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Times -Advocate, September 16, 1992
Page 27
South Huron greets`
217 new students
with wacky
welcome week
Clockwise from ;>bot
tom k fft: Teacher
Scott Ha'penny dips
his grade nine dance
Centie. left: . Chad ::Gil -
..Mian bofit'-roe-0-0156-
ro aIapeno .peppers in a tub of
'op left: Grade nine
:students search for a
smartie ;.in .a pool :.of
Top mitt: Angela De-
nomm*e:skips in boots
full of spaghetti.
Bottom right: Jeff Ma-
son (Left), proudly dis-
plays the smartie he
found while Ryan
Beckett is just glad to
be doge..
Above: Bryon Ellering-
ton (left); gets tied up
by Casey Lessard.
Extended deer season won't cut
By Ray Lewis
TA -Staff
BEND - In an
attempt to re-
duce the deer
population in the
Pinery Provincial
Park, the Ministry
of Natural Re-
sources (MNR),
has launched an ex-
tended govern-
ment -regulated
deer season in the area of Bouti-
que' Township, adjacent to acid
eau of the park.
It is hoped that the season,
which began Thursday, will help
alleviate many problems both in
and out of the park caused by the
increasing number of white-tailed
"But it's not a deer cull," con-
firmed MNR Information Officer
Bill Murch. "What we've done is
expand the existing hunting sea-
son in hope of increasing the num-
ber of deer taken during that peri-
Murch explained that under the
normal coarse of events, a four-
day controlled hunt is held from
November 30 to December 3, con-
trolled meaning a hunt open to
residents wing shotguns and muz-
zle loaders.
Around this a deer season for
those using archery equipment is
also narrmUy run from October
15 so Deoember 31, except during
the period of the controlled hunt.
"What we've done," said Murch,
"is extend the archery period from
September 10 to December 31,
and interspersed will be seven
controlled hunt periods."
A recent study conducted by
Guelph's Landplan Collaborative,
estimates the current Pinery deer
population at nearly 880. Ideal
herd size which would allow for
the park's rare vegetation to
bounce back is suggested to be
about 158.
The increasing number of
white-tailed dsa in the area have
been responsible for damage in
the park as well as to local yri-
culawral producers, bindawners
and ler stockish incidence of deer/
vehicle collisions on Highway 21.
According to the study. High -
Pinery herd by much, say officials
way 21 has the highest incidence
of deer/vehicle collisions in Onta-
' rio, with most occurring in the 4
krn swatch in front of the park
In addition, eight vegetable
Mowers m the area report an aver-
age loss of about S10r000 each
over the pest five years.
7;te extended season is very
specific to the Thedford marsh
area, where approximately 30
landowners qualify to give per-
mission to hunters to hunt on thea
land. Bach landowner within the
1,200 hectare (3,000 acre) hunt
area may consent to have up to six
hunter an their ,property, and
each hailer M11 be geankted to
take two deer jastsad at sae.
The atioistry at Aylmer is ac -
caping applications from hunters 600 deer.
to participate in the hunt on a "The other thing is once you get
fust -come, first -serve basis, and that many hunters out there, the
fact sheets explaining details and deer are going to retreat 10 the
dates arc also available. safety of the park," confirmed
Will it bele? According to the Crabe.
Pinery's Terry Crabe, it should He added that a cull inside the
over the short term reduce some park is something which is defi-
of the damage to crops, although nicely not being planned for the
this season is nearly over. He near future. A public meeting for
feels it should also reduce the this fall to discuss the problem
number of deer/vehicle accidents and other solutions is still up lo
which statistics illustrate are high- the air, as the ministry is now
est this time of year. busy with the hunt and people
But as for the Pinery's pretties- have not yet had a chance to re-
ment. Crabe doesn't see the hunt- view the Guelph study.
ing making a significant differ- Copies of the report are avails -
once. With approximately 100 ble at the Pinery Visitor Centre
deer lost 10 car accidents and an- daily from 10-6 p.m. for $4 plus
other 100 to hunters, the park tax.
would still be home to well over