►iiiiii��►ii�ii,� Hensall Livestock Sales Ltd. Order buyer for fats, feeders and stockers Stockers and Western Cattle arriving daily. Sorting cattle for Hensel! Livestock and Talbotvllle LNestock Sale Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. at Hensall Also picking up cows and veal Saturday Mornings Special Stocker Sale on Sat. October 3 at 1 p.m., Consisting of 500 local calves, 250 yearlings Consignments welcome -restaurant open dally 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Ontario Pork Producers Marketing Yard Open weekly Tuesday 7 a.m. - 12 noon For more information contact Barry Miller, Owner Manager Office 262-2831, Exeter 235-2717, Truck 1-661-8956 r Pinery 1 1 1 1 1 ME UM =II MIR ss AIJ CTI 0 N At Pinery Auction Barn on Hwy. 21, 4 miles S. Grand Bend We will be selling the contents of 2 area homes plus additions Saturday, September 26 at 1 p.m. Various chesterfleki and chair sets, sofa beds, wing back chairs, love seats, area rug, magazine rack, stereo stand, cof-1 fee tables, hexagon tables, occ chairs, high chair, leather sofa bed, shelving, colour TV and stand, office desk and chair, Atari! computer, printer, disc drive and desk, dehumidifier. chrome kitchen sets, wood table and 4 chairs. 3 pc bedroom set sin -1 gle and double beds, dressers. chest of drawers 1fridges, , stove, washer, dryer, rocker, brassware, kitchenware, pictures,, mirrors, lamps, stereo. linen, towels, Space Invader video' game, electric broom, crystal, china, glassware, etc.. etc. over 1 300 lots. VIEWING: 10 a.m. day of sale. ' TERMS: Cash, Visa or Mastercard NEXT AUCTION: Saturday, October 10, good. clean consign - 1 rnents are being accepted for this sale Auctioneer: Pat Lyon Phone 243-2713 Istir stmt — — — — — tin — SF • w� ESTATE AUCTION '9 Household, antiques, toots �n3 - Saturday September 26th at 11 a.m. The estate of the late Maurice Tiedeman on location, Con. 19, Stephen Twp., approx. 2 miles southeast of Hwy. 21 at the end of Hwy. 83 north of Grand Bend. HOUSEHOLD: Moffat dishwasher, Moffat dryer, 17 cu. h. deep freeze, refrigerator, Electrohome colour stand TV. stereo, vacuum cleaner, ta- bles, chesterfield and chairs,, bedroom suite with bookcase headboard and dressers, bed and dresser, mirrors and lamps, chairs, Laz-y-Boy re- cliners, office table, appliances, 12 place setting of royal Kingdom dishes. Rogers 8 place setting silverware and chest, many older plates, dishes, and cups, platters and many kitchen utensils, linens and feather pillows. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES: Singer sewing treadle machine. oak pressback rocking chair, cherry settee loveseat, 2 mantel clocks, 3 gingerbread clocks, 1 steeple dock, grass seeder. TRACTORS, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: 11 hp MTD riding lawnmow- er, W.D. 45 A.C. diesel, pto good rubber, MMZ gas rowcropto, wood splitter with Honda motor, portable 4,000 generator (like new), gas en- gine water pump, water tank on wagon, 5 hp garden roto -tiller, 2 wood trailers, wood planks, wheel barrow, potato hiller, older snowblower, disc and mower, Black/Decker, Mastercraft, Shopmate skit saw, jig saw, router, elec. drill, sander, tablesaw, battery charger. wrenches, bolts. nuts, tool boxes and many other items not listed. Lunch booth. Terms Cash. Auctioneer John Finlay 236-4814 AUCTIONSALE - Fine quality antique furniture, oil paintings, glassware, rugs etc. to be held at Lobb's Auction Budding in Clinton for the Estate of Marion Wil - hams of Goderich. Saturday October 3 it 10 a.m. Oak wardrobe 7' high with Targe mirror door, large Victorian armour, side board with carved pulls and applied carved fruit, ornate high back bed with curved foot board, sewer with applied carving on 2 doors, wal- nut oval dining table with spooled legs, ornate vanity dresser with burled walnut drawer fronts, walnut 5 drawer chest. combination book- case and desk, 2 dresser top swing mirrors, pedestal drop leaf lamp ta- ble with 2 drawers, curved back settee, ornate oval pait.,ur table, ped- estal lamp table, 12 x 12 antique weaved rug, antique corner wardrobe, ornate writing desk, several old collectable books,2 ink wells in fancy bass holder 3/4 poster style bed, ladies chair, pdestal tilt top oval ta- ble with inlaid pearl top, Welsh 1882 stopple clock, 39- needle point fire- place bench, cranberry hall lamp, Cranberry Mary Gregory 1893 Worlds fair glass, Baby hammerless miniature hand gun patent 1832 - 1888, sterling flatware, silver tea service, brass candle stick holders, 45' x 12' Iran runner, signed print 45 out of 200 signed by Al Simpson, original etching by F. Marriott, signed proof Geoffrey S. Genier, Salt Creek Gus- tave Baumann or Bauerman, 91 of 120, plus others. Many more items then listed. A fine offering from one of Huron Countys oldest family homes. For more information phone the auctioneer. Terms: cash or cheque with proper ID Auctioneer Richard Lobb 482.7898 Clinton, See next weeks paper for full OA r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. MB ani — — Pinery I'tIJI;i10N At Pinery Auction Barn on Hwy. 21, 4 miles S. Grand Bend We will be selling approximately 300 lots of fine quality NUR- SERY STOCK from abcal nursery, plus lawn and gardening equipment, vehicles etc. Over 300 lots of nursery stock consisting of flowering shrubs and trees,.upright and spreading Junipers, Globe cedars, Eu- nymous, various perennials, tall towering mums, pyramid ce- dars, etc. etc. PLUS gardening smalls, lawn mower, hoses, grass trimmers, garden tools, picnic tables, lawn chaks, fenc- ing, sinks, oement mixer, 4 mag. wheels and tires, acct. gauges and others, 1981 Renault LeCar with sunroof, std., radio good oondition, etc. VIEWING: From 10 a.m .day of sale. TERMS: Cash, VISA or Master Card. - NEXT AUCTION: Saturday October 10. Good , clean oon- signmenis are being aoospted for this stile. Aupuonwer: Pot Lyon Phone !14343713 LIMO a>. 41101 — — 011 — MOM ace 41111 • aur t». 4101 • — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1